TO GOOD HEALTH Cycling For Health Harassed By Cars It GEORGE momzsox 1D um while an semis FM that hed tried riding bit5th hurt people heated at him end made hair at him Among miles have been Dear Dr Maori About ridinz his Me It 53 5mm that is very young man My hust at as would really 3o riding ll be lived mam Dont um abut ml ignorant people that harass och airtime ago and it was great tun bJ wore out so now he wants mles day LLS Hands and visit the trailer park Many men and women ride bicycles lar the uexise Ind pleasure In the la years then an tricycle big enough or edulJ and many men and some men ride them they did nt ride biku when young These pmple are burn an to 30 years tidlhmr inmanldthcm Mrs And from Kw Yuri came at envelope hurt Ralph Haw nemm dinxtor of Immunity relations or the mark institute Ameriu painl lnz rut that many c1135 and sizes hare manned merit hiqtle nines some of them just aae plates to ride some I611 ully mme tmrs physician Dr Paul Dudley Waite has done as much as any one to warm the hike as hezllh gadget one of his re marks bei Id like to put ev ery on good way to prevent heart di we there have observed that bikes help their Irthriis which TELEVISION BLWALO BARRIE 14 vi BUFFALO TORONTO ll namnox PETEFBDBDUGH MORVLVG VIEWING MONDAY TO FRIDAY zlp flufl Gizv rotaLumeï¬m 15mm 44sz voo crrrvo ilmmlfl smumysfinu an ununm noon umi tteown 11 Allen HEY mm IDmn Therm tom 1112 Hana it met 94an Metro If ms mm mm ï¬fdm 11min ol was zDaï¬ï¬‚ ocmow mm ff km Hollywood bum Hume 3mm Lonncrntnflo Hal ï¬g 15 umum do no Giant it umo 72m Helene 11M use SEda mm mm alumina uxm THURSDAY MAW EVENING can IMannlx 2Fan Grim BNm wmbar 124mm 5mm marrth am nSuuut rm rm 91 1m LIrr Wile um LDea Marta nHud lzMvrle Hue Golden Blade 6Aflar 11 410 libm uMen Gnlfln 0mm zElul BDeu um IGlfllizu rune IHotm mm 7nmmm Lama use 951m Douwusneu OXII At can rm the 5m 6Dn la 7vew1nmï¬ Gem ttHucx and Yon 7K aonx Wade irksva mink Lars 11 mu sDoir litany Lake11111 ea zauietnni um 74 WM llLacllle nun homo um 20 bGenfle Ben 4km 71JlymxANunsm itin mu ax Hahn cmu MrtIt any Ltnz use new smum tux 8M 7MOHe DLmr man 11121mm loo Mm quu or Housman wine Commune 71na GM rzrnzmom 9w rsxwmnu Ildoide ran an mum 555 zLvnï¬de lleeun Warner 1hzm the 5W urnuia And rm 7Beultched cm ma anm 11min mum pm me Mun Arm JAï¬ 1210 uni 51ml unmie in Ln 7mnzrm mm was Heart nut itmm emu zDnzmt astm an FRIDAY MAR 21 AFTERNOON aunt the hilllet mm uNeu wanna irnm tine aim SLmhflll Dm llfltz 15 mm lt us ï¬hnh nint rm no more 3m were 11min mum 1215 com amen 7Gnmhu um llvnmilrht Mmlflm sum we tier 122 6H War uParymnn 73 4am mo zamnu World um urm no filimcn 113th vt 1Genertl58 mm or rémmw 5minusz 5e Heonla in Conflict his 9m 1421mm Donor no 94mm zYou mm Dd nnm of Ou um llnllem Berton dons anemia hereditary thmgh led healthylwvnder ll shmald oer premhn ore Mil iarniles tong mi wani 61 that may as My hmand rode hie ha 11 do lure but the best timid he examination DurDodmlleahwldgoto moodwmmmmmm The disease be readily con trolled when deluded Some of the comm symptom are mre tongue weakness loose HOOL and plllu Mm Michael Sieridan on the birth of their inhaler Kelly Diane March at Royal Vie toria Eomital liter being hnspilalined in BI rin far Ivar mnnth Miss Shir ley Kell hu returned home iron at Hospital for Sick Children Tmonto following heart surgery ed at Mr and lint Jack Mb Arthura tn hnnru Ilr Ind Mn Elbert Swede who have sold their arm They are moving to new home near Hull on Him way an evening was spent pinyin emhn and mic The presentation beautihti mydoï¬nitdythat ml nmmuwwum site nraia keepsthemllnrhu My vote is with the biqden lathehootmmllmmt toheao hadnunnerod Daphnheduflaperxt lt noun miï¬ciently often tn There is no preventive measv sr PAULS 2353 It Douglas Fraliï¬ is hams Friends and neighbors gather PROGRAMS BUFFAW TORONTO South deala North South mum atom um on oxen are nan no 3m 10 4101 xtnu na norm LIQ manual Scull mu sure am rm Pun Pea Pan Openinx tunjun at spades Ii yau lose on dont hive to lose but hack two in exdrange ruu show den pram on the transaction The opportunity for such trade doesnt ocenr sexy often and evtn Iben it does it is all too lrequently overlooked The reason is largely psychnbgiul nfooe players have great Iv anion to deliberately loan trial they can win Me this hand when South wuinsixhearuwextleda made wort by South with the ace Declaru drew trumps and eventually played the Ice and low dub Win the king would win the hiti When it didnt he went dawn one Mentally South had midi better shot at the slam adapting method ol play that did not depend on ï¬nding either pole lamp was made and In son Bob pair of Cu links Dir and Mrs Swede will be missed in the nugbborhwd but good wishes go with them iron the St Pauls community Mr Ind Mn Wayne H3 Aur ora attended the party to Mr Ind Mrs Single llrs Elli la the couples daughter LEADERS st Paull Girl Guides Brown ice and Boy Scouts are lookinn or new leaders duties to com mence in September These people are urgently healed Ll you can assist mntact the min iiter at St Paul Church Dick flown oihlanainro EC visited Brian Putt recently onto spent the weekend with her parenls Mr and Mrs lack Mn Arthur urns The March meeting of Pnuleb tea Analcan Grumh Women had 15 members present flre president Mn Norman Rich ardson min charge and hire was road by Mn Kenneth Fellows Toys in missions were donated An invitation war received from St James United Church to attend the spring thank otter ine meeting We 01m in will show ï¬lms of Kenya where he spent number reambalaiaMarchE at pm in St James Church Mrs Erie Ellworth presented Mn Hakim with 35 prior to her departure to Tor anto also gift was preset t9 Mn Joseph Pratt past pre Meat The next meeting will be Avril wisptin It Mrs louph me home amass 41 Anglo Llrinket 5mm oer at Kind or 451mm amen Ipple Monetary DOWN unit of Interment mum 2t Fund will go Ceramic awupom ram Certiï¬cate puttcln at obliga Appllud iron 15 Wmot shortened stumxn my 1c thlen Wealthy spot penance Forty at Fe mm the amazing serutinlm 2L Tiny 11 Ropldity 221 at 74m in Mu 1cammeu1vn Splende iiihomes 91 tBoanle en 42m 7Kewlmd am out FRIDAYLMAM ll EVENWG can flSenund mom 64am znm Grifï¬n Your Mama SGcmrnnt rzm Time Manama Dell rim women rue zer nn 34mg 1wui com eTmn unun mm Consequences IDey it in gt 15 Weether km on 142m stones ICvlml nun run Mew Edginum in rtHurs You 1m Lidia 11 ewttd Wild Welt um W10 echost And rm Wm sum tum Mm mm We Led 1334 L€3y°¥dh 1141mm llaolam geloch 14am ucnm in Waon minn Cumin At igauï¬fï¬ 5m mm my not Loam Thom PM 9m 1132 114nm 5mm gun will mu eMom 3mm Hum eyie mm lLN mum Over leethex Sagit 109an ilei€zo mt or nJmum gig eMm comm Burner By JAY BECKER by Laurence Fraser converter or Miss Marlene MeArtlmr Tori my semen ted Faneyled New Karimr15 174 gr JULIET JONES egg if ii in ega DONALD DUCK By MRS mm LEE WHICAL Clowes Womens Institute was hostess to Edgar and Guthrie institutes and their husband at Edgar Community Hall Mrs education innnduced Scull school inspector who showed slide and who in his humorous way on historical places and plaques ol mo County He told of the ï¬rst schools in Oro Township the dosing at these and ol the pre sent nations him John Mc lean read poem the Wine Bhokmith from third read er published 155 Clowei ladlu serred lunch Mr and Mrs Kelth he at tended the Smith Partridge wedding lurch 15 at Crown mgrI Harm Chm Mrs Ralph Hayes and family visited Sunday with and Mrs Gordon hleenriet New Toronto and their dauzh ter Beth Hayes was st 1k and Mrs Gordon McKenzie Cooknille Wendy Anderson Midland mt tha past weekend with her grandparents Mr and Mn Keith Lees SECRET AGENT GRAN DMA Glencoe Starts Fast In Peewee Hockey Jamie Gould and Mark Ed wards got Glencoe oil to lost start merday in the 20th annual Young Canada Week peeweo hockey imminent The speedy pair snared Live goals earn as Glenn won both its opening 5am in the 59 ms 53 over Mitchell and lot ever So Edward looted our goals and Gould three In the my sided win over Smnhamptnn In nmther match Dave Nut cl Harrislon utlh six goals Wattnrd delezted llnunt Fur est 52 in another Divisinn game ETTA KETT BLONDIE DAILY CROSSWORD 18 Cebine monkey 17 DELHI in fltPodaM pea 23 Before court 24 Caglul amid poth remw Ann cune 1L Mort criple Emin data as Alter Oct 38 Bolivian lndlIh Preterm 43 A111 worm en Mum note BUZZ SAWYER MUGGS SKEEiER Amumlamm FUSSIMANABOUT H15 COMES our NEVER ABOUT THE WORK HE ones mars HE mvowsn Moment CM WWYOF Mamm TlllS IS MOLLY Mininay cur GECADAD ISMl HE THEVEW MOSF NEW PERSONALITY COURSE IN BUY TNEY DONT HAVE TO KEEP RUBBWG IT arm manormm momma wumnmnmao saw warmsnomad sum Mpv weuusr soreq mumsï¬e DIME HAVE WMKW THEIR mos meamzumsxm WERE LAST Nlï¬ltf Allva COW TWEES SMOKED marrow salmon ms POCKET mun WM 6M5 IT HE WAS WPM my Moi ME MlGlllTllIMK WAS EXPECTING new will mmuM own