DISTRICT SPORTS lingus To Continue Baseball Tourney By not contain WW3 COUNTY baseball fans were pleased with the are nounoement from Angus that it Ill go ahead with ions to tinue its Civic Holi ay weekend baseball tournament this summer There had been some appre hension felt nier the future of 1these tournaments when the founder and chief irer Hury Miler left the area But lery who now lives at RR St Thomas mnflrmed by telephone that he would he visit ring Angus shortly to assist In arrangements We cant let ithem doan nw he said as commcnl nos mode on the ex pansion of teams and competi lion Neite teams participated in the 1968 tournament when spcedbalier named lcrry hic Phcrson pitched Tomato Popes to the llolson trophy emblem all of ictory and most of these and some other clubs have been inquiring ahout 196 plans Tomato Papas would like to rome hack and Citesley Thorn ton Creemore and other rivals vioiiid Like another try at slow ing them McPherson pitched semi ï¬nal to shutoulbver Toronto East ftivcrdaies and then topped it oil with three hitter ir downing Chcslcy to in the l9 final Earlier the Popes donned Tottcnham to and Ivy to while Chesley walloped Crecmore in to and shaded Ihorndale in DURING ls YEARS of scr vlcc with the Air Force Harry made sitable contribution to sport at Base Borden Angus and elsewhere He was at Rose Bordon for six years and it was largely through his efforts the Angus tournament was organic ed in l96i Thornton Indians won the liaison trophy the ï¬rst year and rcpeatedin 1967 with llcrb Shannon coaching lllston won the honors in 965 aniBoelon in 1966 Although now aliciy engag ed in baseball promotion at Dorciicstcr the former Angus pilot saidvhc would be glad to flssist the 1969 Angus tourna merit arrangements It would be too bad to see it dropped now that it has been going so well he commented Iesirlcs the team winners f0lt ies also are presented to the leading pitcher and batsman Iicphcrson received the 1558 hurling trophy and Steve Car ter of Chesley was top batter viih six hits in eight times up fora brilliant 750 average Craig Wells of East Rivordales also received special honors for smashing out one of the longest homers ever seen at the Aug us playground park drive which exceeded 430 feet There were good many highlights we can remember oier the years said Prexy Major mentioning the line gt pitching of John and Don John son when Thornton last won Dave hiortimors catchnig and batting for Tottenham and young Johnny Goulds strikeout hurling for Eceton as few Mays To PHOENIX illil fAPi San Francisco Giants are moving Willie Mays in their batting order and giving him new image at the same time For years the Giants in ren ognition ot Willi power had him hitting third in the batting rder Ths year to exploit his bnserunnng ability hes being moved to the leadoff spot Clyde King the Giants new manager Is convinced the move will give Willie more times at bat strike terror in the hearts of opposing pitchers and help couture the National League pennant that has eluded the Giants since 1962 San Francisco has ï¬nished second the last four years After Mays second baseman ltao Hunt is up Last season Hunt walked 13 timesa club elland set modern base ball record by getting hit by pitch 25 times Then come the three power hittersright ï¬eld er Hobby Bonds first baseman llie lifeCovey and left ï¬elder Jim Hart think Ill get more good pitches says Mays who needs just ta home runs to have 500 for his career The pitchers al ways ant to get the first hatter out Bonds touted as themext Mays in the outï¬eld hit nine homers in half season last Thinking of lANELLlNG 419 BLAKE a5rg¢ can Giants To Move VBUILDING Thinking of REMODELLING HARDWARE BERIRAM BROS LIMITED examples nhleh readily come to mind native of Windsor his or phde second and pitched for Sandwich East end other Essex County league turns in his youth WINNERS OVER lLIVALE four straight in the southern division finals Midland Flyen are now engaged in series with Bueko Mobnnnldl Sund ridge Beavers winners oftha northern division The Midland team goes to Sundridge tomor row Sunday night Ind then plays hosts to Sundridite at Mid land on hiesday evening Just as Midland proved sur prise winner over the highly fav ored Elmvnie crew McDonnldr Beaiers also staged an upset by taking the lending Parry Sound Shamrocks in the northern fin als Sundridge cnptumd the ser ies four games to two At Midland fans are giving much of the credit for the sur prisingly fine showing of the Flynn to the superb goal dend ing of Terry More Edgar Dor lon Ken Edgar Jim Dubenu and Alvin llohlllard have been among other standouts in the Fiyers drive ART ELVIS well known Allislon bowler and eurlrr is keen booster of his new home town which he claims Is one of the best sporting centres in the province for its population mt rrrcntly three day hockry tournament is in its fin al day Bowling leagues have ex panded and the Alliston curling club is in the final stages of winding up another succesful season former hasciaii ploy er himself Art also is an en thusiastic boil fnnvnnd suppor ter of the Aiiision team He moved to the South Simcoe town from the iakehead two years ago Art is native of Fort wit iiatn and well remembers when Fort William Port Arthur and Kcnorahad some of the best senior hockey teams in Can ada HOCKEY ENTIIUSIASTS In lifedonte have been cndenvoring to promote support for pro posed $2il000 grant to help Cold water finance artificial ice for their community centre Moon stone plays in the East Simcoe Rural Hockey League and minor teams from Mednnte also have been using the Coldnater rink as well as skaters Artificial fee which would polong the season wouldradd great deal to inter est and ultimately might bring back OHA hockey to the area THIRTY YEARS aoo Oriliia lacrosse players who had played at Hollywood as Hollys wood Terriers and won the You ilic Coast Lacrosse League championship by taking Los Angeles Yanks in the ï¬nals passed through Barrie on their way home to the Lake Couchich ing town As Terriers they had won the Ca adia national championship in 1931 33 and 36 and reached the ï¬nals in 1947i Leadoff year McCovey led the league with 35 and batted in 103 runs Hart had career ions of 23th tours and 73 RBIs last season MAY BE SIMILAR The regular lineup should be much the same as last season Hal Lanicr led the leagues EllomprWllli 979 fielding average last year but his 263 batting averagécould stand some improvement Catcher Dick Dietz with 272 batting average in 1966 is firmly esa lablislled Only third base is undecided Tito Fuentes who played well in 1966 before failingolf in 1967 breaking aleg in the minors last year and missing most of the season is one possibility Dave Marshall whom the Giants refused to trade for Maury Willd when they badly needed proven infieldeth am other and Bobby Ehteridge who hit 278 at Phoenix in1968 is third Juan Mnrlehal aogame win ner five of the last six years leads the stoning pitchers Gay lord lerry 1615 last year Ray Sadecki 1248 despite 290 earnedrun avorageand little support at the plate and Bob Bolin who won six of eight games as starter the last two months of the season and had 108 ERA are likely to complete the starting rotation xi Consolations ALLISON Michael Power High School offoronto meets Sir Wilfred Laurie Hllh School of Ottawa 111 the finals of them innitl all Ontario Hilh School Hockey tourouneot tuplrht fol lowing mnltlnai some last um King Collegiate institute of Toronto will ploy Banting Memorial of Alliston to the con souuoa finals Sir Wilfred Laurter High School gained berth in the fin II with 55 win over Saltfleet Hi School of Stoney Creel Michael Power trounced Chippewa HM School of North Bay Ll it King Collegiate got to the consolation finals after they dumped Adam Scott Collegiate of Peterboroogh 741 as to rdoy morning and trounced Brennan High School of Windsor last night Banting Mentor lal of Alliston entered the finals School FOUR GOA Peter Motrin paced Michael Power over Chippewa with four ï¬nals while team mates Dove Gouglas Brian Kerr Lon De Fleece and Mikn Doyle counted singles liter edging Fort FuhrerHigh Jim Sherritt who scored All sorts for Chippewa Thursday got their lone goal Friday Patient goals by flay Monette no hurry trvine and single by Steve White led Sir Wilfred Lnurier ntlr Sailfieet Lorry black Brad Ackles and Peter Viuknv scored for Sal fleet Dave Edwards ï¬ve goals and Dave Harrisons hot trick paced it if King to their second win of the day when they bombed Brennan High School of Windsor til4 In the semifin als Jim ilyail anoint two of tie Windsor goals ADAM 5cm OUT Stu Archibald scored pair of goals for Brennan when the team eliminated Adam Scott of Petcrbomuzh in quarter final game Banting Memorial the host club got two goals each from Willy Gauley and Ron Harris and single from Scott hlorrl son Randy Krnwchuk scored all goals for Fort Frances Fort Frances was ahead go lug into the last hull of the third period but Banting came on with three goals to clinch the victory CoOp Midgets In SemiFinal RICHMOND HILL Ont CF tors going to Brian Kinsella Weston nipped Ottawa Rang ers 54 Friday night with on overtime goal in quarterfinal same that advanced them to to days semifinal against Toronto Goulding Park in the second an nual international midget hack ey tournament The other semiï¬nal has New market against Barrie The ï¬nal will he played today in the WestonOttawa battle the Rangers came on stronglo take to lead alter the first pe riod but Weston responded with our goals Ottawa rallied with two goals in the last five min utes to force the overtime Graham llole scored the win ncr just 46 seconds into over time Other Vcstun scorers were Norm Barnes Dave Pickv ett Gord Barratt and John Jas ehult Phil Clark and Brent 1V2 biey scored two goals each for Ottawa HS DEFEATED In other quarterfinal games Friday Nevmarket knocked out Ot tawa 67 with gt3 victory pared by Don Holledge Bob McEiroy and Dave Kelly with two goals each Ottawa scorers lere Danny ONeil Mike Detai no and Bob Wright Barrie Coops beat Burlinglt ion 31 Ron Bobhetie led the Coops with two goals the nth nderneolh the familiar Volkswagen you ink never changes youll find something duile surprising Brian Curtis and hob Walton Bob Salvisourg scored for Bur lingtonr Goulding fark took 31 de cision from Kapuskasing on goals by Brian Kelly Christ Barton and Dennis Foster Koo uskasing scorers were Dean Sheremeta and Bryan Pye in Fridays consolationround quarterfinal games De roit edged teamington at George town dumped Toronto York Steel Penctang boat lllktl 4ber Valley 32 and Oshawa beat Richmond Hill 2A1 Oshnwa goals came from Reno Beauchemln and Dick Gamble Tony hellevnnce scor ing for Richmond Hill Walton Midgeti Enterilinals Burricttnlton Insurance Mid gets will play in the final game of the Locitridge Mo morial Hockey tournament at Vingham Sunday of pm By THE ASDCMTED rum 5am McDowell nrikcout kin of the American League has set his sights on becoming tower rte winner for Cleveland lndians McDowell byearloid lefl bender rang up strikeouts last year had an earned run average of Mt but also led the AL in Milk with no no lendcncy to wildness got McDowell in trouble on ntmcrv ous occasions and turned what might have been great sea son into on ordinary one He finished with ISM record lm concentrating this your on keeping the ball down he said after pitching five score less innings as he and Jack Hamilton combined for four hit 30 shutout of htliiornia An gels in an exhibition baseball xnme Friday Tony llortons sacrifice and home run by Duke Sims gave Cleveland two runs in the sixth and gainedllamiiton the victory hos Angeles Dodgers snapped The Waltons will meet either Detroit St Clairs or Toronto St Pats Barrie got to the final by dc lcating Villowdaie 51 Glen Krolove paced the Wal tons with three goals while Hill McLindcn and lion Hubbert fired singles AVolksvagen thatdoes Overthe years weve made mot The Edgar Knobby Clark rink from Barrio went all the way to the Ontario finals in the Because vvedont have to spend lot Oi time on this every year than THE BARRIE EXAMINER insideoulsidotheVWgoesonlooking pretty mvrhythe some from one year to the next Which of course wasthe whole Idea because that means that this years Volkswagen wont be nextyenrs has been Andit also means thnlwhen you dont have to workout the wuyillooks you can work that much harder on the way it works the lixflame winning streak of New York Yankees with all win Iml 5t Innis hrdindls ended the fivegame winning streak of New York lieu with sentimth PROVIDE THE POWER Wes Parkers tnorun homer in the second gave the Dodge all the runs they needed as Don Drysdale lloh Darwin and Jim Brewer yielded onty four sin gles tn the Yankees An error by third baseman Amos Otis led to three St Louis nuts in the seventh as the Cardinals mme tram behind to down the itlets lt Baltimte Orioles erupted for in runs in the filth inning and went on to rout Washington Senators MHZ by ninthinning homur rookie infielder Syd OBrien gave Boston Red Sun Ki vice lory over Chicago White Sox and Detroit ngrs came up with ninthinning rnlb to do feat Philadelphia Phillies Willie Mays clouted tworun homer and Juan hfarichal scat SATURDAY MARC 22 1989 at Orillia From the left we can on this MlIDE INTERMEDIATE FINALS intermediate competition before Clyne lead Club presdcnt Bob skin bowing out to Uxhridge to Jim Strikeout so McDowell Plans ToiKeep Boll Down Now lend til hiLs In six innings to they hated San Francisco Expos Giants over San Diego Padres Doug deer drove three runs to pace ltouston res to so triumph over Montreal Expos Jack Billingth was the loser for hlootreal while Mac Jones hit run for the in other games Oakland Ath letins trounced Otlcaso 05 lSd Cincinnati Reds took Pitly burgh Pirates 56 hfinntsote Nins edged Kansas nu Roy als and letclands learn nipped Seattle Pilots 1M Only 16 Serious Sebring Threats sacrum Fla ism field of 65 cars stoning the ll hour Sebring endurance race today included only 16 serious contenders for the champion ship and some of the drivers In those contenders would like to weed out the slower cars Does that car going so miles anyhour add to the Show asked Mario Andretti of Nararcth Pa pointingto one of the slowest qualifiers Andrciti had thefastest car in qualifying His driving part ner Chris Arnon of New Zea land was at the wheel of the new lloyiinder Ferrari which turned lap of he not 62 mile coursel at Just under ill miles an hour Another major contender Lu cien Biantdii oi Belgium in new AltaRomeo echoed An drettis sentiment abou the slowcars Green alternate so even though the VW gets harder to im proveovery year every year we try horder to improve it Which pols us at bitof diradvaniage computed to the other car makers They lost have to worry about out doing each other We have to worry There are over 230 vw donlcn trans Canada it nearest you iii pend lot more time Inhoutoutdoing us Its terrible Eiandii said in Dirope there is requir ed speed to qualify for race Jackie rotor fairisinz nett also star who is driving Ford GT said he feels there are too many ms in the corners at sebring Mark Donahue of Philadel nhin second fastest qualifier in is int Gumy wouldnt criticize the slow car or drivers if you dont like the guys you are racing against you dont have to rnee wasDon ohues cormnont Let every body race Ls the way see it it makes it just as tough on the next guy trying to pass in the turns as it does on me The fast ï¬eld at Sebring was more diversified than in recent years No Ferraris tour Lola Glevrolets two Ford GT4 three AllaRomeo and tire Porschos were the solid con tendcrsi vim Adams vice and Roy Knobby Clark Moss second Yellowï¬nuoi