Aius FOR sale rauns vsomsles LIIl MAR Li Mm ulna bar as Char um ununi mos HAW ARTICLES WANTED rv Tit smuigm mn guild on TV 611 In Mmein gm lous can In 14 sliver emu Illv was names was oldfl 1min annulus man All led hih nullified Ian auu lieu Mill mm ARTS FOR RENT BOMAGS WHIPAUIION EQUIPMENT ulAIN SAWS GJMPRFORS AIR 10015 BARN HOME BUG POGGER MARTIN RENTALL CENTRE 01 DUMB ST BARRIE Open Monday to Saturday73 am to 530 pm Friday night until pm FARMERS MRKT FARM MACHINERY HALLMAN SILOS DISCOUNT diring Maids and April BOOK YOURS NOW MOREAU FARM EQUIPMENT Telephone Elmvalemlid HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Semco DAIRY FARMEQUEPMEIT Canplete line at Dairy Farm Equipment Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 726m kJEQUIPMENT WAYNE BEAIIY Pm rarzsauss SERVICES Silo unioadcn Caille Feeders Baro cleaners C0th INSIALIATION RR STROUD 4363717 assu nannls Ihelor or me loo Jena exeellent condition with mow Nude 850 can Teiephono aims FARMMACHINERY WANTED wANnas Hydrate trotit and laid erior Inumtiansi Farmu tru Ior Telephone maul LIVESTOCK FOR SALE rimr or sale one year old Tele vaooe suns Roam eon em out was out boarded hox slam excel lent care Reasonable VIZIler twintstrnud showing lorvule dila la rm Lang min lYIrlLfl mull xuasulzn sunqu at skid nan Thunder Apploan stallion How clipped mines pulled nrrylnl mud non Ior nle Telephone Has wahrsn Week to ihh lad ovekNot any TIE3500 PERSONALS LOOK GREAT FEEL GREAT Relax in Soolhing Sauna DAINES saunslsimls PHONE 7287111 muons lIx return arrows for um business or Indlvldiill Kidd Dunla West da or gg For appo tan one 726 HAS sullarist or organist Mullet dun trio Must be zi or she Telephone mmut2r pan LL you Itle ermine prob lens and want help phone ooyrim oi to an or harm MUSICINSTRUCTION TED ROBINSON Teacher popular and In piano prepration or exnnlna on of the R011 Conservatory at Music on now riommly tucher an flDnII Conservatory nI Hulk FIX rm studio NURSING HOMES cuuN competent can or the elderly at Bumble monthly rate now available at Innlaarood NiIHIng Home was Isluh VWOMENS COLUMN LEARN aamnnnssmc Government Chartered School Thorough training in all bran dies of beauty culture DEEWINSICIQIIIIBRESSING lo HELP WANTED MALE HELP Sales Representative AllCanadian nompanyreqtnres an emerienned industrial sales representative or the Barrie Oriflia0hen Soundarea Jun lt ior matrimlatinn or better Sal ary commission expenses and company ear For appointment call MIL CAIIEPBEIaL CONTHIENTAL INN Barrie mien rh ICIIODI bus driver wanted in viclnlly or Crallhunh Dalston or Gnome Apply Flo sultan cut auxi Telephone no noun salesman wanted in de diverlng em and poultry ln To ronto SIiIny emploimrnl la mu able lllcanL erle Box GI Barrie Ema IllHeir MALE Help DOYOUHAVEA CARERSAIIS OPPOIIIUNTIY mnihgsutduumum hhidlmablesawtobspro meted odnnritlnmad seniorlly MN¢ diets Whom oar etlrerulul Wdrindudesalamibsear rilyml molar alien lhlesuntlonal cognition IF NUTYOU MAY 90m BHNGwi or WM 13 mm Car 9N Emmamime RECEIVE rm neekuleo iniqu In Ibronlo at Germany unease lour necks lid training by qllallrledSales Manager Above average missions IU nun badmin No Mar 10 trader standard Model In good worhlng under New Binder serviningbmlnsuancolmin emdmed lie Imwmnm INTERVIEW 7283704 twat 1100 noon 50 pan PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Ilerioal existent mam by local manulaourer Vay inter eating position or the rill yoimg man AW UNIVERSAL COOLER Patterson Rood BARRIE HOW TO EARN In MORE MONEY Ineedafuilorparttuneman to help meet the demand or much needed service for motor ists Pleasant dimmed good am paying work No experience necessary but car is For iniormalion rite Art Winters RR No Angus giving phone number rouNo HAN reauired or local trmmrt oIlIer stats ene ananla wrllatoBo Lan r1e manila mismlAclsi lull lime or mod em nregreniva name store ldell naming mndltlon loam week Write Box as Burls bummer faPmnanted itan nilnuts 111 01 Ill In and trimming OverUm it sat unending nursery In BlnteJnl Good wages Nunfl Juli All replies millennial Soity mun Cookslnwn Telephons LEADING Nallmul Enemal Ap vIIlriee Manuhctw 11 he ed leader In it ï¬eld has Imh overbu for an experienced lalu mm ID glIl on established dealers attainmemnmapuwu experience an URL but not mew till lfllnlnl flven SII Ir ulul above avenge common is anal expense nu mqu IIIon beneï¬t WlIIQ Box G1 BIB ric kmlner givin phonl number age and background FEMALE HELP OPPORTUNITY CALLING Great in rm Vvertiaed AVON Commits Illrn spam on into mo rneyXCall museu Pth muller no Box as Bar lie or phone meson Pnho teacher wanted by large musle lrhooL rm llrao or his line work available Good amp unity or Idvlnezmenl sou om tenant For Inlamuoa Idealone 115M lsflglflnlnrde coals Ranked ark on no no weekends snr appointing tellphone mm Hammett required iuu ex widened to take over eltabï¬ahed ellentelr wages his commission Telephone AZHSII wAnRus required inflation or day and nï¬ht lam helllit working eon Hons onlloms run piled Telephon 7284M WArmus wanted Ior vesting won Apply in verses in ltaiia is Mlllcuter steed wAmsaau retinaea hill or out line emplayrnen mast In men enres Apply Nnmmdy detainint as Dunlap street in telephflnl 72min nomwonx available Baseball setters needed Immidtltely hm extra money at home no lame wormlion telephone unison Ana Weiilnger United the Victoria st same mean mmcmba HullI wumslloiivllixf Am Buck Ins oa baby from mom betwemomusdtom IllAsimz rtmntlhle baby sitter required Ior scumbag children elenlllgl Sleep in or on Telephou 715031 maximum Waltzes miure Apply Queens Hotel Dinlns Room nuniun street 2qu MALE FEMALE HAIR SIYLIST Sal anemia Ihï¬ï¬‚l IE on Hllr futilori 3H EMPLOYMENT WANTED ADVERTISEth Mollyvemloydfln nuMlM capacity with large agen wines to relocate with one any Experience In marku ng new oroduot development re uulh etc Future Impoan Ell srv seconds wriia to Box Cd harm zitmin EMERGENCY humus City Police 7mm orr Fire Dept Hospital ve rum Plate or plate mime honors and MinnIbo union diaubar HCIUMY dial wagon with 16 It flatlan and end nth Now Holland hay haler No nwllh tooled motor the new lid semi mounted lludor mower No II ft out my raili hay elevator 41 of hay and grain New Holland lameher Ilsa nailan side delivery rake PTO In ex tellentconditinoéfgia halal ens sprayer ast lined banels 21 hand gun al like now less iii ton dial heels hydraulic pllumn with mock rub and lar paulln In enshent Wilda nil have certiï¬cate of modi nlnaifane inning ï¬nite or main pt hitdl like new no gal liquid maniae Iahk mounted on heavy dilly nheei trailer and on tires Harps tacth trader blade pt Midi It Cantfllllt mali ure spreader No unstor hitch George White post hole auger new 12 Grain Auger 21 Grain auger 21 New Turner grain box lea bun mounted on heavyduly heel trailer Willi 10 no tires eieotrd more it liigt 1s hp hp Uncoln welder No on nheeLtand loo It heavyan extensionf cord gtams amlï¬eue ryielding nut conpie wi cadmm cart New diop box Quaitlty pig troupu anl bards Roll new Page wire slice tilrods Quantity grain box Watertrough new 1m gaI tarps and 10 10 in good condition Rubber tired Mheelbam It eminn ladde It ex tension ladder Buzz saw pt hitch Set attractor drains is as Set wales Bans rope and hay fork Quantity oi used steel rooï¬ng Nmity ol barn door aaclr Blacksmith anvil Trailer hitdl Iorcar Number of wooden gates Quantity of daitken Ieedera and walerers mawa of bushel baskets Jamesuayrotarythog feeder new 1L step ladder 00 gal gas tank and Set log tongs Cant hooks Grain iighieners 25 rapping dlain Quantity stove yipe Quantity usod windows Quantity or as basins shingles Quantity mixed stovenood Eureka gap den seeder all attachments Pile ol elm lbeelllll WW Quantity handler Quan tity at handmadplank Quan lily of liarber Pile ot map iron adjlstable steed posts aluminum shovels Quantity nt plastic pipe used water booth harvuter 1w Ionno or making concrete slat W011 EFFECTS Finidlsy emit stnvl eoai is wood card table and main matched Malabar of odd limits antique sewing ms dailies burner hot plate Bellapom toilet and water tank Hand lawn mower Hot water heater and lberrrmt ammo MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL prmnled by sown SIMCOE cHOlIALls DENIM seemy Ticketa available from Harpers Pharmacy sharp Terms cash Nn reserves lam sold Nothing to here moved imtii settled Ior Buyers from distance must be able it prove to the dork NE Owner or Mouser will not be Immihle or wildcat or try to persona onvpropeny dlxing sale day HEWLMLWHL auctions TGIW Barrie manor WHICH IS BEST IMONDAY nussmv WEDNESDAY THURSDAY IFRIDAY Itsstronger Tsiephnns undo new Salon llqllld of posts Wooden Cm balm stmw Quantlty oI IO HELP WANTID WANï¬b yiaucfnén am mamas Manner man It in MALI MALI =AAILABLE IMMEDIATELY snarm BAY ROAD seams TERRACE smears DRIVE COIBORNE 5mm MIDHURST CIRCULATION DEPTi 735539 Name Address iuu l4PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE 10st TOWNS mm Em Dmald Mediator hie Inc Control Ofï¬cer Ior the Mushlp will be It lhePnlIcs Olflco In Angtu Plaza rum 1000 sin to 000 pm Friday Hard alsl and to sell Dog seed Tagltsies to Increase by $700 alter March slot BRIANA GAUIEY ClerkTreasurer Township oi Essa Box 10 ANGUS Ontario EEKIKHVICIIIS Marriages Ind De tllAnnouo Iaddillonal words 6c per word In hiemorlsln too verse Verse per count llae erirat Coming Events ENGAGEMENTS manunsrs Mr and Iln Robert King or Woodstock mna on to rig mamgo Er ml sgmm Lillian 01 in lagnufi son mu Asher Ontario an nodular uni lag Im II Doile Avenue un IAanl our no pm DEATH Ahcan Helmet AnaLSuodro It the Palllug General liosplia on Sundly March1i lm in her no year antiic Ann Home at Emile bewth uiis or the late on Archer deu mother chmloll tilli Andrew iieiolnsi or uflfllll ROXIQJMII Kenneth my fmh ES °I Petty nu Kitchener llld the Isle Dddle dear Halea ol LIIUm Mn John Rllnlet or Hamid ontarin lovingly rc naunh red byd andeaildren ind bethiai unitary until 115 pan twineday 11m 2s nm to imam Angilean muleh novel or InnerI serv Ice as no mm Temporary en tomlueot Elmvalq cannery mumL Intenneni later Elma etay In memolrllm dnnlllona Kb 0M1 Heart Palladium mils be appreciated auzm Geo Suddenly it Ml hour hountbatlcn ROM some on Sunday hiatus use George Beasley In July 59m rlr ï¬lmed liedlcal Corn Hue ord eal beloved humus or Llahel Cameron Ind dear lfller OI Genid at mine brother or Willle Montreal John Aim Isln Dunn and holly Inn Room all or Halllax nullu the leiinst Funeral Home Isa lrldlard street Barrie Ior mm on Wednesday pm intere atom ailn unlon yummy CRAWFORD Thames TurbanSud denly and placelully home on Station on Sltuad Mirth 21 1969Tllomal Rldilrd andord In his ma ell bele husband Hail Camobell dear ether Belly Ill WIlIlImsoni Alaalllr Pitride tun Gilbert Hardman MI and TInl Ilsa gunle by ll ï¬lnddllldfln orig brother Albert Crawford Ind 0n llflel Niel Mrs Rlomn Edgettl neat tax the SW9 Funeral Home 10 Worthy Skeet Home Private llmllv enrll Ind mull in till CHIN on ï¬lmy Mlilh 25 In lament ll later date It on win ï¬rm memo was on Sway or Crippled Chillan or IIOVCIIIIIII Cm society would be Iypreds mAflv Pillad lldy lIv Arnold ulnar Home moan Wednrdu um 19 1969 Mrs Nlng Meehan beloved sister lean Gable Harrie roami erflegmyereumflalyh slam in In ner one men was nema Memorial watery Detrdll Barrie and surrounding area you lireIn or around the alorementioned Irena please Illl out elmn It to THE mm 16 BAYHELD ST WEN um REPRINTS ilyouwouidimtohanro prints at any am pictures take by our ml photographers please call at business Oilt ice Wamsaruwaeannoi accevtmlm ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES atha oemenialmaximuln 40 words Cards Thanks 75 words Gm nth MuttM Tum anti iloaoilai lo on no oIMIPJJnrgri ll°n famine CEcLIJflnrk Elma reh Woods och saturdsy Slmklry nillent Home so worse ley shut rrle sent and mum in he on nioa as limit Al on huh mem Barrio Union 1mm IN MEMORIAM CUMle memory my dear hrdlhghtlflmm who Passed IWIY 1m His all 011 hi actions II nullname has tin mind MUM II IV 14 oflmd min mm to very end L49ll CARDS OF THANKS PAINMI and Mn Ioha 1L Pain mg to trunk all who wiselyted on the occasion nI mela 5th Wed wish Ind or be In buntI lul Iltl melted COMING EVENTS BINGO St John Vianney Hall Tumultnumzs Vlam ALMOST an SALE WY mail in GILES pamluu 95 000k Auqslcw sr om ACW NEWSPAPER PAGE MATS lederai no Whï¬lll no Aunly COMING EVENTS THE GON 21 73 andJanes Anna sills Find Lettersm From1889 SYRACUSE NY IMP Thin mum or letters and docu ments of United States Presl dentï¬lvlillard Fillmore ordered destroyed in 1889 and including love letters from Dorothea Dir line been pond in an unoccuv pied mansion in central New Ydrk Stale The Syracuse HeraldAmado nan reports In copyright story that Prof diaries Snyder of the State University College at Oswego conï¬rmed finding the papers oi the nth president about two Years age Dne oi the trunks apparently had not been opencdsince Fill mm lettlhe White House in BusineuMliu amt ax miner DOLIERS ny cum and slim lnursday Friday Salinday moon at pain illusion Stationery WE He succeeded Zachery Taylor who diedol typhus alter ls monlhs in nfticez Scholars had believed the let ternincluding correspondence tram editor Horace Greeley Stephen Douglas William Sew ard Taylor and Franklin Pierce were destroyed flaming century ago Snyder said hs was eatelogu ing his lindIor deposit in the college library The historian found more than 70 letters Iroln Dorothea Dix crusader Ior reform of treat ment or the insane which he ssldrsvealed her deep person nllnterell in Fillmore during his years as widower The first Mrs Fillmomdled dirrg anniversary conveyed good 131 pm to am part sin or llï¬ldsal lorusins chicken woos allies mu Frdncé Indispensable Am mm cm 3m Semin Gerard Fells liar says the will to large closer the hatwg caaada Ind In part at Canadian lilo hip or PM very predate heritage the Canadian lnIiiller told shout no hfe delegates at weekend oonlerrslcs at the Association TbanlgsnICsnadaIMQue 11 he were flown or the occasion over this indual Idly In bat northwestern hence Alaoplsylag prunlnent role at th meeting were delegates from Manitoba Includlng Mayor Fenland Laverne at St Pierre near Winnipeg In an Interview Lavergna prllnd the spirit at corner tlon engendered by the muting whldi hard ofllclll reports ether cl France and Canada generally The Guardians generally felt at honta In Alnleni city oi moon residents which serves as administrqtiia hem oi lurv rounding llclrd VIIII lo nelghlnrliig Dleppe and the bittlehelds ot Ills Somme Ionned port ol the schedule Ior delegalu who re presented total association membership 12000 In both munlrlu Pierre Willaer who as prefect smtrsl French govern rvpreseatatlve In this lolned with Pelletier Slln4 day In listing that FrancoCr oi their nadlan Irlendshlp transcends the bounds or mere cordiallty In Canadian minister stressedlhs role of lechlllcal and scientiï¬c cooperHon lie and other participants In about FraneoCanadiaa student exchanges and other projects backed by tho smisilon Jean chspdeialne no agentqeneral In Paris and Ca nadian Ambassador Paul Beas iieu both attendedtha conten enee 0m assoclslllon otlchsI curren cooperation tween Parla and Quabee as an Ilnportant part of drawing to Galt Downs Sault 41 lGIOIIENER ice Gait Iiomete tinsel Ior two thirdpa rlod goals in tho space of 29 see and Sundly Io detest Sault Ste Marie Cansdlanaumil In the opening game of alOnla senior hodoey Iinsls crowd 5043 fans saw Pele Brennan score at 1346 and John Beechey at 1415 as tho Hornets won IIIeIr sixth strelght playott en route to the Allan Mp playoiis The bestedï¬ve series re turns in Gait tonight with the third game in Sault Ste Maris Wednesday The opener was ln tame because as silo mills misslma Is would ln Gall The Hornets who won thr0n tario Hodsey Association cham pionship also got goals Irom Vanc Miller on the power play and delenceman Ron Hergotl Asoodianuaterlaloeaerius In lwvaller years of poor health Flumore later married llle widow of an Albany mer chant riidnllzoziii An AllVisor willholpyou word your dd on intro Elohim ileOf Canadians the meeting visited the gown moatsponsored arta centre as Mellon do Is Culture in showcase eumnla oi the na tionwide network at such an lruPeIIetler Il ineelIlig Dillon al AlfIr HInIster Andra Mal rslix during the Candles minis ters visit In France banner near tho specious main square of Amlens an nounced ihsassociaiioos coa lerenee new city street will be named sllerQuebec delev gates were told The representatives from Manitoba presented organisers oI the Mlerellto with IDIIYEIIIII province Contact be tween France and Canadian provinces with Frenclsspeaking minorities ls pm of tits associa tions work as is promotion at greater travel between the two mnlries and Job each ngea Youre good for more at Beneï¬csal even as much as $5000 Why settle for less holiday money than you really want CallBm amount Beneï¬ci Linn up to 35000 gt 42 month contract BARRIEIB Ba old St 0RILLIA73 sslsuga elicial and ielI ii the full whelc the money isv BENEFICIAL FINANCE co or CANADA Vour loan can he Iiieinsured son loans over$l$00 nPEM EVENING av APPOINTMENT Want to buy house Its only Want to sell your ear Its easier Want to rent onvdpdrtmont Read no further Want to trade coins Roloxfll The dnswerto oIIof these questionseon be easily solved by using Examiner Want Ads Using the Want Ads is not II lied to our town It can bring you oh opportunity from many lg ports olytha country saIfI Find out for your