Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Mar 1969, p. 6

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lino Beth Kearney Coordinator and mnientaicr Mrs Dorothy Gardner deacrib ed the fashions while seated on ring decorated in green and while with touches of gay flowers The noun models stepped through the flowered arbour in wide variety of outilta there was little of everything from hell bottom pants in lingerie Hairstyles for the show me by Giovanni and Perri flowers were by Harris flower shop lira Patsy Sandbag was 25 MSle for the decor During the intermision no freshmean ware served and door prizes awarded MODELS modeling in last nights show were lira Joan Gamer lira Joan Nesbitt hiiss Harri Cold well Mrs Ann Stewart Mas mien Bell hits Freda Shinnar Min John Morris Miss Shelly Gaml Miss Judy Clark llllss Myrna Condon lllss Wendy Speare Miss Debbie Stewart Miss Janice Iletcalie lliss Su san Quick and liliss Susan liace Severe Attitude Toward Romance SAIGON AP Viet Cong aierriila girl is expected to share everything with her male counterpart except bed If she does yield to tempta tion and cam the penalty is harm for both ot themany thing from three to lo years coolincInent in the bamboo cages that serve as lail cells in remote hate areas SHOPPERS GUIDE DELICIOUS looking lime green shade was worn by model Joan Nesbltt in last nights fashion how The dress selected from Zellers Ltd was fashioned in bond ed fabric and leatured sheer white ruffle at the Voedtline and about the dceve tmamv iner Photo Fresh Produce fBuys Brighten Spring Menus lly AUDREY comma skipping ropes and marbles herald the Spring and invtta outdoor play mentbe warm auto sbine Heavy thing can timed and than the usual baavy meals to provide body warmth dining otir long cold winters Spring is die ideal to take good lookat the kind of daily diet we as homemakers provide for the family Young sters get their exercise in ac tive play but what about the adults in the householdt Too often the grown members oi the family eat heavy evening meal and get their exercise turning the dial on the TV 141 swing tnrn springmlth change of eating habits Fore go the rich fattening foods rich er gravies and pastries and con centrntrorr loan meatv fowl fish vegetablesmd fresh trim in place of pie or éalte This weeks advertised apoc lals will help you get started Grapetniitesre la form ceou pineapples are for dollar and bananasio cents lb Carrots are lb for 23 cents onions lb tor 19 cents imported toma toesrlil cents Beef specials include short rib roasts at Slceola and pork onto ANN tannins ADVISES Switch in Mail From Male Who Switched Dear Ann Leaders am 20 and engaged to marry 11year old Gl who is now in Vietnam Last week received letter lrom linice It was love letil ter which he had written twan other girl and had put in the wrong envelope by mistake From the places he mentioned it is clearthat he met this girl during basic training at Fort Dix He asks her to keep lresh the memories oi those tender rno meats am sure they did more than hold hands Should send Bruce the letter and tell hirn Im through 01 should act like everything is ok and settle the matter when he gets home am deeply hurt and would like to break the en gagement dont want to mar ry man cant trust Whr do you adviseThe Girl Re uttBcblnd Dear Girl Give no hint that all is not we Eventually Bruce will learn oi his mistake because the damsel with whom he did his basic training iiaithitably received the letter intended for you Sit back and see how ho handles it CONFUSED Dear Ann ladders Do you honestly believe that people who dont want to raise children are psychologically disturbedt When you say the drive to re produce is oneoi the strongest in animals and healthy humans you are equating the sex drive with the desire to beget oli apring Animals cant separate sex trom reproduction but people can There are plenty of people who like sex but dont happen to care for children This attitude does not always stem from fear of childbirth laziness marital dlsv cord or any other kind of hang up Some women simply dont relish the thought oi spending the best years of their lives cooped up in house with screaming kids from morning till nidit Whats so mitts thatt Career women Dear Woman You are confuse ad suggested iprofessional help for 23yaamd reader who wanted to adopt children instead of have them because she was terrified of labor pains Ibis writ wildl unfortunate lady has deep seated fear from which she should be liberated for her own sake as well as as in fairness to the man she marries Her moLh er and Aunt Tillie probably scars ed her to death with stories of their agonizing labor Those stor ies get better every year it may surprise you but not all women view raising family as spending the best years of their lives cooped up with house full oi screaming kids Some wo men Ind satisfaction fulfillment and pride to raising tarnil And whats so nutty about that Confidential to Highly Suspi doos Yes Virginia there is really an Ann Landch but she gets about thousand letters elvlery day and cant print thorn It can be livath and lovely at the same time refreshing color scheme new furniture amn ement thats all it may no My advice is offered to you consultant servnce thiamine hinterlor decorator and Consultant are featured at another chain Turkeys are advertised at 39 cents Chicken at ascentin best buy Try the following re cipe lor Sunday dinner Quanti ties may he doubled to suit the number in thrfamily cmcanN cassnnoin chicken lst In lemon salt Pew li tap saga pita grated lemon rind medium potatoes diced medium carrots sliced cup green beans chopped frozen beens are good sub slime cup chicken stock or use canned chicken bouillon or cubes on the chicken into quarters and brown in little butter llub the pieces with cut lemon salt peppe sage then sprinkle with the grated lemon rind Place vegetables in casserole with the chicken stock Top with uncr en pieces cover and bake in 350 degree oven for so minutes Serves SWEET AND SOUR CARROTS special way oi serving an old favorite stamps diagonally sliced car rots about us lbs tbsp brown sugar tbsp corn starch titan ground ginger and V2 up salt 22m vinegar tip vinegar Cook carrots covered in holl ing water until just tender about Is min Drain saving the liquid Mix dry ingredients with vinecy gar gradually blend in the car rot liquid about Clip Add to carrots and cook stirring scab ly until thickened and clear bout min Stir in the butter Six servings through my Barrio 7mm Allislon4355706 NAVY BLUE is on old lav orlte and it is as smart looking as ever The perfea outiit for many occasions was modeled last night by Freda OLD TYME DANCE llemhora oi the Simcoe CountyJeyey Cluh havcar ranged an Old Tyme Dance party to behold in Band Head Community Hall Friday even lug Paxtoos Orchulra will sup ply min for dancing and prizes and lucky draws are to tum oi the party ENGAGEMENT The engagement of Miss Christina Eiiiabelhfisilfil to Donald Henry Priest his but announced by the bride vclertd parents lilr and Mrs Douglis Sblnoiman of Orangeville The bridegroom to be is the son of Mr and liira ilarry Priest of lilinesing The tvcdding will take place in Orangcville Uoited Church on Aug MAY mwnn mi May Flower Tea and Bake Sale will be held at Westmihn sler Presbyterian Church Steele St on May to undur Ihe ans pices of the womcna group Tea will be served from untiljs oclock Nursery services for the toddlers will he provided DENTAL NURSES Simcoe county Dental Nurses and Assistants Association mot Monday evening at the Barrie ltlcdicaiArts Building with 13 members present Following the business session talk about ludla was given by Mrs and lllra Nomi Damltcvaia of Puget CAKE PEOPLE AND PLACES Call Audrey Coulson any norm it nooser cordion selection he club is Sbinner ot the Business Ind Professional Womens Club oi Harriesller virus and ac Vcasoricswere selected from Zellers lid St Barrie Refreshments were served afterwards lba GetTogether Club of Bar ric Senior citizens bad meet Ing on thiesday at which flirt Elsie Camoronahowed slides of Scotland and England Ilka Mar garetvDaiiu played several ac prcsoot alienating new mem Kcrnpehlelt minister imperial Order Daughters of the Empire are sponsoring the annual Dcs sert Bridge on luesday evening nttlle ArmyNavy Air Force Balk79 Dunlap St The event was at THE GONGOLIEM Gilvert and Sullivans the Gondoliera willhe prmentedvln vAiltston on March 28 and 29 beginning at pm The show features members the South Simcoe choral and Drama Soc iety In Barrie tickets can be secured from Janes Stationery Dunlap St orvlfarpcra macy Penetang St hummus sates Weekend rummage aal bargain hunters iocludeone at the Canadian legion Hall Col lier St on Friday afternoon This sale is prefect of Central United Church and cuoosz your QUALITY GERMAN Hamlin nséuiaa 90 THIS WEEKEND ONLY Watch For Our Free Lunch Promotion in the Portage Room Coming Soon Banting Memorial High School All ourbiakery pioducta areprcparod fresh daily in our modern bake shopi according to our laboratory tested recipes Onlyrthelincst quality ingredients are uScd ducted by liev James Perry airted by Halrolmr Suns mrh aiormer mloist er of Bar Getflrldotcalfo of Port Cred It resided at the organ lad accompanied tha soloist Rou Holden of ulsduun be sang Wedding Prayer BRIDAL MN The bride entered the child on the arm of her father who sure her in marriage For this medal nuneot also those gown of silk shaotuog lashloned on the Mine with shaped yoke high rolled collar and long tapered sleeves marked wi th tiny buttons The floor leggtbt skirt of the gown was accented by chapel train full length veil ot illusion tulle bordered with lace and caught to headdress of organ flowers and seed penis completed the brides costume Her bouquet was white orchids and sisobanotis with ivy stream ers wannmc ammame The maid oi honor was the vln uf aurrle lhe bridegrottms sister Mrs lily oi Osh we attended as hriearnald lloth attendants wore identical floor length gowns of yellow nylon dotted Swiss mar tafleta desigllodontheAline os coated with long full sleeves with banded cults Ribbon bows and daisies tashlooedthelr head pieces and they miried bouquets ot Siesta daisies John Will of attendcd as groomsman Barry Key of Oshawa and puts Rob bins of Mlnhsaugauerved ushers RECEIVE GUESTS Afier the wedding esta wore received at run 91 mu twito ihe brides mother was Record Number OI Female Students litOsgoo Hall TORONTO OP Thirty oine women record nunbet sre competingaucccssfully with the 540 male students at Os goode liail law school here trlclaF Foran oi Toronto was third in her bar admission clam and she is to get her call to tho her next week In the lilycar history of the come sheundcrtoolr no other woman has done as well hours of sale are from until oclock The Barrie Human Society are soonsoriog rumm sale on Saturday morning at the Legio lIall lhls sale begin oclock St Marys Catholic Womens League are holding rummage sale on Saturday morning from until noon at St Josephs aud itorium 81 LB AppleWQQd Unitedschunhr Scene Of March jwedding brides sister Miss hiary Col1 turo display in their showroom however it they havent got The same holds true in their CARPET department Youll have andhimlturo of nourae Being located few blocks away fro holes are lust the right size to hold the stems of flavors on womanhoonnr ram 130an tired in mat and dress ensem hie oi turquoise silk shunting Willi matching turquoise access orlea and tunings oipink roses Assisting lllo biidemoma mother wore yellow aod white incquand weave dress and coat costume complemented with pctailed hat and corsage of yet low roses For the wedding journey to Ottawa the bride chose travel lRflMME in Yflil 11ch Brantley ling costume of lilac wool with deep purple accessories and on it chid corsage 0n retlnn from the honey moon the newlyweds will taka up residence at 3315 Iicidghte Dr hlluissauga Dut of town guests ittcnd ed lrom Oshawa Peterborough this ueek arri My grandsoocame to visit me unexpected around noon audit hadnt had can oilcorned beet oojny klldlell shelf wouldnt hava been aide to serve the tasty iillcgl btinsicmimootirneataliforhmdieon Thisisorocipelhat everyone alloys and can he made ahead and kept in theJrigi gtsilyflrgeai great an ltelYou can double this recipe ar can cor contains mo ow of shreded corned beeii re mm DEVILEI WRNED BEEF BUN fraokturter rolls iictaadioppod stuffed ea is cup shredded corned bear flkfim om cup grated yellow tn Worcestershire sauce cheese tbsp minced green pepper Split buns and remove thefoolt centres Carbine reniainn Egigelgtaloaggséifl Iron lggp in it paper and twist ihi gends ea in oven tmill they are hot Serves lbw minutes THERE ARE SOME hiady dccorativecreauires find fashionch homes on lapel heltor art at WEEDS These PDODLE RABBIT PINS em in tho Cooo Animal Kingdom start at $16 their mownn GARDEN collection of PINS Is the quickest way know of bringing Spring look to your costume Iheyre in full oolorha bloom Ilarge but very light so they unot mark discos with MANlliNG EAR RlNCS Sprouting up on REEVES display for Spring too are and BUIIEIIFLY EAilmlNG TREE at ECO Sterling Silver Earring HOOPS and PENDmthcyre lovely petite pendants are aho At nnnvss mwmama 76 Dunlap St East Barrie 12831 SEW YOUR OWN SPECIAL LOOK from SINGERS now FABRIC lheir collection of Dim MATHEWS is doullng variety of patterns colors fascinating texnires weaves with hurltnn Virtues that travellers wll welcome with glee Their Eng lish WINE is such material becausc it is wadinbic needs no ironing la mimeresistant and oven into an intorcstirrg texture and pattern Youll love SINGERS plain and plaid co ordinated fabric called Gm AND TONIC as well as lovely VOHSIED mm and HEATHER WOOL material which are in pastel shades SINGER fabrch ocntre has variety of materials from CDTIUNS toavl POPIJDI FRINTfor we NJ to PAdiilY and LACE MMERIAIS andas an OPENING SPECIAL theres mil off the regular price at all materials You home sewers can have great look for airing at very little cost it you visit HINGE so DunopSt win am virtuoso WHAT SUITS SPRING Colors used lightly as in SWANSMANS LAPLFS WEAR SUIT COMMION Theres the City Wailtcit which distinguishes this seasons PANli surr from last season becausc ofthe longer shaped jacket mailing skiit is includlt ed ihcre are others with matching skirts in pitun and plaid matcrinb which are lovely in the pastel shades DRESSY SUITS sculptured in pale woois collared in dyed for to matdt the color of the salt are extremely lush and flattering Ibc serener grace fut cosuime look oi matching COAI AND DRESS is muit in many womans clothes closet and youll find beautiful sclectlonat SIRANSMANG LADIPS WEAR 44 Dunlop St East liarrte 72842 110 OBTAIN illE ULTIMAIIE in pleasure comfort and prion visit WILLIAM LOWE FURNITURE MART and see their encollont selection of furnishings for the home Youll observe world pt fashion in their Gibbnrd Andrew Malcolm and Kncchtcl Furni what you want you can select from uinlr numerous catalogues wide nolcction there You know they are bit more special iltanmony furniture siorcs because they can plan or rcplan room right from the color on the walls to carpets drapes lamps tho centre of town and off the strect youll get lower prices an good parking facilluel The hours are from am till it pun all week and 10 pm lhursday and Friday at WILLIAM LOWE FURNITURE MAltl 202 Dunlap St west Berna 7292 limbosized alumintnn colored ourler can be used for flower holder when opened that and placed at the bottom of ayasc the Byo for now Ml

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