may ta problm other bless cm 10 Goon 1mm See Dentist For Trench Mouth atom maxim nu eaten MDW=Â¥Hfb zermflnnishildb we We mm month par dentin lhnts gm the inleetim mm 11 warm there he Rm mm with mmmflmmmméuflfé ht 6v by dam mm rim mm laneant dunnerde an Irhmever $195 get ten berm dm IA put up the mums gain 10 bed men nihl thank mum mutants rm nd hm at this dirty us He has nut amended hav ever and new Ire bellw he tn infxted me alltmrfl wash II rm comm ateuis Ind dens uxe esrefllv and rdmned mm high Inn as he mm mm thuugtï¬ he had the Eon bin gm paging it ll vmrr hmmis gums hm baï¬ Ind forth and 2171 can Ie get nd once to 111 Imam the germ re mains in owlhbrnsh 38 This is tuna shied or me since the prcblem is gun ually dental one and there limited unmt that chm den can dn rmzn warm knew that some that ill den lists are wait 05 Pmth ummematiswdabmdw tntiexlpJumï¬dgohackm theta have been kind and unstructlve in their lam Ind cammenJ la tzr ï¬lhna ensis mum But the aitiul ones am 9911 Dr flat yeudd denatur reallvxed chitin bone didnt see it but she crivd and id bane Eu caught in her throat led her pieces at bread and soon ï¬le said it was gone ind dldnt mm my more wonder if she shwld see donor NJLC Tint Wasexcellent ï¬rst aid That should be nu further um hle NM tn WJL Kmmm is nut wry tn luunine and it an be harm mainly um um lien Ind ramming natural m7 tuaive secvtlann Btst nie donate only an dadx orders TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARBIE BUFFALO TORONTO BUFFAM T030510 ll EAMILWN PZIEEBDBODEH agree Amen themselves One said that yawn aim teen can an trad month and insisted that has bathing la db wiLh it 01112 onde him Far what tub it may be to ynu lfl flu what believe tn be useful 232110115 the germs caning eents ugh tedmlnl mm or truth mmth are present elen in healthy mvmhs and at least four types cl germs hid can cause the truffle In been and It would appear that other cm nns my par in MORNING VEWING MONDAY 10 DAY In In Lyme in fgn mg ILnde new trike LR um Lam Mina 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47 74mm alm 7Sexlnefl Gum Lamar nlm WAY MARCH 25 EVENT we mu my LMerv army uhert zxmie Wanna snmn for man man um ha Gunman 71mm zum new 4mumr Shaw Lapmm WM Hockey um Lury nPterre nmvn Hce Cmecc illHut rUnm mm km 13 Wemmmm 23w my £01155 uZThe Vlrxlnlln 743 mruuw mane 7mmmuu Es 32J1fuldm Lamb LMnd 54m Th 3m yum nun PM we 111 and Cnninvnzmer HW mm emy Sflut Mum 3an Mm mu Jerrw anrr nqu Sun mum 93m 13mm am Oneflivu Uve ttl BoJlrTv Lewis 11299 325315133 tLgncn dto Ga 15 mm my nu mu Hemc Lam sAam Custtflu lbwW $333 cm 131 Immu mo Piggy mum at sunnee skelth 511mi WW The Wan um mmmum pm mum 54 k2 sketton 11mm 11Nrus Vtznthzr 1H mm um um neat1e 5mm sonemum 1141mm nanenmy 5mm 1134 The 21 m1 on Jlï¬ sum 2quop cu 4A1 nmm over that overlooks com pantively mnple hid n2 plu ar enmple take this which occurred in pair chun plmship plued in Ins Auden A1 mast table the ï¬nnl enn tnnt us four hurts Mei by South and at practically every meofthemdtdmrlentdorn NEWS or THORNTON M15 HOLT mm PATIDN passing of Even Patton in Rap Victoria Hamill Mandi 14 had been gamma there Mani He laws to ma one sister Mule Mn name Gvrdon Wm Emu 51121 Bame Bonaldï¬xmer Thorn ton and neiee ms 332m Tommie One sister Almat Mn mm hill pre detzzsed him Rev Mil rvy cwnduded unites from Suflns Mm with in terns 111an Union Cane tcy Condolences to the be reaved large ands are mama to patmnire the ï¬lthy nlfltt enchm in Thvrntvn Onnze Hall l5 tables be ï¬lled hard 14 men will be two mm lurch 21 and March 29 mute change of nim to Saturday or the 1151 one REUNION Mrs Arthur Reid and Mr and 5le Clarence Fisher went 7V Ms Hard to mm tnTlhe irh mothmfllarthflï¬in rnivy the annual Owkstmrn 01d Bms Reunm in the Oak Roam Unian 8min The remaining at panengers got on at Coabnm Lucky draw were received by the above Thornton ladtee and Mrs 13mm nu Donald pt Marathon are inund ingrthis Week with the htterl parents Mr and Mrs Jennett ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Gears um helped Mr and Mrs Walter OFFICE HOURS DAILY CROSSWORD Lawns Spartl MP MI like dulhorl basket 10 GA 14 17 Min 12 In Him between pain Grind the teeth 15 Mn N130 15 Clint 1837 2L Rum plains 11 Oriental amputee 21 mum Alphlbet 28 21 Bum blind an jwur 39 lard 8L Hot 5mm a2 13 14 Bitter Inch as mupmm 31 M64 mm ID Mare but 4L EatenIS Fmfly mum Mannee Paul Down Chum BSblial 10ka hue squander mu 3mm pet shirt Guldal EM note 12mm Iltat use Manny at the 1mm Sign on diner 17 MW Di DONALD ï¬re 33 rmoritislmmthelo Melon 1h duck in to dream either way dmu at Bantam celebrate their 45 wedding anniversary by attending plrty in Nettan Robinson Hal March ll Ahvut attended indudlng their bridesmaid and trwmsmzn Recent caller at Mr and Mn Mr IN Hrs horn Eranrpm and Mr 159mm Jrlndsonot5car banana alse Mr and Mrs WiL liam Ellis and Brenda of Delhi spent March 15 Ieekend Irilh the Jenna DOMINION Than Unitd mm will ob serve Holy Communon Hard 30 Pllm Sunday at 1015 am Adm and yotth mnunianz class will be welcomed acnev merrbtrs Miss Frannsï¬rcklurn accum panlerl Mr nd Mr George Holt Shroud March when they attended the Senior Citlzens eudlre party cums CHbsNo0neAndTnodthe Hi and leaders mere beginner at lunchean tn members at Innrrflan Womens Institute and SECRET AGENT GnAï¬oMA Ulfled Church sflwl Mm Th St Patricks theme was depict in decoratjuns and accessnr ins The dish which were sen ed WM style had been taumt in their Third Meal current 17mm Everyone is urged to be out ta welwme Rev Alfred and Mrs Day to the morning service at Trinity United Church March 73 Mr and Mrs by are on ur 102311 mm Hang Kong WeltMs ï¬nkmurmmaufl Iflhadï¬mtodouvenjustmrdï¬ketohave Mnmywhohadnemshmme from other churches would be welcome ETTA Kerr BLONDIE 0m hm no com 9019 etc 213m Bull Wk 23 Dome in 43 33 mun menu 2470am 29111716 Indie amt chm 35 Munoz Muin tvrnne 370mm mad Inwar Aunt 39 Kind I7 um 41 51mm mutant lhbr Shield 48 Ink in debtednenl BUZZ SAWYER MUGGS SKEETER Sm Armand euramms mm mm we wanna Ammantea natural Doe AIEMWMNL mutt AND WEN£955 mt MT INTELuaEmz ARE mu Em Wmmvunma JOBMTMD vlix MN on VACAYION AiTEfl FIVE nvnnr UMBRELLA AV HIGHLWA GEM F02 SIEERKNG CLEAR OF WL WEAR ITON MYNEAD WHEN ROLLS SKATE AFTER DARK ITLL UK HAVING PHONE or MY Hl BUZZ ME BACK OUOUINCE 367ZITHAT5 ITS cu NEIGHBORS mmnmnk CAN TALK FOE HOUQS FOR TWO WHOLE WEEKS THAT YA5 WORSE THAN ANY NIGHTMARE EVER HAD WIIWKELVWW WWKEWJFMWAVEA MMMGQTTMSOMEWKERE TIRUTREWIMYALï¬EREHï¬ Hrucovmt HELICOPTER WELL HEARD MENflON MY FRIEND MR BANKS WINK MY PAL WOULV FLY YOU THERE MM no Wu wart romraw msomsz Mltuomlmt newsman menus 0F Still1 50 mm 170Wv ANDA MAP Kmmrr WILWLMEI SEDWWMA