Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Mar 1969, p. 3

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Cit Mar Protest Salaries Paid COUHIY school Officials 1110 Simon comty board oi duration rims be Limo Lhcr thian over so gall suitor Wye oli Lat old in councill Keo coal government camiittec mnsidued andwsing motion passed by the City Cuban asking the dcputmmt of air cation in look inho the up salaries that are being paid drool board molt The mania dccrlod to ask council to look into the salaries being paid Simon my board fixation afflualx mi if they are big and most mun members maintain thoy are re commend that the Iin pass rcsohlicn asking lhc union or education to look into the matter lho Graham Witt sold seven Kant ommty board of ai ucotion otiicinla are being paid $168 lhal works out to on average MW mm per man no Sirncoo county board of edscation bu five men earn Jug total ol 5000 whidi worn out to an average 11 65 mo per man Jack my irector ol ed ucation is earning $31111 per year Angm McKay superio tendent of academic aliain earns mom per year Thomas Sbultz superintendent of busi nem aflhirs earns man per year Mr McKay has two sistant who can 840 year May Gain $10000 By Changing Name Of lixena The city ol Barrio may coil cct grant of $100 inst by changing the name of the 3000 seat arena on Dunlop west City adminimaior Gerry Tamhhn told malls general govommcnt committee lad night that the Cormmity Con tenz Ad has provision where by dty can apply for grant when building or renovating an arena providing the ammo is calla mmnninity centre Mayor Bentley said the city has ncvcr applied or grant in the past If Imdemand the act corredly we can ask lor the grant whenever we build or renovate an arena The city plats to build an on cnaintheeastendandwiii apply for grant to cover part of the emanation costs or that building also 50 instead of being called the Barrie Arena genml govern meni ccrmnithce rpcmmnend ing that the luiiding be called the Barrio Comrmirriiy Arena and then ask the provincial government or its 5100 grant mmlamflthon is la ol concern over the warScribes men being paid Many poqdo dont believe they are worth that Mmoncy LamothIytmndripp sediresohltlmaskioglhoniim liqalmafionlolottinto thesahriesflutlrobeiogpaid Too Much Tradition Blocks BayDevelopment The development of Kanpur felt Bay cnnal port at tho rudovciopmcnt of the city is studt in hrbdidlonal dispute Harbors oi the planning and dovdopmcnt committee last night asked lor ciaflicalion at the responsibilities of the park and recreation commisiou and the Kmmcnielt Bay develop ment combion Aid Roberts man her of tho commsnon told his committee that the mmb duos in was to draw plan for the development of the bay and pas on recomendatiors to pinnning and development oorrnnitiea who woubi in him paw thorn on to city council At the moment nothing seems to be happening lirm of com sidianls Mitchell and Amoci ntes is conrpleting study of the Em to which the bay an be put Meanwhile parirn and recreation and the dcvelop ment wmision are arming about uho should be putting in the ill around the bay area As Md Roberts put it lad night We are hung up with lot of traditions hero and as result nothing is being done The Johmon Street beach and another head on the other side of the bay are slated for in medial development and im provemcnt lhe city hopes in get graht to complete these jobs Anothcr study will have to be dnncto decide on the Barrie Midgets Dump Aurora Barrie Coop Midgeis tram ed Aurora 52 in North York lemma post season played nIasday at Aurora TheCovps lcd 10 alter the firs and to alter the second periods JBdl lynch scored three times for Barrio while mm Bobcttefircdtvm more Jim Macth fired the single for Barrio Mark Sniih and Bill Wyatt replied ior Aurora in the third period beauoelolthcproperty that nowmuinathemllhamln tbomcctthatthecltylsm cadui in obtaining lhn prop my Aid Roberts content that the prviiem with Wandflauhflsflhm ndcwak mrintuidenla dont waotto giveipaIyollheau thority they think they have sacrum mm RESPONSIBILITY Gary Stoner or the parks and recreation commission has asked be planning and dove opmcnt corrmnttcc to darily no amaotrmpmibilityonnmn bu nt occasions to actual operniim nl tho lanlitia that will rout on the bwmerstintha hands nl ihe development connnision Aid Rabat Palm out that arguments that havota hen yin between the parlm and the dnvlonneot ooumisslon have loll situation when no one known uhat they no sup posodtn be doing said the aIdennan Aldr Macmillan said the conflict aboukl be posed on to the general government com mm Iw Io region sibility Md Hank Hersey said he Wt that was an excellent idea lets avo it to Man to sort out sosomeonn can get on with the lab CITYNEWS rnc BARBIE Wm mummy macaw my Public Hearings On Zoning Set Pubhc hearing to give the MacPhcrcoo will contain the citizens of Barrio an opportun ity to express their opinion on be the new Inning bylaw will be held the first few days oi April Residents oIWnrds and will be able to look at detailed zoning maps and question coun cil members on April at meeting to be held at North Col legiate commencing at 1m pm mdeuts of wards one and two will have the same amortunity on April when meeting is held atCcntrai Collegiate oud barium Pilam alro mfigcfiess to Prepare or man with all the detail Town planning comment lan Garbage Burner Still For Sale Barrio is can hung in sell its tecpec incinerator Several months ago city council learned the Ontario Pollution Control Centre would not approve the Driver Involved In Fatal Crash ls Remanded Toronto man charged with dangerous and careless driving in connection with threem crash that killed five persons and injured forn other Manil was remanded mtil June 32 in Barrie provincial courtw MW Rick 25 was the on ly driver to survive the bradI on Highway 400 at Barrie Police said at the time that lit norlhbwnd vehicle had miss ed mrve and limped the me dian colliding with the two smithhound vehicles Ridrs lawyer Silver man told the court that his clients vehicle had only re cently been released by the po1lt ice for inspection and that he planned to have mechanical tests done on it Ciiiiord Schiedel 43 or Mid land his sixyeamld son Kev in and minorold daughter Karen Ralph Wallace Soulhi em 31 of Toronto and his five yearold daughter Shelley all died in the collision Move On Plan To Prevent Flooding In Sophiafit lirea larger bower to handle the type of llad flood that hit Sor phia Street last year will ban recannnendaticn im the gear eral government committee to cily council The culvert that nine throum Sophia Street will be enlarged to handle the heavy runoil mm the watercourse that empties into Kempcnlelt Bay The new construction in the Cundles Road area has result ed in heavier flow at water lilted the manhole cover ofi tho incinerator bought to burn the citys rehise Punhased or Wm inclini iog the lamination che burner now sits in storage yard in Toronto 0in officials hope they can sell it to city that will be givcn OWM approval Ald Les lollifle told the op erations cormnitice last night it wonid com $167000 year for 20 years to operate and pay off thebpo of garbage burner pollution control nentro would approve Dsplaying the letter from the company that mam iaohlreSJhe madrinc Md JoliV ifie said ihlr is ihe answer to all those people who wonder why we just dont go ahead and install new home The city is using garbage as landfill and finds this the cheapes way to solve the prob lem However indie noiHoo distant future some other inc 010d will have to he found belt cause the city isrunningrmit of mitabic landiil sills Impaired Driver Pays $100 Fine asyeawld Barrie man Ed Iward ll Crawford charged with drunk driving in connection with an accident Feb 15 yesterday pleaded guilty in reduced charge of impaired driving He was fined $100 and $3 costs Crawfordwas charged alter the car he was driving east on Dunlap Street struck car park ed near Poyntz Street and onus ed to strike another lieject Zoning To Permit Store lit Grove Davidson Planning and development committee last night allirrned the decision of planning board not to permit the building of stationary store on the corner of Davidson Strocl and vae Siren East Committee chairman Roberts said be felt the Sore which would be located across the strect from Nonir Cdileg late wotdd be an eyesore to the community mm Tum whomever there are heavier than usual rains Lam year ginning watcr Sophia Sinai cubic and flood ed umber ot homes in the dimict Water gushed down Owen and Clappcmn streets gluing some damage there so Original plans weroto chin line advert in Mil butthe Exes era governmelit nominee will reconmeod to council that the lob be donc this year Henry Bernut president of Bardevco Ltd asked the plan ning board to remno the prop erty or comnerclal use He me said he wanted to build the an tioneny store onlho three cor ner lots and se the second floor or homing Aid Frank Hersey said he could hear the phone call from irate ratepayers it we even began to consider the propos ihc right thing in wasting to coImcil they not roqnne the pro perty raid Md Hersey lhc corrunitteo also mggeoted that no consideration be given to Iqu or rezoning of the anrm open on Both well heaved Mr chldr asked for perndsrlou to build multiple dwelling buildings on the lots he told planning Egard in uglm helmnre thid it wasn yen rcwnin he wanted the lotc would monument or long long Add Robert pointed out that tho remaining ma is wood as open space iWhat Mr Ber nick is doing by saying he will not build is adding to the open space and dont think anyone in mm to ohtea to dint think we have done which satisfied with donecan put official plan to the Inblic and on bond to explain the spe cifiuto anyone who is latch eseo Aid Roberts said last night he hoped large number of people would turn out Any one who wants to know whatis happening to his property can find out by attending the mceh loco the plan is passed we caninlways makeuhangesfbut we eel that die citizcns should playapnrtintbemakingotthe Tibefllio meetings are 0m itv to weak laid Aid Roberta up law have been adopted In pnnciple by city council They wrll go to the public hearing stage and then back to city coun Ill for any amendments LAltcrtbis they are given third and ma reading by city com ciL fihen there is an Ontario illumpral hoard bearin at any citizen who is not what tbc city has forwardin ohlec hon Seek Humane Society Views 0i Proposed Bill Games operations cormniitee last mmrequeszed that Alder man Donan Parker approach local Humane Society nInhori 023 to award out their feelings 00 Bill wbidt would allow the use of animals from society shelters in rcseardi laborator ies Chairman Les Joiiihe slowed the comnuttee letter from Tom Hughes puma society wedded but do not read it The local people might have an entirely Micron not look on flux than Mr Hughes he said Ted Swain president of the Barrie Humane Society declined to comment on Bill this morning Minivan said he ielt enough publicity con cernng the societys roandpoint has already been printed He also said flIc ihmrght people of the oonmnmlty were aware of the may position concerning The Barrio llumano Society has been circulating petitions in Barns protesting Bill Mrs Foil of the society said of the petitions have bean cimulated and are being scam to the head officon Tor Theyre In Water Hours Daily During Course Shrdcnls enrolled in tho com bined Red an and lioynl lilo Saving Society instructom training school are in the Ivnier rixhoursndaydirloglhemr rcpt iivedny course The sdmol is being conducted at the Adult Oculpatiowl Cen tre at Edgnr Candidates are tesod on their practical ability in swimming theory mid involves tin0e oesiom of action iendiin Ifi candidatcs general ub titudo is also very important said Larry Ciglcn codircctor or the course because thcy will be representing both of the societies Lilo snan and nrtiliclnl res pirntion induding theory and amlicalinn are two of the more important aspects of the course onmw narrow 21 aaso Borden illustraia the method or teaching beginning divor hnw to do back diva Eclamy and the girl Kathy Green 17 are students boiled in the In addition iiiesiillclils are taught proficiency skim moth ods of teaming water safety knowledge and background of both societies Prerequisite for the course is avrninimum age of 17 and the Red Cmss lender patrol Royal Lilo Saving bronze medallion 0f the at students who are mum in the course Judi Tre velyan codirector of the course said slur thought at least threetourths would pass both the swimming and the whittmlrcxarninatlons Md will be mild lridny About ii at these schools are being nm througholn Ontario on service of the Red Cross and 316 Royal IdIo Saving icy said Mr Ciglen Match is alsoRed Cr WaterSatay Montih hcaddcd Urges Passage 0i Fair Snowmobile Lawsllhis Summer gt Mayor Bentlcylasl nighi uuged the operations committee to use the summer months to enact fair and unrestrictive snowmobile legislation fWitii one or ourjmaiu indus tries being snowmobiles said the mayor let us use the time ti mayor let us use the tme while the snow is oii the ground and the heat bout of the battle to show little leadership There were two agenda items dealing with snowmobiles for last nights meeting but the colmult tco put them aside to await dinirmau Les Jolliflcs return imm the Ontario Traiiic Cou tercnce which storm June ildmlis Dnvm While Impaired A140 year old unemployed Barrie man Newman Moore was fined $100 and floods by Judge ll Fostcrin provincial court yesterday after pleading guilty to charge of impaired driving Moore charged by city police alter car was stoppedon Fer ris LaneiFob 25pleaded guilty Defence counsel inch told the court that Moore had been unemployed most at the year buthad just found work 3me11 attorney Wild rman told Judge Foster police had stopped the car alter it was seen to make wide right hand Lurninto Ferris Lane oil Bay flcld Street andstrlke the bank at the intcrscctlon Burrie lloliuuSporlsInen WISH To THANK EVERYONE ero ATTENDED ram BALL LAST SATURDAY WE ARE VIM sonny THAT LIMITED SPACE MADE IMPOS snsLE FOR ALL ATTEND WHO TICKETS T0 Many Thanks Again combined llcd Cross and Royal Life Saving Society instructor training school being conductr ed at the Adult Occupation Ccaim at Edgar Below Lor rio Schumehorn and Colleen 0ringlclt both 17 are prawn1 lng rescue breathing or mouth to mouth resuscitation whilea intbc water The victim is being hcid up in lha watcr by lilc locket Examiner PhD3 ton Fails AgainIn Bid Commercial Zoning Henry Berrick heard them say no once again last night This time it was the planning and development committee saying the property on Hayfield Street near the and store should not retain the cormnerdal zoning it once had The citys newzoninz bylaw makes the Macro piece of land residential property Mr chink maintains that he will lose money it the pro CraclrdOWn 0n Building Code Pays Oil City councils decision to get tough with building coda infrach ions resulch in drarntic de crease iu tho number of faults inspectors are finding with city councils backing inspectm began to get tough with contractors and things changed or 800 complaints on lilo only 179 could be acted upon The general government committe last night learned flint there are now only the com plaints that have not been cor rccled to the satisiactiou oi city building inspectors The com mitted will rcconuncnd to coon oil that if complaints have not been canceled by the date specified the building depart moat rake tho necessary legal action periy is zoned lorresidenlial use There is no plan for the property at the moment but ihcre are plans for dropping plaza on BayiiclrlStrcot north of candles Road However Mr Bernick could come out oi the whole chair the winner Che Belle Ltd and Warm Scott Associates have done all the groundwork for plaza in the north and oi the city The rccmmnendation of all the oommitleesand boanh is that Mr Bernicks property be given residential zoning when the new bylaw takes enact But he could walk into the building oliice todayand ask for permit to build shopping centre on the propertyand there is nothing anyone could do about it The permit would be Auinmatic lino Robinsons 31 Dunlop good for two years even Iiiar the new rolling bylaw goes through Officials in the building def partment say there is nothing tliey can do if Mr Bernidr asks for pcmiii Providing he has the plans with him we would give im permit $3th cs never lost out on dcal yet Sid Aid Reba ens Any0neiixi thinks Henry Bernick it going to take Realth ingoo ismningsqua kidding himscli At Tuesday evenings planning board meeting Mr Bernidn wouldnt say what his piBllSImc the property are Letmo saw that still have few Dank now mv sleevellc said Reg 83995 $695 including Bodily tuning service DOMINION HARDWARE Telephone 7182431 NoIICE T0 EXAMINER SUBSCRIBERS CARRIER MISS If your Barrio Examiner carrier lInI not arrived by p111 pleura phone 7282433 and copy of Tim Exumlucr will he dclivercd to your home by pm VAliEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS TRUCKS Thorall no charge for III service YOU directly T0 cONTAcT THE EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT coll 7266539 830 am to 530 Mon to if and up to 200 pm Sal BARRIE EXAMINER Douholly Clrculollcnhflnnugor

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