Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Mar 1969, p. 21

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ATO NS BARGAINS IN BRAIDED RUGS n$xl0t mm as Sulelrim Sn mi ll Reg 35 Sale Plies REVERSIBLE OVAIs Sue 66 tin Re was Sela Prion FLOOR MODEL APPLIANCES SLIGHTLY MARKED REFRIGERATOR bipedal 13 able loot Pros fire only mes To clear FREEZERS we mic In one rules To drzr WRINGER WASHE my oab Iiih COLOUR RS maritime villa indl console nuts Slade by Earphone TON Bo DUNLOP EAST NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD Ibo house of no hroldloorrr Remnants all size slid prices ZmhfiSfiC AND IMPORTED BROADWM Collier SI Illan 7251311 PIANOS NEW MASON RISCH Aso Good Used Pianos Fred Delivery and tuning Inw Lei prrres anywhere 11 Bruce St THORNBURY Ooh near Co gwood 1559327 Open pm daily and for inwectiou Sundays FABRIC SALE HELD OVER WEEK oil ill rid mud re eszrmaiu 5hr 151 Univ Sireer Wen Elite lib mum apex and bun at mans mm mm isle we months new 551 exam mm sort varsism new II was raters 510 banana elt and hat metal rum unheard mlque inboard amidst rid batteries size xm Zeuzhn Dr ularxrri l6 DisAla mas u1e Hflnlmzn food condition co and Small reflc Perfect ror Lan Telephone mom more huge rem um tern dinner fit rm 7m and Armin mill ARTS FOR SALE wrile Cocl can mm in bi link mpdlflon Keiriariu um 500 Nealrune mom on odrirzton 5L onh ml filmnuaued eons ridged India vmou sires Alla mumuon mod gener doors SIS Baum ism um 7150 muou mum once mic linker complete summeren 11 mine um mien combination heel rm Irlth tan 1nd mm pipe or desk menl and menIr um llxlum Ind other used mire Imirm tart Snilulnz Superimndfnl Ime Builainr burn TellPhone mini nun duly Mollt grill nIim as no nine ruian sled lap and bottom use new Tarmac mm film win poruble Knollst mm sear es ler her also sxldoo L1llerbrld set pm lrlrobone Iwm amen uble relfll lentor Alnzle continental bed All in good condition relevhnm no BELL Innuzs or the home um enuine rule umJiu mu simmered by Charrun null Sugar Illa queen 5L was ma DDLBLI as mlthlnl I36 udlr cuer Innboy chair mill cab mng mam nlcicLz Mr 7A inch boys mil in id like new limie marl amen tltn um lire new Telephone mm wnsnna marine Genmi Ere inc one year on Also seem Extxic so be rum Pumtlon Tarmac mu alter 510 wins ruin amt zifiggorfilwi nape quiz is six reinsm mas isms Ind rrlriuntar Gwen vaccine rum reL New sazd Melba nr Hamid Iseizpsoae mu Telephone min Imicmrrrox smei excellent mdluaa my bin sas mod as Imalflrnsrfli H111 I5 landlord greet 5mm Frigidni double oven rifle lrir si 11 Wed condition Awir is is 10 Street West $2995 $5995 $3995 $24995 $19995 $1 1995 $59900 7287622 Mesaugh nTodLmIiuiel prme mm slam main ma used pull uiryeie win Ines hunt Tud WC STOVE mule mine so lull man In road memoir so reiqbob 737514 DOGS PETS Birth mm me m1 oldme muse ADORABLE PUPPIES minnow route ml amen also main ml gentle able m6 nAcirsiinDs or sale punInd mineral months old blur Turpbvne m7 aeolian 6mm snrobuo man lined puwlas nule r150 lemie rulelbw mun all ums EMILE mom we do deflvmfl6dm FRUITS VEGETABLES nmz mums 73 lb 75 1110011 mkedhax2$c bile clam macro Cniglmnl llooir me iimtL ARTICLES WANTED genus or 1its sliver can 1111 cruel cm Jeweller paintings CONIINENIAL KIT an $59170 mm Telephone mm SPLIT on em nail ranted Will cieir up ma Write an Beunmue ammo virus and min red lulu beer noted aboni Ibo Ecru llear lurle aversion sum ARTS FOR RENT BOMAGS WMPACIION EQUIPMENT CHAIN SAWS COIIPRESSORS AIR T0015 BARN HOSIE BUG FDGGER MARTIN RENTALL 4537 DIN SI BARRIE Open Monday to Saturday730 am to 530 pm CAMPING EQUIPMENT TAG LONG 924 SPECIAL Lovver Quality in THERE IS NO COMPROMISE WITH YOUR SAFETY PROTECTION AND COMFORT sue and rear body panels tram heavy gauge steel galvanized and wepaiuted to eliminate corrosion Erl hissed aluminum Iront pancs Toe spa ciai is nodalallied vinyl are tanned over 590er UN As will all TAGAw trailers you get an it oz Viiate twoply arrin duck tent to seat all adversevweather seat in molt large nylon screen mesh windois equipped with zippered storm nape We the Special IROYAL CENTRE nefikm Esmmeem Box Go Barrie Examiner HANK BROWN Milliodbaln mammal Waflouyun LQ so unloadon cuu reader our INSIAUAIIOR RR mono 48641117 SILOS 573 DISCOUNT tiring blind and Aprd BOOK YOURS NOW MOREAU FARM EQUIPMENT Telephone Etmvnlo mm DAVID BID Armor Ind kll Hm only mo work mumMW MASSEY Bum new 31 with Milka VIM min bell Mry tor rord limey mew Emmwwlnlfi mm 1N7 lfltr LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOBBS Md box mus urelr log are humble ma coins Strand antiwarMaladqu llmb in or Agni Willi um lulu mule noumn sunning It mad all rounder Amloou Bullion Her dim mm pulled rle tum to Ind ourNot ll ELI um HOE DOE VALLEY FUN RANCH Book now for summer lull Picnics Hay Rios Pony Carts and Pony Rides Trout fishing Dancing etc PS STILL TIME FOR SINGER AND TUBING PARTIES LOOK GREAT FEEL GREAT Relax in Soothing Sauna DAINFS SAUNA BATHS PHONE 7287111 victim tn realm re lam bullnus or lndivtdiipnllfdcffi Kldd1530uniu WsLd ornb gale For nope turns one 715 WAN owner or Dumulit colour Tv sin deposit Ives you tree ticket on our TV dnw quire Kempenlelt Credit Union Collier 51ml miss guthrlll or munkl required nwcmmm ear lABMrRs MRKT Io HELP WANTED MAL lieu TrainingProgram Open Now fir Young Men Herean Iidlimmeoilolitilbu To Become NCR SERVICEMEN to mom Whilhtimwk pAIdleabdoguIlnedlorl mechukllllrldemonh Iirmlnlslino reboundnimble NATIONAL CASH REGISTERCOMPANY Sales Service l26z Paneling COST Accounianl Mininum to lure experience in lob cintiu to but Mil imam Grade in no so your recognised mounting curse MA NW Mt re plies confutaisl Write Box G1 Barrio hairline PAII TullMinn limoo lo hid1 sriudu mum ll nu and uh money so are the Ii when wet or livinl mm mum nutd mrnl wen me up to two monthly hill romnr burenu any keel unanwa Sm 533mm slum an or dill lInn um be nod miller mu aperture nd to winery Em run at conveniences line llocuue mun mucuAcrsr run time tor and em mire Burl done lan mum rendition Moll ml min Box oi Barrie mariner FEMALE HELP GIRLS Acorn asa TELEPHONE OPERATOR Is Intemalng and belonging wort No experience necesary Earn while you learn Sday ourk week Varied hours Arkh tionai pay for Rinday holidays and evening work Apply BELL CANADA Employment Office 39 COLLIER ST BARRIE AVON TERRITORY OPEN Barrie Gistomers waiting to be served Hunewives can qualily Write Elizabeth Ithmillu 20 Box 455 Barrie or phone moist Kim IJllmbermald required round employment lnr mixer minimum leiepnone by dub LrIn Must be il year an Inn DIjnowlnz theoerubouu Hllry airman believed to be In the Bani aru rormériy or Huron County asked to write ice2mm muse the In you haul riuuu prob em an Want one unime mesa no rm Barrie WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Tborougt training in all bran dies of beauty culture IDERWLN HAHIDRESSING SCHOOL 11 wonsmv sr miss MUSIC INSTRUCTION TED ROBINSON Tuclser or popular and gm pIIoD preparation onexaminnt an at are Royal Conservatory ol lliulc mm Ilarmeriy teacher Lian CommaIll limit rte SILIdlIJ 726m NURSING HOMES cum competent em or the elderly at rumpie monthly rule now ulllbie rt lrmisumod rrinz Home Mia nrun int l0 HELP WANTED MALE HELP DO YOU HAVE CAREHI SALFS OPPORTUNITY WILh large international or ganization Whicn onelies you to earn noun$5000 or more endi Year tibioh enables you in be pro moted on lirait indead seniority Wiiidi alters cominuous carv eer Iraiuingi tanlily rem Whith includes rity program Wbidl Mien international re cognition IF NOTYOU MAY QUALIFY BY BEING years old or over Boodabie Ambillous Energetic and OWII Car 1T SELECTED YOU WILL RECEIVE gt No week sales training in Toronto at Company expense Pour near field training by qualified Sales Manager Above average oorrmissloru servvzing bisintss accounts in Income Protection Field CALL NOW FOR PERSONALI INTERVIEW DIR COSTANTINO 7286704 Wednesday lhiusday and Friday 1100 noon 32W PJII NEWSPAPER PAGE HAIRDRESSER WANTED 7MMKDIATELF filo take our rermll ukulele rop minim rainy 50 phone 11m EXPERIENCED niesxiri or cloth In Lorr out lime to run reler phone msl or Iuienlew whmuzss required lull time or MI Toto dry and aim shin Excellent urnlhlnl mndiuom unllolmlWP Filed Telephone 7234461 umiizwolzx rubble Buebxi isms needed immediuly an oath money name For runner Iniormtlbn telephone Annalsi Ind ivellirizzr Limited too Vletofl st Bilrte moan muncln tnby mm required by March 11 to live In or WI Bell Aire Heidi are Orir baby TtISPIIGXIE mm between Lu and run wnmrlzss ulrrd iii me yéiamn dilation sum East Telephone mm FULL ume wiltrels muted or caribou Restaurant any week dry mm mm rm own my pornLion Telephone mews LADizsio to ix noun per week Arms mu earn us Phone iuuer anislr mm woxoznvu MONEYsuing su uin martinis or your cums help you male ublx Imus nrqieizn Pmililcla neuer vrrIIe Raisin Devi A4284 Ions may llrn sL Montreal 201 PR EMPLOYMENT WANTED ADVERTISING EXECUTIVE pimfiuy gamma Ln yummm mic mm M8 to relocnte with naiveer Experience In munici nr new mom development re Dumb etc more lolme sel arv military Write Io Bax Bilrte Bummer DAY CARE In leMren in my our home st Paul nu Telephone 05221 MALE FEMALE IIAIR SIYLIST required 69 In two eeldl 5M0 cmnllslon Telelalione Iul J26859l lz TENDERS 751va FOR FUEL OIL will be received by the underdened unttt 1100 odoxlinoon April lot less tor unit price per ration oilin ber three um mini fuel all delivered to the County Building Barrie Ind Ibo Iuel all tor the County Museum Area building spproximntw 350w square feet oil tank Ilse 3000 Imperial niloos Price submitted shit be for the pen rod April Bib i969 to Decenv be 3m 19$ Oil tender shall be delivered to the 4me mulrerr allies adnmarkod renders tor Riel JOIN OOIBIAN Treasurer or the County simcoe County Building smug Ontario l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Friday March 28 at run sharp It HARRY RUMNEY At lot Concession Tny hilmhip one mile BOIIII of Waverley on Hiaway II and two milayead Sale of 350 Sil Iotk and Dorset ewes with rm Registered 550an cows and yearlings full line high clas Iarm madiinery relrm cash Fann sold ARCHER OOLWILL auctioneer AUCTION SALE Friday March 28 ill DIAL Full line at nearly new Farm Machinery including Massey Ferguson No 175 and No15 Diesel Tractors Dairy Equip ment Hay and Straw or PETER STEIN lli Iniics Iwa ol Coolstoun on 27 Highway Terms Cash No reserve as Alarm is rented ALLEN HORNER auctioneer Phone W389 Watch or full list Monday March 1A AUCTION SALE Private collection ol high class antiques and good househoii Iurniture at the MOOSE HALL on FTLIDAY EVENING 3mmfljzfii PM Ill Highway South Crystal cut glass carnival glass drills quantity of clips and saucers Set of Limoges dishes sterling Silver silver plate brass clocks hitter drum Edison talking machine and cylinder records diesler field and chairs dirome kildr en suite relrigerator and elec tric stove step tallies and col ee table Rollanoybedhdres sols dilna cabinet and bullet kitchen dishes pots and pans andsmalkr Items too numerous to list Terms cash 0M5 THORNTON auctioneer mt Neywash 5L Oriiiia 3266751 4PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE 10 NA TOWNSHIP RES ENIS Donald Mullaster Carr in Control Officer or the TollIistiip will be at the Police Oliice In Angus Plaza rum 1000 am to 600 pm Friday Hamil 215 and 23th to sell Dog Tags Rates to increase by $100 after Mardi SLSt BRIAN GAULEY GerkTremel Tohnship of Ra Box in ANGUS Ontario WHICH DAY BEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY erir Hair Yuhion 716159 I0 HELP WANTED PAPER ROUTES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Barrie and surrounding area SHANTYvBAY ROAD BARRIE TERRACE BAvCREsr DRIVE COLBORNESIREET MIDHIJRST It you live In or around the storemeniluned areas please till out the application below and return it to THE BARIlIIl EXAMINER CwLATION DEPR BAYFIELD $1 BARRIE or PHONE CALL mull MALE VFEMALE Mrs William Walker Mrs Ira Wilson Mrs All Sperry and thc ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIALNOTICES CASH RATES Snowman Murine nod Deaths Birth Annulment Imuilnin Carri mm In mods Indditloul words leper In Um no verse Vane per eountiinoextrll BIRTHS II loll urir DthYAt On It Viola lmnl norm on Tunu Im ll to and In curler bl Ill Slang or Ion Imm iIrI ENGAGEMENTS Into no merit Buss Juneau auto Ion or Ir llrI Fun Duo or Alcoa swarm nurture In like vim Sshinlay April so in is noon In SL mm lioqu Elmo church DEATHS CALDWELL Noun ammoM ltoyll vieiom llolvlul Blnlr ori suedy lines is use Nomi Gflodillrl cudell In his nrd yea bolnved binsm at rim mm dblr Illa DI Round CAMnil oI warner rim awe Hkkltnxl snub Buy Nomi um onus Itkfllri Bum inn lunlrefl by II children Our miner or been um seem cm dell nredoeelird by Bremen rm wmer ad lnrm Caldwell Reut steamy Nrierll llomr mural Sllul sum mm on Mon thence to 6mm lull United Chum wher mm no no1 well 13min liwfunlll um or an 21 pm 2mm en wmhment Guthrlr Cmrtr ChloeL iniemeni Inter re llmu cemetery no IIIIL In Illii lowers metrand donation to in ouurtn Hem Foundation would or Inbredled Mr Vicarmu Ai nayl Viaorlr limel on Monday linen Air VIvellunhI Bulk loved limbmd pl trucen nil our inner Putzldl Ill1 ILL ce John Dense or Alla rurmrd by mnaeiiudren Rul inr it In lemma ninerll Home is waitsrd Street urge Tarot Angian um srnlleo an Inursdnv II run Intelmerit liurie Union omen llowfl inbrln Ellrn Suddenly on liun Much 21 It Raye ll victori Hospital nrrlr Ont lrlo beloved wire of mm IL News And dur miner 01 Helm sin Thompson lien llimlu Harvey m1 Doug larvalL sister ol Am nirriuir uld wear Nevin Abe survived by 11 mndcnudren mil mu rrndehlldren nulin ll me lemit Funeral mind in Clztr Ave West Toronto llinr ulertll Service lhursdy it 10 run Interment Mount Plenum Century CARDS 0F THANKS msmasfiwzgwx Ikllie our an eggEmu to Allluotfl Ind ru or muly mu kindness And help during Erins lllnen spam mum to Doctor Phillipa Case vuuren Ian Ind DebIcy no noysl Vino llosniul mil noon IA Ind illu every one or null Arid HJSHIII murals We would like to ex Dress our hurttelt trims Ind Abundant Joe flwrflwvfl rriemi Ind neighbours ollltrn Ill mumberI liranclr 499 Royal Cm alimbtulon le sun and Com mirlicnnm or their iiirunes iinral and rpiriiurl bouquuLl our In tho beruvement of our beloved rather Ind husband Peter Gear Kupensy Special illnu to Rt Rev luau ciair Ami Rev IL lu Gino like our sinner fillslg lob Chic Mwell and man allrl lL Kunanlrv lad runny 113 words IN iii per lino prices on request COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE Saturday March 29 am WP HALL com 51 UNITE Alsptcu UCW TERM or mm BILINGUAL LECTURE DISCUSSION SERIES JEAN PW KAHN BA 380 Ptinnnncy University ot Paris Paris France 51bit Prince its over ment history lileruture socioy lit arts Inlormution Phone mass EARRE CLUB CANADIAN FEDEXIATION UN VERSI IY WOMEN RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY MARCH uni LEGION HALL Collier Steel Auspices GUTIIRIE JUNIOR GUILD RUIIIMAGE SALE FRIDAY APRIL 11 pm 5r ANDREWS PWYTERMN CIIURGI HALL Corner Owen and Wordiry Sh SPRING BONNET DANCE Saturday March 29 at the AN AI Club 79 Dunlop St Gents your own spring bonnet and Join the tun PRIZE tor the M06 UNUSUAL Dance to the rhythm of the TOM BLAKE TRIO noon Plum Sim PRIZES Members $1 per couple Guests $2 per couple RUMMAGE SALE Fridnv Mardi mm PARISH HAUL Collier St Doors open km to 17m Auspices mum EMERGENCY NUMBERS Hospital SIMCOE cDIIIIrv Ilrws c00xsrowv By RUSS ItchASlER Mr and Mrs George Progor have arrived home mm will ter matiou in Clearwaier Florida Mr and Mrslrumau Mor rison Toronto spent March lo at the home at their nephew and niece MI and Mrs D0 Juli Mr Mo sons sister Mrs Bert Miliphl was also guest Sympathy is extended to Nor man Campbell and family in the death at Mr Carrrpbell at Bond Haven Nursing Home March 15 Service was held Irolri Hughes Funeral Home March 18 Missies Joe Anne and Judy McFarland spent law days til the school holiday at the home of Rev and Mrs Howard and iamin at Hastings EUCILRE Conkstowri womens Institute sponsored dessert euchre Mar 19 iii the Iawll hall with 11 tables of players second ellCIllB oI similar nature will be held March 715 pm WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Ellworth Fil dey were at home to their Irienrls neighbors and reihtivcs March 15 on the occasion oi their golden weddlng At the alternoon reception at the couples home the tea table was suractive with lace cloth and spring floral arrangement Tea pourers were Mrs Riley and Mrs Art Ha like Mrs Glass and Mrs Muyes live oclock dinner was served In the Eastern Star Hall by ACV of St Johns Church tor the celebrunis and family and number of friends and relatives Rev Mr Morse was master of ceremonies For the evening receptInn celebruntl daughter Mrs Ron Grey were In charge the table Three granddaughters Bounlc Connie and Kim Friday served the guest during the afternoon and evening The bridesmaid and grams and Betty Mrs Grey and Jim at Winnipeg Iron whom they received telephone call of congratulations The couple Were the recipients of numerous cards and gills congratulatory certiiicate from the Roberts government pree rented by Art Evans M37 Bradford Cards and dancmg concluded the day Gusts ai Ielided tram Hamilton Cooks ville Port Credit and Toronto DILLSTONV ll MRS III SPONAGLE Miss Janice Gough has return from visiting her Irlcud Elaine Church at Markham Part or the holiday was spent in HIIII endottawa where the girls attended the United Church which Elaines brother Is pare tor and conducts services in French The March meetingvof Woe mens Institute was held at Mrs Mark Spoilagles Election at of from was IIIecItII2I business More II this will appear In all other edition Next meeting will be May 15 at Mrs Hany dys Nutc please the change in date Mr and Mrs Cough and Mr and Mrs Handy attend ed the skating club party nL SLayller Rev and Mrs Allison Haynes and lamily visited in the Bullsto area or few days APTO By MRS IRVING CARSON Mrs MacComIat and son at Hamilton wererceoni visitors with the farmers nlocc Mrs Murray Carson and Inmlly Misses Elinor and Louise Car son enloycd holiduy with their aunt and uncle at Salirin Shella Curson Barrie spouts hoopla of days with her Carson cous in here Mrs Fred IIIchardson wasln Stratlorrt one day last week In connection with schonl library bunks Mr and Mrs CCaison rind daughters visited in Toronto ril ecntiyillr and Mrs Moran and IarnIly also visited rela Open Friday Night Until 110 Bradford Sf Barrie Telephone 7285965 MATS mun Mrs Laura Murphy and Edison FIIdey were present to help chobrale the happy ceca sion Elswarth Fltdey is Ille long resident at this common ity and has lived in Tecumseth all his lite Mr and Mrs Fildey have tour children Keri Doug lives in Toronto Illr ind Mrs Vallee ol Randolph visited Anihrosothr an and turnin on Sunday 3150 Mr and Mrs Stone Barrie Mr and Mrs Wilson Fort Erie were Sundayvisitors with Mr and Mrs Carson Name Address chides more lulu uni 1666 insulator or ficl Pill learnt Aria iimvinclal Ht Anal Hinton Dulce Ill llflh l1 drainer Telephone

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