some Hrs SPliilliG warm spring day and faithful dog that doesnt mind doubling as pillow what Offer Ray $175000 For Rights To Story NEVYORK so Percy Foreman the lawyer who adlt vised James Earl Key to plead guilty to murder in the slaying of Dr Martin Luther King Jr sold today an otter oi $17500 has been made Ior tho movie right to the story Foreman said the otter was made by Carlo Ponti film pro duces and husband of Italian no tress Sophia Loren to William Bradford Hide Rays oiticlal bi ogrnpher And Ill get so per cent at It Foreman said in an inter view in his New York Hotel Foreman said that in addition to the lee Ponti would pay In per cent of the gross receipts oi the movie Foreman said Look magazine hnd guaranteed another 000 for Huies series of articles on Rays lite and that he is entia tied to on per cent or that also RAY FIXED FEE iflhefloustonlauyerwho suclt cessiully defended Candy Mos sler and her nephew lilelvin Powers tn 1966 again charge Claim At Least 29 By THE CANADIAN PRESS At least 29 persons died acci dentally across Canada during the weekend Canadian Press survey mm pm local times Friday to midnight Sunday showed 22 persons died in trafï¬c four in tires two from carbon monox ide poisoning and one in fall Quebec led the toil with 10 fa talities Ontario had our traffic deaths two irom carbon monox ide poisoning and one in tall Quebec had nine highway WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF DIES 1N PRISON 10th Reuters uiminal with $12o0000 secret was found dead in his cell at London top security prison Sun day Home ofï¬ce omcieis said they would not comment on the cause of the mysterious death of Michael Kenrick but The Daily Express newspaper said it is believed he was poisoned Kentids was sentenced last March to four years inVWorm wood Scrubs prison or receiv ing stolen gold snoreme PARIS Reuters Gerard Pelletier Canadian secretary of state arrived here Fridaytor clirdesvrneetings with French Culture Minister Andre Mairaux and EducationMinister Edgar Faure mnecu on rannon PARIS Barriers French warship has been sent to patrol theffrench West Indies follows tug reports mounting West anger at theBritish inva sion of Anguilla Wednesday navy spokesman said Friday NUCIEAR WARNING HONG KONG Reuters liIao Tsetung Chinese Commu nist party chairman is quoted Friday aarWarning Russia that China would retaliate in kind to Soviet nuclear attack It the Russians dare use duelear mis siles well do the same the more could boy ask Eve eaoold James Van ot Dela ware near london OnL 0t murderinth husband said Rny himself fixed the lawyer fee at $150000 Foreman said he understands that Arthur llancs former mayor or Eirmlngham Ala llays original lawyer In the King case had been paid $35 000 It all comes through Hale Foreman said The lawyer said that his 60 perccnt share of the movie book and magazine rigth might total $100900 or so but that he would take only the $150000 agreed upon with Ray Foreman said he would put anything above that ï¬gure into trust for Rays family lIa said he advised Rey to plead guilty because believed he would he electrocuted if he didnt WANTS REHEARING may was given sentence oi 99 yeara In thefiennesseeflstate penitentiary He has since signi fied his intention of asking rehearing at which he could Hong Kong Star quotes him as telling an emergency party meeting following the first SineSoviet border clash March ten the Usiurl River mumps mosoow Reuters Troops and amphibious vehiclesvhave been called out to evacuate rea withdraw his guilty plea and deaths three in traLlie and one British Columbia had tour deaths three itraifle and one in ï¬re in New Brunswick three per sons din in traltic Manitoba reported two road deaths and Saskatchewan two in ï¬re Alberta had one trafï¬c fatal Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland re mained fatalityfree The ernvey does not include lmown suicides slayings or industï¬a deaths pie living in the toothilis of the Carpathian Mountains near the Romanian border alter the worst flooding of the Dnester River for 20 years says the armed forces newspaper Red hasnt certain the world as he led his pal Joe relaxin ï¬eld near their home elect to stand trial by Jury Rays brother Jerry la quoted by the Nashville Tonnes seen as saying that the accused slayer was placed under ï¬nan ciai pressure by Foreman to plead guilty and take prison sentence Foreman said he would take $150000 it my brother pleaded guilty but he wanted everything he would ever earn it he didnlt the Tennessennqunies Jerry ltey as saying Foreman described this as bunch ot in Savannah Ga Rays lat est lawyer Slooer said his Ku Klux Klan connections would help Rays case they show Im loyal white man and the white people at Shelby County are Ior white su premacyf Sinner said Mem phis where the murder oc curred is in Shelby County sun saidtlmtKing brought about his own death with his activities across the country and added Star Homerenovations Family education go Debtconsoiidation New car appliances Any major need Major vacation See Canadian Acceptance about swond mortgage ï¬nan ring on your homea safe scnsible way to borrow hack some of thenJaney youve invested in your house and put it to different use Low monthly payments discount bonusor hidden otlicc now HOMFDWNERS HOWTO FIND sixday visit His program inl one Realty Limited Suhï¬diary or CANADIAN ACCEPTANCE momma Lumen 149 Mississauga St He was trouhiernalrer The VOntario dead FRIDAY 0rville Ford Hay Ont in twoearcrash near Dush wood 30 miles north of London 4teve Glowa 41 Corunna Ont when his car lat Highway to and struck tree near Sar nra SATURDAY lames Innes 27 Giencoe Ont in singlecar accident on Highwaym as miles west of London Jacoh Wall on Aylmer on found dead athis hotel residence aiter fallingdown light of stairs SUNDAY Albert Martin 62 Uxhridge Got in collision on Torontos Don Valley Parkway Michael Manieri and Helene Daakiewics 16 both of Toronto found dead in the Man ieri family garage with the en gine of car still runnin Upiao lSyaarstorepay No charges your loan at any time Call your and you can pay off CanadianAcceptance isthduted me anemia KP Quebec Shouldrha neameetof mush Paulina Julian nld of bee rum in interruptedI speech by State Secretary Gen ud Pelletler int month in Nia may Niger was rhwt from the heart Interviewed on her arrival here for an April periormanee It Massey llali she was asked ahoutreports that the Incident embarrassed her best at com feicns of Free na tionsin Niamey Niger heard nothing from the rlcan delegates sold the red halted nugervr attended all the conferences Twas withthaplesident and Viva la Quo honor at the conference not to perionn but to ilvon in the courtroom no it wouldnt be so perloin gt The federtl minister was speaking on the sublect or cupbonim world communh akin lea afraid one waamrdrforoum was Mama Ma want to asimllalaust shouted Vivo le Quebec Liboefnaitd Ihnth all known Peilotler tor long time Ila said You can sing better than you can Ihout and said can andl con shotntoo bte words and words and nothing changes There on lot or poo ill am In con and unheralded unity some we the violence is in the situa tlouaodwahavatoehangetha situation Fem mtof the unemployed in and are in Quebec Ninety per cent of French Comm MQflh Engliahiniheirjoiuc ltts denial that people hunt to have society oi their own it is Important that and we be independent ond the connmmkato Its not as if do dde to lolndiive in Italyl and then would lumyltlilln Wa are not reduce Soviet communist weer Pravda son Canada want to know the truth Irom Prime Minister Trudeau about the country 01 the United States de dsion to build limited oath bailiyle missile system orosoow Routers The people of consequences for their Pravda Says CanadiansyVWant Truth libout VUS Delence In commentary on iru deans visit to Washington be ginning today Iorgtniks with President Nixon anla turtle Vladimir Ourov dlan leader has gven only hazy explanatlo lion the Can nj or the atoll he told me very frankly You are at homohere so now whc heard nothing oililt 0n the separatist bombs in Montreal Everybody knows that the situation in Qudwe cant stay the note We hear nu minim om ins PHONE mutt sc0rs Johnnie 300 out so 51mm lel 705 7101505 ON sscpuo GALLON THE NEW QUALITY LINE BY BENJAMIN MOORE GAL rxrssroo slums 4inch Reg 1195 Now only 298 IVZlneh Reg L75 nowonlyll9 Rion dlourt 2inch Reg 198 now only l35 moosrons 20ALL0st Zouihrs mils lnierlorEnomeiUnderbelly forehandiioortnamel zghrous VZGUARTS 7introuniLArExLirrxrnmrk ZGAtttINS 200nm moonrods SATIN FINISH ENAMEL 95 p95 12 ROLLER I29 nnuuON Spetiulvtlifer iiimited lime Onlv Available it Sale Ends nonnronnnwnr HANDI more ALcoNA BEACH 4361770 KING 5r ANGUS 4495307 Orillia0ntario 3266477 slit vv BAIL Hiatus Mltl 00 LTD 1282496 IRVINE DECORATING cram 22 CLAIPERTON AN Ne ST 7205556