WALTER WRIGHT clerk it doesnt affect me that much but think theyre spending too much money on frills and not enough on edu cation Theyre wasting lot at money VICTOR BERZINO mater his manager dont think its worth it because education hasnt progressed that far and doesnt warrant the increase By lliURlEl LEEPEE The innonithePark in Toronto was the setting last Sunday at tcmoon or recital by the Can adian Chamber Orchestra The concert was presented by the North York Concert Society and supported by individuals cor porations groups and the On tario government council for the arts Steven Staryk violinist was guest artist and Walter Bahiak the conductor The recital was of great in Three years ago crack pa trol unit from Squadron the Grey and Simcoe Fores ters won acclaim as Dixons Marauders this platoon led by Capt Graham Dixon won the Kitching trophy for longrange operations Training of this kind has laden carried out since Capt Dixon left the unit two years ago fol lowing his transfer to Timmins by the Manpower Centre Now with core of tamer mar auders Lieut Anthony Keene hopes to develop assault troops the squadron expects to field in June Ilsieut Keene has taken over the training of assault troop from Capt Art miller Capt Fullers troop won praise during last summers mobile command con centration tor militia at Base Petawawa The reorganized troop now called strike platoon will he conducting series of exercis es around Barrie and Base Bor nlovmnlc monies sens What DaYou Foresters Hope To Develop Youthsinto Assault Troops den in thecomingnloolhs Ex an arm Oren and Meat 5600 Orch and Bale $450 Middle Balcony $150 near Balcony $275 onrrrr crnrn FRONT vonae ZPERFORMANCES quill APRIL To APRILS DAVID ATKINSON PATRICIA MARAND MAN or LA MANan cm and mm Tam Thurs rrLsrt sour rm Sat out $100 nox omen new 11 AM so PM Mon an nunr POPP personnel man ager The salaries yvcn to the administration are out of line think its okay as long 15 the pupil gets more out of it but dont think thats go ing to be the case DOUG LAKING taxi driv er We sure need education today At least it gets the kids to learn Personally dont think its waste MUSICALLY SPEAKING Chamber Orchestra Concert Excellent terest to me for three reasons first because it happened at all secondly because of the quality of the music produced and thirdly because of the personnel Ten years ago such con cert would not have been pre sented since the audience at tracted to such musical event would be insigniï¬cant And cer tainly such popular centre would scarcely have been inter ested in featuring this kind of recital But Canadians are be coming very much aware of ercise Spring Frolic being run this weekend in Ora township is designed as type of Shakedown or testing Most of the members of the platoon are high school students from Barrie and Base Borden The Base youngsters travel rnto Barrie for regular twohour training every nresday night and also for special training such as this weekend exercise Lieut Keene and his non eomlissioned oilieers often stand aside and appoint troopers to ï¬ll command roles This is done to develop leadership and aggressive and eager partici pation on the partol the men EMERGENCY neurons City Police lore new Fire Hep moral Hospital 7mm 3636633 $450 $500 $554 3350 $400 $425 $275 $00 $325 $25 Cost Of Education In Area MR8 WEHEMEINA Kim terman housewife if the children really are getting an education than feel its all toward good cause All oth or prices are going up so can understand why the cost at education would too GEORGE DAVIDSON sta tionary engineer dont mind the increase Education must be provided for the chil tfren and that is extremely necessary what is happening in the arts and they demand happenings that might have been described as highbrowa few years ago QUALITY EXCELLENT The over all quality at the concert wasexcellenh Walter Eabiak knew what he wanted from his musicians and the re suit was good it was obvious though that more rehearsals would have given better lin ish to some of the works but more rehearsals cost money It would he good thing for the Canadian Chamber Orchestra to be highly subsidized Tomato needs it Ontario needs it and Canada certainly needs this stone The personnel is welllorowh to most of the audience These pro fessionals rank amongthe too musicians of Tomato They play lrequently together for ballet musicals and symphony concerts in every part of Ontario and many other Provinces of our country Technically there is seldom difficult passage ior them And to see them united in the chamber orchestra was heartwamring It would be line and muchneeded addition for our people tohave the Can adian Chamber Orchestra ï¬rmly established FINE PERFORMANCE Steven Siaryk Canadian ioi inist gave fine performance of the Bach Concerto No His legato passages are fluid and of great beauty And he establish ed rapport ith the orchestra at the outset Butgit was in the Vaughan rns Concerto Ac adenrico that he shone brilliant ly It was distinct pleasure to have him in Canada for aper MRS DIANNE FERRIER housewife Education is our most important thing Todays costs are all part of vicious circle and its hitting every one in the pocketbook can understand education going up when everything else is too ERNEST hchELLtN truck driver are overtaxed now and we dont know where the money is going The public should be informed We do need the schools though Grant $1000 Scholarship To College scholarship grant of $1000 has been donated to the resort operation program at Georgian College by Blue Mountain Re sorts Limited ol Colliogwood This year the grant which is to become an annual one will be divided equally among our yet tobe decided recipients in accepting the donation Col lege President Crawford stated that the grant will un doubtedly slimulatedintcrest in the resort operation program and will assist college stafi in orienting students toward the hospitality industry especially in the Georgian Bay region The resort operations program currently has in students enroll ed three of whom are female It was offered for the first time this year and includes courses in accounting food services housekeeping human relations hotel motel and resort man agement maintenance and rec reation Next September both the first and second years of the pro gram will be offered and it will be one of the 21 programs at instnrctlon altered by the col lege The otticial presentation of the Blue Mountain Resort Limited scholarships will take place dur ing the colleges awards day Tuesday April 15 FRIGES HAZARD KITCHENER CY Mayor Sidney McLeunan promised Fri day to pass bylaw to make the removal of all doors from aban doned refrigerators compulsolt ry His move came following speech by Roy Chapman of the Refrigeration Service Engineer Society of Canada who said 32 children in in years have died of suffocation after becoming Evie tall books Bible teachers PiusGuarteiros Choir Sunday 945 Ill Authoiv 33 million eopiesof yworldknown preacher 0ne of our generations greatest tenor soloisiLloyd Knight Friday Saturday 730 pm can buses individuals from far YOU are invited to this spaci EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH I28 Vincent 50 Harris nlcr and nnd7 Pastor Holllds rue shunts swansat SATultiMY hlrhliLiI 59 is Police Expect Heavy Trafï¬c Over Easter 01$ Barrie Deuchmen of the upeoti the cavitst trafï¬c of museum on the Easter Weekend April urges motorists to drive with care in order to keep the scar dent rate to minimum Constable Peniey urged motorists to cooperate with the OPP in reducing the 32dth rate which he said hndbeen soaring lately the volume of the trafï¬c depends on the weather condi tions he said He cautioned motorists to drive accordingly and added that all ofï¬cers in the district will be available for duty over the holiday weekend Records maintained by the Do minion Automobilo Association show that there is sharp in crease in truific accidents dun mg the Easlcr weekend Trollope president at DNA ads Vises holiday motorists not to at lcmpt to drivo long distances in the short time available Mr Trollope urgm all motor lsls to wear safety belts when they are travelling including those riding in the rear seat According to latest statistics it per cent of the people killed and 15 per cent of those injured in accidents are under 10 years of age so the seat belt should be used especially for children who tend to get rcstlms when driv ing for long distances St Giles Choir Those two bgiris or trying to Program Sunday Eiiiiefgi diamaiwiinl to Join the Barrie Buccanetrs so Giles Anglican Church marching band The two re choir will present choral pro gram at 730 pm Sunday at the church The program will consists of the singing of Bachs St Johns Passion Included will be nine solo performances The choir is under the direction of choirmas ter and organist hirsElizabclh Ferrar The event ls open to the pub lie There will be an opportun ity for everyone present to meet individual choir members follow ing the perlonnance The greatest challenge which the volunteer giver has over laced thats how Roland leg gelt campaign chairman for the Barrie and district unit of the Canadian Cancer Society describ ed the 1909 campaign for funds which opens Tuesday The local obictive is 93000 and will con tribute towards provincial ob jective oi $300000 and total Orillia Wane County Road Simme County council has been nd nsar are attending at week in asked by Orillia township to des imate the old south and north Orillia border road county road We have no county roads in our township no clerk Joseph Mchn Orillia to county council at Barrie in commenting on the new subur ban road system which look over orrner county road 13 fmm Or iilia to Ubtholf and also county road 11 in the township The mad recommended to the county would be an extension of present county road 22 at Prices Corners and would link itwith highway No 11 near pig Chief lodge At the present time county road ZZextends from Prices Comers through Craighurst and Anten Mills and on to highway 26 route toStayner EATS HEMLY An armadillo may eat as many as 40000 ants at single meal FORM Pnorrcrlon is always the aim in designing custom forms of coverage Call the trained people at romance aga trapped rn rel gerators national objective of 57330 More than ever beiore said Mr logged the society is be ing reliedon to supply funds for cancer research in this coun try About 81 per cent of the total funds to be spent on re search during the coming year has to come from this campaign we must not fail in this most important of all activities in the great light against cancer He pointed out ï¬rst the society also carries on vigorous pro gram of public education about cancer and makes help avail able to cancer patients The educational activities he said are being centred this year round the new slogancancer can be heatenand stress the value of prevention by means of the seven safeguards The safeguards are as follows for everybody havea regular medical checkup dont smoke cigarettes have your dentist check for abnormal conditions cruiters mi rnorr LEFT Boggy Zinc captain of the ool or guard and Dabble Rein malerette leader Those wish ing to join the Buccaneers arrange with your doctor for bowel examination avoid exces sive exposure to sunlight For women practice regular breast selfexamlnation have regular Pap test Mr llzcggett sold the campaign was more enrclolithsn ever this year because innpite oi rsing needs for cancer research the amolmt provided by the federal government has not risen above the $16000 it hasgivrn for the sacrum soucnr rron narcoler BAND should phone mom or no 4721 Registration can also be made at the Prince of Wales School on Tuesdayat 630 pm Examiner Photo Cancer Society Seeks $23000 In Barrie Area on several years He quoted Dr Harold Copp president of the National Cancer lnstituto of Canada which administers the research funds made available by the Society who sold recenl ly that there had been record number of applications for re search grants and therefore for Canadian Cancer Society carn paign people and the public an large this year the challengex will be greater than ever Plain Dresses Skim Ploin Mens Suits sinner uronlu flotï¬s LOW LOW REGULAR DRY CLEANING PRICES Pants Cr Ladies Slacks Fast Service Fm Pickrip Delivery HURONIA CLEANERS $135 65 65 $l 35 7256428 nnrvEuv nocsrron Assistant Bowie more who OTwa slmrm 05mm with marine VQFREE parklng far Whoa Applications invited ForOccupuncy consumes ApproxAPlllL lSth ooccurmov our AppmxMAY Ist VPurIi loneOiferslou Everything Largo Bosutlluiiy designed our l2and bedroom outta Saum For lnIornrntion Coll 7280715 balconies colored frlg and stove bath yEqqupod gym room bedroomwins Iroon vmlv Plly room mm Largo recreation room for FREE hydro parties FREE cable TV Ampla storage rpseo Lrundry room with hHi music