Election Opp°siï¬Â¢nTesls Govt WAWA mt rpm um com ments nth university student in their own vernacular and Winning tin in So do the mtisu and tie Democrat The opposition Madman omeared to he main reason for Commas deb My in which the Omen so tented manpoter polices me dmt minaret in particular as the rehlda for confidence test of Mr Tnakana WI gov ernrnent The governormt farm eISity handled the test toting don the motion ill to Conservatite leader Robert Stanï¬eld proposed the motion and in the debate appeared all one of his partyl main reasons for selecting this topic then he saw it almost unbeliev ahle that this government can towerlastyearwiththesup port of so many young Cana dians The motion claimed the gov ernment had not provided for the development and retention of manpower resolute in Can ada and in particular at dent manpower resotuces GIVES ms REASONS tlr Stanï¬eld said he launched the debate to shake the govern ment trom its lethargy and also to let students know that Partia mat is emerged about them Allan llacElchen the manpower and immigration minister said he was surprised that the manpower topic had been selected Canada had been recognized through the free world as lead in the pdtlie some in ninth or roll use of manpower to Nounmdmhyarnte dlfltnltItthuntytheNDP menbu in tartar Mr Stanï¬eld laid AW Klu deitt will he teasing Canadian mimlties and rollers this mtingandthuelsnothdued oi evidence that the federal mermnenl has done any plan ninxtotndlilate their entryinto theme there anybody in gorern mutt rho knows or um um er in no es to promotequ use ol mamser resources The Trudeau goremment and the previous liberal regime under Lester Pearson had done more to mobiliae manle er than any Canadian govern mean since confederation To say that the present goo emment had been hultant or reluctant to face manpour problems to fly in the ace of the fact the minister said The New Democrat offered an amendment to expand the scope or the Conservative non conï¬dence motion ADDS REGRET mm Proposed by Edward Broad hDPOshawaWhitbyl the amendmem added state ment as regret that the govern pt had showed reliance on the unplanned ate sector at the economy instead of stress Canada Leads Preparations For Expo 70 MONTREAL 16 The Site of Expo to in Osaka Japan which is abut the size of the site for Montreals Expo still has aspects of freshly tfllad ï¬eldexcept for loppedotf triangle at building flying emmtry Mr Bmlbent said it someone rtartedVridin herd on They were so big that no one any longer held mnlrol over the prices they charged lhey didnt need the nor my market to finance their operations 2Plete PantSmt WW mm namwiLJIduiaflm Ma mammu initial Mrflau Green Mwwlll Yours For Only millionthde In prion 8N ï¬e 302 Dmmhrtd aorta 54m um mmmmmr tum an Born llndBred InCanada Topic Oi liberal DiscusSion MIAWA Libeb flueabut tangled in the Com ntous fttesday night over the rtrtuu ot dtirens horn Ind had in Ross Whither tHruoe touched of the flurry he called for talentprovincial talks on method oi requiring university graduate to remlln in Canada to time Canada needs lmmigranu from other parts of the Iorld he said But wih ll due respect to my lnends who come mm other continents say there is no citizen in canada who is better citizen than that person who has been born ad heed rim here Ind who ha been ed ucated in our way of lite yet we are letting them get away We need these Mk Eugene Whelan illBurl rose to ask whether Mr Whloh er was saying you had to he homintknadntnhethehm clan ol citizen tn the comb tlr Whither kid he had not said this 15aldthatlflhadmyway wuld open the doors and bring lot of people in that there here no better ritlteu than those born bred and do rated right here in Canada ANNIVE Bastard Raps Banks Red onvertiblfe Loans MON While gen eratly pleased with new in sulner names in mm Oontumer Altair Minister lion Buford aald Nesdly not all are awnre that the times re quire more than whereinqu glmmlcts He told the annual meeting of the Grocery Products Mannhe tuien of Canada that many re tItlen halo reexamined their practch of tradan stamps giveaways warrantiesr Huron tees complaint renlees and the need tor aedittounselllng aenleu Shopping Begins At Woolworthggg Apache Style Todafl wild loch Inna Mature mmmum with pointed collar md emuaging lpachl no and in Many coter ï¬ooéoo At the amt time however other humans woulde are resorting to triumph to to gamer hanh too Surely at time of extreme inflationary pressurogwhen we should he exemlslnt restraint in both the public and nrlvateuc ton the chartered bank thou consider the Grifï¬th niean vl P009 to get mdwntertlhle loan or Hawaiianholiday loan1 in preparation tor the govern qVtuluml Panty Hose Reliable double mesh dea heel Ixmeh partly Mr 400 Modio106nnlatl003t Catt ndlan Man Choicenlthadn 5BAS memo tox tl Xtlt12 Yours For iny rsgiooe rim um hutlnn open Firk Dunno Glenn 1049 lnnrinlodloruzland cot ton in Hunt mall IndUp coll ma matchino jahor trout 39 hillytaolr gt John Front The the Permanent Pleat Natl trill will mndlun ollar and lnl on each I141 01 lmnt In Gnld Piotr Basin 1045 Your choice of plain or wiped colon in mi 1003 acrylic allMlul mllaver Ribbed Vnock andwaiithavthanycol non Sle inn 99 Pair many slim calm mentl proposed now other pricemilling he had met more than 100 business and inbor executlrea jll busing stay line while mummroteulnn ledslltlnn lnd PMrIrns develop if lt maintains silence orrelum to see any point ofvlew but ill own its going to he lelt not in the cold he warned text at his remarks rm re leased ln advance of drillery my mum runr AD morn mom Boxed Glove oml Storquot only rat to won with your new lptlfla out or ML Stmuhy glam and Nylon oblong will to match floppy Ounce Btlno New rmquaiu Venomnet 99 OnluyB EASIER mun OF FASHION THE YOUNG Fashion Sweater todiex Vlletlr Boiled iryllt Cardigan Mama loot7nd Muller Sleeveleot mom with trout pockets ribbed Wu can button and Mickie ivory Elm Lilac NM Folk SMAL 649 Missesa ladiesllermoda Hose Wand Wwfldt Do natng Bermuda him incablo 31h dodtponorn Mm CJAMMWWMWW Mammmwmmm mmflanyodotnflolt red and white maple leaf flag near the main gate Canada was the ï¬rst country to agree to participate in the Japanese Erpo the ï¬rst to break ground on the lite and the ï¬rst to top oil pavilion Patrick Reid Canadian com mirsinner general for Euro 70 said at rim conference Tues day As result the ï¬lm vertlA cal ruts of Canadas mnmid patthan have been leatured on the newer most Japanese color magazines and Canada is hotneth word for the Japa nese ynndtratt armoured by pop music group 1mm Vanuat ver will thread through the It areas Within the pati each at them laying ditfererlt aspect of the countrythe irri meneity of the land quite nnno mat to the Japanese on their small mantis the eomplexuy of Fashion Purse ACWllomrMny dillnmtt Ilylea Inciudmq norm and dooblo handle Many calm Pike so mazme dIoIIup llt Blaett PAW Black Call and Brown Italy ï¬t Pull Blue 712 Eastgr Fashion mm Wilmer mahommwemdrleattrm warm annualswi ram 744 Easter Fashion Poptilar Petal tinn5 the the ethnic fly the history Andrew on tnth ï¬re at the six areas at trolled rateair minutes an areaThe last will be free flirt Embanmkwortdaftl awan at bdudod knit fleaeflorttwflllowlllw Kérch iefs new to immuoulummmfmmmd In plain mealxmuzmm In the for mew mu1 mammalianm vmmflanm Easier Fashion Price GUTHBIE nuts 0mm hm Caron Wiggins rio dent at Toadtert college is practicing teaching with Mrs Robert Hesse at Atlandale Heights Selim this Wuk Jim Graham ol Gmrie spent ample at days at the reheat holiday with his grandparents SfrsBttchaigkmv to Barriehospital following Itrote Many triendt and relath at tendedvtle great of Gerda my on tnrday to extnr Come Mon Torry Cloth TShlrt om time my mom with moot lumn nook ml continuing Only QMWT MW MonI Banton Tshlrl amt blah Tatin moth Only 14min mt tit wllnn ltlllp Ami minimal wuu nnoa ol wt le loyr lorry 10th Short Slam lSlvlrt CrAmltlndll till it Volnanny pan Rqulril325 Slldflrlultlnfl loafer 01m WI ml to drum mo the era loIIeII saw an linearled with ohm and M4 were alumni and mï¬mmwwfll mmmmm mummy Ilon miraan haul Gold of 24m PM 59 99 no EM 911M mar Iwa mm 23m 933 Iahrwrdmllewmdflqhm 915 Pair 21m disiéuwldtmn blackout ard Minim we Ema ummvmmkamm Wwwtml shoaIForGlrls EM mm mm mmvmmmmaï¬ mmmummmt new anthuo umvmhewkMIflwmjh Mil who lived on thefarm of hire Ham Wrialtmmy years ago was Guthrie on Sat nrday Relat esgatlrmd at the home at Mu Napier toian the service Kate Graham was gtharrteforthedaytovin there latim Guthrie Junior Guild are hold in rumch sale at the Leg ion Hall Collie Street March at In owl llM mot lnll momma trim on ml glï¬ttlézltWithin500 HE EASTER PARADE OF VALUES MMmJnVmm Light Blue Prim am it ltd M00594 my WQOLWORTH LEADST