Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1969, p. 5

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uuxMMWuQVh Weumnw PONDER FUTURE OF LOCAL IIDIIIINISTBIITION 16213311120 in the lime dsussefi trend truth 7th enntre lime James Wales cum2 rd Same Cirrm Seeks Clarification On Regional Change mutate 21 mag 5m regs 1hr true mm lrvflousrr Lh fl is 2525 been rgrl fies my panms 32 the Drlla mu Tlle The mn les msumfit VUhhllll and Irvle em lne rm It den inland ed their uwn muan named in imrm er zormrenem to him stud the $831 and regional 2m mileage said aug Ire 11 in knew what gm respnmhie to uni Range and rheLht they um 220215 neuter runmink to he urn on 025 0r illDD mph ed gumm1 fining ire was alarmed hal was dame and tie ng mere Lhal lepdatzrre he msflered re um Lb liens the grim Amali tit ts mere nl szzuasepa Isr mum hm dune In Bfitlrl In ailtlltinnal tn the gm gmme mreLnd tn glre 55ml tie in was mt trundle film lane burr annulled and mm 23 is met Lueir ch piaple uha leperJ gyms were cited FAIORS IDCAL GTE Creature IIPtg Wired War zrezl rldl fiuur Lard he with £antematl all nzlltl 181 jar uns ierqnar at purple slencL The maple in their van afimim mam he The wax trStd be re ulm 2111 In jnirr Properly Deal For School Ill Cookslown Is Recalled major tutn rd Cele 135 rd cmmfl 7mm De Reel Dena necessary manor passed Admirer Ctrunufllnrs ed 555 Retard snmr 5wa curtain Elm Iran 1lllldl built all Munich Cuunull mnul lau HOPE Ls 29 at In new when with the Amlmél fur the res tr land UT new schntfl ma manm hum sw rawlumen alk hes the end Connflnr nut ed the Inlr was Marries mazes LilAM 1L mangfd lCnm lllnr and filming in 5333 pump Wedn being tar summer Enam new debenmmr Junta 32711 new alumnae telmanl in was sinsequenfl Indium ORGAN CONCERT Alec Wylon NEW YORK CITY April I969 830 pm at TICKETS 5200 115 hen Vere held 21 dig Ir mam uhlrlr was termed fur warmercl because it amuse 51 at lmuxlnz merit Arrangements we were Ignaigegrgufexgjfl guanine on gum man la lag Mex M11 Amanda in ii Flam fmi Inez Cunnemed abunl 156 pl ling index 215 the 5215 lnr fne 1351qu me RIPS CMBC TORONTO IIOPJ we third 15 re satfir Be laid me 502in Plan ruin Cultan ml Meammzn To rite corporation mi ml lm for research and de the Ian la year prenuncejred uter program plan St John the bivine Cathedral Sr ANDREWS msnnmm CHURCH gull assessment nil Smelor at rims 3512 1v endeamring tu 131 analg sal of hahug pmeefir to be ed inr Tneiday May it Weed 5r lhe side gun punter NEWS Be Guide To iii65 £3 7r fill with ptxnhr 121 mid be Curl ewed to tone néml patent men 25 132 ll ll 1th weeks matinee when is gruntm 15293111 Ind lfter paring the immune rv mm xiixnze in retinal daring the yur 4ll Club Active In Mineslng Area 74 club leaders the ms can die rm been Alain mm manenh Steuben Pain is mm Mt 40 the cent was light GILu Br Dam passage And may Murm mi C3 later lb Ernie All may Den 3ka is It bath rel me 051 12 had rum damn abut the winged dimes public 43 um tit Junta Farmen llndzy mulnz M211 al 5511151 52 and pm airman by Innisfil To Send Two Delegates the Eh mar 51391 Sum Curran Jan 1m Elmer arose rm bx nulll wired to mores lam an c121 ind xemzmmmr llmmgmthe Inn on the Park jiu Toma in May mzn mammal me pm ormrrlsz plans in late 2552534 rely in as mum assesl panned rant the My $451 in Fr rum mun Wear Lie in munty firemen em m1 mim inllsyrzm r2585 7mm mm Sunday Mt Calvin 1mm elm he believed mm maul Ilsa apmred exl relerred me step ma namnrmtxrxn we file cunning lo alumni Lhe same sesfimm WIISIIGII BEACH fivn 110 rd Ermine cams jEJ ad registry 915m the par gvtemznenlth nymsccuuu Mr and Mn Cam Mdnloshl there sell any 22mm on nir Ralph sum and nxpnrend LuncEnl 2b molb rind Elma gt 1m hm gitan amass fng gm impugn mention eidheilzlradmmlsl idles Janet Gilles Tomato firm 2n dented muster hrvarl new haarfi vi if painted memhm lane KEgflenda hi staple peninsular the mm gilglf enunla has mgrmJmiaa on hé in Cam ml the new but am rulfrn lent teammate majtuilr 59 35 r3952 11m and Cam Meir 19 Brag Jwerre end land as end Hunted farm holiday in Flurl Tossvronfln Beere James Wale heads meaty lfirlje ir home we syncing ans gimn the mini persevere weeks in Florida and propusefi hanger he wzmzb gkad her 3911 I1 lull 336 iimfli tee has been harping 10s Hurt lira fish 12 hr the waged nanr MLKfilillglL 0m mil ltsiliasaga Bawlodmme on Sltnd April 13 filter Ethel ermine the Mmhers Anz Guides and was are 91511 bowling benefil and are repon ta enme rmrll 21 an early Eamon Zane Wales sail Ire nas been BE GOOD EGG make Easter real holiday Treat the family to dinnerat team em IWHNAHDNAL WV Inkml be Mafia IOYearIorecasl Can Mines an eh much interest lmzn an increzsed nu mum pan la lezte er which Elm £923 LbEIF 1411 lamrmer axm Lhe middle oi limiter 31m tel up VW My ram plane in imp1 toch menu 3mm finallnuld gale biz £21971 JJ Ill alcl eel mam znrnSn hurt may no axvllale EH fallen past year but 1mm ll mi mus min regulate these are ll wer avenue lhrylork under meadnbexewures lmeIaw chin andtbe5e men tm 1mm etiend rerk 5m an array or the rm than zeta and do not answer Pin regainimsdmmuorlmalgdenl that the nmry Iundsl muaiépalitier The at can plate bass of the lurker 11131121 must answer to Lhem and tome an really bid This my renewal in the an lbet the rarest lm fur the linden committee dial willd ansten lrom mam all L59 folk they 1210310 The crew chief 20 um and retail lhe allyn13 The like 15 Ibex lad Inner onlyfin Lb Wurst The new bill nuld make Ilse wrkerr file reports similar The cantata is slated to lo vorkmus mum andlfld llilthdafi Bar in Ta1 will 15 establish dzyicarnp renln when the 0655115 apply minimum b03511 stand and Mn of the children at mm pause lnrr Mr And 1mm these worker 69 mt llate 531 and was med 25m rm oppmmity attend 515ml 25 Ltr mare alang wirir the Earn flies the iofllr line lie in different gem of the we Soar the strawberries fire him picked in addilicm Item regular regenable mps SLICK CAPITALISM The midterm with are flavoring to bring the are nag nil sulfidm funds mmlan good um standard Ibis pan net use gm Dl amazement better tunneling Lea mm mI Study Cookgfown and broad credit hulllm mumhm mm Fire ll reelnent manly 14mm F5 therfignmirrgnthu arm rueam mu by rm meeting The mremeat seat 000mm member finned mt nlu is trailed lro tfl scant durin by metal dammed El caused nea hAd Iriilul oIT hid den Of tours bad debts tad not been can mm In 37 let he mnyizfmghenguliigmu rt mmu enema 5mm as mm an new Meme traminndueumru ma me 15ml maul slurred ruler lni mmcéblr newbemlsfieflgfim in the azmmenl And re added row mm It be Irvanticr sh business or de Md WM Iposrt am there customers Inuy expect deliveries when jny lmn hm Herrera the reel savings or the rear rots 325530 thidr rill be dintlbs ed in palm dindends wtia ruleill be by the board alter lmmxswnv Gullth rwne hare than In true on the Km 5m as am Am Am YO NRA15 Retail tald oi Federal httsfiylifi 22m animus muzrg the migmr wankers in Flanda the lite in camps and nurt be field The rule will rice hrlnx hill recammdin Ithar meter mm be tam In Is Open Atlast WE TOM roMrrorI We also feature Farm Economy Tr mums summ mm Mer wide eemomicpud Idwutedhylhehmimm Fann select commiueelnin mm meadadmvamumlem nun misled the theluhnliouhdeedmedmi WI omoumu It us mu lured lint lhe hm economic position the influx lumen emxlly had deterionled Mn Illa lm tn It And that the outlook is buried by some Ion lenn pmblenu This us about in me needed we minted uppmaches the rum econolrk in emblem the Farmers Unimr witer eels the solution In ladayl troubles is parity prices Simply the firmer hasnt been gettine his lair slure of the emsumen cod Mar in rela rtiun to his mm better bet lnae the mum is needed 1nd lhn may inuure load prict Sum Word In IlmlJfil mo rnnu Amman or rre pmltdioa nu or lthe Minn and dim rude The fire lull imll is healed L5 fith him like prvtectiu aru covers ree Jinn in as Warmth and Innsftl Essa 1nd Newman mdh tlure appmed the plan PERCET MORE Farmers are economically mded all their land and this aimlion I3 creating ehaatic so cial eonditiotu said llr Miller in hit revert in which be main lriu rommitlu lar study and killed 1092K increase rmnmefiafioa in prices or arm produd would check this mum on lpdays ukulinns Mr Miller Arzued 1th higher lIrhIrctaI Ice prices In amen would llol Studied In Medqnte end ta consumers it It lime Ill land main indka Ind the Inn carverlieu like met It becoming mm Al lrcien he said ruin m4 lrequeutl advanced by then 1dr walla eontml al lam open Ideas by Irene clolhed with bumumlie ween TARDT PROTECTION Perm pmduds lrom other mtriu enter Cured Truly lo deslmy local market writes but when Inner endeavor to pur chase supplier Ind equipment It lb world market they find will ol will end import regu lations or Ilnlenrttimul tarpon lion twin blocking them be said suing Gendim lumen should get the same proleclluu shnadiu manutleturen Hixlrer inletut rules dim llnued xubsidies increased rnr clfnery cost and hizher latex Ire increasing mduelion cost or Rulers llr Miller main lained the Iannus didnt wen Ind didnt need tubsidiu il they reeelred lull pirily prices lor their prodw Mr Miller said he lgmed will reported slalemenl ol Fedn1 lgricullure Minister Olson that Tanners are now elficienl and that the emblem of law arm Income is in mlrketlnz their pmducrs lne arm leader said the lam rIV arm is recognized as the mast elmlent and lII preserva tion is file In lhnadz and the lulure food bill of consumers Comma arming warrld sub stnlially irrqu lood prim Is Thomlon Aim THOTLYIOX SIJID dllle 3m seek mince lar instillalfmr ja ani ml in the local ui lea has been opened by the 111mm emu Mnmisnm 115 plant Iill grealLr illl Irreaae lite recreational ulue all the arena said Earl Crmninzj ham secretary treasurer Ill Muted In it would pull er tend the ice reason Mile it will be financial strain the commission is cooll luu be made available or bag members msdu must flirwhil community mdearor Tay Plaque Marks Trading Post Site COIJJWATER Sufll tlplaque marking the are or 35 leer trifling post has been ab tracing attention on Ibe east mm seven mils mnhem 01 Caldwller llrepost rasoperaledbrza iadmdent under marge 071 To All Iroperly Owners Meetings are to be held in lt is recorded m2 60mm Jnh Graves Simone rinled in post I793 Former Ontario weka Les life At Fm rm arsidentnlfi ILindsal unlelltd the p151 31 tmnmony in 1339 ean of the City of Barrie law gnd Official Plan REE Am Tueeday Aprrl wxoon om tan erds and North Coll poszllodend may waddan armed Feb ll during riot at Gearge Williams Cnifersily in Montreal has been deluled lhzr the Cnirtrsllr cl Western Gelatin students wml D7 YOU HAVE ANY mm BYMWS PLEAEZ RE FEATURING 1rd CANADAS GREATEST RAGTIME PIANO MAN MONDAY tlrruSATUllDAY BARRIES BEST IARTENDERS Yum Hem Al éimtefm nemsuily mean higher prints ed THIS IS AN IMPORTANT NOTICE torium and North Collegiate Auditorium To obtain public npinion and provide inlonnafions for resid gt The reeling will be bold allows erth and Conml Cell Thundy April 3rd 1pm Inmtoxs on 017mm 1m MEETING ma weenwe rrnnr DAT QUEENOF me erGAlonc nor ro MENTION our wumssesruer SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES at the consumer level he assert EMBASSY rem TOWN Sun Marzh Z9III GEORGIA 5mm in the City Berrlo Central Collegiate AudL an the new Zoning By Audillum prrr ugille Auditorium ATTEND YOUR WARD

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