ENTERTAIN IN TALENT SHOW Joan Ayerst and Pete afor den of Barrie entertain the Ontario Quebec Maritime Key Club International Con vention last night atCentral collegiate auditorium Event was the Key Club Talent Show Eleven contestants performed tor the show Prizes winners will be announced today En amlner Photo Barries Regional Govt Ready Before April Malayor Robert Bentley said Yesterday he hopes to have liner to the province on regional Igovernment or this area pre pared in draft form before the ï¬nd at tile month The brief which was to be sub itted to the Metropolitan and cglonal Transportation Study iii January was delayed until the release of the Georgian Bay Ite onal Development Council ec omic survey earlier this onth the mayor saiti By waiting for the release oi the report we can have com ï¬rehensivc one of our own the mayor said We also have the advantage at some recent pr0 uincial policy statements on re atonal government FT EMPIIASIS in0ur report would have been critical oi the uer reports on we must shiit our emphasis to the regional economic study in said gt The proiincerannouncediearlr ier this month that they had rapped the thART study in vor of regional studies within gte boundaries of the provinces 10 development councils oiOur report will be more pos itive but really both the erART and the Georgian Bay studies in dicate the same thing as far as Barrie is concerned Both in dicate Barrie as the logical re gional capital Barrie is the funnel to which the whole area relates the mayor said Barrie is the focal point of the area It is good to see the province is not rushing into using county boundaries and that they are Kiwanis Here For Diriiie John Pratt oi St Johns Newfoundland will be the main speaker at the ofï¬cial Kiwanis Club meeting of Division No Huronia at Bernies Holiday Inn tonight IIII Pratt is Goren nor inr 1969 of the Ontario Quebec Maritime district of Kiwanis International The visit at Mr Pratt will take the form at ladies night din ner followed by dancing There is reception at six oclock prior tothebnnqueblresidingwitlbe President Ernest Walker of the Barrie Kiwanis Club Kiwan ians and their ladies will be pre sent trom six Toronto clubs Bar rie Aurora Newmarkct Dril iia Midland Collingwood Owen Sound Also attending will be the Iicutenantg0vernor of lluron in division Harvey Mitch cli of Toronto Bloor and the OQll GovernorElect Ray mond Allen of Owen Sound Cookstown Dairy Herd Brings Good Average By BRIAN BAKER Eighty two head of register ed iiulsteins were sold at the dis persnl sale of Peter Stein of RR Cookstown on Thursday or an average of just over $400 each or total oi $34000 at the Britbacher Sales Barn at Bridge port near Waterloo Ont We were very happy with this average price remarked hir Stein because the herd included large number of cal ves and young heifers and also higherthanaverage number of older cows which we preler redini order to build up good lifetime records of performance Two mature cows brought over show each These were lot No Weberdale Reflection Veron ica rated Good Plus and lot No 52 Arena Admin Blackie aid so ratedCond Plus Another cnw lot No Avena Citation Julia brought 5950 Another cow sold to Wisconsin buyer at $850 or Avena Leader Vita and also W5 for her call to the same buyer Highest priced call at $400 was the call of llipplt hng Brook Marla Laurel which darn has lifetime record milk production of 150000 pounds at milk Auctioneer in the absence of Mike Brnbachér who is one of best known auctioneers and is at present in hospital after an oper ation was Sonny Bartel with Ray Brubacher and Orton Bau man taking bids Mr Stein has bought rooster his cows start ing to 1359 from Brubachers Mr Stein notes that several of the animals were bought by local people Peter Stein and his brother Paul started dairy farming in Says No Deal With Quebec 9n Hotel Tax RONTO CP Ontarios pr posed tnxon hotel rooms and higher taxes on liquor and restaurant meals are not part of deal with Quebec to equalize the tourist trade in the two provinces the Ontario legisla ture was told Thursday Price At Sale 1919 with Jersey cows Then in 1939 they gradually changed over to Holsteins In last Paul began teaching school and lelt Peter with the herd Since that time Mr Stein has carried on the herd himself Now the problem of getting good help has lorced him to sell tie is not selling the farm but will be renting it out To Prorrifot By MUREL LEEPEIL The federal government it more closely the provincial governments realize the no essityifloi encouraging all pets the performing arts Ontario the Provincial Wit for the Arts is awarding grants to ballet ordiestra soloisdnfl and drama in an eltort to to equalize the opportunity partieipéw an and to throughout the province Last Wednesday the Touring Players Foundation presented delightful play for children the tillia Opera Housekiilan peope from Barne too of children to the iaixyig and felt it was well worth Ihierr utilile thposure to live theatre and live concerts are nvonder with the regional stud ies the mayor sai dicnte now that itvw ycars before regional ment is established here new not the ml or ttflz th thta were do qu His Worship hlaybr Robert Bentley membero Kiw Club at Kemptnieita Bay bring greetings to rnor Pratt from msgcu olfbarrie Special musicalL entertainment has been arrangegta Bub Sees Budget Complete By MidApril Mayor ltohcrt Bentley said yesterday lie hopes to hard the complete city budxet tor the up muting yur struck by the no and week in April The prelimln get has alrcad nod the ap proval of the panning and dev elopment committee but was turned over to the general gov ernment committee when ore sentcd to council at the last meeting The citys current budget is still in preparation in the open Itlnns committee On th capitll budget think weve done really good lob Weve managed to boid the line But in operations we have to consider that there have been aller salary increases cant really say about the current budget until lvs seen the figures he said Other Cities ace Similar Plaza Problems informant so feet at shopping space ban on plazas in Guelph has been droppntby that city lhcir decision rescinded an it monthpoiicy which said the city appoint any regional plaza put side the downtown area Qhe restriction had bccn en acted last April to protect the downtown area while urban rc newnl plans were being formul ated with urban renewal now up parcntiy stalled because at un certainty over ve ment grants opposition to the ban had been mounting and reaclr ed its climax the past two weeks MOVE arenas v1 WINDSOR England tAP fhe coltin at King George VI who died in 1951 will he trans ferred Monday to its last resting place new chapel inside the walls of Windsor Castle The chapel to be known as the George Vi Chapel is built on to corner of the larger St Georges Chapel where Henry Powells 0er rs ill lay for dancing By scrim penny Barrie Poll cpartment ful to deposit lï¬h on highway pr pay The max imum fin this offence is stoo while rtheim imam is $75 Unrest say hat on the low hightvaya Liravclled in Georgia the tint nEul sudi still iin had the desired effectilhcir tidin Som Tennessbe on etiother hand particular along the second ary lot to be on this gap so not unauy Ca rty use 1969 the gt nmade music history huse you can lesson cnnesseei the arts They are trying to nadinns will emerge with their ovincullure and tradition in an Amati Mariam only quartet haw functioning string Following months at pratt and tew private per tonnnnces the universitys Amati Quartet made its ï¬rst LAW dob caucus The Arts VIII Charles and other rnon archs are buried ere You Can Litter For LeSs Clutter Who can deny that the PEIV allies connected with otteooes are the deterring features of the offences in mostcasesr Ins nhild was made aware only of the iorbidden things in life and was not told of the pen altiesor it knew that no penalty would be imposed when transgressedul would not have been much deterred There is also sense in which we are discouraged by the sheer force oi family or public opinion and that is very real penalty because all at us want to be accepted and if we stiller ostraeisn nnen ire offend against even is commu rial code of conduct we are be ing punishEd Dont you sometimes tire oi hearing the sariis old scratdty That rumen are all collectois iternsatrom the 17th centuryyi iheyxucre made in Oremqna Italyntzy members of the famous Amati family Ste olins decided utter higran Amati quartet to us ring one to his prov It took him seveml car but alter Vwarld search succeeded and then sold the instruments to the university at fraction of their value Two of the instmments were made in 1601 The cello made by llironymos Amati the son of Nicole in tow was obtained iroin England it had been lost for decades and was rediscov ered with anomber at other SCENE WHERE TWO DIED AND OTHERS SERI OUSLY INJURED ON HIGHWAY 400 FRIDAY 2Dielr1 wyurold Cailanda Ont man and his 4zyearcld wile died yesterday in thrmar crash live miles south of Bar rio on Highway til lesiio Grant lanes and his wife Kathleen were killed when their southbound rar crossed the median and was struck hroaxkido by two northbound vehicles to dnnyners Wendy and Kathleen in were seri ously inluied in the crash Wen dy was listed in critical con dltion last niflit with undeter mined internal inlurles Katha teen was in serious condition with broken pelvis son were improved this morning offic lus at the Royal Victoria Hos pilot said FINAL BANQUET The Key Club Quebec Ont ario Convention will hold its ftn nl banquet tonight in the Banin Central Collegiate Cafeteria The dinner will be allowed by ball in the collegiate gynas tum recordYUnderstand the viola tor the rebelshow him soci ety cares tor himeducate himtell him why he should conformbut in no case insist upon ihin no case punish him that is medievaldont embit terhim we do not have common seriso or decency or maturity enough to voluntarily abide by the rules designed to best serve the malority we will have to sitter the disroma fort at being forced to dust incidentally the tgtirasii law applies on every street and road in 0ntarioin myutidpali ties as well nsvin rural areas Almost anything in tha line of litter is considered trash bot tles mus paper plastic and so forth like the uncluttered took at our highwaysno commercials no billboardslust safety notl can and directional information and few not so friendly Warnings lhis is the type of highway sign we could easily vdo withoutii we simply car riad litter bags in our cars and used them instead ot throwing our garbage out the thtdW World avWitie insurance Facilities With experience to com plete the transaction fund on escaped within to pan There Wu cum win ury The aocldent Declared at 430 snow patches on tho WAY On Highway 400 was treated for bnnses Ind with some blowing snow and an NEWS am and released Oeurpants EXAMINER SAWmar mm me in theother cars were not he lured seriously George Whlddcn so of Tor onto the driver at one ot the two northbound cars received lacerations to theright knee Josoflt Patrick ORiicy 62 at North Bay the driver at the Seek Settlement In Land Dispute TORONTOKCPi Metropoli tan Toronto ofï¬cials decided Friday to meet Monday with Stanley Randall Ontario trade and development minister to discuss Iandownershlp dis pute that has halted work on $13000000 waterfront project The project provincial pa vilion blending In with the Ca nadian National Exhibition is offshore in Lake Ontario Slncc Tuesday hfctro has used two by laws to stop the dumping of tilt by the province Metro says it owns the prop erty and wants to know the provinces longrange money spending plans Matti LOCAL GENERAL 0mm CLUB The Optimist Club will hold zone oratorieal contest and dinner on April 21 in the Brook dale lnn SEPARATE SCHOOLS The Simcoe County Separate school board will meet March 23 Among itans on agenda are French language schools in Mid land and school bus transpor tatlon problems BARRIE PARKIAND PRUMENADE ISAVETHEPARK FUND Sponsored by the Square Dance Clubs Barila MODERN SQUARE DANCING LEVELS OF DANCING SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY LEVEL FOR NONDANCERS EM top callers plus many guest callers Saturday APRIL Zliï¬iiu° BARRIE NORTH ottEGiATE Ticket Information Phone 72asdi7 or any square dancer Alt saoo couple Eve $300 couple SQUARE DANCERS ARE WELCOMED TO BARRIE BY GIOVANNI PER Ham musrs ti DUNLDP or nasr mom hm ROBINSONDOMINION HARDWARE at nvawr sr nasr mun Get your Official M155 TEENAGE Call the trained people at SARJEANT WMfm tut education tor the very public appearance on Febmary young 2nd The resident quartet ott The universities of our coua arto pertorm not only on the try also realize that Canada university oanmus but any lacks audition and deep roots it re in Sas tdieu SHARPEN UPI We have complete sharpening service for every need from household to industrial BARRIEAQ 053 SHARPENING gig wen sh ycrurns SIIARPENING IS OUR BUSINESSNOT SIDELINE 21 Cnliier 51 Darrin valuable instruments ln the Earl ot Ptymouths castle The fourth inslnirhent violin was made by Nicole Amati in two SHOP AT HOME SERVICE ONLY Featuring lull range of carpet including Nylon luost wool Tritan Acrylan Fortrcl Propylon GEORGIAN BAY CARPET SERVICE PIIONE 428le3 STAYNEII 100 Diipont 25 Nylon Carpet 5750 installed with underpadding 5th rd snap At Home Service our representative will call at your home and show you full range of nnmples to suit your taste Outdoor indoor CARPET Installed for only Teenburger for only 61° Within Ammuniww 341 BAYFIELDSTJ Dolly nu Midnight Fri Sat iiuz nm Ease