Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Mar 1969, p. 4

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on Earth Examiner Motion and the qualificatiom 0f the per pmiel teaching It This action is the mnrlt of the report of two English rofesors at mrleton iiiriverslfy in ch they state that mere 47 per cent of our higher education oulty Canadian and tint only 25 er ent of the new reculis are Dana They fotmd that on the avers Americ inns count for 35 per cent Canadian IUniverslty faculties and up to 66 cent at newer university such Is lcn Fraser in 130 There are those who eel that Canad ltan universitia are being invaded by lMericans and that there is not enough Canadian influence in the teaching LI However the better rtunilies in isalary and resmmh fa lrties continue no attract American teachers to Canada IO YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Emmlner March 20 1959 lrlb ute paid to Edward Bynre on cele brating 50 ears as member Barrie OoundLKni fsofwlunrbus0wner Charles Saso discovered firewhich did $2000 damage In store on Bayfleld St he rents to Sam Staansman for mens wem Barrie Examiner Trophy for first event at Barrie Bonspiel wonby Toronto Tamo Shanter rink of Lon Rom sldp Garnet Campbell from Avon lea Sask Bill May Elmore Joselin Manager Aloorn presented Sterling Trusts Trophy for second eventto Brampton rink ski ed by Norm Gan butt Barrie yers closed season losing to st itfichaels College whose star was rookie centre named David Keen Dale Rolfe and Eddie Westfali starred forBerriefire21lefRHVIrwlnv demonstrated new alarm panel me office Jack Maanren public school board declared time is near when university should be located in BarrieOrilIiaMidland triangle President Bob Workman of Kinsmen accepted for Barrie interclub visitation shield Barrie declared in flood area alert sent out by govt Bob Pulford native of Newton Robinson in Sirncoe County looked as playoff leader by Coach Imlach Barrie juveniles coach ed by Don Bowen trimmed Waterloo 82 George Booman and Corby Adams mrhsnuerppeal WIIIIun Teller Mimi Mmlger Mamnearnrmrng Editor WYW MlIAOI Canadian Teacher Shortage Brings Americcin Invasion fbs shortage of laundinn feacim lI matter of semen to the Assodifion Universities and Colleges of Canada has voted to do research on the status of mmdiar studies In higher ad of the Canadian Mattydde and the mm franqul way Undoubtedly American teedier will continue in imml be to Condo at least until our abomination boom tapers off and our graduate schools an in greater numbers gt According to Dr Matthews one of the Carleton Univerdty researchers 4de simply isnt tapping its own mums He contends tint Camdlan sdroois are not actively rearidling and advelttdng to get Canadians for the jobs But it seems that It the present there is shortage of Canadian teachers at least In some fields Dr Edward Monahan associate executive secretary of the Canadian Association of Unfvers ity Teadrers mys Canada may now be graduating enough of its own people to supply the need In such fields as organ ic chemistry English and Irlstorybut there is still shortage in such fields as Iitlcal science sociology linguistics an irrafhematics DOWN MEMORY LANE starred I165 Innlsiil Notes con tinued interesting story of exploring Out Islands of the Bahamas Central Col legiate Glee Club presented outstanding musiml shew directed by Cock bum and lilary Wose Stars were Mich ael Ogden Colleen Campbell Gale Nel son Chorus girls were loomMae Lee Georgina Crewe Birnie Gail Poth ick Jeanette Pratt Snow collapsed roof of Bert Guests historic blacksmith shop at Guthrie Shanty Bay led by Tom and Ian Garner won 0m hockey title Rev Emle Keefe former Bar rie Flyer hockey star was back in town Sunday to preadr sermon at Emmanuel Baptist Church Reginas famed Rich ardsons left for Scotland to represent Canada in world curling North Sim Seed Fair and Bacon Hog Show at Elmvsle packed Community Hall stew art Page and James Hancock Agileps were In charge Barrie orchestra of Ken Eflb Huward Norris PhulEmmsand George Ihcke provided music Don Johnstons Barrie rink of Jimmy ergar Gord Johnston and Don Crowe won lun ior Tankard district Another Barrie team skipped by Bob Dobsun with Billy Kennedy Dave Gibson and Phil Little was second Prank Goring after 44 years service retired from CNlL He started in Allandale as Look for work gang ended career at throttle as eng ineerfor latest model diesel locomotive OTHER EDITORS VIEWS AVOID AGE PRESSURE our Evening Reporter If your blood pressure greatly exceeds normal you may be physirally 20years older than your contemporaries If you had four grandparents who lived to be 80 you will probably outlive most of your high school class by four years If you live in the country you willpro bany survive five years longer than if you had lived in city Why do some people agefaster than others Scientists say there are actual ly three diffierenteges in eachtperson chronological age marked entire caien dar biological age or the condition of our bodies psychologin age or how old we act and feel Recent finds seem to indicate that life can retain its vim even into the very ad vanced years Sex problems tend lobe more psychological than physlai IT HAPPEth IN CANADA Dr Hans Selye of the University of Montreal believes that individuals are born with certain amount of adap lion energy which permits them to make adjustments to such stress and strains of Living as disease infection ac cidents exposure worry and mainutri Lion Each stress situation draws upon our reserve Aging comes when the re serve begins to develop serious deficits Every stress says Dr Selyefleovesan indelible scar and theorganismpays for itisurvival after astressftil sltuatiou by becoming alittleyoldér But perhaps the most important factor of slide attitude Asone philosopher put it He who is ofnfoalm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure 01 age but to him who Is oflan opposite lion youth and age are equally burden Elle Emir Examiner WITH ONE DOLLAR EILLH VFEW EVER SEEGWOO Bills ANDNODNESEES BILLS LARGEZDEND 11 HAPPENED nr churns nun NEVIva ammo FEATURE CONTAINED poonoodle serum Willi armor Bowman marinara nu pm mus merryAH can ouwwonlsrniemm amen acorns IWMED runs on amen was smawsrzrmm Lemur so MANY geaosnslwms wmmcurmesesorzntrnrogls mu coinsurance WWWmm xmnssrwa firms 13f rues MANY 5A ABcvl It FEAT 14601612 Returnvpostage guaranteed yearly Singiseoples 10c By Ontario srsm yearrmotor throwoti flit year Out side Ontario 310 year Out mg my recounts SETARATISTS wyw 1r ISNT EXACTLY THE comes SECTION BUT 0TTIIWA REPORT Latin AmeriCans Resenr Domination By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWAFem is not an other Cubenor is its leader Gen Juan Velasco Alvsrrdo snouwr Fidel Castro Yet recent developments In Tent have even involved Canada in what her su pcrficLxlIy but wrongly seemed to be swing towards musls The mllitnry junta led by V24 Insco which ousted President Eelaunde lest Octoberhls trod path which appeared to be QUEENS PARK Competition Is In Mens Fashions Ey CY YOUNG The show is strictly male affair Women can take peek to see If theres something they fancy they can dragoon their then into buying but msfnly its for men The show in question In cur rently running in New York City Its the annual National Amputation Mens Sportswear Buyers show and We of litters in Ontario because live manu facturers in the province are ex hiblilng They are doing so under spon sorship of the Ontario Trade and Development Department within as noted in previous re ports maintains steady pres MEOIIJIIE promotion and Isle of Ontariornadexgnods on for veignmarketa Forexemple Trade and De velopments recent Manulactur ing Opportunitiersbw in Toron to attended byabout 5000 busi nessmen resulted In an estimat ed $16000000 worth of orders totalmf 119 companies dis played more handoutseparate imported components for re sourcing in Canada 52 compa nles displayed dbont at new products available for iicensfng and 81 inventors showed 251 In rsrsayrréia street Barrie omens Authorized as second3dass pertrnent Ottawpyyrand for payment of postage in rash Dally Sundayvand Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates any by nanfun 50c wéelsly $2500 incl Barrie $2900 yearly sideCanadaiiritIsh posrcs sinus 25 year sad foreign endear National Advertisingofflccs 425 Unlversft Avenue Toron to M0 Ca cart 81 Mont real Member of the Canndlsu Press and Audit Bureau of circulation The cauadinn Press an clusivciy chillle to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper cred Ited to It or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the local news published therein mall bylhe Post Olllee Der similar to Commit has na iorrnlised the countrys largest oil company owned by Norh Americans it has attacked US fishing boat off its coast it has establlnicd diplomatic relations with llhzscvw and now it less signed trade pact with Russia Canada finds itself in the mid dle of the most significant do veloprnent the nationalisation of the oil company for the huge Ln Bren Periods oilfield mea Iuring over mo square miles is Keen ventlons available for manufac ture in Canada Ontarios participsllon in the New York show is on lhia scale The featured items by the five manufacturers are knitwear such as sweaters mens fur fashions trousers Ind slacks hosiery andvsport isclo efs vests double knit and mapleleaf tartans The fur coats are of is differ ent furs inanyone ofu selec fioncf styles Fur costs have not been worn by men for many years now Io that this menu facturer In making bold bid to return to traditional line of apparel using Ontario designers and Ontarioproduced materials ATTENTIONGm One line at the show already reported to be commanding lot of attention is sports jacket Dino coat and vest styled with the maple leaf tar tan The sports jacket entirely of maple leaf tartan is designed and made for both sports and evening wear iirevest and Dino coat are both of tartan wool worsted with doubleknit back The Dino coat also hns sleeves of doubleknlt wool Each features gold maple leaf buttons For rose who havent seen the maple leaf tartan it blends the autumn colors of green gold red and brown ussiANsAND galUNESE FIGHT mwn Kinny My Elesiuch1fl Ind lBMahd to right Ind sound which mm them very difficult target Tho oung lawn in the III are not It pleas ereturn They met In one mailer size and nimble actions However it is quite true tht the deer Ire not Iiwm Ibot lhrou the head or burl Ital ThlI would be In impos Emu uI1° rigs hunts first doesnt as Ir slbls to eliminate suffering ii skinning operriion nsvcr takes plus leI firm is still sign of life in the mind have been hunting dear for over so reIIonI Ind bavonever shot young frwn friend All mfnshIs been hunting for so first deer firotrranrlr of deer Ion wllhout evcn rheoan hairs off Ideerchw man bunt cru return array Indedf only paint film fIciI out in an endeavor to prove to none hunters that we lll not the hm tnl blood blrny lot that sum would have Ill be It Is quliouhderrlsndeble thII 21 as long as women throughout the world insist on wearing ml rIrin coals this brulIl clubbing to death of halpleu baby Ienls AntiMissile owned by the international Pe troleum Company of Toronto The true lack are happily very diiflcrfiontgfom kn Cnslro story In me can sentiment Is widespread and Mn um Anny growing In Latin America But Mr James Berton editor Ith is nationalism not cammu bf the New York Times writes ism rat poor illId underdo that in deciding to builds thin walled meals becoming ncIIVe nullmissile uetwork President ly resentful of commercial ex Nixon has shown not bold or ploltatlon by us giants such philosophic Ipprcpch to hlI In the bananatrade monopolisls problems but narrow politi fn feet LatinAmerican eouh cul tactical and public relations trim were wnlenptuouslv View of the world All these named Banana Republics in words are Insults in Mr Res the us Other us conglomcr tons vocabulary it is also alleged that Mr oil companies are prominentln Nixon deceltfuliy gave the that area where US invest impression his anllballlstlc ments exceed 512000000000 missile network wouldbe small Pen has had long dunnel er and less costly than Lyndon withthe successive foreign awnlt Johnsons involving only two ers of La Brea ovur taxes The sites Instead of 10 whereas be By PHILIP DEANE land was originally rrwardcd to tween the lines one can read loyalist bio year one by the that the number two refers to new independent government of the first two that will be built in Peru in settlement at small the us desert bit that Mrs debt for miles providcd to sonslowillelsobsbuilt those fighting inr lndenendence Reading between the liner of from Spanish rule The land course is not an exact science grant included tnx concessions The one hard fact seems to be on what was then dcscrt Peru um lqu soon work will begin has argued that such tax on two entlbalilstie Inimlle conceslons should not carry shes tbeothcr 10 are less firm over more than century later in mm of construction time to foreign company which has Admittedly llirleon tried to operated the desert as on all make hi5decision sound better well yielding more than $690 than Johnsons It weirld be too 000000 196 although based much to ask of soy humIn in Toronto is whollyoyvnmi being not to try making his acts flbsldiari 0i Standard Oil 01 sound better than those of his New Jersey opponents Men tinfetish mar igren hellishifi pdoats the gym dld co anlzrrctcflu tcrrrrunt sweeping northwards up he 915mm west coast of South America H35 ML N110 We carrier billions aruruerrsu DP eoiuuluu with Russi on db polite Peru this current meets armament d0 not think 04 the souLhwmling um Considering the way Russian current from the tropics cer leadefldvmoflmdfli think flying down Mg 1ng The mill Nixon needs fofcrce from them sion of two millrent causes but turn wcs wnr away from the shore providing magélllficcst fencing ground where tuna ee on one vies Peru claims all fishing F0 we min fish in these waters to db flesh and blood but lgIlnIt prIu tance of 700 miles off shore WWW lm Wm gIInrt the rulers of the rink saying that its economy is large Pendent upon wry nm of Ith world an rut lplr 40 the WM largest ex itusl wickedness in high pieces porter of fish men some can EPhem 12 mercful US iishlng bouts No man needs to be afraid to refuse to rscognizs Perus go out and ace the world when clalm and hence some wcrc rev he has with hirwnnd In him the cenlly attacked by Peruvian power and presencefof Iiintwho gunboat mnde it am withymr Gold Medal oru errou 23 looks like more difficult target by their Ifbltlty though have never reasons Ind has yet to shoot his human return home every soI Drawing Criticism jMoreIhon lrflonoiher pretty bottle that can neither run writ or swim will continue to be nee good errth to insert the following In your per III In BIrrle on More Iy limb to Ind tried to park close to Simpson sum office but no puking rpm wII available In kept on polo out Ind Immune th first mate 2I cImI my money lnditdldntwcrklolptnnb mm in the nut meter cut of this one and It wasnt wcrle In either So went back Ind parked on wearing of Muicuter it iii we an op beautiful Barrie is this one of the reasons why we should go in Barrie Io Barrio can collect our money and then ticket our care if It all possible lily suggest that if Barrie city come cli memberl are II couclen Nous II they mm to be they would It font give us mrun UIAllerklnd then Wouldnt have to my three times hr Afors We can get legal parking pIaco It from true dross who ticket our cm In bubbling over with Inbllion they meet they turn part of their ambition to seeing that meters do work id Ivggeet the turmoil seek leni Idvlos from the city solid tor Mr Rowe Could he suggest solution to thI kind of revere Ira gathering Im Yours Sincere Dlssotislf ecision elsarcut commitment to no elenr Innl control nsgotlItlons ihey have been reluctant to talk for fear of being called Uncle Tom by Mao and Castro Now they must choose between public relations discomfort Ind wasting billions In an arms at not the blliiuns would be wasted seems to be the firm concch of sclentists And Nixonundoubtediyls spending on ineffective wcaponry money that could flnIncs aoelalr rehe billtatlon proiecte Ills official npolcglsts have answersoff the record ii it will time enough to call Nixon women gcr when the Russians make clear offer to negotiate and he does not then interrupt antiinfo silo construction Even ii the entire snoooooopoo Is spent over the next three yearsan accelerated time tablethis only represean $900000000 year less than onesixtlcth of all us spending through all lsvrls of government The bestvwny to infuriIte the hawks and make them racist Iayzjn present help for Negroes as In eltemnilvc to defence this would increase the opposition to lociII reform indeed all this is practical politics and narrow public rele tlons The alternative is the broad boldp philosophic pp Democracies never choose such an approedr Once in history at the end of the fifth century 30 the most phIIo sophlcsl men of Athens the pupils of the great Socrates took over the government by forcesince they could not e5 pcct democracy to choose their Approach they were disastrous nrlers As result the great Aristotle said that we must shun phllosopherI as rulers and leek men of conventional wisdom Who would claim that Mr Nix ons wisdom is morothan con ventlonnlf CAUSE BITING Too much nagging and boss Ing nrs among factors lhnl con tribute to null biting Imong children lien Whisky Look for the one that winner Kcusor PARKK TILFORD orsrrrtsrrrs LTD

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