mm was ml theme of last nights dessert bridge Mid by the Kcmpchfelt Chapter of the Imperial Order Daugh ters of tho Empire in the Army Navy Air Force Hall on Dulb lop St Lovely costumes of foreign land were worn by number of the members Shown above are Mrs David 57W fl WWWWWAYWMM IODE BRIDGE Costumes Depict Travel Theme Colorful costumesworn by members at Kcmpcnfelt Chap tcr imperial Order Daughters of the Empire at last nights Dessert Bridge addcd nuthcn ticib to the Travel theme of the dupters annual sprlagpro jact The costumes depicted those worn by the natives of in Argentine Pakistan Trinidad Mexico and India Bright posters and original paintings by Mrs Cari Marshall they on the left and ills Cameron on the right Pictured below are LEIi 10 RIGHT lisl Floyd Grab hach Mrs Volieudcn andllrs Vcst Minister Addresses UCW At Collier United ChurCh Collier United cnumn Women were prlvfleged to have as the speaker at the March meeting Dr James ll Finlay associate minister of the Church He chose as his subject The Sign ot the Cross and led in thoughtful meditation on the signiï¬cance of the Christ of the Cross Because of Christs sup reme cacrirloe the speaker said every Christian shouldbe pre pared to seekways of showing concern or the sufleringfl tie emphasized the importance to the sick and elderly at regular visitors from the church Dr Fullay reminded members of the tlrst shut ins Sunday held at Collier United in June of last year At the time many church and civic organizations Potatos Provide Vitamins Minerals Yes pomtoes do provide cal ories but so does every other food Home Economists at Mac donald Institute University of Guelph say that potatoes are nt considered high caloric food the gravies and sauce served with the potatoes do the caloric damage Potatoes are one of the least expensive everyday foods Cook ed properly they can be an ex cellent source of the vitamins and minerals needed in the diet Potatoes can be used as garnish for the main dish Mash potatoes with little hot milk butter and salt and pep per and form them into ring on serving platter Fill the can ter with colorful creamed veg etable Or try making swirl pat tern of mashed potatoes on top ot meat base at tomato and ham burg This is called shepherds pie and makes anexcelleln sup per dish Serve with crisp tossed salad and colorlul veg stable such ascarrots which are now in plentiful supply FORESTS EXTENSIVE Canadasforms attend in an unbroken belt 600 to 1300 miles wide from the Atlantic to the Pacific IIJ co operated to bring over 100 elderly or handicapped shut ins to special service in Fellow ship Hall similar service is being plan ned for Sunday June this year and the UCW has been request ed to help with arrangements Dr Finlay was introduced by Mrs Tyson and thanked by Miss Jean Gnodiellaw The Onward Unit was in charge of the meeting and two of its members Mrs Mare shalland Mrs Hallyard led in an Easter devotional based on the cross Miss Baldwin sang All in thehpril Evening ilrs Ross Stephens conducted the business session report of the Simcoe Presbyterial was given by Mrs Kearsey who al so reported on her attendance at the official opening of the new United Church manse on Rama lndian Rcscrvc near Oriilial Through nnations lrorn churches oi the presbytcry this house has been decorated and furnished and will be the resid ence of Dr Norman llaoKenzia when he takcs over the llama rcharzc later in the year Dr Mackenzie former missionary in lndia China and Alrica spoke in Barrie during the Simcoe Pres byterial held in Collier Street United Church spam promos Mrs Millet Salter convene oi the UCW sprlng oiect Fasb HURSDA ion Furnishing 69 plans for the event which will be held April 23 at 130 pm Following dessert and coffee demonstration of interior design will be directed by Mrs Eleanor Brown of Toronto one of the foremost decorators in this ï¬eld in Canada Tickets are limited and should be obtained in ad Vance Announcement was made of new family camp to be held in August at Simpresca Cnmpnear Midland This camp will provide families with an enjoyable and healthful holiday together or nominal sum COME 10 TUE Annual lions SPRING BAlI nn FRIDAY MARCH 28 Presidents Cocktail floor it pJn EMBASSY HALL Barrie Dunning to the FOUL HARMONIC ORCHESTRA film will be buffet and corners for the ladies Dress opflonai Adm per couple Phnite 7285975 SPlAi PEi Porirorsw as Fon29r BEEF PORK WHOLESALE FOR FREEZERS DYCKS Fflflli IMARKET 150 Collier St Phone 7295339 outlined and Mrs Margaret Childs car ried the travel them throughout the Army Navy and Air Force Halt where Mrs Rr Rollo sun convener and Mrs EL Cameron llrst viceregcnt re Cubs Win Trip To Manitoulin Island White Den of the lst lnnlfl Wolf Cub Pack was the winner of trip to the Wlirwemikong Unccded Indian Reserve on Manitoulin island Each weak points were awarded for inspec tlon conduct and games Members of White Den are Michael lennox six Chris Sheard saconde Robbie Beauohamp Doug Brewster hlinhucl hiacKcnlle and Denis Tomkinson Stephen Neely sea for Iixer and Bobby lnljnhull also attended 0n the reserve all the boys were billeted with Mr and Mrs Andrcw Maoitowahi The cubs attcndcd cuboree arranged by 1st Vikvtemikoog Wolf Orb Pack which was forrm ed by Ralph Rowe present cub mate of In lnnlstil while he was stationed on the island with the 0P An erdlange vint is being planned APRIL WEDDING vows The engagement of Miss Dorothy Margaret Bibby to Nicholas Joseph Owen has been announced laythe bride elects mother Mrs Robert Bibby oi Barrie Mr Owen is ceived guestl Mn Cameron was attired in beautiful nranza colored costume embroidered in gold thread the native dress of Punjabi West Pakistan special guest Miss luei Jo Yang student nurse or the REyOlul School at Nursing Bar rie attended dressed in hcr na tire costume of Seoul Korea and song llow Gleat Thou Art Assisting Mrs ltolioson the general convener were Mrs Vollcnden who convened the dessert tables wiLh the help of hits tiolfenden Mr theler was in charge servers The kitchen was coo veiled by Mrs Mlgee Mrs Kittnler and Mrs Cameron presented the prizes or the annual lODE Mora hon Bridger First prize mixed couples llr and Mrs it Schnarr second Mr and Mrs Johnston Ladies first Mrs West and Mrs Lili inglon second Mn Patten son and Mrs Stoliar Hidden score Mrs Dcanand Mrs Eollasoo DOOR PRIZE feature of the Dessert Bridge was the many door prizes awarded throughout the ovealog Vlnncrs includedz Ellen Hellï¬ lriia Aune Donovan Delores Gleason Mrs Jack Stollar Mrs Verna hing Elsln Cotton MEX inevBristow Waiter Fry Lola Sm lh Elizabeth Harvey Della Hill Annie hilly Mnrshaii Eliz abeth Lanlmlon Mr hicElwaln Dorothy Faddcn Lil MacDonald Gladys VanderbeeKWln Ellis Mrs Harry ColesFiora McGreg or Thelma Gibb Flora Eroley Verdo Wilson Mrs JoanStev ens Mrs Maude hletcalfe Joyce Thompson and Norma Bar The Lions of Barrio have planned aomethiagrpeclol for their Spring Ball whichis to be held in the Embassy Hal this Friday night Alter lha presidents codtaiihour from SPEAKING Social noiel unintended to cover the lencnl social life of the city Distrifl weddlnll parties travellers And vlslton are all items of Interest to readers of this plgc Your help in supplying this new will he unity appreciated Pluto phone The Dania Ex aminer 1256531 and ask for Audrey Conllon or Slbyi Rm belt at the Womens Depart numb VERMONT HOLIDAY Bill Bell spent the school who ter holiday in Stowe Vermont with Mr and Mrs Alan Mos ahd family of madam Guests at the same on lodge included John and liarhm Barrie and Mn and Mrs John Davidson of Londonxilrs David son is the former Gloria Thump son another former Danielle mu ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Russell Hill at Rodncyst celebrotnd their 40th wedding anniversary at fam ily dinner party held at their home Guests attending were the couples daughters and their iamilies ltlr and Mrs Gordon McAuleynnddaughlers Patti and Healher of Toronto Mr and Mrs Maurice Coutts son tan and daughters Barbara and Joan Cochran and the celebrnots daughter in law and her fam Mr and Mrs Stuart Whit lield and daughters Kelly and Kyle of London Ont Othar Guests included Mr and Mrs Marshall Laughrenof Toronto Mr and Mrs Hill were mar ried in Ottawa on March 23 the son of Mr andhlls Frank Owen of Aicnrla Beach The marriage will take place April 26 at noon in St Marys Roman Catholic church Bar rie Photos by Favero with fodm head Save time and tedious hairdoing with fashion mg of 100 Human Hair Achoica arisolianshades long to he styled in the most fashionable coiffureto sill you and your mood Nunstho cover NEW you 53 DAYSIONlY COMPARE 1995 SAVE llo7 flmewdb 1929 Belore taking up lc dance in the Barrie area in 1951 the couple spent 17 years at Lar derLairo lathe Kirkland Lake district HOLIDAY GUESTS Mr and Mrs George Greer oh Mountbatten Rd nined their son in new and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Nell Scott and family ofGananooue during the school holiday other guest at Broadfoot oi Ottawa formerly of sin 10 pm there will be dancing to theFoutllarmouic Orchestra The tour piece group provides more than rho ate it Is bitiedai comedy cabaret act Among the places THE PotllliliRMoillCDliCHESTli they have appeared are the Royal York Hotel Beverly ltllis Hotel and Case Lama Refreshment facilitieswili no available and bullet served There will be corsogoslfor tho ladies present OPPEoPLE AND PLACES the Grecr home were the hos tess brother and sister lnlawq Mr and lilrr Morley Craig and children of Chatllom and lili and Mrs Norm Payne and iam lty of Dakrldgc AT KINGSVILLE Mr and M1252 Powell nl Codrington St spent part of the school vocation period at Kings ville where they were guestso Mrs Powells mother Mrs Nel lie llnckctt At the weekend the Powclis en tertniocd their son and daughter in iaw Mr and Mrs John Pow ell and baby daughter Lia oi Waterloo in Powell leach or at Waterloo Collegiate moron mum vocmoa Mr and Mrs Robert Mitchell andchildren RohbandEiizabcth spent the school vocation period at Myrtle Beach SouthCorolina Motoring with atravei trailer the iamiiy hoildayod at Shea NOflh in thePorishHoilCook St The woodwork Windy Hill Myrtle Beach NimroUlthomnr gt Barrie rcsidcnts have return ed oftcr spendinthlreeday at the Little Tournament held ot Fallsiaa New Toronto The No nos wo he LittleNllL ah ammonia IN mEFAMmY Weddingsoro newsand we are anxious to give yonrs the best coverage possible Contact the we mens editor at an early date and arrange for your wedding story tonp pear when ittakes place MEAT OUR HIGHGRAD Tournament and went on to win the Grand Championship The following people were guestsat WestPnlnt Motel Mr and Mrs Perlrsall Mr and Mrs hill Reovlc liir and Mrs Ken Angus Mr and Mrs Gibb Mr and Mrs Warnlca Mr and MrsC Church Mr and Mrs Tamblyn and Mr and Mrs Garner APRIL WEDDING Mr and Mrs Robert King at Woodstock have announced the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Edna Lillian of nla to Robert James Morrisl son of James Morris of Ayimer The wedding ceremony will toka pace inCoiioge Avenue llnltcd urch on April 26 at zoiclock Church iYOOdstocin on April 26 at oclock in tho afternoon AIMOST NEW SALE StGllga AngllcnnCtlurch Will havd prrangelito hold in Almost New Sale on Thursday sale hours are from 139 until nnnllilvn ro lNCltEASE lttiarbecn estimated that by the end of the century the demand fo products increase 300 per cc Sand IOi nrirw biothuil which dumber all to wondermi xlmn nil caueronpnrtunftirl Von Iil ll MIWEIllliflld DMIF IlOnllhllï¬iVllSL leil may MARVEL unnurv acne Ill Bloor Tomato Dent ï¬g nr umflgln Cï¬iluidui one acn aruaunimker lo yelrl HAS PURE FRESH $AY0R leEAL ITENDERNESS AND TEMPTiNG FLAVOR FRESH LEAN essak BOLOGNA sLlcso Biavllllllvnaf BONELESS lnlllvlslliu lllllllo 489 SIDE SPARERIBS if erGAL VACV MK 79d 59 4oz hoarloil iCE CREAM 79c TRY U8 FOIL COMPLETE MEATFREEZER twillICE BRENNANSihtoll MEAT MARKET