Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1969, p. 4

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fingerinrnnwoiuo ll malrll£alitl9r Vusscovisnops 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walla Publisher William Tellr General Mann MoPharIen Managing Editor Symm mar Mlle lMPAGSI nu Effort ro Provide Employment Fer Students in less than two months an army of unlvemty students will invade the labor market seeking simmer jobs and iii come to finance their education last year more than 250000 obtained work but less fortunate 54000 could not find it Aspecialap lhasbeenmadeby Premier John barts ho biraineteabdv industry This summer he says the number of university and college stud ents seeking work will increase by mean 1y 20 per cent and for many of them job will be necessity if part of the cost of higher education is to remain with the student then he must be given the opportunity to earn enough money to continue his studies Unles something is done to expand summer employment opportunities the premier emphasizes many more stud ents will experience the lnrstniions of jobles summer this year Students bring intelligence alertness and strong bodies to every job they do he adds The can help keep your business roll log when your reguhr is on vacation student who works in your busnus this summer may come back to you when he graduates and be the best investmentyou evermade In Barrie and district scores ototud ems will be seeking Jobs Some will find work but others will not unlessem ployeis make special effort to hire them The average student is not seek ing special type of job His main con cern is employment and the chance to make money for his next school year If you are an industrialist are you in position to make room for some ol these young people If you are bus inessman can you use an extra sales man stockman stenographer or clerk Assers your needs then contact officials of the Barrie manpower centre and they will do the rest Shrdean who do not make their own contacts with business or industry register with the centre DOWN MEMORY LANE 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Enaminer March 18 1929 Large audience of leimess at library Hall heard Thomas Olsen speak on sue cess of cooperative pork packing move ment in Denmark It is proposed to ap ply this principle to First Cooperative Packers of Ontario and erect quarter million dollar plant in Allandale Clerk Grades Burton ol Flos Town ship for past 37 years died at Elmvale Representatives of Robert Simpson 00 loolung over sites in Barrie Board of Education appointed Dr Simp son chairman of special committee to plan Barrie Collegiate addition Others are Wisdom Allandale lood merch ant George Smith Lowe Al bert Bryson Hinds and Frank ter board chairman Judge Wismer gave short shrilt to attempted move Killyleagh school squabble Innisfil into farmers beef ring at Divion Court Bell Telephone plans spend $58100 on improvements to system in Barrie Man ager Smith state Unexpected piece of melodrama at Barrie Theatre Guilds production of Peg0 My Heart atTown Hail Mis Hurlburt playing lead role th Irish tempera ment threw book as directed oil stage It landed lbir and square on nose pl promp ed with one of biggest ter Horace Wilson organist Collier St United Chumh Miss Dorothy Scythe won district oralorioal contest Gor don Eaton Ford sales manager for Orr tario addressed looal motor dealers at annual banquet Employees of Barrie Public Utilities demanding wage in crease but Chairman John Sinclair said no strikewas in sight John liler rickelected TPGM Barrie Lodge of Peri leciion at Masonic Temple Delega lion visited Ontario government to do mand better road from Elmvale to Wasa ga Beadi Farewell banquet at Mid burst Hall honored Ibrester Ritchie Lane who is going to Goldwater Former Barrie man William Findlay Who has been successful with advertis ing agency in Toronto becamemm US firms Lord Thomas Logan He is 5611 of late Rev Dr Alan Findlay Magistrate Comp ton Jeffswasspeaker lorjather and son banquet Central United Church Lloyd Partridge proposed toast to Our Dads wrth response bylt Manueli ev Baker presided Kiwanis Club was host for Barries victorious curlers skip ped by Oliver Cameron and Hunter Ken nedy Bob Alsop signed by Manager Dick Garrett to play Wurlitzer pipe or gan at Capitol Theatre OTHER EDITORS VIEWS wuo l$ Ledomosruoeursi Qwen ISDuridSiinfimeii In an article in this issue youthrwriter Bill lvadd1ereveals StudentUnion representative from WaterlooUnivers ity has been in the uty helping organize aweared an Hark Few of film had the recent walkout and it would appear promoting further demonstrations The latterplanhing is sinprisingdn View of the apparent unpopularlty oi tire walkout with the general student body Ammpanaliively fewllook an active part and even many of them quite apparently went along loathe fun It is signifimnt those studentslin position no takeah edutnied view of the situationgrades 12 and 13 took no part in the demonstrations Many of them expressed opposition though gen erally stating frankly students have rea son for domplanls The student councilat eachof the citys secondarysrdiools retusedio sup port the walkout after giving it consid eration The students who did walk out were from grades 10 and 11 In fact those who were most vociferous appeared to be largely from grades To them it any idea what it was really all about DANGER or PEACE Manchester Guardian Weekly The old Wall Street headline Danger of Peace Breaking Out has taken lot otllivingdown Yet ceasefire in Viet Inam can do more for the health of the American and the world economy than any other single decision But the nag ging worryremains can the giant Am encan economy handle the adaptation 11 conditions of peace as successfully as the switchlo war production For the totlier old adage still holds true If Arn rerica catches cold Europe will get pneumonia WW PHOTO FLASHBACK stall OTTAWA REPORT mum 21 mum Aniyl Ono cant help rejoicing lit lle It the trvrlslea olvUS ov Immllit mom wlih the Sti preme Owrt which new re them to let reru iflu walnut um Ifilwl ug an ebbtaped ly inlormatlop gathered by Ill fining or other bugging irrer One inluisting not to re member ls that only HIIII try are like to be caught by Nd tapp some Itudent crank Ibo pbooel the Russian embassy to bout lain or buckling the us out and beg ticket to Cub The Run llan dlploinat at the other end probably never says more than see Ind often lnlonnr the us authorltler ol ibe phone call be knowrlhey have moul torcd But the act that the den crank liked or ticket in Oiba and tired bad language gt about the president when talk log to Commie could impress connexionl committee ad versely or lurydwhlch la Ill rtlht by the Russians who do not like student radicals at Ill There ls also the story Droha biy npocryphal ol the FBI agent monitoring the phone all lriendly diplomat and discover lngtlut bis Ihb agents wile was having an allalr with the lriendly dlplomatllho agent bogged IDLRHDISLIMIIO use iheinlorniallon in divorce an Royal fCOmmiSsions Costly To People by rarnicrriricnoisou UIIAWA Our federal cubi nou ol whatever political stripehuve developed on ex travagant custom of larming out their study work Perhnpe it could lalrly be described this way when it goisjoo hot ingthe kitchen cabinetthuys new housewlir yourviaxes Ihue are cheaper alterna livessuch as opening the win dow lam IOIIflngTID the hablt and code appointing royal commission to inquire into any subject which thecabinet wants loll its back My thoughts were turned in this direction by the governments admission that the royal commission on the status oi women has cost total or $995599 lo Feb 18 More sig nificant still is Finance Minister Bensons estimate that its cost will have soared to $1737674 by next March The expected costoi all such enquirlesin the live Year ended next March 5000Q0 LAVISH DIAMOND LES The biggest dollar tag yet seen on any Royal Commission in our history is of course that attached to the ureat tester Pearson extravaganza the royal commission on bilingual ismand biculturallsin That was set up live years ago its end is not yet in sight but its cost up to next March islestimatcd by Finance Minister Benson at 3540000 The status of women sur vey aroused lot at bitter criti cism here among politicians at all parties The Senate could and should be invited todo more work in inquiries and an ideal lieldit was widely cit would be lirestatus of women significant sldelight on this suggestion is that our small Senate contains live women members contrasted to our much larger House of Commons in which the sole woman iSthe New Democrat Grace Melanie totals $12 me 6E4 fiihr aim Examiner pinion PUBLIC SCHOOL VICTORIA Ill BARRIElQZD VICTORIA SCHOOL in Bar lrie before it was demolished llor alteol present lederal lbulldrng and post ollice at nortl corner Collier and en Sis It was one oi widest schools in Barrie orig rlnally used as model school tor training teachers later be came Central public school Name Web stunned shortly alter World War One to Vic toria when Board nl Educn tlan renamed Allandale school King Edward East End ioliooL King George and West Ward school Prince at Wales Behind school may he been putt ol Congregational Church since demolished part at parish hall and original spire on steeple ol trinity Anglican Church Spire was destroyed in tire mid ililr rcs is Baylield Street Barrie Ontario IAulliorizedas second class umall by thePost Ollico Dc partrnenl Ottawa and tar payment ol poslagein cash Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50c weekly $2600 yearly Single copies too By mail Barrio moo yearly Ontario $1500 year motor throw oil 513 your Out side Ontario $10 year Out side Canada British posses sionr 525 year USA and loreign $32 year National Advertising Offices 475 Universin Avenue Toronv to 640 Catlicart St Mont real Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau ol circulations The Canadian Press ex clusively entitled to the use or republication or all new dispatches in this paper erod lied to it or The Associated Press or Reuters and also the local new published therein Either alone or lolntlyi with the House ol Commons the Sen ed ate has with distinction recently Garriedaut several valuable in qulrios not unlike royal commis sions in their subject and scope The significant point about these inquiries by the Senate is that senators are already paid $15000 your and would not qualify lor the commisslaners remuneration at up to $235 per day Also the necessary stall is nearly allirvailable around the CScnatprandethlere WDIIIdeIEDD need to rent offices or meeting halls SENATDRS WANT WORK The important special corri mlitce ol the Senate on aging which worked or more than yearr cost only $144334 This contrasts with that commission on the status oi women which already only two yearsand two days alier it was set up had run up bills totalling more than six times that sum Then there wns the special Senate committee on manpower QUEENS Pint period and employment That complet iis thorough study in is months and cost more Yet the royal commission on pilotage tlnn He couldnt have simply given the lnlormation to pri vate detective because the FBI keeps tab on who taps the looking into the employment ol body at manpower totalling paltry 557 marine pilots hu cost so far $134777 or it times as much the Senate In qulry on employment Our entire hill or operating our Upper House ol uprto lo senatora plus their stall ol olll ciols and stenographers and messengerspis £0100 tlill year Yet the it and coinmlk stun has cost more than two thirds that sum insa izvmonlh That is why it ll called the yebye commissionyou can wave byebye to your tax pay menu looked at in cool reason and measured by practical rather than political mind surely our Senators should be given more work and those miscellaneous and generally laceless commlr sinners should be liven much less Annoyances Develop gF or Air Travellers fly CY YOUNG previous report relerred to speech in group of travel agents by James Auld minister of tourism and information lilr Auld was qillte blunt to the irav el agents in saying that as per cent of all travel by Ontario cit izens is within the province perhaps about 14 per cent to the rest of Canada and the United States leaving about twothirds at one per cent ol all trips made by Ontario families ouuide Can ads and the US The money involved in lour lsm and travel today is not just astonishing Its astronomical Ontario participates today in what is multimillion dollar in dustry However Mr Auld had some commentslor the travel agents that are worthgnoting by all or us Like every other jurisdiction in the nationthoilederal prov incial municipal Ontario is concerned about the problems of iuiure air traliic Mr Auld told the travel agents projections indicate that wiihln the next live years air travel will inciease three time across the Atlantic and live timcsyacross the Pacific The jumbo jetsrvill be the largest lactor in this increase The minlsicr had lhla to say We know almost or cnr talniy that lacilltlcs at major airports will be wholly Jnuder quote to denl efficiently with the jumbos passenger loads rang ing from 350 in 490 persons per aircraft As one who makes frequent use at the uirunes can assure you travel on the jumbo will hold no appeal to me whiiiaocv er it it means added congestion delay and frustration The lumber Mr Auld suggest ed could give rise to whole new series ol antagonism at ground level that will negate the pleasure oi the flight itself nil Mr Auld had couple at in terostlng reports or the travel agents The first was Canadian gov eminent survey tliolnvu suin maribed this way Air travel was spoken at by most respon dents as necessitynot pleasure The experience nl hurry up and wait that soon be comes part ol the air travellers dlaryuhas disillusioned mpny 0i travel uirtravel provokes the most anxiety but is still listed as desirable means at trans poriation because at its agreed The second was statement by Walter Johnson lormer vicepresident ol American Air lines Sold Mr Johnson The whole area thutlcrled out for product improvement in the business ol air transportation wasnt within tiint lung tube the aircrait itsclll which was reasonably well advanced but it waswlthin that terribly con iuscd crowded dlsnrganlted walkup wallodown stop start chockin checkout procedure at the afrpo Theres no way at all that James Auld or anyone else at Queens Parkcnn solve llila problem Iie only thingvtliat can be said lor them in at least theyre aware that it exists BIBLE THOUGHT Illelled be the In III hath given rut unto his people Israel wording to All but be proud there hath not lulled one word olail his good pm mire whkhihe promlledby the bond at Mom hII urunt Kings Ilsa God willing to stand by Illa word ll we are willing to stand on it Heaven and earth shall pass away hul my word rholl not pass away modes of available Flirtic Mimi The hone Barrio runm MAHNEEs my Plil izvnrvnws snows non RUE Willth am or burn deloIlllLl and one got tnhlr Edgar Hoover Ibo aid to have tired the urdolded agent lor buying an immoral ville gtI rlrtumg stance that could expose the mat to blackmall There hu elm been reconcillallon bo iween husband and Ville since be prompted In nilluent pri vate detective and the friendly diplomat wn translated alter Sir Hoover disclosed detail ol lbi nIIIILId the manl endow or Friendly embassies Ire inord Iored tightly usunlriendly embmlu The U5 sells its al lies machines that are supposed to scramble mesugesielectronl tally so that they can never be decoded lbe manulaciurer nl this splendid coding device hal also destined much more ex pensive decoding devire giant computer which at flesh goes through all the possible ril llon combinaqu that the scrambler might have produced and breaks the messazo 15ch time the customer are induced to buy an even more lindch able scrambler at hlgber cost the US government buy new unscrambling devices at even higher cost Sonic friendly governments to my knowledgchare aware of this and do not use the coding machine lor anythingthey do not want the US to know LOCKS SLEEP IbInl Salnl ol Hemina Ilm land deprived himscll oi sleep lot in hours in test HUBERT lF IT WERENT FOR OU HE WOULDNT GETAWEXERCISE Never needs an ink padl Fast Easy Ellicient Can be custom ordered to meet any size shape or message re quirernent PERMASTAMP will reproduce colors lino lines small type laces logo typeseven photosin true accurate detail COMMERCIAL PRINTING DIVISION BARRIE EXAMINER gumms oAiLv 21 nM used In this PIEUrOflllI born and bred In JOINlN thaaIIlbliney Ii iimuus PM RS mum I20

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