Jason Palmer ï¬ve is most unhappy youngster as iirernon try to tree his linger irom Municipalities Worry About Housing Policy orrnwn Cr Representa Lives of Canadian municipalities said hiday they are worried about teatums oi Transport Minister Paul Hellyers housing policy After smion with the minis ter on public housing urban re newal and iederal aid for sew age projects Mayor Campbell oi Scarborough presi dent oi the Canadian Federation ol Mayors and Municipalities told news conference he doubts whether Mr licllyers Metropolitan nreas IT WAS ll TIBth EXPERIENCE lug hole oi an old in and whml he found in paronts garage in La Puentc CaL it proposals will solve the housing shortage especially iorlowin come families Mr Hellyer is expectedto on nouncc his policy within two weclrs The program would be on recommendations made in January by the minis ters crosscountry inquiry Mayor Campbell said Mr Hellyer is opposed to apartment public housing but the proposed substitute programs will not meet lhc rifled especially in Gortoniiflliallenoed litiliioht Visit With Teenage Girl SYDNEY Australia Routers Australian Prime Minister John Gorton was challenged Friday night to reply under oath to allegations about latenight visit to the US Embassy with teenage girl The visit was revealed in Par liament Thursday by Represent ative Edward St lohn who ac cused Gorton oi committing an indiscretion iallirg short of the standard required oi prime minister St Johns statement which has caused political storm across the conntry came after the House or Representatives rejected an opposition motion to reier allegations about Gortnns private liie to the privileges committee The girl 19yearold Geraii dine Willesee journalist Move To Teacher Training willme UPI The On tario Secondary School Teach ers Federation passed resolu tion Friday to take all neces sary action to control training and admission to their proles sion by June 15171 Delegates to the iederations annual assembly agreed that the resolution was in line with recommendation at the Hall Dennis report on education that teachers have such responsiv bility In other business Charles ART onion or ONTARIO 817 Dnndas St West Toronto 23 Telephone roams HAVE You SEEN Weds Thurs Fri ll3lllilfltl 530 Admission $100 Members Free whether he could drive her LADY WITH LAP DOG Shesin the Rembrandt and ms Pupils exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario now and until April 27 daughter of federal senator said Friday she accompanied Gorton on latenight visit to the American Fanhassy in Can berm She said Gorton had asked home after press gallery din nor Gorton however told Parlia ment the girl asked him ior litt home Her statement and that oi the prime minister dilicr however on the time oi the embassy vis itand the US Embassy con iirmed the time given by Gor ton Gorton told Parliament he ar rived at the embassy about 1143 pm or midnight and lelt about hall hour later Miss Willesec said the times were 11 am and am Control McCaliray oi the Ontario de partment oi education said there is an alarming trend for schools to jump onthe band wagon on new teaching methods without adequate preparation New ideas will only work it the teachers understand them and the community is prepared to support them princpal must not decide he wants his school to be van guard and expect everyone to start marching at the new pace Mr McCaiiray said REMBRANDTS arisen Sim no so Students and Children per cent oidnedebt took the ï¬remen an hour to saw on opening and iron Jos ons swollen finger tAP Wire photo The ledcration is very dis tutbed because Mr iiellyer has indicated aid ior urban re newal projects will be slowed down Mr Campbell said Cities with such prolecls already part ly complcted will Stiller real hardship as result On the teaturo oi lug loans and grant sure what he told us Campbell said but the municL palities are afraid they willlose the present system whereby loans for sewage projects are grantcd with forgiveness of 25 The mayorsrepresenting Vancouver Saskatoon Regina Chatham 0nt Scarborough Quebec City Fredericton Hali iax and St Johnswere the second group to criticize Mr Hellyers housing eiioils in the day inthe Commons earlier the opposition called for clearcut answer to Edmonton and 0t tawa en pending public housing projects irt Hellyer mid ironic on= public housing projects that went into elieet last November has been thawed to large ctr tent but several arge projects is not an epidemic This is the phoid in the area in about no Miner Recovers WASIINGTDN tun ibp Canadian and American lower tenement authoritlu have con plated broad exchange 01 views on amortized orlrne um cotlcs boll rotorm Add other problem centred on the cities it is try irrpomminr to anticipate some at the Problem thlt old In the United Shires iï¬uldnn justice mlnlsttf John Mr told newx coolereou Friday we were on brainpicking ion concentrated on teen nioues than the under lying Turner SolicitorGenual George Mellrolth RCMP Corn missioner Mlloolm Lindsay and obout dozen other oflidlls bod intemd over two day with Uriel Justice Dr Who Mitchell and FE Direetor Edgar Hoover Typhoid In Quebec TiiAWA GP Seven use typhoid horn been vertile in Pointc Gntinenu and iourploo two western Quebec municipali ties ocross the river imm otto wa iwo more cases are diam héaith department 0L icioio said Friday the outbreak ï¬rst siyiiiicant outireak ot ty years Biatran Crash LAGOS LAP Sovietbuilt Nigerian Air Force MIG Jet lighters have claimed their first transport plane at Blotras Alb nahelle airstrip reliable llllil tary some said today Gerry Dyrssen Swedish di rector oi the International Com mittee oi Ihe Red Cross airlift into alaira from neighboring Cotonou said the transport crashed several nights ngo It the makesbltt airport our the NigerRiver He said the plane was not one at the Red Cross aircraft which have been mak ing adlnen flights nightly from Dahomey and Feninndo Poo carrying load and medicine SAUUI STE MARIE Ont CPI Eric Kehusmwn 43 yearold miner trapped for near ly to hours allowing cavedn at copper mine 65 miles north at here Friday night was ivport ed inrsatisfactory wndition It hospital CNE Grandstand NRONN Wt The tradi tional grandstand show at the Canadian National ethition will be replaced this year by series of complete padrage shows CNE spokesman said Friday The twoday shows will be pmented by private produoern during the Aug l530 exhibition They include the Mormon Tab ernacle Choir orchestra leader Lawrence Wellr and singers remain to be approved at use instillsnihi tiltflli twain ADULT ENTERTth now SHOWING on 919 on anew GAStl WHITE TOWER MOTEL I19 DONALD ST TAKEOUT AND CATERING pmmonoom rzotzoi Business MEN CH lN ESE Comblnotlon Pinter Egg non Beef Veg Almonds Fried Rice $135 Chicken Veg Aimonoi Sweet or Sour Wanton and Fried Bloc wlsiiilidiiiin DINEOUtztyiMWMflz San Goo Beetlen Son Goo Guy Kerr Hnwntian shrimp Moo Kco $1ji Itllmllte Also Canudlnn Dirhel Glen Campbell and Andy Wil liams no AmwayGeneral John Bracken Funeral OIIL PutIfld present Cormrvotlvo laden John Dtolpobnhor and When Stanï¬eld were among mourners here Friday at the In nenl ol Minimal who bended the wtytrom on to 1° Pour son of the itstrier Muni bobn presides and moddin dreualso mended the 161116 in the llmem United chord in this sillon lvndlea south ot Mr hldm diedTuesdny it the age ii IS lie hndllvrd one form our hm dnco his retire ment from polltltat Builll war It Kars Rideaio vole anonlies plat chilioo prime lunenl service was held earlier in the dry in ct tnwn for the family Mr Brock enx widow is to ill health Illd was unable to attend the in nernl lluto Overtime WK Dot leg lslotion Iorestrict compulsory overtime In the auto industry would put the production house of the companies in order Den nis McDermott Canadian regional director 01 United Ituto Workerr union said Friday Mr McDermott was com menting on thtimony given at herring in Lansing Mich on proposed state legislation to re strlu compulsory overtime in Michigan to to hours day or its hours week Purpose oi the legislation is to spread out Work loonymung more workers and Increase employment llay Lawyer SAVANNAH Gn AP The oflioo of Stone said Fri day that Stoner lawyer with post connections with the nintosuoremacist Ku Klux Klan and the National States night party will represent James Earl Ray in his fight or new trial in the slaying of Dr Martin hither King Jr Negro civil rights leader last year China Policy NEWYORK GP noted Canadian urine expert said Fri day that Canada would have to drop all vestiges of two 53 mount rent lo Peking would mane or Cluster Matting who rem rented Capill in Orion in the try you oithc cile war that saw the Ammuntm take over slld the federal commend wouidvhave tolum over the em busy now oociipied by the No tionaitst mime in Ottawa to me0onununlxs ll Peking was recognized as tho rolerepreseototive ot Irina then could only be one Im bassy in Dulwo be paid Campus Disorders mom AP i=mt dart was mm rii day ready to announce his administrations policy no deal ing withlcompus disorders to illlnols congressman said it will be based on two loderal statute the former Johnsonod ministration did not use The olilce oi Robert ï¬nch secretary at health education and woliare announced that iinchs recommendatiqu for dealing with college cam dis orders and dlsnrptive students had been sent to the president intro Withdrawal BRUSSEIS CPl Belgian Foreign Minister Pierre Hormel said Friday the people of his country would View Canadian military withdrawal irom Eu rope its deplorable To tell you the truth per sonally never thought oi Canada withdrawing because to us it is inconceivable he told group oi visiting Canadian members of Parliament RCAF ASSOC W6 BINGO Every Monday at 800 pm SPECIALS JACKPOT 22 NUMBERS FOR $210 SHARE THE WEALTH Admission 50 i4 HIGHST Above NuServicI MM SATURDAY ARM 10° Cirlime Study Arrest llbduotor ST THOMAS KP Gen Toto 19 oi hvr Mich pri vate in the United States Army Frldly was remanded In is tody to Monday by Justice at the Peace Marlon Walker on charge oi abduction Prwlndll police at nearby Duttoo laid the iniorrnotioa was placed by Donna Echout at Mirth after she dmvolbth across the USM nndion border 1m womans car was stopped on the Mncdonoldï¬rtler Pree woy Thursday by polite who acted on tip Toth was then takenlnlo liinalgamation TIORONN CPI Darcy McKeough Ontarios municipal oflalrs mlnlslor nidoy told oi Iicluls oi Peel and linlton tier they DIVE until November to state their position on tho provincel plan to amalgam the purities Ho told mmenter coinmlb tea at éloctad representatives the doodllne ls tentative but he wants legislation creating the new regional government nitro ducod in the legislature by out January or Fdrruory so it up be eluded Jan 1971 Worker Killed YIIAWA CF flyealr old construction worker kc Richard Oalimet Island Que died In hospital here Friday of multiple lnluries received when irontend loader flipped over and pinned him beneath it Mr Richard was working on the construction of bridge across the Ottawa River about so miles east of Ottawa when the NOW PLAYING Win in Soultern CHIamid wo lIuvvsalstudrb mum CONTINUOUS SAT SUN FROM PM MOM TUES FROM EM Raina polio belore the Cook tinned Artists IMPERIAL Polynesian Dishes CHINESE we LUNCHEONS POLYNESIAN mo $240 mo $239 Cleaners little as $5250 From April16thionecembeiisihisoosniisrowpnoeinotudas anyonrhaieiinaaioadasmdbroaumaoddimeis 2iUp to Free Nights minding breaMootsaoddmners ifyouplanyourBonanzoGSHoiidaybelweenMaytetand November ist Youpaytorenlghtsvrgetthe7thnighttree Youpayforianiglnsgsttneï¬thand14thnlghistrea Youpoyfoflenightsgetthe19th20ihend21stnlghislree Voucon win bookthocostoiyouraonania The BOnanza 69 Holiday Sweepstakes You canwin yourroturn oirtaro based on thezt the dotiorvolue Myour basic night 7day Bonanza aotiviilosyou purchasenso panoryovr Bonanza 10 stall gratuities Service charge minim leTwopuswnblmom in roles qlmfld 09 currency Equiva Thloyoar pianoholidayln beautliul drbadon OapltalotCnlypsoCounlrywllh BarbadosBonanZa 69 Available only in Canada SeeyourTravel Agent 53 Holiday Jurt deposit Ilia special Swoopstoka certificate Iliatooinoswitn youraononza asiiollday Package in the aweepstake drum atSeaweIlAirport in Barbados ayeoonomyaxcurslontnro lromlmontb orMonlrealnlus 69 Holidayplus tho dollarvolun chill the optional 59 Holldnynlan Does nollnnludo lintolocuslornary gaining inwlinlliliKayMidiidHiniyiineslitlliinlhii idiiiiiiliianliirvï¬illini Iiilnliifllitiztiltd millimthproletiyiltiiutlltmtwahldilmiitmmhi Aurmuurtcruu anteriiouira younonslerstoandironitheairpon iomtncmdian Gummyill bummed llESAllEXMtllllll iiiiii nniiii IllAWlDKllllli union lltltltitlllllilli illilltE WlilJlE itttltll iv lief It minus PLAYERS mum