CONSIRULEION at 5le of cabin style shelters along the nature trails in the scenlc Bruce Trail Association arcu ls extracted to add considerably To Build COLUNGIVOOD The Druec Trail Association has announced plan to construct series at log cabin style shelters at strategic locations along the popular nature trail which ox tcnds all the way from Tuber mory to the Niagara Pcnninsu la The open front rustic shelters will be basically co structcd from cedar telephone poles don atéd to the Association by Bell Canada Bell is removing many ot its Angus Delegation To Discuss Parks ANGUS Stall dEIEEation from Angus recreation council is to appear before Angus parks board meeting at the LOBA hail this Wednesday evening hiaruh 25 to dbztuss recreation pro gram for I969 They ara coming to us prim arily to see about use of the parks said Sanford Page ll glad to ca operate with the re crcatjon group The parks board area includes all of the police village and ate so an extensive part of the vic inity Essa council represents lives on the board include Coun cllior MacDonald of Angus and Reeve George Davis at run iWNOW SHOWING to more dedic complete shows pm C7 pm COMING sooN mu Id ML mmwholl no me THENIGIIT THEY IAlong Bruce Trail chairman stating the board was lily loch Flooer roidfrom dedicated lawyer slo VAN FLEETneth TAYLORYOUNG one email or one LIGHT row rtfnavomv II Iwnsluh color by nun Emma1 at mm LAST TIMES TONIGHT to ihcirpopuiarily long range plans call for shelters to be spaced about it miles apart along the trail They are about 10 feet by 16 feet in site Shelters poles throughout Ontario as part of continuing program to place telephone facilities out of sight and underground First oi the shelters about to lost by ill feet in silc is expected to he completed by early sum mer and will be located ncar ltleaford Ontario Long range plans call for shelters spaced about in miles apart along the length of the trail good day hike from each other TOURIST INTEREST Bruce irnii official statcd that while the gilt oi the poles solves one major problem others remain These Include ï¬nding suitable locations ill oi Iunds to cover construction costs and other material required difficulties in completing our plans to have one of the finest tourist attractions in the Pro virlcc he added FISH COME DEAR TORONTO OP It will cost Ontario 56000 to sell fishing licences bringing in revenues of 5250013 in the first year they have beep established the Ontario legislature was told Tuesday ltene Bnlneil minis ter of lands and forests answer ing question from Elie itiartci tNDPSlrdbury East said resi dent angling iicemcsawitl pro duce rcvcnue of $2150000 and nonresident licences $1100000 ml AYSONLY ated dropout Palm man More Mlilxvs Frenchs Corners it was airman However we foresee no major ELIVALE Staff bomb or community when Tay finy Pins and hledontc borders meet Waverley west of Elrnvaie was known in the pioneer era as by old record here Church records show that Wav erley United Church was regiy tiered as Frenchs church It the registry office in liarrle before Confederation The Bench Church group was listed as part of the Cralghurst misled in 16 Thc prmot name of Waverley was adopted about rm and the church was transferred to the Hillsdale circuit ï¬rst meetings of the church go back to log school house just west of the present church with Wesleyan Methodist mis sionary conducting services Later Waverley became part of the enlarged circuit which air so included Hobart Vascy and Hilisdaie The congregation became part of the United Church of Canada on June in I925 when numerous Presbyteria and Methodist churches were united other notes said an organ was SAVE 19c SWIFES Beat or Irish Spaghetti With SAUCE McLarens Stuffed ZOLIVES CAKE MIXES Ciuh norm man ammo svrnrrsr UNIONS eraroam Maple 1m Mild Wu Maple rut Lightly colored Bank Sale price to the publieir 99V per cent of nominal value7 Cod RINDIESS BACON mmnrinxammwnoumav marginss lWaverley Border Community Once Called Frenchs Comers installed in the church in 1911 during the pastorate of Rev liar old Toye The first electricity was installed In 1933 Before tint daytime services were held At night the church was lighted by lamps Jean and aro spending the holiday with their grandpan Mr Mrs Sid CI MOUNT sr reins Cindy Clark Oriilil and arir itlr and Mrs Clark motored to liaiitmrton to visit Sids father CITY Mist3 MONEY MONmEAL tCPt The City at Montreal has completed or rangements for the sale of 2o year sevcnpcreent debenture ssuawaiued at momma or nadlao fundsto Frankfurt bank Lucien Sauiniar chair man of the citys executive commhtea said Monday the do bentura issue will be handled by syndicate headed by the Ber liner imz ms Vierws 299 SAVE 22c BOYaARDEE JAR 3P99= Mush rooms am we hope paclf Manzanilla 12 on in savn eel rmsaunr mm CREAM 2i89 gt Jar Red Moroschino Cherries 53c URANBES 99 MILD SWEET SPANISH NO PKG OF 35 Handeloniisnlarf SCOTTOWEIS Saran Wrap cusp Refreshing 69c SKINIESSWIENERS 49clll 79th Jack anoghuc 55 of Ottawa Monday was named director of public relations and information services for the energy mines and resources department hlr Donoghuc native of Kingston was director of public relu lions for the Canadian army Since 1965 he was assistant dl rector of information for the manpower department save 6c so PT sou PLUM CEUNCHY GREEN PEPPERS 2225 FROZEN FOOD m5 14 3min Ha pkgr iIiKll Llner Cooked cm Tillers 89¢ Fish Sticks arsuuNlollLr tree piantlog program along Suuuldule roads is plann ed by council headed by Rcova Lloyd Pridbam ltccve lrida ham is inunediale past chair man of Notlawasoga Valley Conservation board tExomin er Photo HEADS Ill DEPT TITANI C11 John 35 JVHALHUE cchKof lunarsf STEAKS GROUND BEEF CHUCK FULL CUT ROUND OR ROAST coorro HAM awuu Eroohllid SKINtESS SAUSAGE Allister WI Makes Spring Meeting Plans ALUSTON Sufi com munlty minded organtution which was responsible for estab llshlng Allistons public library the Womens institute ls making plans for representation at the South Simcoe spring meeting which is to be held at Benton on Wednesday May 2i Mrs Marguerite Knipe heads the Alliston Womens Institue and other main officers include Mrs Corrigan and Mn Harry Burns as vice presi deuts lira John King secretary and Mrs JCameron treasurer Disriet director lotto will be among the delegates going to the Bceton meating is lira Me Mulktn with Mrs illancey as alternate PRIOR TO WAR Dating back to the era before World Wr the Ailiston We mens institute is amom the old or branches in the district but not the oldest Cookstown was formed in rm Old recordr show an effort also wasmade that year to orgaan branch to Ittiiston but It lacked sufficient membership Another effort bout it years later met more success The Womens institute was responsible for erecting the prcL scrlt library building on the main street in 1923 This phase of its extosivc community program has been particularly commend ed 701 TUNA FISH PAPER TOWELS Save lo INABISCO CEREALS mm Save l4ci Caramel Chocolate LenionEanana Cocoanut 901 pkgr MONARCH Sponge PUDDINGS BEST BUYI SAVE 3icl SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY KRAFT PEANUT BUITER awn mung than or SHREDDES 120 pkg 3oz No Jumbo Stalks ME 27 Value 2c of Pack 14oz tina 204 ii SPIC SPAN Save 1oz Reg Pkg Special 63c Cash your 70 coupon cl tube Pepsodent EliLat mi I3 Special sans Flmliy Tube rags Pepsodenr 89c MAKE THE MEAL BETTERI Maple Leaf Mild Cured amt Pickled Cryovac llalm COTTAGE ROLLS Maple Fresh Slidcdx hlrn Stuart is in charge of Mile relation on the current executive with Mn Merrctt Necdsrnuir carrier and also health coovcnor Historical re search convener la Mrs ltayte while Mrs Lahing ls home economics convencr mum convauaua Mrs latimer ts agricul ture and horticulture convencr and hits Jockon Ir courther for Canadian iudustrtcr rm Biabee is citizenship convcuer and Mrs 11 Petermln educa tion eonvener Mrs Corrigau ls pianist The card and flower convcucr Is Mrs Townsend Also on The second would you bring mz JARS tthHPECTIN i99 TWIN ROLL PACKAGE 99s for 99¢ for 996 ABC DETERGENT Powdered PrePrioed 99 an Economy Pkg COMET CLEANSER 2m437= 52195 IIEALTII AND BEAUTY FEATURESE 69 Ill 59o 49c your payment avu BEST EUYI SAVE 12c YORK FANCY QUALITY KERNEL CORN 5399s save UP To 46 AYLMER JAMS or JELLIES 5599 BEST BUYI HiVALUE BRANDYELLOW CLING SLICED PEACHES 99 BEST BUYI SAVE SOLID WHITE CLOVER lEA BEST BUYI SAVE lScl 1202 1le aooz 1le TINS WHOLE FEATURE WALKERS NESTLES QUIK JAR CRISCO olL Whole CITY TAX iNSTALLMENT installment of 1959 Real Taxes for Ward is due by APRIL 1969 or mail complete iax Notice with JAGGES City Treasurer aonus BUYI for 99c WERE CUDNEY Potatoes Saltinevs 35995 REG 59c VALUE 5c MAPch lLE TENS save Sci comm BEE Hlvacom Ii SYRUP 39 am rel 2402 bottle wtfll the purchuac of flcncral Electric Lamp Bulbs 4060400 Wltt It regular prioe SIRLOIN WING mo raoa FREEZER FILLER SPECIAL PORK the historic rcuarch committee are hire Lorena and tin it Pearson The area convention for Sun coa County will be held at Stroud next October and on NAME DEPUTY WASHINGTON Rollers President Nixon Monday named uGCIL Willarn il Reason to replace Gen Andrew Good patcr as depldy US mul mandcr in Vietnam Goodpaster is being rcassignedna ruprcma Allied commander in Europe flossona 50 currcntly ls plans and policy director for the Joint Chleisci Stall in Washington Property Mandala TOMATO JUICE um Tina Feature Jello JELLY POWDERS 3411 girls I0 for 99 not rrus 6599 lsUZ PKGS 2399