Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1969, p. 12

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lo HELr WANTED lo HELr WANTED io HELP WANTED MALE HELP i=EMAiE HELP MALE remit FIRESTONE mfimln laugh$351 TIRE RUBBER co or CANADA LTD an an rum nusL Km mind mm manor ix mun aim smite REL Bum lor Office Credit um mm Mileri Service ruralmm nu um inne villa on murmwsm unmi mug armn firmmmllod fSALES HELP Ii AGENT lut mlzu MA Wu nous defwme 73am EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAY CARE Watch Wed Ads tnl race all This Lion otl€ hr Anim ITm awning us amounting 51 is lernfi urnltun and arr mutant in hill MillazemezL PUBLIC NOTICE um bargains PUBLIC homer and Sales Personnel Minimum yard 11 certifich Iiih rented Praalul elixir C0ICI ROY 513W STORE SLAXAGEIL BmmmpsL 15 To idem at $1 TOWNSllP Do brew may bepir mmaimmwotnminneormmmtm err Donald Manner RR X0 LTD Totem unm METAL INDUSTRIES Female Em Female 370 TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL GALT ONTARIO ll you have proven ability I969 DOG TAGS an nt challenging The Xotice that the or my are no available It the trim icileiofike51roudaadtheloflowinghuniomthmmme Toutshin ALCOXA BEACHMedians Variety Sure Harm Plan BELL swamTraitors Sum Station Boy seams BEACHHunters Grocery Store panic in an aggrmre GllltClllLLJarisons General Sore mmpan our current piani ansmn is creatingl lmmcnlale openings thati could be at interest to you FOREMAN PROUCTION ClitfiORDDenms Genera Store noun HWY slliiun Sim Seniru LEFRO and Gauze lll PORTMiners Point Gems 5m FOREMAN do Oncraierihetstdayoltprilmersorhaers gs SUPEIFgOSLOIECOM when 1331 tags ride man be sent tladazd to tredo at 51 limes will he charged under lie prorisons ot Bytaw oH WAREHOUSE Stzsequeat to the lst ol April ISFE the rates will he as tailors COST ACCOUNTANTS 2nd or 3rd year RIAl Our company is major manufacturer of AutomotI BRIDGE mat Control seer Plus imbe Ara Coral Rhuenie lahzr ours atoms Animal Shelter PUBLIC NOTICE WHICH DAY PA lCKCampoe General Store lr0ltTlGols General Sire Tm 563 mm ARE as muons slates Spayed Female so PRODUCHON liaise Spam Female 51w SCHEDULER °° TIME STUDY METHODS I3 years ire Exhaust Systems Ior the original equipment and the replacement market Attractive salary Fume $70 experience Iringe benefit program Apply to PERSONNEL MANAGER GALI METAL INDUSTRIFS LIMITsz GALT Representative Canadian company rem es es poinmer CAIEPEEL 90x INDIE Harrie 725K PURCHASING lrjy UNIVERSAL COOLER Patterson Rood BARRIE mar wanted rm as manv Zr we Write Box 51 1a 11 um lam rem new Exam wry i=2 waltz pzmru 7min Mada 1r rm hazadlru omen Biflle am yum ym ruma lab as to manual soy army Cantosn Tricia at mom Naebeat seminal A4 we humane The warm leader field has hm tomb flaerienced nu that to established dealer In name mine an am but ml tutu LuL comm training an SAL ary urns arms mm rommfvulim mum 51 In 12 ham mm pm hummus FEMALE HELP SECRETARY Pharmacy Department MRS YOKKE Andy in person to Royal Victoria mull tits TO PEA TOWNSHIP RBID lire tral Olficer tor the Tintsh will be at the Police emu in Aegis Plaza tram lam an to 603 pm nIday March 213 and Rh Ta lbizsioim lwa lardi ills Brim mum Clerk1 reasurer Box I9 AHGIJS Daario ANNOUN SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES En ngleEE llarriazs and Deaths th Announctmerss imaximm Cams of Them Inns ln Ilelnoriam llm extra piul can as Gm ara Karrr ui cl Bum In my 2L1 lar EN 1902511 tamer mnu caster ape later minnow lLuteé cerium IN MEMORIAM inimgmworuy cur r31 Clan cam wen um via no we um 21 155 I021 hair hour nch RE iNsrr shaft her zealpr ade lmI husband Alvin iCAmVSIn 1w Lesa mker mzduthe can cum who past may mm ma it our heath you memory Unr en Itellv LeiAn ram here is not my anal55 mi lb of no 11y mag b31321 Flo Xv ril mam In loam W77 or an 2mm m1 lather Harald aha paged any roams Manama Faulty mined Irtle DKkaad puma aux Ide rimie prance kit so my an Kufi II 67 rmmm hr 11 sznl and Rod WILLIAMSL1 am Grandpa 595 IM am away arm ma CARDS oi rumors mam wool in to dual mm we um we to use rims m7 lhy he royal viz lath mini mainly on Beo mi Bram Alum rm Lian am An mid to dam many in lawn ml lathe In in summit rloni tritium mam of alme ml lymalbyrlbmu In In Ian em both ml unlz 5mm 12 sec any in and IS BEST Isa floral words 6c per word as ur Mrs cI MONDAY ITUESDAY IWEDNESDAY ITHURSDAY FRI DAY ISATURDAYi CALI 7mm CEMENTS 213 1m to Rordsl LU 15 per line prim on remiest EVENTS STARBURST OF FASHION Wednesday March 26 comm sr UNITED CllLRCH K811 Presented hr the ALPHA PHI CHAPTER at BETA SIGMA PHI Admission Tum Tickeu available IDNDAY MARCH 24 pm one 1on lflu EMERGENCY NUMBERS Cd PM OPP Fire Dept WIT mass mm ml MEN WANT TO TRAIN A5 CLAIMS ADJUST Insurance Adjuster ad Innaulm Ire badly waded lute the hemeion Increase oldelms rm Inna automobile am ml hlrflariel ride storms and Informal accident Over 10 Sommthyirextendedtolur Indllrxxcuertixudlam Whihepassiuotlln amnrouu iii Eva sister tn Velma Wrilhl he too true In Maoitmlln Island cod soehltbe Veckmd Iiib Mn Clan Ban 1130 MM Vlolet Irving and Tommy Toronto are virilon her sister lira Bailey Miss Eileen Famine Noam is nsiiin her and and uncle Mr Ind Ills Will Polletl lln Ethel Glney returned to Florida alter visit llth her thither and flier in lat Slr and llrs Victor Hollasteri and her mher uho Is patient in Allisoo born II II And lln sdney Irvine Hrockrille spent the dead with their side and brother in lair Mr In Mrs Har nhl Belts Misses Susan and blame Belts returned with them or the holidafi Cljllord Duchrorth returned home In Dranxerhle mm Royall Victoria Hospital Barrie Mrand hits Wflliam INln and lamily spent the weekend at £11de with IS Oscar Irwin arid vulle lr Irwin who is pallet in Lindsay Hospital Mrs Maurice Stiller Is pat ient in Barrie Wm Svmpaill is utendal lu lrsI Pvt Rasocrs and Iamily Hit 90 in ihe sudden passing ol husband and lather on March worm BREFS TIRE IllTI WEN TORONTO ICPI David lamisden 27 at Toronto who lost his Wile and ii thildmn in lire that destroyed his home year ago Friday married Ann Silver 71 in dly hall cere mony Mr himsden said he met his bride when she fame to visit him in hospital with his cousin He spent tour months in hospital recovering lrom burns to per cent at his body OWN MARCH TOROYIO ICPI The Asso dation of Catholic High School Boards or Ontario Friday voted against supporting proposed slag in march on the provincial legislature The boards which adiise Ontarius Catholic high sthools had been asked at their annuar mling lire to srpporl the march proposed Thursday by the Ontario En lisII Catholic Teaehers Assoc uon lur provincial financial sup rt equal to that given Public hiKlI sdlools BDXANZA CHANGE TORONTO VCPD Dougi Nixon director of programming or CEILTV said Friday Bl oanu will be moied lo Thursl day nights in the all program scthule to be announced helll week GIRL SIltTl gt KINGSTON CPI Bonnie ijrea is Kingston Friday Ias killed accidentally when gZcalibm rille discharged Po lice said boy was Elllfllllg her rill tom his fathers cabinet when it went off ami kflied her FOLLOWS WIFE TORONTO CPI Protessari Balahflenley University at To mile history imcher hr years died at the age St Fri dayone day alter his wife the ionner Dulcle Ports sutured fatal Stoke MONTREAL IN CEMJS 111031112 ice 23 minute power failure threw downtown llmtreal into coilin sion Friday Hundreds ol people were trapped in elevators lele Eton stations were blocked oil the air and tralfic lights went dead Everything was knocked mlwllhtheexceptiouolalew IEIEphones in Place Ville Marie voice cmtgd with the elevators was maintained SKULL RETURNED ROME liteLiteral The skull at St Sflvester stolen from about here Thursday was handed back Fridayhut the identity oi ihe lhiel was kept se TIeculprltbalidedillaa panda prim under the secretot the mlmlnna ED Now mflliol dollars thrill ed him paid each day NW15LMiamlflorlda ralahatyauhulaunuy my II in radii1 In Illrill field loll or you time Work It Immee Adhulen Schools of In yolr prmt lob ul ml at home this attend raider Intuit In two Ieeh at our lanlille at MIA BEACH or LA MAI NEVADA Excellent employment assistance For details without It will fill at coupon and null INSURANCE Al 31m Amendith Member Katha Home today will saloons Dept 2m mrsme lamlam any Mu um Address Province WHEATng fail scimcz IDIGNITIIBIES AT thlCKEN PUNElllll Conservatire lender Robert Stanfield tleltl Ionner Com Slfllli prime minister John Dielmbaker theatre and Wallt SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS DllLSTON By MILE SPONAGLE the World Day at Prayer ser viceJas held in Dalsum Unit ed Churrh The film strip together Girlsi trorn Worlds Apart pre pared hy the Womens Inerv diurtll CouncilJur lirir anniversalT was HIPS llrs Wursten and Mrs Sponagle Leader on sznipe were Mrs ck Cr ghurst Anglican Mrs llicltline Crown Hill United lrs Handy Sn Craighurst Prus byterian Mrs Watson and hlrs Ll Sponagle nl Dalston United Organist llrs Tuck Crown Hill United also accom panied duct by tro ladies Ironi erninster Church Barrie The opener Ilia Quirt retired deaconess poa associat ed with Anglican Church 0rillt Ira introduced by Mrs zhlboum lllss Quirt interim ed the meaning and message of tile to Growing Together in can erterslre experience in wnrk in the north Offering lrorn the semceamounted 0751 Mrs Cough attended the executive of Toronto Coll ierunce United Church Wflmcn he 1th Bay rerenlll While there she renewed acquaintance with cousins unom she had not seen for IS years Mrs Gnuzll also attended the owning of the new nurse at Rama and spoke to those attending WINTER Abritfal shoutr Ior lfss lail da lalune was held March 10 at the United Church Hall DJI sloa rarier of games was enjoyed belole the hrIdHovbe opened he many boauilthl gifts She was assisted in this by her sister Irs Oades and by as llary lane Euie also her fiance lle and Wanda each expre their thanks and appretiatiou in the light of her Vbasmntwasathrscmol tor Weir Comerrative prem ier Manitoba attend luneral near Ottawa Friday at John Braden who headed the na Ior the gills Hindi was serréd by the Vl lr anddlis Mark Sponagle are being wngratulaled on the arrisal of their first grandchild daughter Laura Joan arriv ed March 11 to hair happy par ents Joan and Hymn Sponagle Bmcktllle The community is Invited to an evening of bowilng at Kemp iew Saturday March Er eryone is urged to nailicipate ST PAULS By MES PRATT Miss Lida Beamish has return ed from wonderlul holiday Places visited included Lisbon Portugal and the Island at lilad era Mrs Amy Carter Mount Den llis sited IIr and Mrs Roy Carter and family or the Wak end Dont forget to save articles and Contact any Paulelie mem ber for pick up lor the April Bill semi alnual rummage sao Valch Coming Events or particulars HOXDR MINISTER St Pauls Anglican Church pot luck followed by social evening when members ill St Peters Churchill and St Pauls gathered to honor Rev and lrs Allan llaldcilby and daughters Charlotte at Ottawa Ruth Tomato Esther at ihmne Ir and Mrs Haldenby are leaving to take up pastoral duzies at St Agnes Angiican Church Long Branch wipersons enjoyed the ume aus meal allowed by at ty program put on by members at GJt andIA Irom both churches Craig llunle was master at ceremonies Rev lJaan Huntley spoke briefly on behalf the United Churches Stroud and Lolmy ot the close iunity between the two donornlné aliens Sharon Laekie presented gilt he tlonal Conservatives from to ma He was Manitoba premier from In to 1911 hlr Braden died in an Ottawa hose to the three Haldellby girls Dar lene Frolick praented Mrs llal denby with lltree titted des son dish on behall of the Girls Auxiliary Hurry lIoldcrilll pre sented lr and Mrs Haldenby vuith beautiful mantel clock Gordon Rix gave them novel money tree hill Reynolds had nurse of money and Tom Fitz simrriins potted plant or them Mr llaldenby thanked every one on beball oi liimsell and lamlly and said he regretted leaving the community Iliss Btber Haldenhyl Grade ll student at Central 301 legiate will stay with liss Anne Booth to complete the school year belore moving to Long Branch Fllthl THINGS IIRyll KANSAS CITY API Wil liam Kimmy observed his 110th birthday anniversary Thursday at the Jackson County Hospital After congratulatory message Irom President and Ills Nixon was read to him he commented Thais nice wheres the ice pital Tuesday He was GP Wuephotoi ST OllK SPOTIEIIS Seenonelatelyi AstoIkAhnt is When the storkdroarts It ttmalortheWelcomaWsfion Hostess to arrive with it tor baby and helplul Inter matinrl tor tho new mother But since the Stork ofll number the Hostess Wel wmowuonneedsspotterl to help out Be stark spotter in your nolghholhood our Host esses will npprrciatu your help and so will the new mothers Io rhvort Itork handyman or who LOW LOW REGULAR DRY CLEANING PRICES Plain Dresses Skirts Plain Pants Ladies Slacks Mens Suits Fast Service Free Plzkp Delivery HURoNiA CLEANERS MARY Easier fin Memorials special Easter Classified Page In remembrance of loved ones will be published in The Exaininercn Saturday April Suitable verses may be submitted or our Classified department will helpyou with the wording for your tribute SATURDAY APRIL COpy Deadline WEDNESDAY APRIL Phone The Classified Department 72824121 65 65 5135 mm DRIVEIN LOCATION

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