MWMMW mamMW manner 04 Mweawiezwl drummerthem in ur rhuniewhlllmedddg In mu rural Lummnolthedxyullhirop Madmanimmen unattended Bmkndlnrrl mpnlim Toronto and Region mmnmm nested nmnn mixer things an arc Moreen mennville and Orangevrlle no suitable Inr inst tronswrmuon and highmt Callinnnod Meats the min messed lit3r loutiou as suizalule site lnr basin developm and commercial err reprises and wanted any inn mm th luciliuu mandrel in take that man ovmoolmnm Thur 1hr whale am has tun muoh local government is stress as in the new man The 156 units should be cm In 15 as non the HIIJBQQ ti L110 pmle is too high nnd card this should gJve load in thought zrnnog Jennas mall mem mmuil unils who hzve been sug gesting that their areas would make in ideal unit in am db minutian was grutilylng to read that the repm suggezed thin instezul of cities called 55311125 the pre chies nnd towns be revamped and added to to take on nddflonnl population nnd han dle the surrmmding areas Br rie was emouraged to own as reginnal cupitnl widi sur rolmding youth being developed iron that ourre men Sunni Orfllia Parr Saund and North Bay 2179 also ruggcstud as com ing large ounces HIGHWAYS P0011 We have 1mm time to time mentioned the poor planning at highways medially those nun Erunted within he past ï¬ve years One could lurzlv high ways that were committed whim old road became paved hint ways But when revamped high suuh as that iron Enid north simply become slow road that allows brow vehicles to hold troll lur miles without sale passing it seems too much Similar conditions are MONTREAL It Nielsen newde batman oi the Polo and Paper Aarons Lions woodlands section said Tuesday he loresees no shortage at wood in Canada and warned 231nm stampede to replanz poor land He said following his election tn the top pm in the Mme organization that it would be costly and unnecessary to re loresl pour lands to try in pre serve the truest arranger llr Nielseniron Qnehec Cily and vicepresident III the Woodlands division or AnglMCa nadlan Pulp and Paper Mills Ltdreplanzd Kirian rick general manager of the faults division of 003512 ri dEaï¬mrsl Ltd Mr Nielsen said in an inter the Sourday conference uhlcn ends Thursday there is an adequate poly oi raw material ior the Candaian pulp and paper inï¬rm although some supolies are quite far mm the mills Distance is bound to aileot the cost of the woodcutting Lion Ioul this problem has been me to large degree so far by imprmerl vehicles and methods or transomLing the cut wood to Canadas Wood Supply Adequate PDYDIST IN mums This p25 out lateral commune LE Senate using part of Florida where huge quan rnies vcgegzhlu are crown in market gardens One near mm Myers and another at Im mnknlee are similar flotation whore transient inbour is hired to help with the main 3W The migrnan live in shacks lo the time they in in the urea prying nnn are unï¬tnm rent by an standxnl Mostly the huts rlmve In Vain sanitary can venimees and smnecimes an ll ILEtl lnr domicily the ï¬t tings are in such poor Shalom they cannot be used The loves lemurs found tho the children lived on diet tor below the standard needed tor proper der elopmeut They also lolmd that us most of the minims 15ch muglieuWentsinnnnrenatI time the 103 welfare oile inls did not consider the were Eligible lnr wfllnre allowances even though ledunl welfare isl available We visited lmmokalee couple years ago to so the wild lit and bird sanctuary there in the Elerglades We stayed in the village overnight and were struck with The pov em strinken appearance at the workers coming in iron the ï¬elds in buses should not be replanied beam their yield and duration II will would int he omnlmlml Ruble The planting ol superior trees and the use fertilizers in areas whue the land is good will lie one way nl replenishing uneiop supplies nl wood View Animal Research In Canada OTTAWA CF Tue 1202111 health and mom demrtmant is miewing the whole sublet 01 use of animals in research laboratories Justice Minister John Turner said Tuesdayr The disclosure name as the 0111111 on justice committee passed Criminal Corie amend ments that will flack down harder on cruelty to animal Walter Deakon LTomnln High Park asked why there was no mention ni treatment of annuals used in unearth Mr Turner said the Criminal FACELE ROYAL FACIAL TISSUE AND SPECIAL ILEID TEA BAGS ANN PAGE mmuo Krunur EALTEO ON FLA CHRISTIES SODAS A550 ED VARIETIEE PRUIUI CLARK SOUPS HOMHCH POUCH PAK Vulihu CAKE MIXES FEATURE PRICE CORN FLAKES Kzllnnn 1522139 0xv00l0mn0rm LUNCHEON MEAT PMSIX APPLE JUICE SPONGE PUDDINGS NIBLETS CORN Siekllnea Ll Ensuring GRAPEFRUIT JUICE It Brad liaise Canned TOMATOES MORE JANE PARKER BAKERY BUYS SPANISH BAR CAKE an $3212 BREAD HOT CROS Bu No Grade 23¢ $100 $100 JIM Parker Ellen lhlim nr 0M Fnhioned FEATURE PRICE Bradford Maul Sweet and Tender CARROTS PORK FEATURE Hum ELLEISX Mannnun ecu moosm69f In Mal MI 37 SAVE 3335400 FEATURE PRICE umx39¢ FEATURE PRICE 58m89¢ Rn Print It RAVE 5mm99¢ Jam Purim Ir SAVE ID PEACH PIE 45¢ POWDERED 5t OFF DEAL FEATURE PRICE 033459 Acorns VnrieJn FEATURE FRICE 43é99¢ Green Giant IRAFL Print ï¬n V2 oz Him Ta 79c 89 in Tins tor 1901 35¢ straw $23553365¢ Ontario Grown Hothouse Large lung Sin sneer No Grad CUCUMBERS 2039 IS BUDGET PRICED All rooms POTATOES PARSNIPS ONIONS APPLES RHUBARB DONT MISS ITA 420ANNIVERSARY This is the final Week of this big eventso better hurry on down Dont miss out on the many many outstanding food buys no AaP FoodStore 6mm why oazbyomooddaflm MI€Mb452ro0l Ontarios Plentllul Food Program Buy Ontario Grown Produce ASSORTED PLANTS AP Dependable Meats delivery points to the mills The natural relnrestaï¬on Pm mess should Wide suï¬iclzol timber for the pulp and paper industry 313mm it would be economically wise in mint some 01 the must iertile lands which are located mar the mills But your lands even it they are located near the SALESMAN rm censors mg ti Grandwiews Friendly 5312mm will be pleaml to show you Jamies liggasl selenion ni new and A1 used cars Give Jack call if yarne in the lmkrkot for car or truck hell be ham to assist you in Im Pm Call Jack today hes one of Grandvleus YTrlmy Salesman ummlv mg or or Meet Your Friendly GRANDVIEW FORD Tm locations Mulcastor In All Ford You Can Code Range dont afloat this area but it is under review by the health and Weltare depart ment The proposed lederal amend ments would allow as proof willul neglect evidence cl fail me to exercise reasonable care rum animal or bird thus cause pain nothing damage no new ï¬mï¬nm 141 ASP SAVlNG FEATURE PER PRICE POUND Onurlc Grown Waxxq Ps BIG available at your Sweet and Mild No1 Grad Ontuio Gmml Whit Table Stock N5 Grad Dahlia Grown Smut and Fllvavrful NI Grad 0mm 6mm Yellow Cooking Brushed Grade onmq cm Melnlnlh we Grud Controlled Amorphln Ontario cm mom End Pan 59¢ each Chetr The Savings PORK LOIN omens PORK SHOULDER ROAST TO 51 5K0 IN PACKAGE your run Rom mu RIB PORTION tires counr 7am FRESH MINCED PORK rzuuzaLom maroon 70 LES rum soreness in THE use COTTAGE ROLLS BURNS 5WEET PICKLED VACUUM PACK u79¢ mm as 159 u69¢ u69¢ u359 069 20¢ 20¢ 30¢ 20¢ 20¢ 30¢ 20¢ ALLGOOD BRAND SMOKED SLICED HINDIE55 SIDE BACON Fancy Guam frozen Reg Fri 49¢ SAVE 4v AaP CORN mmm45¢ Frozen Drink Oonoontule SUNNY ORANGE Séxlkmns89¢ 69 Brand From 10¢ 8w Prior 656 SAVE gt6 SOLE FILLETS mugs Ad Brand Proud Cooked mm men Rog Fri 59 SAVE be PORK HOPS crumr cur LOIN SPARE RIBS mozmsmrrolzx PORK IOIN COMBINATION PORK LEG ROASIING HAM PORK LEG ROASIING HAM PORK LOIN CIIUISEASTFRY PORK CHOPS SNOULDERoIBUTT bonflun ms worms 2550 Minud Val 259 Minna Pork 5977er cum MEAT LOAF COMBINATION ALL Dimes snow IN rumX9 consuls maouon swoon moon 22 mt Beauty Aid Buys neg 15m 7s My 16 BOASTS MOPS SHANK OH Ian sreAKt sensors 5X BRAND Swot MOUIHWASH mum SKIN BRACER nun pcmlon CENTRE CUTS 0109 FRESH SOLIU MEAT vale coon mo Aw N6 101559 39¢ 2n elln 09 Slhltellolaa949C Slbnllobsg 59¢ ll 39 SAYING mums PER we POUND u89¢ L569 ls79¢ La69¢ LI79¢ 30¢ 10¢ 20¢ 10¢ 20¢ 200 56 10¢ 76 10¢ u69¢ WW 076 wow 59¢ PI SAVE 15