Gibriï¬arrir Examiner Mildred by Canadian Newspapers Limited Walk and GHMclhenonMan mums 16 Hayfield Strut Barrie Ontario William Teller General Manager aging ram PAGS 0mm molar By President PATIO mummy 020a Bekirnn dlmeaadonowmrinthe cactihabitation areas ot silk eggs warmth El 23 PM and oi other comnnmitia our 14 mo allies ieel as warm about unadas role in Iodsys Cold War Canada invoked in this Cold War It member of tram and in other ways The average Canadian iamily oi tour peso is paying mZin taxes this year to maintain our deiences this figure it be tween the $100 paid by the even age hrxembourg iamily and $1471 by the average us inn ily Nearly $6M nl that co is spent on the war in Vietnam mtneirnormalddeoceeoetia mlhregtlmeaoun felt the mug Home at Inlla tion in the postwar years Gm eerie cost more lnthe shops and tank cost more In the nun nitinnl pleats mime demand wage Increase to counterand lo Iced lnilatlvn and soldiers must be paid more too So the common glam Nixmdeiï¬rjxe spending our lï¬m hindnth increase over the past15 yearn France luiy Denmark Greece and Norway have all boosted their deIenoe spending toahout two and that time what it Wit in 1955 Germanyhas increased Ill de ienoo spending by tsp per cent Portugal by 78¢ per cent and WIT Of Mons iwiuin 2mm minum if re zl it 53 Est re reg Er 55 £1 oatsIo we are not so poor that we cannot aiioni huge well paid army oi excessive assorted governors and such gaudy trimmings as 50000000 thee in In Ottawa LETTERS TO THE EDITOR READY Fol COMMUNISHT Recently The Barrie Exam er published notice oi meeting to the taxpayers oi innialil Townshipiobeheidalhke SYSTEM flmnm Manufactured Exports Are Gradually On Increase survey reinsed by the OntérIo De parlmzntiat Trade and Development shows that manulactured goods continue to gain an increasing share at the prov inces export trade The study 01 Ontario trade during 1957 undertaken by the deparirncnts research branch reveals that manutac tured goods accounted for 82560022000 Oi Ontarios 555692000 total export earning for the year While total exports increased almost 14 per cent from mild to 1067 manu factured exports were up 42 per mm Ontario produced 77 per cent or Dana das manufactured exports The study shows that expanded motor vehicle trade with the U5 accounted tor Just over onethird oi the increase in iully manuiactured exports in 1967 Ihe remainder represents wide range at products including electric lightth and control equipment radio and TV sets communications equipment metal working machinery conveyors and el evating machinery oiiioe machinery and equipment and aircrait and parts The report shows that the single most important export item is motor vehicles ovalnedat31500000000 in 1967 other important manutactured items hayingand harvesting machin ery exports worth $118000000 aircraft exports worth $100000000 measuring controlling laboratory medical and opt ical equiment worth $00000000 and exports oi oillce machines and equip ment worth $57000000 Fabricated materials inedible with value of 51180000000 accounted or 25 per cent of Ontarios exports The most important items in this category were nickel and alloys $160000000 upper and alloys $100000000 plate strip and sheet steel $79000000 and unshaped plastics and synthetic rubber $57000000 The most signiï¬cant items in Ontarios 1967 exports of crude materials ined ible in paper for printing $239000000 and wood 11qu $111000000 The study reveals thatls per cent of Ontarios total exports are to the us Other leading customers and their int ports in 1067 include the United Kink dont $423941000 Norway 376983000 Australia $73284000 Japan $42554000 and West Germany $41431000 DOWN MEMOllY LANE 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner March 23 1949 liberah held convention at Stayner to select candidate to Simone North in 1211 federal Mon John Gladstone Currie Barrie lawyer and odorman um animus choiw in oppose Julian ii Fer guson MP of Colilngnood PC Main speakerFume Hon Lester Bottles Pear son Minister of ExternalAilzlrs Public School Board held special meeb ing to dismiss plans or 24 more class moms found that atimaicrl cost umrld be $720000 Stirs have been optioned on iloronio St iiillcresi and Conting ton St It is ptDpOSed to abandon Visa tori Sdlool idle emit ofï¬ce Simcoe loung Ommloinld that am wasoniy 917 diem to maintain each resident at eion Manor ArmaligoiteiedalpreeldmtBeia sigmaihisomritynirsrmnk Gilioyle In Niagara district on weekend helping organize new mbdivision Catli alto Womens League John Eleanor inkas pleasure in Wag Opening of new business oiflce known as Sensors andioneering and insur ance service wlihti Beasley as manager Skip Sully Merediths Barrie rink oi Vern Adamo Mme Writing and Many Armstrong won CSL irophyaiMidizndBonopielche Fryers beat Marlboros 52 in ï¬rst game Junior Ahockey ï¬nals at Maple lea Gardens Paul Meger Don Azhbee Real Chevrciilsaiong initially Mayer in goal starred for Barrie George Armstrong and lorry Raga bostior DukesRossPeamckwonAmby Bivett Trophy at Barrie Bowling Acad emy for top avenge on season iicCarmil elected president new Barrie Drivin and Riding Asoocn Dudley Oliver Shanty Bay elected president olmme County Jersey Breed ers Club Town Council authorized Smith kilo to with plans or new funeral home on Bayï¬cld St north of Sophia at cost $30000 Iow yer Stewart acted tor wncr Charles Smith Firm has been estab lished in Barrie since 1869 oldest in diariciAPionyLeesonoi Downder Mrs Gerry bee Barrie elected president Ys Mens Club at Sartï¬a0tï¬ce$rlsofGenemiElecr iris held hard times may at Mary Maguires home William St Prize inn nets or costumes included June Perk ins Audrey and Peggy Ritchie Patricia liicCord Mary liiiclxinson Glynis Low is Betty McCool Kiwanis annual St Patricks ladics night held at Gull rle Wuity Hall hank Peridm 0th clqu ordrestra which In cludal Write Smith Norman Clarke Boy We Ken Walls Hoyd Mord Humorous skit The it use Keep ers Daughter enacted George Dan gerï¬eldlohn Tomlinson United Me melt and John lingo Mariam egg warfemeee or gram dance prize winners war Mr afliin John Ouah Mr and Mrs Bruce lilo uihuley Mr and MrsRay livingdrm Mr and Mrs Fred mus lands Hall Tuesday March 25 The or ti purpose disulsnng ros cons oi the so call Sever ance Fee which choose to call Extortion Tax One of the worst aspects oi this action It will not call it lambocameldonotihinkit would stand up in theoourtsl it that the Iund will be built upwertheyeanbynunywbo are not moneyed people but wouldliketosellaiotor so to help during ï¬nancial diiï¬ml tier There are good many Places in innirï¬l Township where lot would not be worth asmrharthetétndemand ed by the council ioreach lot sold ihisjouldideilnitelyjlow dorm expansion in lnnilfli undamand the fund raised this means will be evenmally use or services waler new age etc NW FEW It is very probable that it will not be ieasihle to supply these services In many area of CANADAS sronv innislil tor the next 50 to we run We have in Innlsï¬l township quite Large number oi ï¬nan cially successful iarmen and business men who have emu led their wealth by inhEdiance of manipulation and or hard work This Extortion Tax will not aiiect these more on mnate people because It would not be good business to sell or lots on goodproduetive arm or business Already underltand the coundl intends using some oi then Iunda on borrowing bu Is to possibly build new and larger set oi oi Iioex Can you not picture open with the usual coi iee and cake and back slapp ing built Hum moneys oi the poorer or ortunzte people who have little hope of see lhelr benefit in their liietime natammlottaxwusbe ing extracted from the eom pllcent people in Inniriil long beiore know anything about it would promote many other residents have not bothered to cheek Into lmrnsiflp council deci sions Innlriii townihlp eouadI has doneaiotoigopduorkbut Maritime Union Was Sidetrackedy In son now Once again there is strong movement to have Canadas Ab lactic pronoun merge Into one Premierlnuis ll Midland of New Brunswick is urle that My be blade Toe Economic Cmncil of Canada has advoy embed the union It is woao iu tezral part of prooosals rme brPremierWACBennettoi British Columbia on more eiin dent Canadian economy There was similar plan in the Maritime tltewimndlaod was not included in ion but it was sidetracked by Cooledero tion On March pm Nov Semi became the int oi the Maritime colonies as they were no to authorize delegation 011w 331w £xumlurr 15 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Amhorhod as second clan mail b1 Lire Pm Dillon Daa WM Ottawa and or payment oi postage in 2221 Bacon postage guarantee Dally Sundays and Holidays mm raw daily by wi Silage Wu mail Barrie mm yearly Ontario 515 year motor tbrw oil on year Out side Ontario in year Dub aide Canada British rim to year U15 and ioreizn $32 year National Advertising Witer 4L5 vmvnmvenue TM in 040 rt 6L Mam real Mead oi the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau Cirmialions The Canadian Presa is ex duflveiy eotitioi to the use tor republimiion atoll ms dispatches In his paper cred lied to or The AW Press or We and sin ilu local new prblirbed 0mm to go to Charlottetown in Sep tember and dim the possibili ty of union with delegates tram tiew Bruomick and Prince Ed ward inland Pdnoe Edward Island was lukewarm to the idea but agreed to be the host Then Canada aid to be invited and the media eventiqu led to Coniodereilon Instead Mari little union The are may people who believe now that the Maritime would have been bet ter oil ii they had gone their Irrm way Canada was in the times of rallwayimlldlng boom in the tom nnd It the promise railway that was iarzely re apooflbie or New Brunswick and time Scotla agreeing to loin Canada Prince Edward le iarui held out until 1m and then loined mfliedfllliofl because her own railway had got Into deep ï¬nancial livable Canada Miami to pay all the dam Today Maritime union seems attractive because It would bring about more economic cooperation and lessen costs of government Ono agaln New louodlands position Is not clear in mi Nmnundlam did not send delewnio the 2an town minence but was repre seated at it Quebec Milleer later In ibeyear OTHER mom i7956paln surrendered risim II Venomver island mammal on at ucaiion emitted Merton oi Upper Canada Mil New Bluntwith ap proved building at European and North American Railroad ininorwriplion or over uas service In the First World War caused rim In Quebec BIBLE THOUGHT month the time iv tort Corinthians ma linger long atlibia lmlo verse or it willbooome bigzeo er the days to lie ye also read tor in sue an hour as thin out the of Man mouth their money being usedJor Merton II an enlightened public uno tions Ihk kind oi legislation at the next election believe there will be two moon in the sky Either that or lunisill ls ready or communism Even in Russia the poorer people or should say the 155 fortunaiee get more equitable distribution oi wealth and taxation than this ac tion indicates THE WISDW luaiewareaainthetowrn ihip with rapidly developing subdivisions can see the win dom oi this type oi planning where the moneys will be spent Immediawa or services if the people in laalsill are gullible enough to go along with this line oi thou we could very easily award to other departments following the lead Perltapa the police de partment and the fire depart ment would like to build up to million dollar nest egg Ior their needs In 2000 AD Remem ber the department oi lands and ioreoto Wasaga Beach one oi the greatest natural beaches in theworid which used to be tree to everyone to now closed ex cept with payoia which In turn is being used each year to buy out all private interests on 015 tarp us ayerc 0i what use is clear deed to your place If this in ghould really become law everyone will have 0500 mortgage on every lot they ova Respectfully Stanley King RR No Barrie Instruction to be altered Mechanical Technolo Art and interior Design Electrical Technician Mechanical Drilling Tech IJIEAK CERTIFICATE Advertising Procedures Lone Maker Application dorms and Iniormatlon about fees housing and textbooks coupon below THE REGISTRAR Georgian College 40l Duekworth Strut 1969170 programs to ADDR RES no ii iii 3YEARDIPLQMA macaw General Arts and Bciencc Resort Business Accounting Survey General Secretarial located It Penctanguleheno cube toalrnotevw in mm Muted etchi mu 3s on at will iamint Thomson Ploughi Proï¬ts Back WNDON CF lad Thom son unnamed Wedneadny that be and bin tunily are lalvlnl me dividends oi PAM iron the Thornton Organisation the WWW lifumilmh an centred In Britain It bring to 710409 the amount of mill the rally has given in three years to be retur to the business In preliminary statement museumenduring chwll iheedfldlmm mun report or proï¬ts oi established activilee were £0096000 murmur compared with 21mm thd previous year hop By Phone North wllldo oath 32 23 COMING SOON Timuputilemtiimndadmodw mmdodiooteddvmt Forename Itu Valli TM 4y complete shows prn pm srecm SATURDAY MATINEE 130 ONE snow ONLY renunrs IN gown nounsmmmnocfgmm mugmm lilHIIltDifl 9mm mmofl mow WOMPANAVIW WATSON GI Film PHIL HARRIS MR5 MILLER The Icnlams Glen Cemphol TltI louver TJ and The Fourth Manonnude unmlike GEORGIAN comes or Arritro Ants AND TECHNOLOGY Barrio Ontario is now accepting applications for admission to the allowing programs of in September 1009 Electronic Technology Buslncla Administration Business Administra on Marketing Resources Technology Civil lec nology 2YEAR DIPLOMA PROGRAMS Medical Secretarial General Arts and Sclcnco $1oration Electronic Iochnlclon General echnlcian General Business Marketing niclan iogaiflocrctarial PROGMMS HclaiiMcrchandising Optical admission requirement may be obtained by completing and mailing the neoum APPLICATION Please iorwarl an applicuilou inrm nndlniormnilan brochure lor your NAME WImmi