227 nlrs Joseph Newlin sobs on the shoulder of her husband at the White House yesterday dur ing the posthumous award of the Medal of Honor to her sun iilarlne Pie lllelvin Newlln who gave his life fighting in South Vietnam President Nix on holds the citation while the young lilarines lather elasps the ltledal The Newlins none from lVellsvillc Olu AP Ask Ottawa Split Education Costs TORONTO CPl Robert Nixon Ontario Liberal leader called on the federal goveni ment Tuesday night to share public school costs with ihe provinces There is very real dispar ity of educational opportunity in Canada today hettuld the On tario Eduea on Association tan nual convention practical answer to that disparity is federalvprovineinl cost sharing Mr Nixon said the recent amalgamation of local school boards in Ontario has not brought about expected savings because there is now more ov erlapping in highlevel services at the socalled resource and supervision levelthan there was previously lle suggested the province could do imorortoward giving studentssummcr jobs it it es tablished volunteer summer training program in Crown eor porations and agencies He said Ontario Hydro could niier training and experience in construction engineering ma chine maintenance and business methods Such program could he of fered to assist in paying for our students continuing education and would be planned on semester basis WINS MERIT AWARD in earlier session Tuesday Bruce Ashtlown an English teacher at Sir Wilfrid Laurier high school in London out was awarded the OEA award of merit for developing outstand ing teaching methods in 1905 The 5500 award was or devis log plan to teach studenls lit erature by having them make television scripts out at novels lily rationale for it Mr Ashden said was that stu dents generally have more in terest in moving sercen than mere book and this technique seems to bring the two to gather The award was or his staging of Ttlomas Hardys The Mayor oi Casterbrldge He said he devised his plan utter taking course in eduea tidnal television that hclped him with the fundamentals ol script wri So got thinking why not take book and make the same sort of script out of it he said Ll tried iLoutJn theolassroo and the students were intrigued They worked in pairs on it and they found itwell intri mug Bruee Corder director of op erations at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa told about 200 music teachers at the confer ence that Canada needs an overall policy in support or the arts The artists standard of liv ing is so low one wonders who is subsidizing whomthe taxpayer or the artist he sani Mr Colder said many people still believe Canada is pioneer societya society that must ignore intellectual pursuits and use its leisure or sports think thats myth Urban Housing Starts Show Marked Increase over Last Year YITAWA CPI Housing starts in urban areas of Canada in January and February this year showed increases of 47 per cent and 61 per cent respec tively over the same months last year Transport Minister Paul Hellyer said Tuesday He told the Commons social aliairs committee he is couri dent that 1969 will see an im provement over the 196879 housing starts of last year The 1908 figure put Canada within striking distance of our target of 700000 units annually which is essential to meet our minimum requirement of Meet Your GRANDVIEW SALESMAN cum CASCADDEN one or Grandviem Friendly Salmon well be pleased to show ya Daniels biggest iselectlon of new and A1 used cars Give Qlair call it youre inthe market for car or truck hell be hap py to assist you in your pmhase Cad Clair today béi one of Grandviews 000000 new homes in the five year period ending in ma Mr Hellyer minister in charge of housing said it is in correct to say there is freeze on public hnusing He said 48 projects involving 2500 units have been approved since Feb Replying to Maurice Foster iLAlgomal lifr Hellyer said he is convinced that the interest rate on housing loans will go down it the rate is allowed to that free The rate now is pegged 2e percentage points over the longeferm rate of government oi Canada bon Friendly torn cunt qnscnnnEN Two Lochtio Muieoster Ni meow monitors TEARS Wirepholol 2o me strum airarms Home Manon 1135 MM CanadianAmended llulo lrice DiscrepanciésStill Remain WASHINGTON CF Dis crcpunciex bpiween Canadian and American figures arestill plaguing tho accounting ol the nulo produclio agreement in iormzunssoy But the 1968 report being put together for the United States the amement to fresh attacks Senutor Albert Gpre Tenuee lee Democrat was an opponent from the start ol the program to remove North Amerleun tariffs for producers ol vehicles cud ports and cut Canadian plants into the larger American mar Consrcss will show further in roads by Canada into the US automotive tradesurplus that was fat $628000010 as re eently as 1965 This is indicated by us offi cials who say they expect to have the report ï¬nished early next month for sending to Presi dent Nixon as required by the us legislation sclting up the pgrucmcnf The 1967 report reflected the statistical problems encountered ruin the start in 1965 These showcd as surplus in two may trade of vehicles and parts of summoned not the gums also showed on the basis of US shipments to Canada and im ports of Canadian cars and parts surplus of only $343 ililflï¬ilï¬i US olficials indicate the sur plus pill llc dolm fur the third consecutive year smaller than iastyears Some say privately the shrinkage is almost certain to move congressional critil of Gore last year called the agreement probably the must disastrous bilateral Igrcenient in Us history School Guidance System To Change TORONTO OP Education olficiuls in North York borough have come out in favor at incinl government decision lo ntmducc new system at high school guidance in Ontario in 1W0 David Tough North Yorks associate director of education said iuesduy that officials with whom he had spoken said the ohangcs will ho break or great many students Under tho new system at ready tested in some schools sludentsyill be able to take wider variety of subjects and progress at their own speed Aitéinptecl To Scuttle Humane Society Talks TORONTO CF William Stewurt Ontarios agriculture minister Tuesday said the On tarlo llumune Society was trying in scuttle his meeting scheduled for today with the hu mans groups oiï¬liuted with the provincial society in statement to tho legislh lure ho sold Society President Basil Capes Sent telegrams to affiliates Friday urging them to boycott the meeting because the provincial groups executive were to be excluded Explaining his decision to bar the provincial executive lr Stewart told the house he bar already met with them run heard their objections to No posed legislation forcing animal shelters to surrender dogs and eats iur scientific experiments lluving discussed the mailer lolly with the Ontario Humane Society we now wish to hour the opinions oi those other or ganlzatlons who have asked to be heard itlr Stewart denied ullcgo lions he is attempting to split the provinces humane organi laiions Corrections hlinlster Grossman told the legislature that impending rule changes permitting prisoners to visit their families on weekends will tLG help reduce homosexuality in provincial institutions LEAVES T0 PRISONER Ontarios new Correctional Services Act win grout weekend leaves to vclimoiivnlcd well behaved prisoners lor medical or humanitarian reasons he said The minister rejected suggestion from Dr Shulman tNDPToronlo High Purht that conjugal vislls be al lowed within institutions llu said such visits would be de grading to wives Dr Shulmun who has present ed private bill on conjugal vis its sold the ministers proposal would be better than conjugal visits only it all inmates were granted leave in response to an opposition barrage of complaints about conditions at sovcral lnslliu lions hlr Grossmnn said he finds it very diilieult at limes not to become cynical about these things we have files and files and tiles and there is only so much you can do in one day You can only do so much With little money luck at time and luck of personncli the agreed with Eddie Sargent reyllrueei that the Owen Values to 1999 MENS BALMORAL OXFORD Charge lt MENS Plain toe Seyelel tie Sizes BLUCHER OXFORDS Plain too three eyelettie Sizes 740 Charge It MENS DRESS BOOTS lwoeyelot tie New suit ouilted lining Charge it MENS mod style BLUCHER OXFORDS Four eyelet tie dress shoe Sizes 10 width Sizes MO EEE width Charge it MENS OXFORDS Three eyelet tier Raised seam Sizes 740 Mens Charge lt INLAlD MOCCASIN VAMP Four eyelet tie oxford Charge it MENS SLIPONS New soft square toe Sizes Neolite sole and heel Choose it and Charge it llorlon Sound jul is pretty shocking place but it was just non of 37 counly joils taken over by the province lasl July and its no fair to expect us to have them all replared wilhin your or two WORLD BRIEFS SUICIDES INCREASE TORONTO CPI At least 211pcrsons committed suicide in Toronloin lets an increase oi 20 per tCnl over 1967 when l60 suicides were recorded itI was announced Tuesday Judge Dick sold in speech to Salvation Army group that suicides were male and 7t fe male He said men must oifen resorted to shooting and that women used nvcrdnses of sleep lug pills There were 570 record ed nilempls T0 STAND TRIAL KlTCliENljll tCPl Earl Walker at Paris Dull charged with the nllemplcd murder at Gordon llroun is Kitchener gas station attendant Dee It was orricrcll in stand trial at the corlusior at his preliminary honing Tucsday= Dale lor the ith was not an nounced