wearHrs Mainly cloudy Wodoetdly Vlh cooler temperatures lnvr tonight 32 Hide Wednesday For full details please turn to page three mun murmurs Advertising rue ll All one nmrr reservoiruses lard°ohriocimda Tunav March II me Not More Thenioe Per Copy RITISH PARATRO PS SEN Wdrships Moved Into Area fSecrecy Clocks Qperdtion IDNDON AP Five plane loads of British paratroqzs and ScottM Yard police experts trite or almost coo men were reportedtohmwtakendlinfog and rain for the Carbbean today todeal with mutlnous An Kuilh The government shrouded the operation with secrecy TELLS or ills ESCililI itï¬ohael Ulinean an tells how be made daring escape 1mm Constanta Romania by stowing away on the Swedish freighter Ariel hound ior is 50va nocrriui socialis WASHINGTON AP ihe Soviet Unions unexpectedly large deployment of zomegaton rockets and its production of Polarisvtype submarine ï¬gured heavily in the wilds of mis sions for the Sentinel misile de fence system defence depart ment sources say The $000000 oooomooo safeguard Selim announced by President Nixon Friday was given the prirmry assignment of protecting US missile fields from nuclear at tack Under the Johnson adminis trations original Sentinel proposal the emphasis was on providing American citieswith shield in case of anemia attacks primarily by China however defence department sources said US intelligence detected maiordianges in the Soviet strategic threat after the Johnson administration had given Sentinel mainly people saving role The key change the sources said Was the Sovietsdeploy£ ment of the 59 missile with its zomegaton thermonuclear war head paclsing the equivalent of mono tons of TNT second consideration was hard evidence the Soviet Union now is producing itsownverv sion or nuclearpowered snb marine which ran laundi ballis MiiY Focus iii OHAWA GP Health blin fster John Munro gave strong indications Monday that the government is moving towards welfare programs directed to those who need help rather dian to general schemes Making during ahday Com mons debate on welfare pro grarns particularly pensions Mr Munro said the government is considering whether entirely newincomessupoort structures should be devel While he made no direct statement on government plans he spoke warmly of the meter selective program now in force the guaranteed income supplement for needy oldage pensioners And he said it grew out of the search for what he feels to be the ideal form at program one which concentrated itsre sources on those in need and which did this without subject ing anyoneto the humiliation of hatinhand simpflcation Mr Munro spoke after ND House Lender Stanley Knowles rael andthen sandman er lited in Haitianmarch in and has applied for political IS ium in Canld GP photo US Adjusts To New Threat tic missiles while submerged 1500 miles of shells in isle19V intelligence was predicting theSoviets would keep eploymeotof the huge 35 in anal mnrber bu they didn AVdid BUDAPEHI After one of the molt meetings on record the Soviet bloc has renewedits proposals for an allEuropean security system andapproved museum itsaid wwld sshengflien its combined militaryforcea The session or the sevenna tion Warsaw poets political committee Monday lasted barer two hoursllie commu nique issued afterward viqrsiy had been prcpared in advance and amphetamine for the thingsuttï¬dnbnim tion The border conflict be twean The Soviet Union and China the Vietnam war and the Reports circulatedgthatflorna nia which bastned to stay oeu tral in the Pekin mowfeud Welfdre detendrd Zunlv alsocislIeou riti programsfland calledior substantial increase inoldago pensions Mr Knowles WM Prime Minister Trixieau as saying that we have badenoiigh of this free otuftandadded thattbo whole concept oi universal eov einiysecurity seems to be under attack in thrgovernmentl re vrew gt SHOULDER Retirement pensions enabling people to live decently after they brie done thatshard or tile coma5va should he matter of fllleremust notbeany kind of charitywrmeans test or needs test oratigma of kind attached to them ilberpoint warm one in Mr Knowles imotlon setting the theme of the dcbotpponone oi the oppositiondoys provided or in new lloiisorulee lihe veteran ND member in his motion and speechicalied Wire Prime aniline Wilson met for pearly two hours with his top general and admiral along with civilian erlvlsers The deem ministry Mused confirm or deny that the task Nora orcrsron ours Is an miWA 0P Tile cab loot iusscheduled special enacting for theweekend of Marchzsaotomaiie final decLsions on foreign and de leoce policyh official sources said will IbeIdecisiohs will aiioot malnlyCanadas future role in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization They will be transmitted to the NAfOmecttng of foreign mlnlstal in Washington April 1011 disanv intelm and ddencr policy with President Nixon in WashingholivMarrh 2425 but is expected to confine his re marks hiya limited numberof Options to Canada redo Talks Crises had unison to sign statement proposed by the Russians to condemn Chliia for its actions along the Manchurian border Instead fiie group issued eommunimie on military reor ganization and strengthening of Warsaw pact forces together with new appeal for an allEu mummies to replace the WarsawandNoitii Atlantic alliances by continentwide as sociation from which the United states presumably would be barred HERES ONE man showedthedoctor his Wifes hand She did it prepar ing dinnerhe erplained its imputed for improvement in various pen aloe programsond for removal at the ineome test from the oldage Implement lie alsoealled tor incometax dungestoeiiminate situation in which some people depending solely on pension have to pay income taxes And he reread that an escala tor clauseWe written lnbopem slon programs to keep them in linewtth wageand salary in creases rather than thepresent twopercent rnaxlniurn annual oostoilivlng increase in oldlage BACKS ANNUAL INCOME All these steps Mr Knowles said should he steps Wards the establishing of genuine guaranteed annual lncom Mr Munro said Mr Knowles has being ihoonsislent in ar DJiM against the income WP pimientwtiileurging guatene teedannual incomeon in coma test program which cov cred all auditing Vhlir Knowiessnld that metastasan oviewed tomsw bdrbies and mi company oi HMSbud taken off in the morning from the RAF hose nt Brlre hortoni The ministry said that the frigate ltothcsay has now or rived at Antigua which is about 70 miles from Anguilla JOIN HER SHIPS fbe Rothosay joined two other British frigates the lilin and Minerva which provided the pattern for on airsea approach to the classic pattern After some enriy looks the government clamped secrecy lid on the operation But there were indications that more than 140 men the parochth regi mentthe famous Red Devils and the 40 policemen were en route over the Atlantic British correspondents on Am grills said tho islands aelifap Delicate mold CPD eat andsmouso diplomatic game with each side playing its cards closetto the vcst is unloldinie here as Canada seeks to lay the groundwork for diplomatic ties with munist China Asfet slider forevv tellth talks begun Viihe Examiner TODAY Arirl landerrG cityNewrz Classified42 Coinch Deaths1 District5 Editorial4 Sports10 ll Theatre4 rv unthing Weather2 Womens6 14mm mmmwma lLARACAlBo AP Sabot age was ruled out but the Vane zueian government gave no indi cation today what mlght have caused barely airborne jetti ner to crash in flames Sunday killing at least 155 persons it was avlations worst disaster Some newspapers had specu mortémerwsmar 0N NEEDYi lions be negative imme tax The health minister replied that there wouldstill be an income tth in eitherease Mr Munro reviewed in creases in pensions in thegtlm few years and cited figures to show Canadas levels exceeded those of many Western coun tries Between 19 and town he said spending on health and social welfare had increased to $65000w000 fr0m 3300000 When tile guaranteed income supplement was under planning in 1966 many had urged gain ernl increase in the oldago pen slon to $100 from flsmonthiy fine cost would have been $369000000 and it would have left several hundred thousand pensioners with only $100 month vfbe supplement on the other hand had ensured that no pen alone had lesbian 510511 month to live on at cost of Venezneia Digs For Cause Oi worlds Worst liir Disaster the River that both claimedpresident Ronald Wot star bod nsserrmled 250mm amp armed with ancient aar bincs and cannon left over from the Napoleonic wars The 6000 Angulllans are an independent group descended irom pirates escaped slaves and Irish Nmlls They began their rebellion in May M7 after three monitors mom ber of federation with the is lands of St Kitts and Nevis ihe Anguiiinns charged they were getting raw deal irom Prime Minister Robert Bind shew of St ltitts ihe crisis with London began last week when foreign office under secretary William Whlt loclr visited the island and tried to talk the islanders back into the federation They chased off at gunpoint Recognition Is Process in this Swedish capital last mnntli on Canadas initiative It appears certain however that Peking is interested in him gaining recognition trorn Can ado It appears just as certain that it will drive hard diplo maticbargain and that pro traded period at delicate nege tlntions is in prospect The Chinese having waited to years evidently are in no hurry to get the recognition that Otta wa nowsays it is willing to he mm Both the Chinese and the Ca nadians are being careful not to reveal their positions Two Airliners Forced To Cuba MIAMI AP Two airliners one American and one Peni vian have been hijacked to Cuba in the same daythe third sky piracy doubleheader of 1999 slut piracy douhielieaderoi 1969 aerial biiackings to Cuba this year sending 1042 persons on unscheduled flights to Cuba lated that Castrnite guerrillas might have planted bomb on the Miamibound D09 jet but LorenzoFernandez minister of the interior and close conï¬dant of President Rafael Caldera said lnvestigaflons so far showed no likelihoodoi sabot age All 84 passengers and crew members and at least71 per sons on the ground were killed More than 50 were iniured and doctors said they feared for the lives 0ii5 otlthem iAviation officials said they iirivuiST in second Tension nirs Denise mono holds her two children Nadia and rindmin Parisyesicrdsy after the mayor of Verrleres lo llutsson succeeded in talk ing llrs Ouelios divorced By THE CANADIAN PRESS Hundreds tiCBC employees returned to theiriobs in Toronto and Winnipeg today after oncday unniiicial strike which affected radio and television broadcasting stations ronto Winnipeg and Edmonton The workers walked out Mon day alternoon following break down in negotiations between Employees of Canada Broadcasting continued with management men filling in for announcers Who walked off their jobs along with sales and cleri cal employees and international service workers In Toronto Knowlton Nash CBC director of news and public affairs read the Monday night national news instead of regular announcer Stanley Burke Emploiees in Fahriontou also walked otttlieir jobs Vancou folt there was little chance piiot error was involved Border MOSCOW Reuters All uneasy calm prevailed today along the ted Russian Chinese border on thetlsuri River amid signs of ï¬ltnese troop buildup the Communist party newspaper Pravda says But Pravda saysthn Chinese opened fire agaln Mood1y him against Denianslty Islanda nnemlielong strip of land on Aslangianta quiet agairi pre ibe Maoists who have been beaten more than iincc are not calming down Pravda says inan brittlescene account The newspaper says the Rus sian death tollln fighting Sahir day on the Ussuri rose to at least 12 but an exact ï¬gure has not been officially summed rule slowdown Tense Unofficial Soviet sources said Chinese casualties were 15 to 10 times higher than Russian losses it remains unclear whether the Russians maintained any kind of installation on Dnman sky island in news conference after battlc March Gen Pyotr lonov deputy commander of So viet border troops sold the Sn viet Union ital border post on the island lint one report sinco then said Saturdays fighting broke out after Soviet border guards in our hrnlored cars arrived on um sand tor reconnaissance pn One Soviet source said the is land is submerged when the river rises alter the spring CBC Empioizeésaéiurn After OneDay Strike repetition of tire tragedy in which man killed his two children and himself last rrlonth whenpolioé tried to movelln on him at Cestas in southwest France in similar case lop Wirnphotol husband into releasing them Qleilo hndlield policeoif at gunpoint and rthréatenedl to moot the diildren rather than turn them over to his ex wife Authorities had feared in To the corporation and the Assocla tion of Radio and Television ver workers staged worktol ARTEC instructed workers to return to their jobs and await decision on strategy irom strike committee meeting in 0t tawa Union members approved strike action last weelr by Vote of l617 to lot labor department spokes man said in Ottawa Monday night that two federal labor de ot Ottawa and Charles Poirier of Montreal will meet union members and managementreps resentatives today in an attempt to get talks going the spokes man said Union tactics ifondayalso in cluded refusal by bilingual em ployees to respond in other than their mother tongue The union partment conciliatan havevbeenr has been seeking premium appointed The two Stuart Gunn can mainland EAP rate for bilingual employees SIRE Beatle Wile Flaceyi3l Drug Charges IPNDON Reuters Eeatle George Harrison and his wife appeared in point today and were ordered to stand trial March at on drug charges Bothwere free on hail of £7110 about $640 each canto Raiders for Saudi Arabianiter twodoy Arabsturlmit meeting In dismiss thevltï¬ddle blast crisis CLC Supports Curb On Hale Literature The Canad UllllbWA CF Hussein llsirs ilrab Summit Meeting king Hussein ot Jordon left Egypt today visit in which he called foran lanol Congress said Tues dayit does not view proposed legislation to curb the flow of hole literature asinwnniatihle with freedom of expression GeorhiaProlestanisMove To Ulfiié AihNNllMGan AP Anunprecddcnted movementto unite the 21mm members of nine Protestant denominations into one alum was outlinodiMnnday it was the lateststep in an eight year ecumenical veanm moron Union us Tioops Launth by group called the hnsultatinn oi 7oiiénsive saloon NP vMore than wood nun Slates troops iiuilldl ed massive counterofleusive northwest the Viet Congon mill Vietnamth stall any drive that Saigon today to fort try to moire on the South Violminers Thant Urges Nuoielar Limitations UNllflED NATIONS tlleuterslv UN SecretaryGeneral iiinnt appealed to the United Stotesand the Soviet Union today to begin talks on limiting offensive anddclensivo missile weapons as soon its possible iiiprevent big now buildup in the arms race Mmmwmnmmowhm moahrrdeamrnmiu