CHILDRENS DRESSY AND CKSUKL STYLlllGS 2eomtorteralted styles tor little boys sizes to Black side leather 4eyelet hlueher oxlurd with moccasin vamp Black side leather loaler with twin side gore Vulcanized moulded soles 333 pr For little girls sizes Bz to Easter pump iushiny hlaeli imitation patent Wishbone strap taille lining square toe and tlat heel 266 pr UPT020 our DESERT BOOTS FOR THE FAMILY Its The In Shoe some to Crowd OEhildrens supple putty suede desert boots with round toe last and team soles Womens and misses solt suede desert hoots lu putty shade Solt suede uppers andloamsules Oftenior hoys putty suede Zeyelet desert heats with white sole stitching and durable plantation crepe soles OMens putty suede eyelet desert houts teature whlte sole stltchlng and thlek plantation crepe soles