Rehearsal was in high gear at the Barrie Arena ymlerdny as figure skaters went through the final stages at preparntion OneAct may Redl for tonights presentation by the Bnrrlo Figure Skating Club Some of the participaan in the show are FitDlti LEFT Com Vaio 10 of Stroud Cathy Clifton 13 ot Barrie Nancy Atkinson iii of Barrie and Vclin Owen 12 also ot Barrie At Opening Performance Dy MURIEL DEEPER it was opening night for Three at the Collegiate last night One of the three oneact plays was real hit Priestleys ltiolhers Day was winner laughin Connie Hodges and Wendy Hicks as the two women who transfer their personalities were so convincing that one for got that this was an amateur production The whole cast in 65 play was iirstratc Jeil Reid as the English middle ss husband and Mara Miscnec 35 Aaron Dyck as the team age children all projected their rolls across theiootlights The direction hyJean Gremo was expert and professionals The teharacter changes had subtle un dertones that gave sense ot realism to the humor and thus prevented slapstick comedy Jeii lteid was an excellent stab ilizer loo Hr understeted his Nle and made it thoroughly belt licveable The two teenagers particularly when they were on stage themselves brought their parts into locus and gave the audience look at the gener daylong safety workshop was held Friday by the Dis trict 16 Ontario Horticultural ation gnp But many people will remember Annie Pearson and Mrs Fitzgerald for some time and chuckle again OTHER PLAYS The other two plays preseit ed by our only drama group illle Littles llill Players wore Not Enoughdlope by Elaine May and Footlight Fancies of Stephen Leacock yNotEnough Rope was not as convincing as the Priestley play But there were moments through out that involved the audience completely The ending in par ticular was highpoint of the production lunc Chambers as thelqucly young gir1in athirdf rate boardldgsboltse looked her part and at times made her be lievable Peter Noy tjr was the leenager forever doing his own thing lie seemed perfectly at on stage and gave cred to his role Diane Adair as Mrs Fierce gave good characterization This was demanding play well directed by John Wright Footllght Foncies of Stephen bencock was the least success ful of the three Directed and adapted iorthe stage by Doug las Greenwood it was difï¬cult assignment Leacocks humor is built up hit by bit throng his stories Thus when small parts were taken from them they fail ed to project The audience seem ed battledand sometimes not surevdielheior not humor was intended The last of the three vignettes Ttxe llaitmwas the best of the three brief playlcls Bob Wilkinson took the lead in all three and Dorothy Mc Ginnis the female lend Both of thenrwere most relaxed in the final ploy Narrator thrbughnut was Doug Greenwood whose voiec comes across the loot lights clearly and whoestablihh esqu setting Pat Hamilton and Ralph Glassiord were also in the firsttwo plays iltcSuhKJonv tractorand Des Deni Chases LUnc lotnn Nutbeem and Dorothy McGinnis deserve special me look ionvardtn seeing further work of his Sticiety Among those present were FROM LEFT Hairy Miller otMi dla district tion for the imaginative and teresting set designs Honncvtremu sociinvi Hows wopksuop to director Mrs Jean BlackJ burn at Crecmore associate district director and lr Locate GENERAL BENEFITGAME beneiit hockey game to raise money to purchase patio furniture for Royal Victoria Hos pilot willbe played in Barrie Arena Sunday at2lo pm1 The game will be between am bulance staft and orderlies and doctors STAMP CLUB The Barrie District Stamp Club will hold meeting at St Georges Anglican Parish Hall on April 10 Rev Doug Gill will speak on Stamps of Al ric andthen various stamps will beexehanged Guests are invited PROLIFIC BIRDS Many ducks have produced more than lou eggs year and some have reached 360 Ottawa MenDies In Head0n crash nnockvrun ten non Physics in Typing 1115 hours Pradice Drafting An instructor to Draiting tectlue Previous teaehin oi enthusiasm students is essential The Chairman Continuing Education Division 156 Wellinan Street West Barrie Ontario 72b6641 instructors gt Immediate Opportunities Science AScieneeï¬aduaic to instruct Chemistry and Levels 10 dnditL per week To inan Typing and ofï¬ce leach Blueprint heading and Must have basics in Mechanics and Archi experiénce not essential but high level fiexrbdity and desire to relate to adult ert Sa alel ZIKot Ottawa died Friday night when his car collid ed headon with car driven by Eric Landon obElgin 0nt on Highway 15 30 miles northwest of here Time three youngsters look all let to go as they tune up or CITY liltti tor their performance tonight FROM LEFT Sharon Lloyd City Hopes To $74000 From new Dy eon ALLINGTON it was sort of like quiet raise in poker slipped him the bill 012574000 and said oh incidentally lbrougbt this along The words are Mayor ilobert Bentleys lie was describing his lntervicwwith Municipal Af fnirs Minister Darcy hicKcough March ll whenhe gave the deportment the account for Bar riea reassessment program The province announced early this month it would take over all assessment in the province since the majority ol Ontarios 900 municipalitieshad failed to as sound to new assessment stand ards set by the province last year Barrie was one of 20 cities in the province that did startreasl scssment according to the pro viuclal manual established Radio Renewals lire Approved OTTAWA Cl Licence re newals for 16 radio stations have been approved by the Ca nadian RadioTelevision Corril mission itzwos announced Fri day Licences for the following on turio stations were renewed until Sept1 157D CKWS Kingston CKiB St Cothnrincs Pcterborough= Sifln tion CHEX Kitchener station CKKW and Londons CFPL vascbvercd with snow and the around to look at the marks he Lrigucd by what he had done win of Midland district 16 treasurer tExaminer Photo Surely he was showing industry worth following termine what effect our actions have had oncthose whotollowi ately hlato trails into den Inst year and to date nearly $40000 has been spent on the program The mayor feels that if the city isnt paid it will be be being penalized foribeing prev gressive Now almost three weeks have passed since the mayor met with the minister and no word has come from Queens Park Qhc department overlooked the tact that some municipalities had already started reassess ment whenlhe province took over the task Perhaps the mini isler has also forgotten he prom ised reply two weeks Councildecided last Monday night to give theminlster an extra week to decide whether he ill compensate the city Monday there will be special council meeting ii salt tory reply is not forthcom from Toronto we can be sure that what happens there will make headlines ALTERNATIVE The alternatives left to tho city oretill rather disturbing Counctlreould stopthc redness mcnl now and ï¬re the members at the assessment department many of whom were hired for Lhc special assessment program expected to he completed by the endof the year Orltt could should By car RALPH nanny Dorrie Police Department While ivalkingto work often meet boy on his morning paper route Wednesday the ground water lying along the curbs had turned in nearlyirozen slush My young friend enjoying his own thoughts was walking through the slush on the heels of his heavy boots watched as be reached theeod of one trozen puddle He stopped and turned had mnde He seemed in wondered about this boy iueven getting from hisvbed on such cold morning to make his lonesome reundsl3ut is in dustry enougb7 if person is only energetic and inventive will that guarantee clear trail Surely all at us ought lolook back occasionally tosee what kind oi marks we have been making to analyze our me lives and methods andrto dev There are some who leave trails littered with the garbage of good intentions andpeorper termTrice There are those seek ing financial gain whodeliber TltY EXVAMINEi WANT Ans PHONE nit2414 gerous andcvil practices fully it Patricio Walker nine and Denise Cedcau nine All complctc the program at onad ditlonal cost orsupoo to the taxpayers with no hope of any returnon the investment Onovlhlng is certain inJan lï¬ohlhe government will be in control of nllnssessmentin the province And since it will be responsible it seems logical thntitshould pny Sonto nldennen inulntnindbc mayor could not expect the province to give reply on such short notice but it should be noted that the city is under pressure to pro ore annual bud gets and it it to continue to pay it for the cost From the provinces point at view it the government pays for Barriels reassessment it will have to pay for the other munic ipnlitles that also have pro grams and that adds up to quite sum ot money It seems unlikely that the gov ernment will come up with the luli 574000 hutit is to be hoped glt will pay at least for the com pletion of the program Perhaps it the province doesnt pay the council can lock the files on asiessmentin the vault after all the city paid for them and then we can have game of monopoly lll sell you Dun the girlcnmfiom Barrie tgxnnduer Photos Herticulture Workshop Held 61 Registered The thirdannuol workshop of District to Ontario Horticultur al Society was heldlostnlght nt theRoyal Canadian Legion hall Barrie total at at registered forth daylong workshop which delved into many phases of the horti culturul field Delegations from the ol the in societies in the dulnct were present Guests included the president Frank Leicune Ontario Hortl cultural Association post presi dent St Clair Tenant and Herb ltiarkle of Guelph treasurer oi the Ontario Society Donald Forddirector of ex pension for Georgian College discussed ways and means of raising iunds ior the association and the possibility of conducting flower schools in the region Topics oi the workshop ranged from the possibilities of iorndng competitions on the district and provinciallevels oi the associa tion to parliamentary proced ures applied to todays society Sandwiched in between were punel discussions on the prob lems concerning the Horticuh turntAssoclntion and the work of luniorhorticulturoiistsrin nd ditlon it was revealed that new pamphlet dealing with the judging stan rd at flower shows will be coming out shortly similar workshop will be held lop Street for $1000 ifyoull drawninto the some paths And there are those who aremerely thoughtless in the examples they set intentional or otherwise the rcsultsnré often the same Perhaps if those us who find difficulty in understanding the unrest and disquiet otour times were loleok deep enough intoour own past we might see some of the seeds ottroulile We might also recognize the trail of trends we helped to make andjfailed to obliterate byour better purposes NOT TOO LATE it may not be late to of feet remedy for our situation We are nationotlridustry in ventiveness and energy We seem determined to leave our mark but as ottenaSnot succeed in sears instead Surely success is not only measured by the dean tity at our words nndfworlcs We are often heard loask Where will itall end am certain most at us know what our end will bebut few are prepared to get oil the road wefatetrnrnp We dont feel tbntolir turn in around will much reverse the trend muchlikc thc smoker whoknows the danger overtake him iloo bad that we expect our young peoplelo he wlscr than we are orwerefa om puzzled by those who will do and say almostunythlng intending that others will be to make their mark to be noun lib Drug hunt tNewiund Er°9reoiivivewiw All colttct416453741 wllirnevcr hext year tack onMarks Mate recogmizedl was greatly diss tlubed by the remarks ot the ilicGiil University student lead er who said over nation tele vision thntthe police would we come the student protestrroarcb as an opportunity for them the police to provoke violence Siieh irresponsibility is not wor thy of an audience That young man has think sot lire to his own world and he would bowed advised to run for the nearest exit ALa policeman of some experience Im certain he is on the wrong track and wonder who laid itdown for him to fol low nun kins Mum mom mummy men nu Variety Of Films Now lit Library At the Barrie public library we hire vuiely oi lilmi covering many subleclo There are Walt Dsney cartoons and fairy tllcs lotthe children In strutdonut ï¬lm or the student discunion film for adult and youthnuups and wide variety oi generally entertaining tiiml or people of ll ages For the Iporlsmao there it Fighting Fish tenodnuw bhctr and white tilrn showlor the struggle in land shark ell the must of Queensland and New South Wale utildren will de light to seeing Judie Visit The Zoo lHninute color iilin ghotogrnphcd in the at Grand Quebec Jackies diam to coiraletoo keeperwho bu caught him misbehaving add loud oi comedy to this pop ular film iilm of interest at this roa ton of the you is Maple Sugar All stages oi pmccuing are shown from collecting the pup trom the trees to boiling bott ling and marketing This seven minule black and white film will be available at the library otter April Many specialized films that are not in our collection can be obtained from various Canadian tilm companies The film librar inn hes large collection of ï¬lm catalogues and can order ior you with sufï¬cient notice Any No tloal Film Board film Cln also be obtained tor you in this man We can also nstlst you in plan ning your iltm program and sup ply you with protectionist it needed We hope that many more groups in the Barrie area will use our films and lake ad vantage of the many other serv ices we provide LINDA KNIGHT Dies In Wreck 0t Flaming Car OAKVIIJLE William Grant Smith 38 an Onkville il thcr of live died early Friday in the flaming wreckage nt his car alter it collided with an oil truck The tanker flooded the Queen Elizabeth Way with thousands of gallors ot iuel The eastbound lane of the highway in front of the Ford Motor Co of Canada Ltd auto assembly plant was blocked six hours while workers cleared wreckage and hosed the oil The truck driver was reported in fair condition Body Isiiound Near Tilhury ilLDURY Ont CF Po lice said badly decomposed body wasfound Friday at Light house Cove at the mouth of the Thames River about live miles east of here Tiibury is about in miles west of Chotbam TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72326 Car flruck RENTALS Car Automatic Dry plus mileage incl gas oil insurance 7266474 gt CALL TODAY 23 BRADFORD bARRIE DPRDMENAIJE SAVETHEPARK FUND Sponsored by the Square Dance Clubs ot Barrie MQODERN SQUARE DANCING LEVELS OF DANCING SPECIAL iNTRODUCTORY LEVEL 21 FOR NONDANCERS PM w4top callers plusmony guest collars SiluriantPRIliB BARRIE NOltlll IACOLLEGIA Ticket Information Phone 7293017 or anyiqucro dahsor Aft $200 couple Etc 5300 couple PM TO uil PM it it SQUARE DANCERS AltE WELCDMEDVTO BAltitlE till NOttMAN suoss newton so is THE FAMILY SHOE STORE 7263381 ALLANDALE HARDWARE none runawan storms it cost no mam BARME SHOPPER