REAL ESTATE INCDME PROPmTY This duplex has to be seen Ex cellent condition both inside and out The proud tenants help keep it that way Close to hos pital and medical arts For In spectiim coll Hannah Pendnnd mm BAIUUES LEADING Hair stylist and beauty salon siluaicdin prime locality near city hall Tcn styling units It dryers 1t shampoo station Building tastefully decorated Iins living quarters and stntf room Ni price moon with low down payment Call Alan tnrdio 7268365 COMMERCIAL Al location in Pcrlctang Store with apartments all rented The property is clear You can arrange terms to suit your bud get lhls location properly can be used for many business purposes Call Mike hobalv 576 TGIO Midland CUSTOM BUILT AT READY MADE PRICE lTlis almost new suburban home is most unusual home leaturing extra large kitchen with teak cupboards to match Built and equipped by the oun er to prondo all the conveni ences This chalet styled home includes indirect lighting broad loom walk out to large patio with barbecue and incorpor ates fantastic view at the bay For more details ca Phil Jupp W5 POPULAR NORTH EAST AREA This almost new home with piece bath and double garage on large lot with broadloom in the living dining and more ation rooms Drapes and mir rored bar are included in the price at $131 Beautifully landscaped ltIay be seen by appointment Call Jim Stewart mm NOWS THE TILE To think of travelling and this fully furnished 19 trailer should do the trick Call lliia Hird alct just yards irom Sandy Cove Beach bedrooms large living room and screened porch its lully furnished and convenient to variety store and got course Built on large treat lot on aquiet uestent For inspection contnl Wanda Edwards 72MB $3003 DOWN Lovely brick veneer bungalow with attached garage living room dining room kitchen it bedrooms piece bath full basement miles iromBase Borden Could be VLA Call Bob Zecca Collinguood 4434030 Ilifuan Cant Marlon Newman Alltsnn Haynes Bah Wanda LAllanln vvonnn noun Your house hunting days are over home and you will agree This is bedroom modern It Single attar garage Just three miles Irom Barrie ion 65 acres Working balance bush who wants country living Fred Taylor minus Paul Penman 7238313 Charlie Read 722M317 DonCamplicil 72643243 Smith Campbell 7mm uis Realtor 33 COLLIER ST long so see it today nnninnn OLKAN CO LTD MES REALTOR lo Collier SLLIZarila 7234401 Angus 4215631 Shelburne 9234440 Wasaga Beach 429369 nitrarqu ll Lauren Pat Carter Mare Klein ilnnnal Pen James Stewart Ed Wood THROW OUT THE AflmDi large living room with fireplace piece bath full basement OPPORTUNITY AT ITS PEAK bungalow almost new double attached garage BlDWEVLL $l7500 BEDROOM BRICK BUNGAIDW close to Barrie Finished recreation room Large tread lot This one went last gtrur ninam rnmav um no raonsim no out muss msuur Lu 1TH OFT1315 land bothoornv lrlek lian may youn cry eooveme to schools Willi belch and bus route Appointing please Contact Itarg Klein ml IF VIEW IS FOR YOU year of negotiating has pro duoed thin hall are building lot in fairytale setting out of Barrie The advantages of this location will boeruoyed daily as you lnolr out moon miles of rolling countnsldr Priced for an immediate re sponse at $1000 Please direct your enquiries to Peter Mouton CHOKE MXATION Only steps from the lake and minutes from Barrie Good year round home on nice lot with right of tray to beach Featuring bedrooms famibi size kitchen garage now wir in and forced air furnace The asking price is $15000 For fur ther particulars call Pat Car ler 62099 No toll charge 0310 FULL Pitta Clean cute convenientknnuld describe this bedroom home Location New Inwell bow taxes lryyour down payment Cali Harvey or Anita 8th at $0735 BEEF FARM Sunnidale Township near New Lowell zoo acres flat level land Good barn nine bed room home with finished rec room Vendor llill letteback firstmortgage ntth good terms For further particulars call Dolly Marie 730674 evenings or man days low Down Centrally located older home could be duplexed Large lot and double driveways make It adaptable to this purpose Call Yvonne Rowe at 737211 to appointment DONT BELEEVE IIl But you illuheo show you thirbargaln Cozy Zbedrpom homeontree covered tz acre Your mm ï¬reamwnnd beaver dam Let me show this unusual property Full price $36m $2000 donn Call Alan tardle 7268465 or 42 BEDROOM HOME This is beautiful spacious 29 storey older home that has been completelyrefinished in side Situat iustoulside oI Barrio u1thmore than an acre of land which has garden and fruit trees very good lo cation close to shopping plaza and school This homelis tainly worth while looking For further details in Martin 7266003 Midland Smith mfltnlun One glance at this beautiful it Look at these advantages dining room and Electrie heat 72oIBBI REALTOR acre farm with excellent brick good bank barn and pastime ideal for Emily Dirt oi Realtor ONLY $11301 Ear thin oosy bedroom bungalow on paved road 29A Owen St 12mm 3on Empire mini or Barrie lam in use sloo Call Sammy Benlurn an an Mum mm new BRICK auxunmw ready more into situated in Richard Dick Beer 7W Mortgage funds available TELEPHONE 7284430 98 Baydeld street Mortzale Fluids Available mam In no treedStinni nussm suns max amcnmw laminar FRANK NELLES PhntoN ï¬ltlmm cardamom am back split buntion close now AREA in ammonium Ideal 5SHEL 54 registered Jerseyenttie 516 house in good shape so fertile Monthly income of $300 yields street Better hurry this is the Higgottrtms W7 Frtmrs nhD so men barns 12 room Itarotdnavismiota riioro ilis new worst smear Jusr om ZHARiOiLD totsIns Spencer Thornton ass9 gammy Pguaï¬gg Irv ragtigscgoï¬ndindhmshed recreation room bath Items call Ed Sgfl MEMBERS BARRIE CRANGFIVILLE TORONTO BOARDS Betty bfelnwlleatnnn flit2101 in Re no mom AAItN mostm Marguerite Monro mazes Sm CAMPBELL EALNATE WED armors noun PHOTO IIILS REALTOR iflWéckvgï¬rr Chute 1552 Bl DUNLOP ST 718738 7W LOW Hm Cali HarveyWeber OOtMfllTERS WE road miruhovranmsmsér cotamowoont emf nlceh llniQied mention roan with bar and dining room with nnllrto nit broodiotm priced rlnlt It OnlI wholl to Mil Gammon lolnion partial swEL highway Good looting barn at 155 with mill lï¬llpng equllxnent hayand feed liltltdgd in purchase price Agood wmd operation DennlsItigxott 705 7W7 IRIPLEX magmas hrld onIot 76 xioounoned itll liinex2=eliemléoni Filthrooted to my loodtenants Nice treed location onl so acres House and barn 06 97 acrcs taunt falm land Tios ino aces House and barn Sunnidna i5 acres tHobby farm good house and burn Poo For iurtiier information on theseiandolher inivnlLst than new area bedroom briik buntalw with attached garage in good residentinl area Tims home is in emitent conditionide lush large finiéied well landscaped mer enjoyment Call KenMlllx linganw in the country on paved close to highway 100 Bending view of country hills combination livingdiniog room 9on on feet mauve irons Plenty oi cioeetspace kitdion attached garageroreed residential street Gard Spencer ANGUS ilerer the home bedrooms andtpieoe bath lot Priced in ull Int $5500 Call Harold Gihao vnth mount piece bath and vanity Large living room and dining area may close to amazement andn1lirppingr lanolin initiate mt rsrara IiightnoftRoad lb milk quota stucco level acres on paved road Just0H nun do OWEN 9T 7252135 MORTGAGE MONEY nVAlLiaLi Photo Ills Realtor BUY rivo ion moons on btn investment as biggest bartalniri Barrie Dennis FA em plus many other ientures SPLII ENTthv eer hungalotvnni art Choice ol color GE in rows gt GUESI iiousn $7500Kllose toLaite Smcoe gt atie lots of sleeping aezom mediation turostted Contact TOM and DOROTHY FTIZSIM MINSOiurchill ILKEEHNT $6001 Ownerbult rey nhnninurn hiding mth lniga sundectr balhrooms8bed reornshlerge living room hit chen utility room wellinnula ted aluminum itormp and nereeiis electric heating tnste fully furnished benutifulyiew Contact TOM and DOROTHY HEW chill 436 neznmOR AREA REERESF ATIVES Hancock Barr Colbotlnle Stroil 4364351 Torry Stevens Emvalejlilw Ernest Witt Bairle 7284203 ialhmnmron avain TORONTO 12 45733333 Gibson Willodghby MILLER pliNLQl or lot will altoth Jim Previously hardware store ustorey building sire 336 40s NrwJorcedtnir furnace largo garage Irrunediateposs eslion Asking price only 99 400 with terms INVESTMENT PROPERTY in acres more or less with néemmogutlftdemh Amazon ontaoen ant nit oilihaat Incatedongood my mind waltfing distant 50¢ from lake Very reasonable with terms moron IDlTanCTnE WHOM In TheuDislinetive Selectloliof sunldciamsd dwellings on Orlr Street n1th combined living and dining area bedrooms modern lril oban gloss stir diets out or breakfast nook to future patio builtlo gar now nearl eomiicllon IF YOU ARE LOOKING for larger home you should see this one bedrooms lull suite dining room Spacious living room family sized kitchen finished recreation room baths double paved drive litany extras nBEDROOM BRICK HUNGAIOW in Barries East end Angel stone fireplace in living room front kitchen Bus passes door Ideal retircment home Call us for an appointment TO storm AN ESlAmz bedroom home acre of land Minutes lrorn Barrie For ulterrnation on this or any of the above properties call irtv clout staff and we will bevpleased to mow you thrown unlit hard one barn you to mom in easily Han features Easily aoeessibie utility room for laundry Intent storage Located clone to idiool as null FARM on lllih concessional VespraLarge doped with losing barnand hug pen House luid miles from BarrieuPr suitable Mayer Gall Ed Donnoily howl in who FARM loo um Milne Goodiqu ll miles to Barrie OattjPeCerfribbels foryou freshlyjdecocated ready for aroom Minawith modern convenience cosy eatin kitchen with builbin and mopping Call tartan Banting completely modern lced to sell at moon Terms to working mom amen TIMIkind WT FOR SALE 0n Ilimway No 11 at £1Ithrie 75 price ï¬lm with terms 1W AGEE FARM Junnidate Township New bedroom bungalow oil lied Alum rise JIlt mies om tayner A8kinl PriceN5°0° Mertuge easily used érNotiiing Cleans Like PROPERTY iron sate INESON Toni Faster ES iBARRIElIEW SUBDIVISION South end of Barrie IO DIFFERENT PLANS Iiea 7260726 WiDiek Hartley 7757973 CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers DJ Durilop St Phil 731 on low monthly payments mortgages IAHEI MARSHALL rrennoa tirima ztzranA 1255117 at inrrm sitiril QWHllE Appraisals Listings invited Elva illus 7453149 30 VlIITE 39770 iieal Estate Ltd Broker SD HAYFIEJLD Sl SPECIALIZING IN RURAI PROPERTIES Evenzngs can Bill Raun Shoot heekhuizcn Diet Dra er Dre Deiwsrla 7268366 ANDY ENGLAND ERI DEW iAP moses Weinre skilled in our Anrtinnce SERVICE SIMPSONS sanns sun to ndvlln Ill their cuitomeri out the urnin catalogue order fee department Cultomerg my net the toilowinr lmlflrieu lervk Automatic washer and dry wringer wornm dllbivlsberl miternon Hulls rne rln es Unit oanbelewlcttthy our rm meneltber in too norevor they can an it on home with lolly equipped trucks Most in vmnty rm oln be non here malntnlnn nut stock Customer with out 01 worrmty unit can mu undue it very mannablemu lor turnin information either elll lnforsoh Simpsonsears in our st cut or phone mom no1 Isl for to lervlen about in SHEET METAL tlonlnl exhnult lylteml eavel troughint rreu ennuitn mum MOWER REPAIRS COMPLETE Sana engine and lawn mower SALE AND SERVICE HAHN EGJPSE Loom and garden equipment MADIGAN MOWER SERVICE 17l Burton Aye vanliar RUG CLEANING SIMCOE CARPET CLINIC Professional carpet and unhol atery cleaning IN YOUR HOME or in our MODERN PLANT 252 HURONIA ED PHONE 1234761 navssrnoucnlno NORTHERN EAVFSTROUGHING 487212 Oro Continuous One Piece Bonn crucial macaw Plth Evening 235446 IVAN BIDWELL mom iriiixscqaLgIW $233 moon Ltow Lilly mm nomiNancvnieKErvzm 7285316 Larry DeWildo mozaz mm an Miller 72am Eavestrough mu tit nnd 2nd mortgages moonsd huy your present lit and and MURANS mii homo mu TZIMTI lIllS Realtor loo Hayfield 7281071 728451 Tits Realtor TALL Us 3F Prompt Attention CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE own an In an leDllIn new all heating ventilation Ikondi ntomu Mutton tumult10l ml ESTATE LIJTORPEY SHAAIY BAY Reallï¬stnln Broiler EXECU llVE To hungt meta hum atyln brick muzn room our bro ol on throughout snirmnlnI room and IV bathl In rm in eggr fen Clcle tounmRnalnd Don in use 00 ll price tum vSuhatlnttal om garment Carrtex for use monthly cici intemt the semi netciao IIIMum IBDRoollhomo with attached mute on 000 02500 per month Tel honn atom bclt than Ind or tumor omit cooknroer bedroom home oil out otm nun larle irit then llvllllmom dlnlrig roani Close to unconfni Reasonable Telephone Lienu or new Ilousr torJale and to be moved rron property Ttltphonemllli 015 FOR snLE Lois non sou SERVIGED tot fronts on two streets quiet area Icipse to schools 77 ilunlliiv memoir ncal Estate 17734422 Barrie Toronto FendenTalls Innate urnIo acre loLt rtver ulro illgnway 21 am n2 moan Toronto Mm pvt DING lots foraale Well an ed ma drained Fonfurlher tnIinlnluun Telephone maul 5t lner PROPERTY WANTEDV emolum need bedroom lou tor eilnnt vllth no lo run Mull va ma dining are me garage Ent end preierred Call Irene Forbes representlnl ilmlo Forster nuztorn 72mm nous ninteo tobuy ni nia rooms full basement preferably with nrage III or elm In Barrie PROPERTY FOR SALE 7W1 nnbned brbllloomed um foot lot In lie Almll will wry in ms LtliGll commercial lot priced to sell Donner lots and cottages available itsftii Want am ESTATE MollLE HOMES 513mg HENRY nnaniz mun mï¬lï¬ 7284294 ERICK ï¬llï¬g mun mniuhwaï¬flltall arson gt MCHE mm mm mmuuuhinmn Tm lilting Mobile Homes ma unanswered been we we minti inflow rlnu with twin oven to ltitchene mwulmmnl will culkem Glenda MW lapreetign call Ealncvlneseo Partsmatllatllansiillcl in mm Catherlnn hillno moon it RENT Cult or Terms up to to Yam ll HusMS Burton Ave moist msunance MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage ol any kind STEVENSON gt pool iii nunwr so mull dead Undunm owll Irlg Cllv llmlh Clue iinmiilsinlngirlginn Air and aim nun Mortgages 3333 MORTGAGE 73 BETTER BULT HOMES BY 0N Latin coucmcmo udtlh FOR MORTGAGE hm coon some Dona nonzn ALEX isanarrur mans ititiklntltï¬iifuiï¬ gums mm mm Attractive Year round home ilï¬qludlliefih litid 7me lesVCall Manhattan mrm tiniilsiityltigvhligi Mum mmggmm ltEDUQEI unmour properlyt BROKERS ASSOCIATION moon Immdifl possession this tr oml dorm older Photo III Realtor £333 lwmb med our members inyournrea horno money remlei beam in new torvmr Dimer mum EAST At on an Points Phan mssu nunu ii ll MORTGAGE runnmo arm self contained unamenu one betidan one bedrofrn omena eohon Ore maul 129 Dunlop so East Very central own by nmointmentonly out Mm Slan FRED EP EVENINGSCALL caonon EDWARDS em gt LETI mom cans nocans new ï¬xï¬eflrlvzegrnLï¬ nag E3 Sundcrland on to ac in 7232379 min4 ummifl Salli 1st and 2nd mm WM Mortgage Loans Anywhere ANNE mamas 51 ï¬ltï¬dfldiï¬iféti °coiritnillfniidliliros CANADAS REALTORS mum All am ties mails fqgg3fflgï¬ï¬ 90 or VALUATIONS mmv FARM If You Need Money oeolnildtlta dehlan ax no umrm Jmlnr ou 4m Improvements Anv wrlhwhlll cairn Write or Phone 72641031 Mortgage Funding over SimpsonsSears 11 DUNLOP ST Me bar Ontario ilorum Broken Annexation IMMEDIAIEW MORTGAGES AVAILABLE Ito pay offaccumnlated hills lur home improvements for family vacation to reï¬nance present mort gage Oor any onrthnhile purpose MORTGAGES be arranged on 905 at the appraised value of your home and amortized Over 15 years Call the mortgage mauaeer at AVCO DELTA REALTY LIMITED 7260285 no mo an ilonuurn nu run available to ourchasr do We will llnd ou rronev on vour mnrt Funillnv 71509IMM mu mom rmsn mnrtglxe reoulred only our value mo covenant In Barrie Lo slim first Ino nge for property 215 miles from noun meellent valun Owner wnun to my roin interest rate nm detail cll monster mun Harold romanc nun our usual evenings mom Want Ads Donl Possesrlon ypmxlmakly iuiy RSTlv ervice and wi ive you INSULATION coon Stimulant Vlim Wintm Blowing method by expertl Rooflnl 71mm DRESSMAKING IllHS Alum Ind llilnufllll perfect Reasonable mu reu Dhflnl mum town TROUBLE cleaning guaranteed year Vibrograt regulating machine ease and band polished regular round crystaLv replacedfree FAST SERVICE WILLIAIIIS JEWELLE RS 66 Dunop mm REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON mioanmoiv salmon ionVery remitbio cur lrlc mom in lrea mmth uomnmo worn to Telnoon Seort link mm to PLASTERING no JOINTS v0 Loans thhlnl and olaalertn loll work winter no5 Show may Alro remourit MONTH kiln Pickunui delluriiuoaii CostThey Pay SMALL ENGINE SERVICE BAYSIDE SMALL WGENE CENTRE Ehtpert repair service to all SMALL ENGINES Authorized sales and servicefor TOM GRAVELY DAVIS Lawn and Garden Equipment umsrncnon wamrmvma you 7mm HANDYMAN soon fol the job you havebeeu Wilb irincn its Hlnry at mom WOOD REFINISHING MDDIRNAnliouo retinlsnlnr tin divldunl places hldxooin ailliu no any 72M or mom to have done Proprietor IL LATHE WORK LATHE WORK custom or production lathe work XIIWfllblv priced Clll Al ARTHIT magma we alter on PHONE moo RENOVATIONS BUILTILNG rnuonty lufeï¬or dee ROOFING ROOFJNG TYPES SIGNS Tar and Gravel ooivninocun Truck Lottring Prompt Krill master Itllme Shmgles so vearl expenrnn mlill Hamgm canpsrmo HEUGATILE CARPET GORD EVANS forB mmercllal aï¬duresldeiitiial Wor 4364543 Freeiqliiforinntlonennd Mist smudl nwivs Einnnniilri snnvmn NflPlEl SI 7257131 iiouro Illnttnl lntlrlor and in FURNACES loRClfl Ilr umeel designed and and oftieb nl extata united tor eeonomrfl ire entirutev Coniuu airml WrinGIJJ IRONING ll nuirtE 165 Wellington Street West THE BARRlII PLAZA