BerniclF Takes Court Action lnBidIoGetBuildingPennit Henry names or clung thophnlmdhrcunopp lnxplunlortheeltyl north ondhastlkencomaction in anolfnrtlolorcrtzneeilylols mlboihï¬nypemb Thactxymoredllmdaynlzht gï¬ammmgmm rprnpertyltthem ernlomflu Roadme woodnwennotrommmemill maidenth ego to pm an rmjorxoppiu plmlhcmbd Mr ham nys theyleretoo Into meat at labor approval for his plan and that he Ind not been Issued building pamir Mrl3ernld 5151 he has re celled the penal lor the Intrud trio at his planIron Building Inspector Chris Spanis and had deplflm of labor approval on the plans Monday at so pin but told he mind not have the mall or the piper Writs were sen31d gagpool on the mayor and MIR Sonic The harlot In tho me scheduled for Aprfl It II Int Agsuzooda Illll lenahy year the city decided to limit the motmt medal duel meal inthe nor end to I50 square £6 Ii met isomo square loot shopp lngmalltortheeast sldoqr Buï¬cld Street north ol mm Road was unmoved tor erren Scott and Associates and an other for the side at Blya ï¬eld Strict by 121 Hello Ltd was rejected BRINGS WATER POLO TO BARBIE water polo clinic aimed the YMCA Aboveporno of was Klrtlhmmwnktm To at providing an introduction the to students svrmJnr the mom viccpresldcnt ol the to the Limo anll its nrles hill hiring warmmjarnn Canadian Water Polo Associ ation Examiner Photo CITY Now Eth manta mmnr nturcnu no Dzu H125 left at 19 Wood xi Rd recehu watch mm Show of Rena WINS WATCH Jrrellerx The Wfl is pm mud maul to Barrie Fliers In Ihnse name in elm trim several hundred deposited in luï¬y Ian boxes at th Barrie Arena through the hockey scam Brando er Photo New Alliston PUC Rate Effective April air Expect Mortgage Interest Rates To Hold Under Formula OTTAWA IQ Elmazelmzximm that leads in 57 me ran this carted 31 1132 nab 2n grammeAm 122 Zuzana H7413 Act Collingwood Loan Gains Govl Approval themarhgmper 10 Ime or mikes In ism and ban or Suï¬MS Flying to Europe Duly Fm Cigarotlu $2240 CARTON And 51er raving to WI reï¬nes tran des Prezdx primer gold adsher peaches and be 216515 gifts See 7oz Irard am or group leak or cute as all mortgage idem 257m my at Lhe anneal 95 Armani 313A maximn on or mflgagfl ha been at its preset ï¬st Jan wafer in 507mm 25m mm 235 52 been landing mainly at 523 est rate on enij mart 2236 if 52211 5755 has Em per ecu rxlu presan from in the moan maria ram mortgages could awards new ur inz am or mm Mum ands Erma mortgage be are attested by shift to amaze interest rates The imam would not change on may with time to so Mora tie mm 12m cz hydra ton since 1913 hit service is administered by lira member public ntilrlm hoard ekdod erery two years The board also looks alter WatEr terrier Ernie Hares is chair mm of the commisim 001d otllarrjie was the only r2154v selected to acne on urinar anontitle of the Mn Cloth lilava tar of Oct ario held reneme in Toronto More tth retaikrs attend ed the seminar with norm my mm was to met The mm of the Fathom Exp Await in him Barrie Students 0n Dean lost 217 5512 of 131 Page St Barrie and Peter Stoneh 2712 56 Fmto $1 Collie virwd are arm ï¬re molar students out or toxrbr work by the Luirerzily of tin Barn sane rm ctrleads were named to the Deans list and ha been doomed as students or the current menu The two students received honors arziaim with averages trad DR JollN RICE Amlwr 33 million copiu of books Worldlmm punk Or of oorgenomions grutnt Bible teachers PlusQuartmu Choirs and tenor soloist Lloyd Knight Friday Sohfldtty 30 pm Sunday 945 It and Enocnnon BOARD Seek Revision Of GOvt Grants Ihc Slumre Cmme Board Marion ray in Roman lsund today that the 196 pro rinual grants are not adequate to maintain reasonable lax lorel in the county muniupall Us The board will and Ictler lo Edumtion Minister Wllliam Davis uklng the department to reconsider its gran status for Simme Cum ll Hamsa dirvctor oled Calla raid that the re itself was very much in line with normal inccases it allows for no increase in edumional services or expansion of prov gram Mr Ramsay expressed mn oem over the lknill increase tor Ianpayers in the city at Barrio he tax rate amounts to approximalely 860 on $5000 3555mm The provincial grant in 1960 will mreronly 414 per cent at cutmuted com Int yenr the grants covered 511 per cent of the educational com Prov vincIal mots thin year for the 33 millim budget are expect to amount to MIHJES III 1968 the combinul cocme rchool board grant was $10906950 The school board maintain that with the increase in mess mm or the county along with the same precontize grunt in 1969 as to loss the lntruso to loal taxpayers would have xv erased jusz 37 milk instead of the presut For Iaxpayrra in Barrie lhll would have lndl catzd an increase Just ï¬ve nulls rather than 12 IVth the board maintain that the I969 M311 is within normal limits it Is upruriul concern about what the board itself calls very serious in crease in taxation Promise Provincial Support for Barrie Urban Barn renewal study oommittee were told yu terday they could Expect prawn dal wpport or an in depthur has renewal study here but Iod oral backing of the ldteme Mill is indeï¬nite Jarlr Brown supervisor at the urban renalat Sedion at the do partment of munldpal attain advised the to =er Lb province or its time at Rudy the citys central host has dlstrict expound to cost about The pmlnec lLually pay 25 yertmtoltheeostulrurhstud 23 In ledraal Bid to urban re nrnzl was cut oil late L22 year The lateral announcanmt in the were of sharp critic of lxllldomr methods of Imus BIZ renewal by Trzntport llio ister Pall Hwyers task tome on housing The citys renewal 71on is roamed with the donnorm munnerds distrirt and wont had hopalthe L111 oil of Ada era tunds would not apply here dr 2mm said the provth bad Ian week approval 2592 sent grant or similar renewal in Brockme He warned bow ner that the municipality stood the othzriozlopayï¬ per cent at the cost it laceral aid was not orthoomEnL INCREASE ASSESSth He said imitations were that the Iodml government did not look lavorahly on commercial rev developm momma mm v$ look au thcmns gini to increase assessment he laid The city completed gram urban renewal survey last year and M57 recnrmirndod lchrme areas chose the downtown The ucond study expected to ho detailed analyst of the entire central rhopping area which rat on one portion or that district larphaseonentanurbanre mal program Boy Onyscbnk chairman of the mental study nom mlttee laid he left the city should continue with urbanro netal plans the inlormation we will gath er from the study will be infal abhlniermlnotanlyotur hart renewal but also or train planning parking and numer als other tasks that will lune ï¬t from the Italirtla we will gather he said When we have real statistics we can approach private arter rllsc We alaayl enacted pri vateflenlcrprlse to play an in partant role in renewal here he said Mayor Robert Bentley laid he felt provincial indications that Barrie was the natural centre or regional government in this am gave strong rapport to the argument that material work should he done here are not tort city of 15 000 We service large area We are the foal point of the region he raid Renewal 15 Wed last night at On hamwmndm the Parks Board Plan Studied SIMUDIStatlI Establish rnrnt ot reparatz parks board to look alter administration at lnnisï¬l parks ls under study hero by council committee Dlfltrencrs ot opinion have been voiced on the ml with lupportlrx suggesting separate board would be in position to give greater attention to parks development Regulation concerning restric tions on tax levies are help re viewed and other pcrtlncnt infor mation sought The chamber at commerce has shown consider able Interest and Joint meeting of oode and chamber has been proposed CONTROL BY ELECTORE Operation parts by com mittee of council beeps control with the electors An elected parks board would he preferred to an appointed body it change is to be made it was suggested In other municipaltles the parks board is made up of mostly non elected appointees with the cwnciln having mlnorllyrepre notation The counciLl make the oppointmentr and members are responsible to councils or their administration Innisï¬ls new centennial park has been the topic at much lnlcr at with its luture possibllitios yvrn emphasis The recreation and community servich commit tee of council was appointcd by Reeve Cochran to make Impeired Driver Arrested litter HighSpeed Chase lconard Martin 53 at Key wick pleaded guilty ymterday to charge of impaired driving andwas ï¬ned um Crown Attorney Thompv son told provincial court In Barrie that Martin had been charged aitcr high speed thaw north on Highway toolhrougb Barrie Nov Police had received report or car with pnsnlblr Impairv ed driver Ileadiny north Cpl 1cm Heddcir watched the highway until he suspect car had poor by at big rato ol spud and then gave chart The car suddenly stopped In the driving lane and Martin stepped out It was obvlnur to the niï¬ccr tho he was impaired said blr the matter manna commran chairman at the council continu tee now in charge of parks with Minty Reeve Allan Todd Ind Reeve Cocbrono the other mam tor hoard of park manage ment which may be made up of ï¬ve orreven member two oi whom must be coundlmemhm quiredto make the chant but the ultimate decision to up to council it was expalined act tor an all elected pom boardfand or this to be done in lonlsï¬l private bill would have to be obtnlned tennlal Park and Bell Ewart Park There are akanumeraus Ifn Innisfll rludy ol the pros and cool at brmcillor Elmer Grosso ls crs The Public Ports Act provides pcutlon mm ratapaym with least moolgnatures re There Its no provlslvn in Ihe three main Innlsï¬l parks re known as Inntvtil Park Ccn smaller park area wltlrln tho township ANNOUNCEMENT THOMAS BARTON BA LLB and JOHN MITCHELL on lLB BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS are pleased to announce the opening of their offices for the practice of law under the mine BARTON and MITCHEll Ol 35 Owen LSI Barrio Po Box Phone 12842623 Foryoutrom April 151 on our Bonus Savings Accounts Cor hum individuals from hr and near in attending YOU In invlnd to thin npeclol tuck In EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 125 St Vincent St Barrio Putar KP Hotliday Animnt Mil or the Dny Free hp at rum In mammal Aims is gram mo alarm ation