Pttbiishod by canalt Wllll Publisher 16 Hayï¬eld Street Ba Nvii pm Limited OMllto William ruler perinatalnow McPherson Managing Editor nisro General Manlio Bronte today questioning our the common defence later be heath that ailillegeonsid nonmy an tutill iasterPearsouNcooceivo or which Ptem Trudeau will abaodo about NAN minority it would not be dis Iimus Canada withdwi llom thc North Atlantic Alliance which Pearson brilliantly coir ceivcd 20 year ago Canada contributes only two per cent or the Wests military strength in Drape and that collective do fence would be sustaian by other countries increasiu their own burden to cover Canadas detection But politically Can odas withdrawal would be dis astrous the Kremlin would in terpret that as evich of weakening resolro among west ern nations aligned against the worldnude advance of commu This lstbe contaminated from Mllerecord talks which gt have just had here inBelgium on nith NAm Enema Coni Thusohatmaybedooenideo mandor Gen lcrman um logical partiism in Canada baa altaq and NATOa Secretary made good Dog and tie rod crcat withtaudiaasedors generals and our allies Metal mandating most oi Canadas reputatioan milk the traction totmin the North once in world moods was at Atlantic Treaty Organization cannon mm mm Canadas friends within NAN or mounted the NAN shield against the spread at commult rlisnr and raw thldr be mam their cd but today Cone the manner of our governments me we pariah pm am nrcc my snag lgï¬kndgï¬goyde The argument torcomplcte trieodahl an Image as me good Canadian withdrawal from NATO or oven for bringing our Non ï¬nest gangs troops home from Europe are duty that the Russian threat has di our puma1 minlsbed and that Canada now right time or such mid Mn Dem review since the Nottn Atlantic mm by Wm my ï¬ned Am m9 neutrality and spending our mil IM My my cow may iinry billich on toreignaid The counter argument is that in tact Miuwmoflï¬hgï¬algi 531 ltusstas military threat her be al ot our attics have recently mm gmleimDWiP be completed similar reviews oth flame LSa era including the us hen such aw 1949 mm Progress ms 20 ther Canada role can neutral mm 50 hr have re could never be crtdlllle espe mved gown In NATO rialLy now that the development an criticism of Caioada °i Williams mm which has been widely voiced made it Inevitable that Canada here is that our government has be me Wlemi been unduly slow and needlessly 31th balm lndisereet about its reappraisal 55 be Several cabinet mlnincrs uho N21 hcana should ho at least partially in in tomled and several academics 1PM Md who obviously are not have Sim has me our joyed security in the jungle and than we should not essay that its pool in 1919 when our lead at rLilli adopt we no mirror prophesy that their name will be my stunted theater to reply to To the may tine sincere mpondenta letter of March It people inialved in valtone local that youtitled Reply tollr organization dedicated to the Fisher it me at letter writ nu whom ti him it lea in tha Barrie hammer by have offended offer me for your tsnlo ot March it apolepiea itoohweprltln containing good deal of weary hairbeyond thecllt diopongement ridicule dean duty or ry in the We tiyeCiiinnn The wwwmdc and 1m olde at three initiab prevent me woods it it is worth it ilinuw troln addrening him or her demanding will alway prevail hilt mm that the correc eren as misunderstood pendent would be prepared to both my correcting oHacta and Hilvntkrfï¬ twill 3i Willme exe umn us ca go tcrmr apply to my letter The win would not read it iteï¬Ã© disparagement war used out otcharacter byme originallyinreterenceto Iranianlilo not to accept lri the uncotored pibilcity given to letsuiJTbe pertormel harpoj iocnlmusicplalikbythemriro politan papers ill in Toronto tor ridicule it hla ila None of them used thu publicity place and in small city en in order to draw attention to tally Thorn who now eagerly lad of attendance on the part erentral auditorium llttlere of youth at cultural music can alire that it wu born out of certs ridicule Board members alter lhe fact that the pitch level Menu for 20 we to the old or 5cm mu which auditorium being called every dlrect is becoming wonder to mull mm mimeml educators almost everywhere bowling alley ï¬nally yieldeg wouldnot be understood by our VS 1tie 9mm correspondent nor by the lie tdrvï¬fSWSil WY Kinky in general it amounts or my Since the voice of ridicule has relusal to coach students in mu beenlilmed we am eic who Wish tobelong to adult natalturns eattoriunlr Clteior organizations as well this river um and router moistrum mm my yam wmm that go for lecture belle or coolt dent emnm im cert auditoriums Meanwhile Mr 9310 that 3m apprehgn Hall and Mr Dennis discovered an My um growth the fact that the perforaan arts musical groups in the city If WWW in Child Edi such mug any InB hunter of cation atoms Tempura losing the members they train W1 ALLEN mum every form years in graduation and it after every publicity splurge which they receive they are reminded that they are not however for MINUTE CARVINGS Artisans in lndio handcam ory cllephaais smaller than AROUND Tllrailoitin radiatortare Same Stepsilis WK Gone the acndcmto ivory téweri onetime it was popular myth that of all existences in western civilization lthe most pleasant if by no means the at pain was that of the university pro efessor As one roads of what is taking place in modern universities and cot1 glegespoue canhardiy be called to ac Eoount ror doubting such anassumptton With pressures on him both from withlri and from without the academic has hecn caught in pincer movement From within he is faced with thé prés ï¬gures of student power which often cake to tell him what courses he should letter how he should teach them and even how he should grade those he is teaching At the same time the uni Ivarsity administration faced with rising chts and stationary if not declining in ncomes desires more stulents to provide fees and hualify for government grants awhlch very often meansdemandsfor more teaching The academic on the gather handrealizing that one ofthe ways to promotion or to increasing hia Iincnme is publication seeks time free or research which some administrators greet cuts down on his usefulness to the luniversity From without the university bricolf =lege government ministers notinfrer gquently cast slurs on professors asnot arrying their full load of work or put an end on government supported scien tific endeavors such as EAR at McGili or the Queen Elizabeth Observatory in British Columbia upon which many academicshavespentmuclftimc and energy Financially restrictions are laid upon universities preventing them tram obtaining the buildings and staff that they need to do effective work And the public thinks this is fine for professors are pretty lazy group any howt Many do not realize that despite the apparent advantages of the academic life pressures such as these can have deleterious effect upon the system of higher education Already shift of professors in certain fields of the natur and social sciences has begun from the universities to industry and govern merit Furthermore discerning students seeing the situation will simply refuse to enter ihc academic field with the result that there may well in the forscc nbtc iuture nova shortage of qualified academic staff North America has largely made its great advances intellec tually and technologically because of the availability and superiority ofiLa advanced education If these disappear it will not be long before nationswho have more considerate attitude to the academic will equal and even surpass our record while we fall gradually be hind in the race DOWNMEMORY LANE ii Barrie Examiner VMarch 26 goounty court butdlng jammed as murder ï¬rial opened Crown Attorney William Ing ljhompson QC was to call 23 wiig ï¬nesses before Mr Justice Aylen Two rirorontoyouths pleaded not guilty on icharge or murdering Fred Seotty Cam uernn security officer for city firm near rstroud Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus gave wonderful performance to close pBarrlc Community Concert season ce Varieties 1954 was all set to go Saturday night at Barrie Arena dirj vented by Miss Margaret Nield pro of giantrte Figure Skating Club Mrs Suz onnne Emma tormerly of Ice Follies will Bskate feature solo also Miss Mold and cnmedian Tommy Reptile Barrie Flyers out or playoff berth in Junior ockeylcsing 53 at Kitchener whcro goalie Les Blnkley was outstanding tFormer Barrie Flyers now playing in Nmu Leo Labine DougMohna Ray Gar plepy Real Chevrefiis of Boston Bruins Hort Stewart and Jimmy Morrison To granto Maple Leafs Paul MegaMont Ureal Canadians Larry Zetdel and Jerry Efrappazzini Chicago Black Hawks Properties ready for skating clu flee show designed by Mrs Dav rlclc of Shanty Bay work done Ted fanned Donald Cameron War it fwugar Leo Landrevtlle Elu Whyte Jack Batsionc named general chairs man for third annual Barrie Motor Show USA production drop this year would Zhelp hogrsiuation locally Gene ftiger James Simpson reported blanket over it nuat meeting Ernesto Barhinls rcheaira of Toronto presented concert Barrie Collegiate auditorium featur ing oboe solos by Ted Hutchlnga form gerly of local band in first Canadian per formance of concerto by Vaughan Wit llama Edward Sloan 34 of Chur chilt awarded Coronation Medal He has beén 66 years postmaster there He stopped curling four years ago after 65 years of active participation James Parker of Barrie loot deals on in 10 rounds of feature boxing bout at New Yorks Madison Square Garden to Nino Valdez heavyweight champion of Cuba Altnndala engineer Charlie Bell made last rim an evening train from Mentord after 38 years with GM Harry Norton was conductor Garrison Badminton Cub held finals at Barrie Armouryl Marlene Htckltng and Hollis Robinson won singles titted Robinson teamed with Douglas Smith to win mens dou bles OTHER EDITORS VIEWS JUDY FULL OF VENOM Vancouver Province The main trouble wtth Judy In Marshs gilded oageia that nobody flung or opened thedmr soon enough And then vdion Prime Minister Peamon had the extra ordinary good sense in reduse her judgeshlp ln 1966ahe all her womanly blood pumped out and replaced with vipors pump mine Foreign Aliin Analyat Edward Kennedy has iust taken the same step his brother John took 12 years ago to stake claim so it world ï¬gure in 1957 John Kennedyymade speech urging the French to give up inAlgeria He stressed that the tide of nationalism could not be halted and implied that no American aid should be given towards the Branch military Minn to defeat the Al gerian guerrillas The world said John Kennedy had out grown colonialism the way for the west tasucccodwas 1Tb thelrl are turbine underdeveloped war ilhé eiT iect outside the United States was galvanic The speech re ceived intense attention in all the chanccriesr Now Edward Kennedylakes another step along the same was din Iliarrir Extilliiltrr 16 anticld Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second close mail by the Post office De partment Ottawa and for payment of postage to cash Return postage guaranteed Dali uodays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50eweelrly 526 yearly Single copies 10c By malt Barrie $2600 yearly Ontario $1500 year motor throw off $18 year Out side Ontario $20 year Out side Canada British posses sions $25 year USA an foreign 532 year National Advertising Gift 425 University Avenue Toron to 6400athcart St Mant real Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entithal to the use for republication of all news dispatches inihia paper cred ited to it or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news publlshed therein Kazan GASllTE WHITE TOWER More raucour AN 7284ZOI CHINESE Combination Pialel Egg Roll Beef Veg Almonds ram nice not ChickenVeg Almondv Sweet dc Sour Wanton and Fried lilo or as venom itscems ï¬rom reportsof harnow book Alo nadl road at recommen diva tlonto change npflabaodonmcn of outmoded coacemiir iluhas lust called for American with drawal from Formosa and establishment of consulurrela lions with mainland China lie calisior an and to the delusion hat the 2000000 Chinese and 11000000 Taiwanese on Formo sa represent China Senator Kennedy llhs not yet spelled out his full understand lag of this issue But to call for American withdrawhl irom Tai wan can only moan the with drawal of US military protec mpanthat in case of an love after the America withdrawal Senator Edward Kennedy would not intervene Senator Edward Kennedy has not told us andhe shauli not tell us This is point he will obviously want to negotiate with Peking tl CHINi5 His use at the words omoo Chinese and 110mm Taiwanese eleariy indlcatos the hope on his part of working out twochines policy or rath er an agreement that Formosa or Taiwan is an entity that has thertgbt to selfdcterlilinniion Such solution has 1h it onto gorically rejected by Peking over and over again Mao speo plehave not been prepared to discuss it it mightbe naive to hope that Maos successors would feel differently The Chinese are intensely nationalis tlclarid are obviously prepared to light the Russianslocally at leasttor speck at is land that disappears in the optingtlood But theChinese are also prac ca it might be possible to oi Iain rom them eventuallysnme solution which would acknow ledge their suaerninty over Tn wan while allowing the Tat wanese complete autonomy oi the kind Austria has Austria does not have the right to be me anyoncs military allyr alwan might not have seat in the UN but that is not really such handicap At any rate by hisspeech Edward Kennedy has taken the inltiativein the process of mottt emizlng us policy at time who the miliiarylndustrinl comp ie wants anumlssile DINE WWI577mm loiynesion Dishes culiirss can no DONALD 51 CATERING ammo ROOM ausmess MENS LUNCHEONS POLYNESIAN San Goo Beef Phil San Goo any Key Hawaiian Shrimp Mac Keo rr $250 ltumalle enaeaetlevah $230 aniliiahea lion fromwiaiwnnrDoes this stop attempt by mulnlandChina Jusitwo on stylishnew alloccasion collection fchprlngl Exotic scarf TURBAN lrrfalack Navy White on mail gt Tailored WIDE RIM attire finest Mllgnistmw with dainty lacy straw crown Black Bronn Navy Eaton and soft Pastels each 500 or Pink silk one of manyitllban stylesavailablo at various piice eaoh 100