Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Mar 1969, p. 1

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amour names WW 1mm tOdthYuriNuThV awayMe coming tennis at the Whaeflauelfixmndhis MMmtheKthor on as mum arrived on on viii Washing too am trymm TO guru VIOLENCE ArreSl 172 In Foldstail Wm tildes At mmmmm inkanth morstomeilrnobrlflenm alfidl has raised am 150 dathstlfisnmlhitrureport editr137 the mmrmsmnuos PMJmMiImtM rvlzhlthmninouepartot try uml frne oruthtr Jamar1 weed mumrated 17 meritWeder mammmwm wwwmmwbe ammzedm mamasdnkbamithe mmmmmm the Wantrolled Bari Fabian Gila pa trolled the dtfs k215i Ita lian mkronre mim ttou centre and other key palm Canado Tougheris Policy On Seals momma The Cane dian warmest ha ndqated mmutantlealpollsyinrtrany Rail Amused by condoningatmciflesinCundaa chilly Atlantic coastal waters and worried nhout both the mrys image and possible decimation of the Seal popula tion fisheries Minister Jack Darisisinnomoodtotrifle Northtnrbcrland Stnh and the southern part at the Guild St Lawrence have been donut to the seal hunt about Inoth earttu than usuaL Norwegian realing vessel was muted in Canadian terri torial waters or lahrador Sat nrdayandmderedtaprooeedto St Johns NM Thix Iehon ante only day alter llr Davis warned to the Commons that ureign hunter were illegal ly penetrating Canadian eaten hinelr ot the tealtuning tzhu place in Interna lional II uudlelirrritoniaeilnearith Manhummdemdby Preadmltohammed Ayn Khan Ilflo in hid maze my 37953 mammal2mm vrlltoafcereri mounting to pm my in the two seething haltes ofhixmmri The peopepauthdranhtenu mammnm hanm WHOM aarthezehanrdrrr 157oitheda7theldozlem league hr Emilruled n25 gafizawmmtnsaup an as an homeland Karim lanai and parade lire is claimed at least harmonization CAPSULE NEWS soviet Musician Vanishes In 115 3252 YORK EAPI Indium mayimedlafiad rm Smday Meridianth mam made Warpatfmtmmlesbeachm 99122 tassel the memo mad Windsor Hospital Projegté Cut French To Vote On Decentralization FAKE AW1h Yrmafimprefiaal daytutbehilordauzxzaiifirgthemam Meaairmfiagtaeweafidznifl amount to War2 thefienépeapleinarderzflmhwflfl suspend priest loriixperimenl Madam by diuindblaltmzlvxpe methattperoatt dapaumét Ibuhn amreulyhadbemv Detedive um Tom was Bidlhehadmflendhmodm the walnut atth he neeninabgtme3tsinen mauleolabriefierenvhyer dmihediflnlhathomeuan mmyqrfitanddrypeflon Food Prices Never Better aiminueminiver Time ah Wain of bin tuodpimlailtoreamizethat theiaaureirt tbeinhflaayn my deliberately avoids mahtngpofiq mm my Of Decision ioreiznhmztersinmrmit hlrDarietoldtheCammarts By rm Wren Prime Egyptian and Israeli guns away moss tile Suez Canal today alter one of tbe leadbgArabguerriiiaorganiu tionrreportullarzernovrmenta of Israeli trons into the Sinaj Derert The firing continued through one United call or eeacetrreat 19am UN ohaervl mulled ioramtheroeaeetrre dmnrhenihelnadh said WWIIrootingqu eereral Norwegiln 1821 were teen inside the limit when the binder reason opened March 11 in the Gui oi 5L Laureate Ind Nortbunberlaod Strait the harvest has been well below 17 enge What the minister dosed the season March 15 with ot line between Point Faunninat hill and Cape St lawrenoe N5 the government estimated that 35 pelt had been him The quota in 59000 eondnd hunt in humane manner he it abolition next year hunt var suspendedjor day on Mirth lo and again March it the day Mr Davis ended it on ama 0n the trout ml is in relied the 23 hoe nd cry in North and Eurqn about al brutality in the killing of leak Mr Davis went to he Gulf Ia later Hi mum he told conference gégliie fig The lsraeli Amy said United Nation observers arranged gain at rnidmxning gut and the matte restrned their barrage alter halt an lrmr Tel Aviv raid Badlo Cairo raid the trraelir rdntedto heed the UN cease fire appeal and instead ex tended their fire northward It was the flat artillery duel alone 12 anal in six days Spo radic fighting ha been going on across the momma waterway or modh Six Braelir ani the Egyptian army chiet or rtat have been killed andyzs knell wounded Seal To Ensure Farmer 0mm or The Nation at Farmer Union railed today or Igrieulhtnl politics that will we the identity the glanneriothehdure mm statement Prepared in the HPU or tin ture wife on today in Ottawa Ian there It dillerenoe between policy prertdent It located theiedem governa mew task force on arrlei onthe to redornmend lure policies of setting out the mic for agriculture but laiiiuz policies to In Angui11q Today 1H2 VAilEl Anguilla Beetent Britizir WMme Tony Lee the lam crazy mutations or two amino dm rota am key test Aazrfilaa rm rm torrid mto rnmxer about the Brio id invasion limit tin isle Maytag Lu who pmth Mn ruddy in adminhtmite ob flee try warning mot Saturday an was the tabled ot metal Suntan all he rmflrt may antler pet to oilth today 35 it are rakigam lhae it what The maid of mumiat guilt Mandel leer rumat not on Mud emu with said ll lg dont go Anatilla ll dud tuner laid the vine of hesromanth e4 newly today harm the mall ml ratio lame 4n men and two womenoie dated to flame duties Wide the 42 10 WW now on Aw to lomherdweloprm naem Eradthatr the premier oi the Carilimatederatlon ram xhld Maui refilled in 1757 is mud to min in louder alumni Brim otllclale midpoime VAMAHAW Jamalzombieth parties areriatedtnyreuthe government or moment my not the Mention idiomrim two The aim are rewrted read to prodforelzrr Secretary ML dlael Stewart proton evi deuce that man type out who inflm on the island comm the government motion Dtptomztle mum at the United Nation sold Ronald WW nilstyled president of wrnile 1mm ll land would seek ermucthte with Secretary General Thai and Britainr chtct repremadve 1533 police Anw tune on ed out leaflets 5mm Wot that Hrttaln would continue to prevent any white interference in mm attain out is Ir tilde Tricia hes not eluted 118 Launches Counter Oliensive SMGON More than 1qu United Statu marine and South Vietnamese lnlantrymen barked by an American ar mored column arepuehing another major oftensive tooth or the demiiitariaed tone Operation Maine is aimedvat flowing North Vieh namesetthreat to military bases along the northern frontier tin rineotflcue Da Nana laid in the last month palrois have sinned as many 59 North Vietna mese vehicles carrying in materialeloward combined lie to he NB Protest Higher Taxes FREDERICION Prr mier Louis Rohlchaud was burned in effigy and there were demands or the migration oi hi Liberal government dunng the weekend as protests rote against tax increases announatl last week Strawuntied figures of the premier Finance Minister DesBrieay and Education Mini ter hleldrum were burned on rcailold on the roadside near Mr hieldrurnr farm about three miles can of Sadrville Identity Nine papcrr prepared by fiveman study group under the leadership at Dr David Maclariaue oi llacdouald Col lege llantreal arm the bar at dilcurriom by the on date gates at the ourday cougar hares some were he7 rim to For cm WEATHER Clwdy and mild today and any Rain hegtnninl this liter noon Windy Low tonltbt t0 bimhrudayti Delailsoan I4 Page Strestes hund or mutual Friendship WASHINGTDN GP Prime Minister Trudeau arrived here today tor twodnyetate visit and received drainy welcome that forced the colorful White House ceremonies indoors President Nixon was It the maid enimmeof the mauslon to his guestthe first stale tor since Nixon took office last January Alter military honors Nixon escorted Trudeau into the glit tering East Room where the two exchanged greetings The president said he hopes the United States can make Trudeaur visit happy the visit hundreds oi thousands at Americans including the presi dent and Mn Nixon have enjoycd In Canud andcau arrived at nearby Andrews Air Fora Base in Maryland alter flight from 0t tawa in government Jet Star He new by holiéoner to park near the White House The East Room welcome in cludcd hrlcljpeech by Nixon before crowd at about too mostly Canadian embasry oili cials and their Emilia Many were holding alblt small Us and Canadian flag handed ri Corpsxuard at honor Nixon told measurably that the VSandCanada share any man language border birthri all characteristics the law and also very preciotu assetthe asset otlrlrrdshi isnld LhJot that total unanimiu oi viewlhat destroy crrativlty it was character lwd instead by liveLV diver rlty which war the hallmark of reedom UiiAWA CF Canada will participate it no more than in relay lnlormatlon in the American Safeguard counter mieelle syptem ottlrruir raid today Canadian router now are used for transfer of data from the ballinic mhrile early warning system In Alaska and Greenland to the headquarters at North Amerlmn Alr Deicnée Com mand at Colorado Springs Colo NORAD joint Canadav5 command Olficlalo raid the tamedaia would be relayed inthe same way to the Saieguard Intent when its tlrrt two haresin North Dakota and Montana are completed in 1973 Balance Minirter 1m Cadicux rald in the Comm Wudnasa out by member at the U5 hiu The president said that in their subsequent talks the up leaders will find mas oi diiler tunes but in most instances thcre would be common ground Trudear wearing it mrk suit listened to Nixons comment with the vestige ol mile and replied that the two countries have common outlook on the world and tend to law the lat sues in common way He looked forward to exdzanglnz View with Nixon arrworlder lama The two leadcrt spent less than 10 minutes on tinge in the East Room as they kept close to the traditionoltype schedule linked with the US president Tonight therell be White House dinner with Nixon as host as he welcomes the first iorclgn head 01 state to Washington since his inauguration in between thesejnd other so cial events andeau and Enter rral Attnirs Illllnlster Mitchell Sharp are to spend hours con erring with Us olficialr on USCnnadlan relations during the twoday vlslt HERE ONE Two htadleonAve advertising men were chatting over liquid lunch Seem an acquaintance had just gone tollre Greatllg Agcneyin dreary Did youLhear about George Smith asked one is ad milk died Good lard said the other Whit did he have7u Nothing much laid the Iirrt ad man Just mall toothpaste account and local beencllcut nothing worth n5 alter Canada To Aid Missile Defence day that an attacking Soviet lo tcrcontlncntal missile over the polar region would be dctceledr first by the ballistic mirtil early warning system at Clea Alaska and Thule Greenland lie indicach that the mlrnlle would he tracked by thls syrlcm until it war close enough within l000 miles at the Canada 415 bordertor the Sole guurd countermisrile ryntom to tflrc over tracking and interccpv Detection and Hackingle motion gathered by the Alaska Greenland system In relayed to NORAD headquarters tiuuugh Canadahy vurlour router and ct including undone cable microwave and chunnclt alto urcd hy the dirtortt early warning line in the Cflfliidilil Arctic iicroufrm llEiPtllllllSE wins nur ow to mean Waking rallylu Wu War to raid he could have been cabinet miohler ion ho had kitted the motor Conservative party 01 Win photo

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