Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1969, p. 14

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CITY OF BARRIE TENDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RENOVATIONS 10 PRIMARY TREATMENT AT THE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT Sealed tenders tor the oenatnluion or restoration to trealrneru at the Water Polluti adhessedtothellayorjndalermersoimmctloilhevorpon tion at the Sty at Barrie Ontario per Mr Clerk Municipal Olflces Barrie and endorsed Commotion at Renovations to Primary IrcaIment Water Pollution Control Toronto tine Monday April Oty Hall Barrie Ontario The iian cons In and doing alterations to the Tomato arect pimping station Plain and spcclOmtiona with blank toms oi obtained at lb or at the ottite ot Gore and some Limited inanqu Engineers goo Yome Street Ilorvmto Ontario on Filly Dollars 650ml ntJsurcr ol the City at at said plans and specifications in wccks ol the date ol dosing Each tender out be aixompa able to the Treasurer equal to per cent oi the total value the tender 14 law at the City Gerkn Olfice Ontario Water Resources Camusiion the Onto IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF EDWARD OSCAR DIXON NEIILITION talc oi the Citygol Barrie in the Coun ty oi Simcoe Personnel hiana ger who died on or about the 19th day of Jnniinry AD 1969 ALL PERSONS having dairns against the above estate are required to send lull particulars ei such claims to the under signed Executrix on or beiore the 2151 day DI April AD tow alter which date the es tates assefi ill be distribih lui having regard only to claims that have then been re eeivcd OWEN ix VPSIZNGER Barristers and Solidlors Owen Street BARRIE Ontario Solicitors for the Ibraeutrix ADELE CHRISTINE NEITLE sion lnnisiil Township IV miles east oi Highway II To sell the madiinery belonging to Mrs Hanna Sditleier The list will Include Massey Fergu son tractor and equipment Massey Ferguson seed drill rubber tired wagons New Holl and balor side delivery rake baled hay and straw etc Terms cosh No reserve JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer WATCH ior lull list March AUCTION SALE SATURDAY APRIL at It am sharp Ior GEORGE CULHAM Lot Concession 12 Sunnidale Township on east side ol Sunni dale Road Iii miles north at Highway 26 at Sunnidale Com ers 0R two miles South at Ox oo Control Plant Barrie Ontario BrStumn City Tender tor the at the Barrie will be received until 450 pm iota oi constructing new grit and amen bulld ptant tumor station and the lender may my GetIts oilice th Hall Barrie Ontario payment oi deposit of Deposit dieques shall be payable to the Barrie and will be refunded upon return good Mtditioo within three wind by ntarlrcd dieque pay Ciw oi Barrie or cash deposit in arnoinl The award at the tender will be subch to the approval at the rip Municipal Board at the arm of ADOLF VON GRAFFEN at lot at Coons 13 Aucrl0N soles PUBLICvNOTICE AUCIION sAu TOWNSHIP or INNISFIL MY I969 DOG TAGS lorFliAtIKpOnfllAM Mmmmrmammmwnmuulmm AI Let Mon hlodoolr Numb one mile west of Jar rett Doreen on County Road 21nd one mile north Snle at Hoktotacoas crossbred ye ldpal Mice Stioiai and the Towedl illits and Hereford stochm mu Gorieral Store auwmmrlorlom Gen Store nu WI HOLLY HWY 27 Sdfiltgflm Services rm WSaniidlii Gminim Ge at Star nets oer comm mm PAINSWICKCampbeli General Store AUCTION SALE THORMONGelth Genaa Store Saturday April 12 THE lose RATES ARE AS Forum at 12 won for mint uuammsoll At lot conceded lnnlsril Towmlp It mile east of Mint DR miles west Highway too It Coobtown lo vorleai Sale of him oils latm maddnry beet cattle baled bay straw grain and some MisdloId elicits Terms cash ARCHER XILWILL uctioneer Male or Splyed Fermi Permit $70 0a or alter the lat day within lies tags will all times will be one till orSpayed Female $1 Feonile $900 Phone himbers Gmumn bodies AUCIION SALE penitence taller lioilrai mm an one lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted mm ghgfi GORE Ava sronnlr mum giimwcm lor SIMON or BRUIN ConsultingEngineers At Int l5 Con Noltawaso or railroads TOWN or miles north oi Emsmd flame lne Control Oiiieel lor the AUCTION SALES 53 New cWe Township will be at the Police II LEGAL AUCTION SALE fifgmgg mam Oilice in Angus Ptazlmiévm Thursday Apr Terms um Fm Wu 1000 son to 600 pm oy N0ggfi¥ggslmns at mo pin SIle Axiom comm auctioneer Mm AUCTION SALE Wednesday April 18 at 1230 DM slim Township oi arr for OVIlA DmOCIW At Lot I3 Concession l5 Tiny Box 10 ANGUS ammo Township miles north or Per kinslicld AND mile east of the County Road Sale of to head or choice beef cattle milking equipment cool er inrm machinery lead and some household eltecls Terrns cosh No reserve as the term is sold JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer WATGI lor hill list April after March Slat BRIAN GAULEY dorkTreasurer SPECIAL NOIIC Engagements hinrrloger and In hlemorinm no versel Verso per count line extra Coming Events AUCTION SALE Saturday April 19 NOTICE at ram sharp to our momers For FREDERICK KUHNE Al Lot Concession 13 Innis iil Township mile east of Due to ill health will not be doing custom welding after Ap ril 1969 it Mm matdim variety Store Handy Plan any WESMammm St era are WUROHIIH new of April oilam or babourerr oi dogs oh must be socioer attached to the do lied under Murillo the Ist of April 1969 Actual Control ottlror day came BRIAN GAULEY dork Tags Rates to increase by $100 ANNOUNCEMENTS Birth Announcements maximum to words Cards at Thanks 25 words tadditional words 6c per wor including New Holland grinder mixer and Massey Ferguson self propelled combine truck approximatdy 300 pigs FDtall lbs cools welder um eduipment halal straw some household effects Terms cash ARCHER COLIVILL auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday March 29 at VALLEYS GARAGE 12 MAPLE AVE BARRIE across the road mm Gray leach Terminal Sale of good line of house hold iurnitum including electri cal appliances dining room suite bedroom suites odd chairs chesteriieid suite piano televisions lamps bedding dishes dmpes and many many other valuable pieces Terms cash No reserve as the home is sold JERRY COUGHLIN auctioner WATCH lnr illll list April 26 AUCTION SALE Monday March 31 at pm diam lor ARTHUR COOPER At Lot Concession Ll Innislil Tolvnship on Highway 27 two miles north of Cookstolvn Complete dispersal of Holstein lions calves bull milking equipment sume tarm machin cry hay straw grain and some household effects includ ing antiques Terms cash No reserve as the farm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer JVATCH or full list March 26 AUCTION SALE Tuesday April at It am larp Ior CECIL FRANKCOM miles north of Barrie on Hwy 2527 and mile east of Mid hurst village on County Road 11 Sale of all high class Iatm ma dilnery including Internation al diesel and bat pins hair combs telen saturda 26 plionesrpiauo plumbing sup at moypmfmm piles oil tanks trailers and for HEBng WNDE film 100 At Lot to Concession 12 Tiny numerous to list You name it Tammi miles my of and we have it Holstein cattle consisting oi 12 or ARTHUR trash and springing cows 20 open yearling hellers Quantity oi mixed grain and straw JERRY COUGIILIN Saturdayr APT WATCH ior lull list April 21 at 1230 pm sharp for THOMAS LYONS Al lot it concession IO Essa Township one mile west of Highway 27 and V2 mile south ol the Ivy sideroad Sale at Ialm machinery hay straw grain and household furniture includ ing antiques Terms cash No reserve as the iann is sold JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer Watch for lull list April ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Easter Monday April Friday April 25 at sharp for JOHN COYLE At Lot 13 Concession Notto wasaga Townshi east of Stayner Sale of Shortliorn cattle pigs some household effects arm is sold starting at 1020 am stiarp AUCTION SALE for RDTHS SECOND HAND SHOP Friday April 25 on Highway 27 half way be at PM sharp tween Cookslown and Thornton Sale oi all antique furniture glassware bells School bells chimes wood tools docks ox yokes cradles anchors swords piano rolls Addison cylinder records old coins picture frames antique clothing coal oil lamps vanity dressers anti omatie washers refrigerators for LAURENCE STALL At All 23 Concession Oro one mile south of Hlyiway ll Sale of Holstein cows calves dairy equipment farm mad inery hay and straw Terms cash Farm rented ARCHER COLIVILL auctioneer AUCTION SALE PerkirLSlield and mile east Sale of Holstein cattle iOcan bulk cooler milking equipment farm machinery and some household effects Terms cash No reserve as Terms cash Noreserve as the owner is going out oi busi ness JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer PLEASE NOTICE that this is on Highway it hot way be tween the 7th and 8th conces sions of Oro tiornnerly the Ross auctioneer AUCTION SALE miles 50th amt machinery poultry hay straw milking equipment and Terms cash No reserve as the JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer gainactors 51 large sale and can not be Combine ID the farm is sold Hi hwn II th TON bolv Grocery at Wasaga Beach Point all latrupee Fraser Sate oi in lead Herelml recon Sale of cattle horses lorm ma W5 WELDING er cattle lull line larm mach chinay 500 cedar posts and SERVICE ON sAlEs inery baled hay draw tools some householdefiects Sun 33 I3 AUC an Ergo quantityni household Terms cash No reserve as the en iarm is for sale and the AUCTION SALE Terms cash Farm sold is working away Saturday March ARCHER COLWILL auctioneer JERRY OOUGHLIN auctioneer pygmygm mfiggmg at 12 neon AUCTION SALE WATCH TONI list April 16 she blfth hellsltxifixhter£n guns $8533 55223 my Saturday April AUCTION SALE ViiioiltuilmplIl nirhr gt Tomlin tor n31 imp 89 gym and Thgfsldgrflm 24 ENGAGEMENTS ighway II sr Sae yf high dag machinery miscellaneous 32 head at grade JONESMerton Sir and Mrs Joseph lanes or Pond cape Breton Non Scotti wish to art trounce the Engagement or their eldest daughter Diane Marie to air urn Airn McNeil iron or Mr and property it Cook BUD BROWN Sale of high alas modem sliiEerJtirir°riewairr wdlngtotah Vt mile east oi Bond Head on piano luonan rt lose It in household furniture including film dlmonc Highway 83 electrical appliances tools etr on inty Tm 5h its if Salt lliisrlurnituremaskali boom mgfigssdmngflm Mm brqqud new Nmontbs ago Jack Ktrnfy om 133315127 Dill orms cash No reserve as arrir announce the cntlagcntcrl LEN H0M aumtmeer the owners are returning to gtyggifggiglg AUCTION sALE England and the house is sold Ind in it poorly or Parry Sound Marriage to take place at ADIII I901 In Collier SI Varied church MARR AGES YORKLOW 0n Serum no Ilardi loss at Central tilted Church pintr by Rev lax Maritlm daughter or Mrs Kett and the late Mr irrtt to Donald sort or Mr and am your bolh oi Barrie IN MEMoalAM AN EASTER TRIBUTE To Your Loved Ones With Ihe significance oi Easter Day in mind con sider an In Memoriam as tribute to your loved ones It is benutiiul gesture of love and devotion to the memory at mother fath er wile husband daughter sun or those beyond the immediate family circle inithful friend or kin In the sincere hope of rendering belpfiul service to these who wish to select an approv priate mernorlam notice or Easter time the llassiiied lollowlnglooatlommmmtho at the protlsonsol ByLaw No EH the rates will be as ioliows 00 BRIDGE Animal Control Oificcr 7737311 REPRINTS It you would like to have re print of any new picture take by our slaii photographers please call at our huSlnesa on too We are sorry we cannot accept phone order ES CASH RATES Deaths 200 l5c per line prims on request IN MEMORIAM Gunman lovhu memory or twinlo 69111 who poem away ea Sunshine Idea ma shadows rtl But wfieet renterroam outlast Alwlyu rclnembervd by tile wile May urn ilmlly CARDS 0F THANKS CAMPBELLWe nnuia like in exgt pres our heartfelt thanks to the neighbours and friends icr the Iynipllhv and klndncsr ahown us hurt our bereavement In the loan of dear wtio and mother and express our appreciation oi the help and sympathy or air Mllrov and the member or the claw or coorrtowu Nlrman Robt Ihleuen Campbell rowanrho ramily or the lite Robert Faster with to thank nurse ut 10in Victoria Hospital ior their kind care llso special thanks to relative and rriennr for their expression of 7anLNy LEGJIEWo would like to ex tend our tincere thank to lrlcnds ritllhbouls and everyone who tent aids mane enquiries and helped none 44 shoulders new in tor nno star at Royal Vleiarin Hospital who were so kind to me during my long ally in hovpluL Thinks nveryonc Aiur and Dorothy Agate COMING EVENTS SPRING BONNET DANCE Saturday March 29 at the AF Club 79 Dunlop StW Create your own spring bonnet and loin the inn PRIZE for the MOST UNUSUAL TOM BLAKE TRIO DOOR PRIZE NSPOI PRIZES Members 31 per couple Guests $2per couple Auspices oi Ladies Auxilia AN AF Club mil Audrey RUMMAGE SALE WEDNESDAY mu 139 ORANGE HALLfBurton Ave Airspin LA to oi Illl Pickup mm or moan Maple Grove School BAKE SALE SATURDAY MARCH 29 10 arn at summations Danton St East hind raising tor Western trip BLIGHTY BINGO Every Saturday at 33 DJ COMMUNITY HALL NEW SOUTH WARD an Fraser Sutherland George Forage harvester blower image wagons seed and lertiiizer drill swather bale er roller mixer full line of tillage machinery all in new or showroom condition 70 head with no additional cost to you sold startingat 1030 JERRY COUGI in one dayl will sell on Saturday April 12 am sharp AUCTION SALE Wednesday April JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer IVATCH ior full list April AUCTION SALE MAY MAY again Terms cash No eserveas the arm is shirt tLtN auctioneer CHER COLWILL auctioneer for full list April II Department of Die Barrie Examiner will publish Spec Gill St at Bond DRILLIA ial Memorial tributes on RUMMAGE SALE Monday March 31 SATURDAY Alena MHOUR SERVICE Save hours not ill sew moth STROIID ayJims marinara ENTERTAIN CLUB Lakelands Senior citizens club entertainedthe Get Together Curb ol Barrie at their neck Iy meeting when Kt members and visitors were welcomed by pmldent Mrs Sarah Gardiner Tom Pontrm acted as MC choir of to voices with Walter Garden as leader entertained with irlsh menherfi lira Knapp sang solo and hkelands kit eben blind at to members playlt ed and had slngsong Pianist ior the day wero Mrs Martin and Mrs Owens litr Owem gave poem Thank God or Little Things tribute to Lakelands club which he and his wile have last leit as they now reside in Barrie Progressive Euchre wasenioyed by many as well as other games Delic lous refreshments were served at tables beautilul with bouqch at spring flowers with stroarru ers oi green and Shamrocks in honor oi Sit Patrldta Day SUBSTITUTING Mrs Hand baa prome ed to curry on this correspon dents news budgets for the next few weeks It you have any item tor the column please call Mrs Hand at 436485 Thank You Sympathy ol the community is extended to rs Ernest Grimley in the recent pasaing of her brother in Fort William ACTIVITY Chefs Anonymous Strand 4H Group along with their lenti ers Mrs Harold Robertson and lag meeting as bullet supper at which the mothers oi the 12 girls our members oi the Li and your correspondent were guesLs in the spacious Robert son home President Sharon Green wolcomed the guests Ioan Smurthwaitc Secretary read her notes dcllgllllul appearing buffet table was Set with varied menu at dishes prepared bythe girls Eight of the girls are but 12 years oi age the other iour not more than to Mrs Green thanked the girls or theinvitaiion and Mrs Robertson and ltlrs Fulton for the work they had put In the project TheTbird Meal IIALL HOARD Strand Community Hall board held me eting Iiiursdny March 10 Some new members had been appointed by council owing to resignations Ralph Cook was chosen chairman and Jerry Snnw will assume the see ytreasurcrship oi the board Other members are Jack Hughes Allen Marlin hirs Roy Goodlclloiv lnr VI and lrom council Joseph Cochran and Allen Todd CEMETERY Sixth Line Cemctcry Board met at the home at the secret tary IlEislllcI StewartDon nellyr Campbell was elect ed chairman for another lerrn Other members are John Cow PATTERNS Slzes ou MAGICMIXERS ewl Instant Sewing Book Mu tor WATCH JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer Barri 12738de Street cln ture 7282414 gt mason axilcrt way Mrs Fulton planned their clas your needle decorate den or boys room with horses Russian class Sub marine top photo is Shadow ed by the wing of Royul Air Force plane as the sub emerges in the North AtJan tic Ocean during manoeuvres Wediicsdayr The sub was inennnrti as Ballistic Lucas Andrew Graham Doug Reid ViIlred Stewart and Rail hen Lucas representative of the churches at Stroud Presbyteri and Lclroy and Churchill Unit ed Arrangemclits were to he made for the annual memorial service In be held Sunday June 15 at pm Rev Crabh will be asked to condict the service assisted by Rev Juan Ilunlley and llcv ltlr chiles POSTER WINS Honors were brought to Warn ica School Pninswick by Gr student Lavindn Fort who won top honors in Simone County Filo Prevention poster contest The theme Lavinila phase was than Up Burn Down showing an overloaded circuit and the result smould ering house ERATIVII Simcoe District Cooperative Services held their annual meet ing Saturday March 22 at the NEWS rf VM FORBBOYS By ALICE BROOKS be an action painter with scum Quilt Bank patterns superb quills titl cents Over one pic aniygyi ing sovurrirri TRAINS rill loge Royal at Missile type in bottom pho to Russian Rollin class destroyer turnaround and an auxiliary flail hndfground take part in the 19din Sov iet llcet manoeuvre AP Vircphoto by cable lrom Dotti dull Continental innr Mrs Wil son wns winner of Early Bird draw Following the banquet President Charles Sanderson welcomed theover 160 mem toinmcnt was provided by Noel Stockton oi Brocebridge with number of humorous original poems report oi the meeting naming directors and iutura plans appeared in the Examiner lllonilzly March 24 Se vie at sacrament ol Lords Slipper will be held in Slioud Presbyterian Church March so at pm lyiiillliili MILLS liy MRS scarr Mrs Jim Murray Toronto spent woclr with Mrs Edill Newton Lnrnc Alden Chicago visited his mother Mrs Evel ycen Alden en route to con vention in Kitchener Visitors at Ilusscll Knopps were Mrs Tiembic BI Aurora and little Janey Spielgtlt ol Barrio Mrs Tom Park entertained group nl ladies Friday nllernonti or baby shower or Mrs Ray Collins and her baby son Dont torget the spring tea and bttlro sale Friday March Residents were sorry to hear al the death of Gordon Cooncy lie was well known in this com munity having delivered bread for several years and his smil ing and silnny disposition made him malty lriends Sympathy is elxlendcd to his widow and iam iy Congratulations to Dianne Cole arid Dennis Gallant who were married March ii in Barrie Mr and Mrs Fred Znnnie are in Fort William to attend the funeral oi the Iatlcrs mother Miss Mary Jane Caughlin oi Cnnksvillc and Miss Brenda Bow man Penctnng were at their homes for the holiday week llrs Glen Wagner and lamin spent the holiday week with her parents in Delhi Mr and Mrs Doll Priest held dinner party Sunday for the Priest lamin to celebrate the dilih wedding anniversary oi Mr and Mrs Jack Priest Mr and Mrs Lorne Wilson spent last weekend with Mr and lier David Collens in Ottawa CROWN HILL By MRS DUNSMORE Mr and Mrs Howard Part ge and Blake attended Col Univnrsily oi tivltlcs to rnlsa $2500 to equip carpentry shop in Marlins Indl built with 332 in huys homo The shop was 61pm Boys love speed Wilii Vosl Glliilh MEIILbItH US IIE HALL wins that Ily trey gt ecommlimyex elllssiacnm high grade Holstein nerd and at 1230 nm sharp altl am sharp To ensuretailor memre High Street ANNE Ms or horse embroidery on niel sympathy to Mrsullairy Wright 055 Md smoke quantity tor vermED mg or HARVEYHANSONl appears at this tlmcTELE Auspices BEAVER REBEKAH lures pillows spread pattern in lliedeoth olileiIlilher Rich baled hay and grain Terms At Lot Concession West At tho Esso SciVice station in PHONE metal on WRITE LODGE No 190 SWING OUT this summer in 756 six 5th to 7oz molils mt Noble Bradford March in cash yam 591d Gillilhynblryon side Road Isl Viléageu of Angus BEFORE APRIL For pickup 72641134 or 7287522 this sparkling trio Msake sonic Mr unlitMrs Robert Wright of ARCHER OOLWILL auctioneer role nort on Highway mu garage men wit pants or dress aw iess FIFTY CENTS Coins tor Capreo were Weekend visitors miles east of runway 27 The list will include GMC ivr version in easycare cottons lin each pattern inn stamps pierer ivith Mr and Mrs Wright and AUCTION SALE fan pf mhgi glam John Deere loin ltovétruckérttass Jeep VIV an totllce Brookscnrelgli The flitciléitll the funeral or their Wednesda pi arm mac inery tneariy new 08 V9 new 5m Barrie Examiner Nee enroll gran lather Richard Noble 12 mi oil can equipment cattle rows plouglizPortaluner2iwdraullc ACCOUNTANTS MUSIC lessons Pgligi Patiern4igiNsniV run on Front or Toronto sou like worn ur for KENNETH spama 010 lacks new It dimer Wheel 16 $531 HI3 lzf Ontario residents add in Sales good crowd contributed to mm was of Elma an Tenny cam No We as he balanoer tools oi all kinds ROSE HARRISQN JESSIE BRYSON gluing alrdtfl It Vlmv tax Print plainly PATTERN suneesstnl saIe March In or my 92 Comm smughmn farm IS sold office equipment indium HEW some PM we mum re Hm 5mm mm it It NUMBER NAME ADDRESS Mr and Mrs Gerald Kenny Holstein herd and dairy equip JERRY COUGHLnt aucuonw casi reelster and many other mum Accountnt will IFf Xulnlt SIXTYFIVE calm trs ccntsi 6mm 1969 Willem Lynn Method at Guthrie it mrnl 1375 lbumilk quota No WATCH for full list April glides $323 Iflfikfiép hour niiiir iulmrvrinV in in coins no stamps please for icing disigns llnlidnyincwiiit herirandpamua pool 125 milking cows bred AUCTION elm cash use 35 um Modern methodl studio em mum 0mm mm choose tree patterns printed here Mr and Mrs Dung conus SALE is htis emm FUNERAL HOMES mm mm add cents sales tax Printl 15m 591 50 cents now Congratulations to Mr and motor pipeline milker and Fmalv April 11 Em 0° CIHLIN WWW plainly srza NAME ADDRESS gt Mrs Ralph smith viiose mnr units for 36 cows new in 1967 12 W0 Sharp AUCTIONSALE hml ANGUS ROSS BA STYLE numpm Newiubo instant Gills tinge was summoned at Cram Terms cash Catalogues avail It CARRIEORAN STECKLEY FUNERAL 91 am at Harrier mam fabulous lashions toys dccarnt IIIII unwow church Marc able Mint 21 kneesswo Vespra SATURDAY MAY HOME mam Musk Teacher Send order to Anne Adams or accessories Make it today Credit for quota gnaw Township on County Road No 31 1230 pm sharp Instruction In Plum nn muory The 1310 1MIIHIIJIU give it tomorrow Itiefll tor nil Ihoseuhe have made arrange ll half way between Midhursi or FRED FISHER AEV35ARV53 mo tutcrln in French mun and Pattern Deptum Front St occasions on cents pMN sum mcnls with owner by March or and Dalston mm concession in Essa common WW Toronto Ontario gt FORESTBURG Alta cpl Must supply owner with pmvi Sale of high class lann mach Township west side oi Cooks mm 5m 44 an Herb flick 16 135 kiv Rhett group of til high school in nus mflkstaernents Detouota 1W 3° head of beer cattle town village off Highway no Si Duquew weave selvhliuuk 60 cents dents in this 2mm 12 mm pay tor melt in equal monthly Vtmtstlr Glaciers breeding Sale oi is head oimixed cattle PETHICK EXAMINER Mimi mm Wk lathe atrhflns 5M southeast ol Edmonton has de payments it you are stripping min endgame household eu sows pigs out line oi nirru qu so Bargain Quilt Book1 has 16 clded lo cut down art school ac moguls mitkthe additional ects1 mammary hay in mm FUNERAL HOME PM beautltul patterns on cents tannin withusubsequent larger Terms cash No reserve as the and some household effects Qtspel oI lbouilhtiul Service 231ml ehdqueslvillpay inr itself tam is said 15 patterns on penis school In the so raised by the reviotls year

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