Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Apr 1969, p. 1

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enfipigbttxvNqnnad Citizen Of WEATHER Showers this afternoon and to nlmt Wed colder with snow lurrles Thul¢i lVed 33 For dclalls please turn to EXAMtNER TELEPHONE Emulation Med Advertising will All other Departments 105th an No 77 STRIKE STRANDS STEWARDESSES Two EOAC stewardesscs Vivienne Gunston loft and Deanne Quartley sip coffee in their Toronto bolcl Monday The two girls together with four olhcr stewardesses six stewards and two engineers arc stranded in Toronto due to strike by pilots of the govern ment owned British airline lCP Virephoto Mine1niiernof Traps 168 Men MONTERREY AP Olli ciah reported 168 miners are believed trapped today in coal mine ripped by tremendous methane gas explosion in Mexi cos Coahuila state The blast tore through the mine hfonday afternoon As of this morning six bodies had been brought out said officials of the company Altos Hornos de Mexico They added that one of the bodies was that of res cue worker who was overcome by gas fumes Gas fumes still lingered in pockets of the two mine shafts where according to work list data supplied by the comparly the 168 men remained trapped The lists showed miners trapped in the No It shaft where the explosion occurred Officials said the blast was probably caused by shortctr cult Another 123 were trapped in the nearby No shaft officials sald All were believed to beat depth of about moo feet Troops were rushed in to con ImCAPUL trol victims families who rioted at the tunnel entrances The crowds calmed down later The mine is at Barroteran with population of 8000 peo ple about 75 miles southwest of the Term border town of Eagle Poss it was tremendous explo sion blowing parts of the mine entrance into the air said Dr Emilio Lope zof the Barroteran hospital who witnessed the blast Nixon Meets Foreign Leaders WASHINGTON AP Prcsl dcnt Nixon set aside his entire schedule today for private con ferences with dozen foreign leaders including VicePrcsi dent Nguyen Cao Ky of South Vietnam Nixon ruled out the presence of any advisors at the session ulcept for interpreters NEWS Montreal Bomber Sentenced To Prison rttlohlfllill Terrorist bomber Picrrodaul Geoffrey was sentenced today to perpetual imprisonment for his ac tive part in 31 recent bombing incidents in the Montreal area Thomson Says Strikes Ruin Britain MOW GP Lord Tnmtson says Britain is in real mess financially and he is not optimistic about the future One reason for this he added is the lack of discipline among unions wildcat nrikes had become industrys greatest wrseTbis had to be tuned by legislation but he feared that the labor govern menta plan to do this will be sabotaged Have Ruined Plans Cong Claim HANG APP The Viet Cong drew up balance sheet of its monfhold offensive today and concluded that it had snat tered the strategic plan conceived by Gen Oroimon Abrams cormnandcr of American forces in Smith Vietnam Soviet Defence MinisterVisits Czechs MOSCOW Reuters Marshal Andrei Grediko the Soviet minister of defence flew to Czedtoslovakiajlohday to inspect mien troops stationed Red Star says there the defence ministry newspaper Press For UN Condemnation Of Israel UNllED NATIONS IAP Asian and African nations today presed for new condemnation Smlty Council despite pleas ft of lsrael In the United Nations might sour Big Four efforts to pwork out on Arabdsroeli peace formula Mll Traffic Get Teeth NEON Tougher penalties loom for core as driv ers in Ontario where Transport Minister lrwin Heslffnt says 586 persons died last year in traffic accidents and 71000 per sons were infured lle told the legislature Mon day as he introduced nearly foo amendments to the lllghtVay Traffic Act that he was fed up with provincial court judges who were too lenient with bad drivers hlost of the amend ments come into effect Sept ill said the changes were aimed at irresponsible drlvv ors who invite collisions by their sh disrespect for traffic laws llhe amendments which re ceived first reading include sliding scale of fines for speeding convictions with big gcr fines for higher speeds minimum fine of $100 in stead of the present $10 for careless vi convictions with the $500 maximum remain ing INCREASE TERM An increasein the dime tionary jail term to six months from the present three months on conviction for careless driv ins new requirement that Tuudoy April 11969 Laws driver ldcntify himself at the demandof opollceman Addltion of two offences for which police may arrestrwithout warrant allure to rcmnln at the scene ofun accident and failure of driver to identify himself properly to police man la the post the not provided for minimum fineof $5 and maximum of $50 for speeding offences Under the amendment act the fine for speeding will be In creased by $2 mile up to and lncludlng nine miles an hour over the limit Between lo and 19 miles an hour over the limit the fine will increase by $3 for each mile It goes to st mile for speed be tween 10 and 29 mich nn hndr over the limit and more than that at $3 mile The newlegislntlon spcclfios that persons convicted of care lem drivlngmay be both fined and Jailed llr lfnskcft also proposed stiller penalties for number of other serious breaches of help including conviction of rec in on the highway failure to remain at the scene of an leci dent and operating motor velt hlcle when the vehicle permit is under suspension Squdbble Over Montreal Airpbrt OTTAWA GP Harsh words have been exchanged by Prime Minister Trudeau and Quebec Premier Jeanilacques Bertrand over the fcderal choice of site for Montreals new iumbodet airport and nei thcr side shows any sign of backing down Annmuicement last Thursday of the selection of site at Ste Scholastique is miles northwefi of hlontreal brought bowls of protest from Quebec politicians who would have preferred site southor southeast of the city llslrs Ottawa Per Tax llid FREDERICION fCP In themidst of flurry of pro less over increased taxes Pro mier Louis Roblcbaud of New Brunswick has appealed to the federal government for help The premier announced in the legislature onday he has asked Ottawa for an lrnmedL ate and urgent federalprovin cial conference on finances NATO Membevrslnp Premier Bertrand smnmed it up Monday when be made public in Quebec City the text of Friday telegram to Mr lrudeau describing the federal decision as power playI tcoup de force and as unau coptable He made formal request that the decision be revoked and that Ottawa resume negotla tions on site with Quebec rep resentatives hlr Trudeau relorted in telegram Monday night that the premiers rcactlon seems to me scarcely worthy of the rela tions of confidence and good faith betweenQuebec and Otta WB AGREES TO MEETING He agreed to another meeting between federal and provincial representatives on the airport question but gave no indication that the decision would be re viewed Tbrl prime minister said the meeting would shed some light on many points in your tcle gram which seem to us to indi cate an erroneous interpretation of the facts and figures we sub mitted to you HERVE lllnl To Bellch Charge Man For Scalping TORONTO VICE llllllafd Douglas fllul 21 of Toronto was charged with wounding and carrying dangerous weapon in mnnectlnn with the Sunday rcolplng ofa youth by mole rtrt who said he didnt like long halr llllchaol hchIatb l7 is in ntlsflctoryvcondltlon ins hospfi to today after another motorist found him with blood pouring from wound above his temple The Examiner TODAY Ann Landen on News2 Classifiedll 15 Condosll Deaths15 DlstrlciS column4 ISportolz ll TheatrH5 TV Liningll weather1 Warned rmrrnmrmw Three Provinces More In Medicare lly THECANADIAN PRESS Three more provinces today joined the federal medical care insurance scheme but only in Newfoundland was the plan launched without hitch ln Manitoba and Nova Scotia lash mlnute delays marred the start Manitobas legislature sat until midnight Monday night but foiled to ram through full set of operating regulations for its plan And in Nova Scotias legisla ture bills creating higher taxes to pay for the plan were stalled by Gerald hogan Liberal oppo sition leader who staged urnL man filibuster To Be Decided Tonight VITAWA OP The cabinet will meet tonight in further ef fort to reach decision on Can adas future membership in NAN The aim is to have policy pronouncement rcady for Par liament Wednesday the last rit ting day before MP begin their Easter recess The unusual night session fol lows close on two full dayrof meetingswhlch the cabinet de voted to the NATO question Sat urday and Sunday Those meetings concluded without final decision having been readied on whether Can ada will remain member of the North Atlantic defence or ganizationaftcr its present com mftmcnts expire Introcabinet division on the question has been in the open for many months with Post masterfleneral Eric Kierans favoring Canadian withdrawal from NATO and Defcnce Minis ter Leo Cadleuxoupported inv creasineg by External Allairi Minister ifitchcll Sharpadvo cating continuance of present policies It has been widelyipredlotcd that Canada will maintain its particlpatlon in the alliance at least for some you to come Sentiment within the external affairs department whlch has prepared reports on the various options open to Canada appears to be overwhelmingly in favor of sticking with the alliance In the external affairs analy sis the chief throat to Canadas security lies in nuclear con flict between the United stem and Russlo And the area where the greatest danger of melt conflict wrists lo Europe TTIEiIIlEIefICe is thatConada contributes to its own scourity by helpingemuintain the gown equilibrium in Europe The parliamentary Liberal caucus is also onesidcdly in favor ot mulntointng the status quo lit recent meeting of cau cut the report the Commons committee on defence and et tomol offnlra received over wholmlng approval Liberal sources sftyi The report tabled in Parlin ment last Wednesday adopted otandpat approach to the dues lion of NAN membcrehm Prime Mlnisttr Trudeau had promised previously that the re portvwould be taken lnto ac count by the governmentwhfch hoe been conducting wide JOSEPH cocrnmuri Not More Than lo Par Copy 16 Pa oi scuootfos uP27j leNlNNIS 7Council Left Stunned BY $400000 Increase By CURRAN Exnmlncr Dlsfrld Editor Announcyment of nnincrcase of TI mills on school taxes com ing on topof it five mill hike in county rate left members of Innlslil council stunned today We anticipated no increase but nothing like this said Reeve Joseph Cochrone in taxes which reflected dcep con ccm ft sccms hard to be lieve What did you say it was 27 milLs more asked Deputy Reeve Allan Todd hull incredu lously Thats substantial mount am more or loss shock cd to hear it TO RATEPAYERS Impact of the change In school system for local boards to county administration will be brought home do rotcpayers when tax bills go out argued llcovc Coohranc suggesting this sizable increase will give re gionol government setback Tile taxpayers wont like it and you cant blame thcmf be commented OVER MILLION RichardGroh nlcrk4tl asked for the figures exhibited table which showed the cur rent lnnlsfil requisition for school purposes omounlcd to $1065834 an lncrcasc of near ly $400000 more than last year The lcvy asked lnnislil for $478925 toward publlc schools and $566909 for secondary schools This is the net levylo he made on property tax after grants it was explained by lilr Groh in answer to quca tlons 0na home assessed for $4 000 this would amount to tax increase of 5106 and on $3000 assessment would be $61 TELLS 0F CONCERN ch were concemed about the increase of five mills in our county rate said ffcevc Coch ranc stating members of his council were nth pleased they had been able to hold down budgets so that the rate for local purposes couldnt bc tn oreased We might even be able to save little bit from last year on the local levy he said describing the now turn of events as most upsetting The county rate incrcose was due to 15000 hike in Innis tils equalized sc smcnt JIThethelLllS properties in our lmvnshlp uro ln greatcr ch mand thanothcrs and theie fore command hfghcrsellfng price said the hood of the lm nislil council who went on to argue that selling valuations ulonc should not be the only yardstick usedirt fisscSfimeIli Property taxation should corp sidcr services rendered ho uddcd The recve said he has long argued in fovor of mln mum ussessment standards or county council and elsewhere but to no avail NAPS CENTRALlZATlDN Deploring the trend toward ccnlrallzntlon of ndmhitstratlorr he said the school situation in lnnislil well illustrated the dlf ficultles whlch would be brought home to ratepayers ln realistic fashlon ft emphasises the vet uc of local adminlstratlon if nothing else he sold lament ing the in outlook Deputy Reeve Todd dorcrilr cd himself as simply nmared at the figures whlch are expect ed to be reviewed by council at its regular meeting at Stroud community hall on Tuesday April it The session is scheduled to start at 1030 There will be more said obouoth added the deputy rocve apparently al luding to anticipated reaetlon of ratcpnycrs Ike Is Taken By nan Hometown Of Abilene WASHINGTON CF ThE train bearing the body of Dwight David Eisenhower rum blcd across the face of America today carrying to modest resting place the man who once led the worlds mightiest nation and commanded the most AWE some military machine ever as sembled co from the heart of he liked to say of his boyhood in Kansas and it is to that geographic centre of the Unitcd States he is returning The nations capital bade farewell at sundown Monday as Eisenhowers coffin was placed on baggage car No on for the labour 1379mile trip home in Abilene Earlier Palm Sunday crowds may ranging review of Canadian for Mrs MAMIE EISENHOWER IN HER one had shuffled past his bicr in an allnight procession through the great marble rotunda of the Capitol building ft was on this spot that Eisenhower had twice been sworn in as Republican presidentin 1932 and in 1956 But Monday bloomed bright and sunny if unseasonably cold for the funeral procession and service that brought together in the National Cathedral rcpre scntativcs of more than 120 no lions among the 2107 invited gucsts Prime Minister Trudeau head cd the fourman delegation rc prcscnting the people and gnv cmmcnt of Canada He placed wreath ot the bier With Opposition Lcadcr hob ert Stanfield John chfenbaker scnhowers private car new oc who was Conservative prime minister part of the time Eisen hower was in the White House and Gen Jean Allard chief of the defence stall the prime minister later attended White House reception for visiting dig nitorics Finally as the setting sun cast long shadows across the city the hearse carrying Ikes body in at standard 580 army coffin moved down the great avcnucs and into Union Station There it was placed aboard the hinckalrnpcd iocar train and commenced the long jour ney home At the roar came El ed bp his widow ltfnmic 72 still com posed but visibe shaken VI

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