Ice Conditions Deteriorating wouidllketegoautoptbeicc themselves biog optheflc region than Gull Marin at Ration when lithm the is getting wetter it is null where run is to inches thick number of fishiiu holes which have not been marked These create harass for the topiary AttheKmTikilifarinalnh Interior Design about onrthlrd of the way croutbebey Pirhhulnmusberemved frunlbekshyhlarrth Students Work On Display Ht Library Students at the interior de sign arts program It Georgian College will hold the first pub lic display of their work at the Barrie Public Library from to day until April Featured in this display will be sansples of work done throughout the year in classes in interior drawing rendering design and textiles and mater ials All students are repre sented by at least one piece of work Under the direction of the Amateur Sport Research Team Delivers Report OTTAWA Health Alin ister John Munros threesmerrr berresearch team on Canadian amateur sport and physical fit ness has presented him with the results of its sevenmtuntit study lilr Munroes ofï¬ce said hles day the minisler now has rt ed the ï¬nal report and that it would probably be made public by midApril The study groupcalled the amateur sport and fitness task force4was headed by Drr Harold non of Toronto other members were Nancy Greene womens world ski champion in 1967 and toss and Paui Desmeau of Quebec CI Ciey have been touring the country since last August gath ering facts and ideas on upgrad ing amateur sports and ï¬tness grams with focus on how to fedora government can he of assistance They also have concentrated on the relation between profes alone and amateur sport in Canada speciï¬Calb hockey hlr Munro has been sunrh cious of the National Hockey Leagues handling of young po tential players to the extent he has accused professional teams of treating young players as chattels The study group was also in strumantol in setting up the Hockey Canada Corp this win ter it will take over adminis tration of Canadas national hockey team for next season programs supervisor Airs Kor en Smith the students are also responsible for the arrange ment and hanging of the items in the show During the evenings of the hibition college students will be on hand to discuss the display and to talk about their projects and classes with members of the public who may be consid ering enrolling at the college in the fall This September the design arts program will be changed in name to art and interior design and Will be enlarged to aelt commodate twice as many first year students it will also pro vide number of optional sub iecls for students enrolling in the General Arts and Science program which will he offered for the first time this coming year The College will also be mak ing molar effort to attract mature students to ol in these programs on part time asls in September Georgian Col lege will otter 21 programs of instruction in ii business tech nology and applied arts divl slonl Take Petitions lo Legislature NEON GP The ani mal kingdom got off to dra rnalic start at Queens Park Tuesday but drew short shrift irom Premier John Roharts Eighteen ofï¬cers of the Ontar io Humane Society arrived at the legslature in 17 cars and truckrwithpetitlonssignéd by 175090 peï¬uus protesting the provinces legislation on ani mals Six of the group were allowed in to see Mr Robertsfor less than minute Provincial police stopped the rest of the delegationfrom as far away as Barrie and the lil agara Peninsulaat the front door of the legislature Later arga ret nenwici NUPtScarborough protested in the house the abuse of the right to entry to public buildings DISTBICT WEATHER Cloudy Cold Mole Settled Snow and Arming tempera tures this morning came as shock to anyone who might have thought that winter bad loosed its grip on the Barrie area The forecast for the region is mainly rJoudy windy and cool for the day with occasional snow but ti ymore settled conditions are ex peeled for Thursday There will be at least some sunshine says the weatherman Low forecast for overnight is 18 degrees with high tornon row of 37 At noon today the Examiner thermometer stood at no degrees Synopsis it will be chilly day in Ontario with bnslr north erly winds cool temperatures and occasionalsuovflurries ex cept in the northem areas where good deal of sunshine is expected More settled condi icated for Thursday with diminished winds and at least some sunshine in most areas dining the day Windsor London Hamilton Toronto North Bay Sudbury Lake St Clair1ake Erie Lake Huron Niagara Lake Ontario Georgian Bay Halihurton Tenn nga Mainly cloudy vIindy LOCAL AND cannon mm concerts miheweelrotApIdzitonshss been declared unnmunitymon cert Week in Barrie GOOD ROADS Aid Dorian Parker will st fend iiIe Canadian Good Math Ansotiation Convention to he held in Torontoon April 15 Sophia Street To Get Culvert City council last night approv ed general govenrment com mittee report which recommend ed the constnrctlon this year of driven on Sophia greet which has been put off in car ital budgets forseverai years The preliminary capital in gct would have delayed the con Islructlpn oi the culvert again Iintll 1m butwas sent back to the general government commit tee following the objections of Md Dorian Parker who said anaual flooding in the area was an undue hardship to taxpayers there ammo rAKEovcn cliyof Sarnoa rVwolution ob jecting to provincial takeover of assessth will be considered by the planning and deliclopment committee at their meeting next Monday ght NorIcs complete model of Tcst minster Abbey made from mixture at icing sugar and gelatin is inspected by its creator liichurd iurIIs ir Purvis baker at Kinzlc Swiss Ilaid Bakery in Barrie won second prile with his work in competition at the Jubilee Culinary Arts Festival HIS CAKE TAKES AWARD in Toronto on Sunday Bakery manager Jack St Clair said bid wiiiho made at ï¬rst 12th next year Examiner Photo Report Urges Formation OI Parking Authority The citys parking study rn mittee has some out strong in favor of parking authority to plan and adminlslcr parking in the city In report In city council the study committee csl ished in January urglcd council tofnrm parking authority method of controlling nilstreet parking and meter operations being used by growing number of common iticsr It is apparent lllfil the for CGE Had Record mation of parking authority is an economically sound method of mainiaining and improving parking facilitIts to moot the needs of this cl the report stated The cammtlce studied parking authorities in 10 other Ontario communities in preparing the brief other cities sludcd in cluded Hamilton Sault Ste liar ic Guelph North Bay Gait Pcter Toronto Ottawa Kilchcucr ingston and SudbuIy Sales Volume In Domestic Export Markets Canadian General El and its wholly owned subsidiary cu panics in 1958 sold record ume of products and services in the domestic and export mark ets Presidentd HorherbSmitir reports Sales rose per cent to$i54700000 mark the sev enth success in which record sales in were altainA ed Net earningsin 1355 increased per cent to summon and represented 32 cents on sales dollar 34 cents 1957 Net earnings per share assuming conversion of all convertible pre ferred shares amounted to $175 in l9Gdcompared with 5177 in 1957 After providing for divi dends on the preferred shares not earnings per common share Today Thurs and cool rvith occasional light snow today Variable Iflildjlll and not quite so cool Thursday Winds northerly 20 to 30 becom ing light tonight Forecast tornpcratures Low tonight high Thursday Windsor 20 10 Sir Thomas 20 so undun 20 All Kitchener 20 4o Mount Forest 15 35 Wingham is as Hamilton to 40 SA Catharinos 20 to Toronto 7A 40 Peterhorough 20 40 Kingston 20 40 Trenton 20 40 Kilialoe 20 35 Muskoka lo 35 in as 10 30 25 32 32 20 25 35 I5 Kapuskasing White River Moosonee 11mm ANNUAL MEETING I969 THE HOSPITAL soAno TUESDAY APRIL PM AT THE HOSPITAt cAmraIA tor the purpose of receiving various reports tine ion of directors umendmmts of bylaws and other business as may come before the meeting ch 1o CAMhRON Beerdary Board of Directors amounted to SLR for 1968 and flfli for 1957 Commenting on the results Mr said For the past several years the Cape an elec 1rieaimanu industr particularly its heavy equipment sector has been seriously af fouled by the dumping of elec trical products into Canada by foreign suppliers Jnvesligations have shown that these pliers apply diifcrent costng and pric ing approaches in their protect ed home markets than they do when bidding on Canadian pro jccts ms is contrary to the terms of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and to all accepted pr les of inter national compel 0n He said that representations by the electrical industry and the camp to custarnerrand to governments have pointed out that the continuance of such raiding situation could destroy the Canadian heavy electrical equipment industry New antia crimping legislation formulat ed by the Federal Government in lots should if effectively imple mentedensure that major and perhaps permanent damage will not be done to this vital indus try he said In consumer products the market for major appliances showed increasing strength as the result of in housing completions relatively high em ployment and en logs levels and general improvement in consumer coincidence Sales of lelevisluu sets rose withcoltrr consoles showing the sharpest sales growth Although an authority can do nothing that city council can not do nevertheless since it is concemcd with parking only the utys needs in this respect will not be postponed due to pressure of other urgent nutters the report said Anyone who now shops in Barrie is aware that the park ing facilities in this area are in equate The last offstreet paring lot put into use was the one rear Memorial Square on what used to be part of the old Barrie station area This was about five years ago Since that time the city has grown and the number of cars has increased so that there is again not enough space the report said Meter and tidset revenue for Barrie last year was $613698 and in 1961 was $59700 ProvincialGovt Raises Question Of Pipeline Salety UIIAWA CF Ontario government is questions Tuesday about tlrcrsafeb and necessity of gas pipelinevinr provements proposed by Trans Canada Pipe Lines Ltd in an application to the National Ens erul Board Officers and engineers of titansCanada said proposed up grading ut pipe in the Toronto HamiitonNiagara Falls area and in Northern Ontario would mcet safety standards andis necessary to increase capacity and meet greater demand Ontario intervenedin iraris Cnnadas application for per mission to install about 212 milesof parallel to sections of existing llne in Saskatchewan and Manitoba and to upgrade about 1265 miles of piwinciud ing about 600 in Northern Ontar io and about 150 miles from Barrie to the Toronto area and the U$border near Niagara Falls commews amass Canadian tional Railways is the largest railway system ANNOUNCEMENT THOMAS BARTON BA LLs and JOHN MITCHELL BA can BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS are pleased to announce the opening of their ofï¬ces for the practice of law under the name BARTON and mutant at 35 Owen Sh Barrie v0 Box Phone 7282628 RolepoYers To Cgse To OMB Hail to win their protests and bear biosphere of the Anti uvenneo committee Waylandinherits Thla mean thats ratepayer who has owned two or more lots on registuedplan now finds that all the lot are con bined into one Andin order to sell or give lot they must pay $50 to the township The anti severance eonnnlt iii row WellinstuGray vaaay Gm Queens HotelMidtown Continental innKly Cook Rosy Angel in my Podiet Mineral service will be held Thursday at 1330 pm at Trinity Anglican Church for Air Vice iiarshsl Lhmfro who died Monday at Royal Victoria Hos pital He was the husband of the gformer Kathleen Failing and father of Patricia Airs John Douseltl of Ottawa He is also sunived by five grandchildren Air Vice Marshal Cuffe was born in lreland in was He en listed in the Canadian Army in September 1914 then served overseas with thslst Contingent of Canadian Expeditionary Force This was followed by yearfn France with the Fort Garry Horse Air Vice marshal Cutie transferred to the Royal Flying Corps in 1917 and underwent training as pilot He then transferred to fighter squad ron in France and was credit ed with shooting down four enemy planes in eight months He returnedto England in ms and was an instructor until the Armistice in 19 he camc to Canada and was commissioned as flight lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Air Force In the many appointments among them commandantof the RCAF atgiiaseWBorden in 1522 He ï¬lled the same position from 1962 lKiG commandant of No Flying Boat Squad in Vancouver and commandant of the new base atTrenlonOnt to ma he was Per nisfii have offech their land for tea was formed afterxeveral the an now me 3AM EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH 26 BM normalLs InshoreTho Young Canadians Irookduio Park innThe Cabareis Iuovms MortalTbs mm They Raided nanny flir ViceIilarshal Ii Quite Was Borden RCllI Commandant years that followed he held Air Vice Marshaltwas also previous delegation presented their complaints to council but got nowhere Cornell has turn ed deaf ear to these requests and seem hell bent on putting this legislation through said committeemiter George hur on cascm oun The committee will now take its can to the Ontario Municipal Board in move it hopes will force council to mdud its de cision Several ratqaayers in Ir use in test cases if the one decides with the ratepayers the result could mean precedent and council would have to with draw the legislation hir Burton said that the Reeve Joseph Cochrsoe is cleaning the legislation by saying that coun cil has to collect money some where to offset the costagand tbetsoo will he passed on to purchaser TONIGHT Commandant of No Training Command Headquarters in Tor onto He was posted overseas in 1H0 and upon his rchlrn to Canada he was appointed air member for air staff and was also an RCAF representativeon the American Canadian Per manent Joint Board on Defence From this post he went to East ern Air Command in Halifax as commanding officer In January 1943 Air Vice Marshal Cuife was appointed deputy inspector general of the RCA and service untilhis retirement in Jul is He was the Simon County EMO and was instru mental in its development th ghout the regi Banks Prime Lending Rate Is Raised TORONTO The Cana dian Imperial Bank of Commerce nIesdaysuid ills increasing its prime lending rate to per cent from per cent effective March 28 The move puts the bank in line with Canadas other major chartered banks which arr nouoced the lendingrate in crease last week All the major banks are also increasing the interestpaid on noachequing savings accounts to ï¬ll per cent from per cent effective April The committee demloded to know what the costs were be cause said Mr Burton each resident pays his own share of garbage collection and lbs roads are being maintained by the tou1tshiplie added that the council legislation was undemo erotic and not too far from diclltorihlp Sevcranca committee chairman William Martin maintained that the legislation was in eifm buuding wall around the town ship lie went on to say that the aim of council is to stop the growth of the township in turn retarding the development of our properties The eightmn committee will hire municipal solicitor to fake the ratcpaycrs case to the OMB Donations were accepted at Tuesdays meeting to help off set the cost Driver lininjured In Tmck Mishap tryoutold Port Perry man escaped unirtlured last night when his tractortrailer lack knifed north of Barrie The truck driven by Donald Freeman iscknfed on Highway ll lust north of the sixth con ccssion of 0m munshiprï¬ total of $1100 damogo was done in the mishap Commit Five For Trial HAILKN UP Firs men chargcd in the death of Hamilton police sergeant last Decembe were co to Tuesday for trial on charges of capital murder Provincial Judge Robert More than who had barred reporters from seven days of testimony in the preliminary hearing admit fed them to hear the lawyers closing arguments and his own ruling that there is sufficient ev idence to send the men to trial The accused are James ifaior Downs Aubrey Mur scle 36 John Charles McClure 28 and Murray Raymond Feist 25 all of Hamilton and John lilacEwau 37 at nearby Stoney Creek The Crown alleges the men severely heat Scrgeants Cam eron McMurrlch and Joscph itallowhoewers inicstigalingis noisy party Dec 20 and then killed Sgt lidilurrich with his own gun as Sgt llsllo fled James Brechin 7A of Hamilton was also killed in the incident Com To run Annual lions SPRING BALL rnmn MARCH as Presidents Cocktail num 910 mm cuusssr IIALI Barrie Dancing to the FOUL IIARMONIC ORCHESTRA There will be mum and corsages for the ladies Dress optional Adm 310 per couple Phone 7235975 snort Ribs HAMBURG GROUND cHucu GET