QAn Outstanding Success Lions who were part of the group that helped to make last evenings Spring Ball the suc Thcro may have been ircsh blanket of snow outside this rooming but we nccd have no fear The season of daffodils officially arrived last night at the lions Annual Spring Hail The Barrie Lions are noted for their ability to do good job and last evenings festivi WHAT THE By Esra F011 TOMORROW outlook is most pleasing Personal relationships should prove highlyjeongenial and any group activity or social function will be enjoyable Out door interests are especially vored as are cultural and create tive pursuits Nit ran amrlmav llf tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that You have good reason for optim ism Iltll 0n the ï¬nancial score some fine gains are starprom ised between now and June Jill during the iour months followv ing Sept and within an excel lent amonth cycle beginning on chL 15 Most auspicious periods for Job interests April July September November Decom ber next January and Febru ary Along personal lines Social interests and travel should prove annually timulating in July August October and De cember And for those who are marriageminded most auspi cious periods will include the weeks between early May and mid5epicmber¢ also October and ce mb tthe latter months most auspicious pe riod for all Arienst If careiul to avoid hiction in closecircles be or creative fields during July and August your domest life should prove most rewarding during the coming ycar child born on this day will unusually versatile could succeed in either the business but must curb tendencies toward over aggressiveness nav arena roaronnow Monday promises much in the way of accomplishment you gt will be diplomatic with business associates and do not scatter yotu energies good day for hcstowlng favors for launchln longrange plans FOIL THE BIRTHDAY It Monday is your birthday your horoscope pvomlsesan ox tremcly pleasant year ahead You are currently in period in which you can formulate long range plans and improve your tinonclal status it you take cone slrucJve stepsespecially be tween now and the end of June Gratitying gains are promised during these coming months but in order not to offset them itttnilhrineporlnnt tliatpyou test it was are shown below LEFT 10 RIGHT Bill liar ris Bruce Brovm Bob Mason vi Lions Annual Spring Ball tics were prime example The Embassy Plat had been trans formed into bower of roman tic loveliness Bruce Brown was chairman of the committee for the evening Fifteen of the members wotred long and hard to create the of act STARS SAY ELLIIA consolidate during the first week of July and marktime until Sept when you will enter another splendid 4month cycle for increasing assets Next good period on the ï¬scal score The three months begin ning with Feb 15 Most propi tious mbnths or job advance ment and recognition April July September Novemh December January and Febru ary Planetary blessing is given to your personal life too with em phasis on romance between early May and midSeptember also in October isnd December on trnv July August Octobcr and December Holn social and domestic concerns should prove pleasing for must of the year ahead child born on this day will be ambitious and highly intelli gent may however be ext ely mercenary Alpha Phi Chapter Elects President Mrs Paul Ford was elected president of Alpha Phi Chapter Bela Sigma Phi Sorority at meeting held Monday evening at the home of Mrs Roger Tomlin hers in attendance Mrs Tom iinson was elected vice pre sidentMra Wayne Sykes acc retary and Mrs Linda Won treat surer Detailed reports regarding the chapters spring Stnrburst of Fashion show were given by Mrs David Green Mrs Ford and Mrs Won Members voled torthe nirl of the Year and the winner will be announccdand presented with on award tinringthc Founders Day Banquet which takcs place April 30 at the Holiday Inn Bar ric ItULED 1N MANS WORLD TORONTO tQPl Grace Nl cholls so has retired as manag ing director or the Toronto Mu tual Life Insurance Company with which she has been since 1917 The only woman in To ronto to hc an officer with an in surance company Miss Nicholls has been managing director since 1935 and vicctprcsidcnt oi the company since tllecarly 19505 The sweet music was periodically son Highviow Rd with to mcm Mac Fendley and Charter mcmhcr Bill Bell One of the attractive couples on hand to lingo sprays of pussy willow trccs covered with cotton blos soms and enormous cutout flow ers dotted the hall large spray of flowers hung from the cen tre oi the ceiling surrounded by hundreds of mobile hlossnms and pastel colored streamers Soft lig his and sweet music made the atmosphere complete titcncd up quite bit by the antics of the Fouiharmonic 0r chestro Their continual antics and cos iumc changes kept the dancers in gay mood from the moment they appeared on stage until they played their farewell waltz The group not only scored hit as entertainers but they managed to provide every imag inable kindrof music upon re quest The Presidents cocktail hour opened the eyenings celebrations at nine pm and buffet supper was served at am Almost everyone was stillout on the lance floor when supper was served they looked like group who could have danced all night UCW ToCater At April Sale Mrs Gordon hicQuarrie prc sided during theMarch meeting at Churchill United Church Wo men held in the Sunday school room of the church The treasurers report showed satisfactory balance and in cluded the profit from the St Patricks supper Plans were discussed for the UCW to arrange refreshment booth at Garden McQuorries sale on April Comprehensive reports were given by Mrs Watson and Mrs Gouldcn who attended the Presbyterial held in Barrie Mrs Ronald Allan presented the evenlngs program with the assistance of Mrs Constable social hour with refresh ments concluded the averting not enjoy the evening Mr and Mrs Erie Fowler is shown above Each of the gout re ceived small surprise pack age upon their arrival con taining gifts from local mer chants The ladies were recip Ian of iotely corsages EX aminar Photo pm THE BAIIIIIE EXAMINER SITUIIDAY MARCH 29 19b Bayview Marks Birthday The 45th birthday of anvicw Captor Order of the Eastern Star was celebrated at the re gular meeting held Monday even in in the DES moms Owen st Worthy Matron Mrsl Joyce Kennedy and Past Patron Leslie Rose welcomed guests and mem bers including three charter members of the chapter Among the special guests were Mrs Graydon Kohl oi Barrie pnst grand matron of the Grand Chapter of Ontario Mrs IliiA hell Robinson DDGM Five Star Chapter Aliiston Mrs Albert Gilroy of Cnolrstown Mrs Ed win Walker of Midland Mrs It Speam and Mrs son of Barrie all past district deputy grand matrons Presd ing matrons and patrons of Club Debates Inst Society The first Toastmistrcss Club of Barrie met in the Colonels Room at the Lakeview Dairy on Wednesday Invocation was given by newly installed mem ber nus Norman Hesketh and grace was said by Mrs Bill Janes Mrs Ron Moffatt presi dent presided over the meeting with Mrs Ernie Irvine in charge of education Pierre Elliot Trudeau is mak ing success as Canadas Prime Minister and is creating his just society was the suhtect for debate Mrs Jack Steel Mrs Btll Janes and Mrs Gordon Coutts took the it tive stand Mrs Leon Garrick Mrs Edwin ineson and Mrs Ron Moifatt represented the nega tive poiotoi view The debate was won by the affirmative aide 197 in 142 The nest meeting will be held in the Skyroom at Lakeview Dairy on April 9th any one interested in joining the group is asked to call Mist Joan Garrick at 7234661 orhtn attend the meeting on the 91 ATTENTION REGISTERED NUIISES Refresher course tor Reg istered Nurses is being oflcred at the Royal Vic tori Hospitfll any on who is interesta ed in attending the enuraeplrale contact mom of NURSING Royal Victoria Hospital beiora Wen antl1 so Registration $2000 SPCIAt tEAN suntan Mix and Match CANNED POP 10 BEEF at PORK WHOLESALE FOR FREEZERS ilYiIiiS FOOD MARKET 150 Collier St Central new Hear Executive inn Wallis Executive Din actor at the Big Brother move ment of Drillh was gout speak er It the March meeting of One ml United Genreh women The tint Canadian Big Brother movement was organised in Ton onto to ma This social welfare organization alien help to la divtdnal been age til from sin gie parent funnies 1h Big Brother help take Ihe place of the other in the boys Ilia there In no legal or ï¬nancial obligations involved Referrals only me from lu veaile mans schools social service agencies or homes The Big Brother is interviewed by Mr Wallis social worker and at this time the voluntccr is questioned About his own famlt ily life his hobbiu interesLs and time available for this work one hour week is the time expected to be spent with the boy and for period of sevcn years From this discussion the socili worker endeavors to match boon volunteer Big Broth erl lllr Wallis meets about once month with each volunteer to discus problem and answer questions At present in Onliil there are at Big Brother volunteers matched with at boys This means that at boya are not like ly to have any serious problems during their teens The chief work of the Big Brother move mcnt lies the preventive ï¬eld Chapter trict were present along with guests from Tomato and district CHARTER MEMBERS The charter members Mrs Spearn Mrs Chees man and Mrs Maxwell were presented with corsagcs by Mrs Harvey Baldwin Unable to attend were charter members Mrs Robert Cannon Mrs Albert Henderson Mrs Henry Moore and Mrs Stoneham Mrs Earl Service was present edrrwith her 25 year service pin from Bayview Chapter by Mrs Dalton Wrightg Mrs Herman Cauthers and her committee convened the buffet supper which followed the meet ing Focal point on the supper table was large dec orated birthday cake provided and cut by the Worthy Matron Mrs Kennedy FEARED REACTION NEW YORK AP Nina Gi uliano took job as bootblack in the mens hair salon of de partmeot store although she said she is qualiï¬ed hair styl iiiiss Giuliann about 30 she couldnt get barbers job because owners of mens hair dressing parlors feared woman barber would make the customers nervous TheBarrie Builders Assoc hcld thcir Annual lgdics night in the Holiday lnns Churchill Room The evening began with dinner which was followed by addresses from Jack Slollar president alderman Dorian anrkcr Ernie Alcxandcr Rose and Art Evans MPP Pictured above are Mr and Mrs volteodcn Mrs Wolf eoden president of the Ladics Auxiliary to the Barrie Build ers addresst the guesls brief ly in the photo below are Mr and Mrs Art Evans on the left Ind Mr and Mrs Jack Stellar on the right non bcr oi lovely prires were awarded during the evening of dancing to Bob Hunters 0r cbesira tExaminer Photos CLOSEVID JUNGLE nnmwna ac Man is still perilously close to the jungle Dr it Jeiiels dean of the college student af fairs at the University of Vic ria told meeting of the Brit ish Columbia Registered Nurses Association He said that de spite manr achievement crea tivity and dreams he still rev erts back to his animalistic na ture in moments of crisis and alarms URGES PRACTICE EDMONTON Rita Inncs French teacher at an jar WenLorin Edmonton scparate Icliooll says children become eager to learn foreign language when given reason to speakit So Mrs innes use puppets to get the children to speakiha youngsters think the airports are talking and they forget to be seliconscious special EasterCiossified Page in remembrance of loved ones will be published irl Tihe Exomineron Saturday April Suitable verses may be submitted or our Ctassifieddepartment will help you with the wording for your tribute SATURDAY APRIL Copy Deadline WEDNESDAYAPRiL Phone The Classified Department72824i4 Ultc Entrie Examiner 92