aernnsnmzxammmmavmmauru aymnammr In °vl1la or mm 6me Together in mist had Mrs lery as hy womanand mere la in participating Mrs Wliv loo Ooohlown an ad dress lellln at name at har ex periencea while mm Tnlnlnnary Hm Kursla we the soloist and una an Alrlcan eplrlIuaL Mn Eaten Davis war crunle Mn Clarente llol firth was appelnled key woman or I920 PRESENTATION Alter service March in the Presbylhrisn Church presen lion of Cambddxernihle III made to Mr Bert hlclgan ior her lollhlnl service teachinl Sunday School lor well over 30 earn Gordon Cochran read he address and Myrna Canuln In nude he preaentatlon mmng Mr and John Hammond Ind BIT and hlra Don llam mond and Patricia amended the ï¬lm weddan anniversary Mr Ind Mrs Arlltt II New maraet March 11 and had din 43 to THUR FRI SAT smcoIICOIIIITY IIEws brluue to all leg while oper slln chain lav Vlalten during the weekend March ware Michael Webb Ind we lrlenda mm Neale tlIh Rev and Mn Robertson Mr and lira Syd Cundufl Ind lunliy Mr and Mn Gordon Specs and loudly all Olkvllle Ind Mr and Mrs Rel Wllaon and ham lly Bradlord with hlr and lllra sass Spun Mm Harry Road Toronto at Mr and lint JennzllaGLaesltvhneeih Lianne Speen per anta Mr and Mrs Art Hay ward and lamlly Claxlson with Mr Ind Mu Cieve Fallon samv SCMPBOOK Al slmcoe County all lalra liae Safety Scrapbook compelL lion in one many olfllllud in displayn This conLesl is an ANNIVERSARY Ymilnm an COLGATE TOOTHPASTE Economy lilo Cflmpan L50 SHOP NOW AND SAVE PONDS COLD CREAM III on Compare at an man now armme MICRIN MOUTHWASH 18 oz Compare at 149 sup now AND SAVE KLEENEX 400 Compare nISSc SHOP NOW AND SAVE CREsT TOOTHPASTE Mint and Reg Sniper Compare It snap nowhNn SAVE ENDEN DANDRUFF Clum II 253 SHAMPOO SHOP NOW AND SAY VOGUE TOILETTISSUE loll Package Compare at 49¢ SHOP NOWAND SAVE sorr burrs TRIELE SIZE For FirdMd Genetics Ind Baby care Cohware at L09 anon now AND saw WW Mr and mumd by Simone Counly Farm sum council in mp orallan with local air boards to help emu lnlcml In met mum The wlnnlnx manhunt from each ilil Mr in the county is lowMed In the Farm sum Council and from than our all county winners are declared This years winner for the int nrlu was Joe Berry son at Mr and am Norman Berry ivy Joe was Grade will In Ivy school It the time made the poster on the theme Blah Machinery And Fire or which he received cheque or Koo CIDSING SCHOOL lleetlnza were held la Ivy School the an two Tuesdu nixhta and her plans wen made or the school closing on July SUGGEST FOUL PLAY UNDSAY OnL lCPl PS line said hlondny lhoy suspect oul play In lhe dcnlh an elderly rcciusc Robert Forrest of nearby Voodville after post mnrtam ahmwd ha riled el broken skull lllr Forrests body wsa lound llnrch lo ln hla remer hlnriposa Township home where he lived alone TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE TIMI II Transistor ADMIRAl nuns USED BLAIRTUNESTEREU Excellent condition 00 Com Iete with satellites Contemporary styling spea ers and Zenith Special turntable Special VZENITHAMBLUBKRADIUS 278 MAIN ST snnnnnwl STOCK musT3BEDRASTIcALLYnEnuch To MAKE Room FORRENOVATIONS CHOOSE FROM Aszspoo SELECTION on CONSOLE STEREosCOLOR TVB TVS BANK for NOVA scoTIA FINANCING INCLUDINGE 25 Zenith VEIeetronome Portablea console Tv 20 Eliectrohonies Zenlth Console Stereoes 10 Zenith Electrohome Table Console color We ATTREMEnnous SAVINGS 23 ADMIRAL BONSUlE II 191 ADMIRAL PIIIIIBIE Iv 23 ZENITH CONSOLE Iv USED PHILIPssTEIEn 129 KUBAIMPERIALBARSTEREU 299w iIIEcIIIIHuME sIIREn Vlnenmn cabinet Ganard changer 41mm doors TRADEINS WILL BE ACCEPTEI AND sou IMMEDIATELY FORBEST emu Admlrala top model Reg $38900 Special Special Leather caseEsrplIones Reg $1295 gt IV Luminous dial Solid state lug $4295 Reg $42900 Specie Special 9995 PDPUlARSTEREUlPs Choose from 100s Regular $4193 $529 $538 eial Reg value 346900 limit they last Bpeolal may