ti Kev EXAMINEN TELEPHONES Gmlatton rm unskilled Advertising mun All Other Department 1366 105th an No 67 he been PM Will Request Details During Talks With Nixon UnlMVA CF Prime Min ister Tnideau said Wednesday rdï¬tt Canada may seek partici patlon in the operation of the we shall participate in the op eration of that system If the counter missile ap pearad to contribute to escala Loo Codioux said the us gcv oramcnt has cooperated in pro viding technical inforvnann to allow Canada to assess the Must25 an QUIET on an Prof Horn Gcrson otyear old director of the Netherlands Centm for Art History stands on his head to view paintings on show at the Art Gallery of Ontarios exhibition Rem brandt and His Pupils in Tor onto Wednesday Prof Gerson one at the worlds foremost experts on Rembrandt said he wanted critical view of the paintings CF Wirephotot now US antlbnllésticmlssile system nnnwnced last Friday by President Nixon Mr Trudeau speaking in special fourhour Commons de bate said he will seek infersuni lion when he meets Mr Nixon in Washington Monday and Tuesday if we are convincedthe ABM 531152 is memory though regrettable we shall havo to decide whether or not tion Canada would condemn the proposed 57000000 System In another speech Extcrnul Allahs Minister Mitde Sitar sold the Soviet Union has reacted to the Niiion announcei menl as we might have lanxi pmsrnnably by an nouncing piano to bowler is on clear offensive to meet the dial lcnge of the US connth sile Meanwhile Defence Minister Claim udgé Tried suicide ihe spam niacin fuda that3uputd minimize darn Ask Chino EnteI TArrrfszNegotizdtiOhvs GENEVA Reutersl Call adn called today on the Geneva disarmament conference to con sider ways to bring China into disarmament talks in his first speech to the i7 nation body George ignalieif the new Canadian delegate also called on France to take its seat in the conference and on Russia to ratify the nuclear nonprolif eration treaty He called for an early start to SovietU5 talks on limiting strategic missiles not sit in this committee might be persuaded to take part in the discussions ignalielf said House Rejects Scandal Charge CANBERRA AP The Australian House of Representa tives voted today not to investi gate scandal charges involving Prime Minister John Gorton nuclearaweapon states which do andactresssinger Liza Minelli One of the charges was that the United States Central Intelli gence Agency paid $15000 for an article about Gorton which Miss Minelii had written and then sold it to African Euro pean and American publica tions Gorton 57 said he was satis fied with his own conduct and that Miss Minelli 22 daughter of singer Judy Garland had said the whole thing was pack of lies ignatieff said Canada at taches top priority in the Ge neva talks to complete ban on nuclear tests and reduction of production of material for weap DDS we can make sufï¬cient progress in the direction of bringing about the reduction of nuclear armaments it would appear from their public state ments regarding disarmament negotiations that the other two Lr SMGON AriThe United States command announced today that 51 Amerimm were killed in action in Vletnam last week Ming total at US battleï¬eld dead in 101112 in the 10 months since the Paris peace tails began and to 311063 in more than eight years of war Awarded Medal For Service To Scouts OTTAWA fCPltetired Air VicelMarshal James Harvey has been awarded the Silver Wolf bigtest decoration for distin guished service to the Boy Scout movement Brand Names ililre Drug Prices 10Ron QtéAn Ontarlo health department plan to en courage dodors prescribe drugs by their chemical name in 5iiead of the bra name could reduce drug bills by as rrntoh as PEI cen Bank Le ingiliateuis increased TOMMY iThree chartered banks said today they are inneasing their prime lending ratesthe interest charged on loans to their raisinmexsto per cent from seven eff ective Mardt Threatens Quick VEnd To SitIn WINDSOR nt OP Another sibin demonstration at the University of Windsor would be terminated immediately the university information officer said Wednesday night Geoffrey hfarflibbon said more forcible means had not been used to end the recent nine ysitln at the universitys theologyidepartment because it was first soar incident arid the cilrnate of opinion was such that so of force would have been mapceptahle Threate China With Nuclear War LONDON my The omrnan says that the Soviet Union as thr Itened Grins with nuclear retaliation in the event of sell us tron on dielr border the passengers when theplane man as Douglas Alton Dickey TORUNIO it neigh her of Provincial Judge Lucien hurnta told commission of in quirylVednesday she arrived at his house late in the nffemoon of Sept 966 to ï¬nd the judges wile in bears and Mr Kurata unconscious on bed Mary Ferguson told the gin qulry into Judge Kuratas be havior that she had been brought to the home in Toronto by the judges son Lucien Jr she said Mrs Kurata told her she thought herhusband had taken some kind of pills and washed them down with brandy Judge Kurata who has denied all the charges brought against him suggested when Attorney Gcneral Arthur Wishart first an nounced the inquirylast month that the issue of attempted sui cide has been brought up only because of the later allegations Marlene Watson 13yearold policewoman said on the ï¬rst day of the inquiry hat the OttaWa To Get One More Chance TQRONDO GP Ontario Treasurer Charles Naughton say separate prov incial income tax which he ad mits could split Canada might still be avoided through com promise with the federal gov ernment gt The province was forced into the decision by the federal gov ernment continually telling it to go home and raise our own money Mr MacNanghton said in an interview in The Globe and Mail it is no idle threat he said FBI Man Subdues NEW ORLEANS AP gunman who ordered flight to Cuba was disarmed and ar rested Wednesday aboard an airliner by an FBI agent among landed here to refuel As the agent Jnhn Reed struggled with the wouldbe hi lacker the mans zcar re pistol went off but the bullet richochetcd off the floor without hitting anybody The FBI identified the gun 27 and said documents in his posmslon showed he was born in Casa Grande Ariz lie was held on federal charge of air piracy which carries maxi mum penalty of death Robert Rightmyer agent in charge of the New Orleans FBI office said Dickey boarded the plane Delta Airlines Flight out Wednesday night at Dallas nghtimyer said the man pro duced hls pistol andtoolr over the plane about five mlnutcsbo fore it was scheduled to land at New Orleans Ha agreed to iudgaiapparenlly mistoolr for prostitute whll waltlng to testify in her to his office and to on or breast She said he mentioned another girl had recently re ceived suspended sentence Pnlléo Constable Thomas Mo clair told the inquiry Wednes day he spoke separately with both the judge and Mrs Watson after the alleged events cac Shiite Threatifiizzles troops broiled under the Carib bean sun today as they went through the motions of military occupation The Angulllans re mdined quictfollowing the bloodless invasion of their tiny island The Sasquarcmile island has few trees and many of the young men flown out from cold gloomy Britain were badly sun humed few hours after their dawn landing Wednesday Tom bcnefits dangers and lmpdca tlons of the 700 missiles some of which will stand near the Ca adian bordoyrln We balievetroon our analysis it would be posible for sys tern located south of the border to afford protection to num ber of pogmlationrentres north of the border plan and the firing doctrine so provide but we have not re quested that this ha done Mr Cadleux said The 6000 Anguillans offered noarmedreslstance to the no eupallnnhy it British para troop nd marines and there was only one major emotional war heads were designed lo destiny incumlogmmtlerm an alti Ego even if they went off over Canadisn tenntoryl By con trast an attacking warhoad that explodai in the 118 nonld 85rd fallout over Canada he Ronald Webster called on Brit ish officersat their command headquarters WednesdaY crowd of about no at hispeoplo hoisted him to their shoulders peratnres were in the upper hos outburst When acting Prcsident WEATHERE Cloudy and mil to night coding by morning Ovei night low 35 High Def Net in Than mt mow Caitlin smash was varion in note iobondon Wednesdaynight tomorrow 50 all on page it It For Copy raonr ulldog vs Flea ANGUILLA we British tion with the island of St Kitls They secedcd from the fedora lion May 31 l96l complaining that the federationa prime min lstcr Robert Bradshaw treat ed them as stepchildren ln London ForcighSecretary Michael Stewart to Parlia ment the invasion ordered to stop an armed minority he did not identifyfrom relusing to recognize the wishes of the Angullians about their fu ture He alsoreierred to claw ments of gangsteriam butre fused to elaborate Stewart raid the occupation would we all Tconcerncd breathing space to determl where their real terestl mile madeciear thatbhegmem Todayllngalllr tomorrow feared sion if it succeed spire other islands to break away from other Britishsz shoutedsthnlL suppo and sang Antony 14cc an ofï¬cial from 59 edflflflmï¬ OED PBDBLEM NEW SOLUTION dill éiï¬ncoiliititl window this week Help keep Gait clean Eat pigeon week the Union Urges ilccepi Contract Mac OlfAWA CF ihreat of strike against the CBC ended earlytoday when union nego tiating team representing some 2200 employees recommended acceptance of management pro posals made after personal in The Examiner TODAY Ann tandem6 City News2 ChainedII 12 ll CondosLB Deathsl DistrictIfl Editorial4 sports8 Theatre5 TV loungels Weatherit Womens6 Fights Hijacker could not make it to Cuba with out refueuing LAST T0 APPEOANI Once the plane was on the ground Rightrnyer raid the gunman said the as other pas sengers could get oft The lasl passenger to approach the exit door where the man stood gun in hand was Reed assistant special agent in charge at Okla homa City Recdstopped In front of the man and informed him he was under arrest He said the man replied do not intend to kill you but am going to Havana and am going to shoot you in the leg heed subdued him in quick struggle during which the pistol fired once heads presence on the plane was due to his recent transfer from the FBI office at Mobile Ala to Oklahoma City Ho was flying back to Mobile to move his wife and six children to their new home immediate ratification of new years dispute about to pm Wednes day An aide to the labor minis was reached about 230 am new contract tervention in the dispute by Lahor Minister Brycei Macka sly spokesman for the Associav lion of Radlc and Tolevislon Employees of Canada tAitlEC said telegramshave gone out to all locals recommending contract providing wage in crease of 177 per cent over two Mr Mackasey entered the ter said general agreement today Mr Mackasey spent the rest of the night in the ARTEC thing down on union spokesrnad said should receive speedy ratification by the mem sandstorm Egypt lately restricted visibility at thehilltop alrporf close to the desert near the giant Aswan dam ulll Webster went in the school house lieadnuiirtcrs to arrange meeting with the occupiers which he said would he held today However he said he would hold no formalnegotin lions untilthe British troops are withdrawn chster aho protested the in Pilgrimage Ends In Death 0192 Egyptians CAIRO theaters Ninety two Egyptlans returning from rMoslcm pilgrimageto Mecca Werekllied todaywhcn Rus Siflllbllilt airliner crashed at Alsmn Airport 400 miles south Cairo Twelve other persons aboard the United Arab Airline llyush nlebought from Russia two weeks agowere injured Ihe death lollfigures were re vised after airline officials lenrned three extra passengers boarded the plane at Jedda Saudi Arabia it via the worst recorded air crash involving an Egyptian alr headquarters in downtown llII hotel gettingthe paper 61 Ofï¬cials in Cairo said which has swept Londonhstaliodhytheinvaaion forceakoomrnissionerfur the island said the Britishoccupa tion But theparatroops andmarinea areexpoctbd to depart soon leaving detachment of Mndon 15h government has the Anguilians they will not he forced back into federa gitt last several years Aain intakeparrot uremia Agh they ooirldnt supportv ems Forth moat partyAnguillaa 6000 Negro inhabitants one about in small grottps and watched impassivelyya the white inyaders net up back blodrs and posted guards at suchctrateglc points as that land partially pavedairsttipu ï¬MXfwfl aural students conversations BUFFALO NLY APJ With scores of citypnlice stand ing by approximately 300 slu ricnt demonstrators rnarched quietly early today from the ad ministration building of the State University at Buffalo which they seized Wednesday afternoon The students obeyinga court order that they evacuate by 7arn EST slrollcd silently from Hayes Hall attireestorey stone building Many of them HERES ONE gt Lawyer Arayou awaresir that what your contemplate is dulte illegal ClientL CertainlyWhy else en masse walked toward the pol ice arms ripralsgd and fists clenched Then they began to shout There was no physical tact The students the went to Norton Hall student centre where somc of them promised to sitin all day Others said they would return to Hayes llatl tonight The takeover of Hayes Hall followed downtown protest Wednesday against threeyear fcderal prison sentence givtd draftvrcsistcr Brunet Beyer 20 He was convicted of slugging federal officerwho sought to arresthim School President Martin May erson met with the students bershlp We did all right Nearly 600 lfey Citib mem bers arrived in Barrie today from across Canada and ltho attending tho Dntar United States The nQIiebcc Marltima convention This is boya are do you suppose came to you zinc lions KEY uncommon the first year Barrio has had the honor of playing host to the Key Club Opening cere Wednesday night and wit be held toth at Central Collegiate See on page Examiner story Photo