GREENCASEY March Wed ding Vows At New Lowell United Twin standards of while glad foil and nlnms interspersed with crimson cbrysantbemums decorated New towel United Church for the marriage of Pat rteia Mae Casey to Eric Green The afternoon ceremony was conducted by Rev Mac kenxla an lilarch at oclock Mrs lnnzrnlrc of New Lows ell pmsldcd at the organ The bride is the daughter of air and Mrs Percy William Casey of RR New LowelL The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Ciarcnca Green of Hidnnam Harbour Trinity Bay Newfoundland SELF DESIGNED GOWN Given in marriage by her father the bride or sell designed gown of satin fashion ed an empire lines with floor length skirt and matching satin train petalled headdress caught shoulder length veil of silk Illusion Red roses and while rnums arranged in car cade were carried by the bride For somethlng old the bride wore silver locket given to her by her father to commun orate her birth WEDDING ammoms Miss Mildred Green of Toron to aLtemiod as maid of honor The bridesnaith were slks harlotte Casey of Toronto and bliss AilisonOspreay of mood Hill Charliene Casey of New boweil was flower girL Carrying through the theme of the bride the senior attendants wore floor length gowns of turquoise chiffon fashioned on din mire lines hfaldiing tur quoise headdress bows with tulle veils complemented their gowns The flower girl was attired in yellow taffeta with an over drcss of Swiss dotted slicer and gaming yellow headdress All the attendants carricd nosegays of yellow and while mums tied with yellow ribbon SilEflleS The best man wasIWIIIiam mofTorooto Mslstingas ushers were Bill and Casey of New Lowell RECEPTION threats were rcuived at New lapel Dormunity ltnil follow lng the ceremony The brides mother received wearing an line gown of blue brocade with matching blue hat white acces sories and corsage oi red roses and white mums The parents of the bridegroom were unable to attend the wed Jack Leaving for brief honey moon the bride donned navy and white ensemble accented withmatching necessaries and Corsage of red roses and white mums summer trip through the Maritime and to Newfoundland to visit the bridegroams par ents is planned by the newly weds my will make their home at soo Dawes ltd Scar borough OnL AN LANDERS ADVISES Provocative Letter ASks An Important Question Dut Ann Lnudcrl Ive read letters in your column from wives whose husbands died sud dcnly and leit them with no knowledge of their insurance bank accounts the location at vault containing important do cuments and so on Ive never read anything however about what hampons when wife dies suddenly and leaves her husa band totally unable to take care of himself Its tragic when man is left alone and he doesnt even know how to turn on stove boil an egg or sew on button was lucky When my wtfe oecame iil shotaught me how to do things for myself if had to And now that have to bless her dozen times day feel as If that beloved woman threw me life line just before she went under for the third timeflopklns Minn Doar flop Thanks for pro gt vocative letter And now ad dress question to every hus band who reads this column Would you be able to manage for yourself if your wife didnt wake up tomorrow morning Think about it REALITY Dear Ann Dont tell mo to and Linda Eastman 27 an American photographer seen Happy Hour For Thellged TORONTO GP Officials at the iton home for the aged here want the residents to feel happy and civilized so they have introduced happy hour every Friday at 430 pm This translates into the drink tug of sherry Cecil Day administrator of Thompson House says the idea was borrowed troln British mill tarv tradition People drinkdurlng happy hour and they get hwpy he said We put white linen table cloths on the tables for dinner but now we have started putting them on for lunch as well and there is quite difference The men put ties on and the women spruce up Thirtysix men and women including ï¬ve married couples have moved into the new home ANN TANDEM myob Your readers have right toknow How much of you is real Do you have false teeth Doyou tvear eyelashes wig or hairpiece oi any kind Arcyou padded any place he sport and level with usNosy Kids at Northwestern Dear Nosy Kids My teeth are my own do not wear false eyelashes or wig or hair piece of anykind am not and tied any place except of course the padding which nature has provided LONELY Dear Ann Lenders when read the lotth from the lonely males in Houghton liliehthc ll BEATLE WEDS Beatle Paul McCartney 26 in car with Lindas daughter bone register office after their Heather by previous mar riage as they leave Mariya maximum of 138 residents is scheduled The youngest is about on The two oldest are Mr and Mrs do seph lioston aged at and 93 re Thd Wise Owl says boys at Michigan Technological Universityl almost cried We have the same problem in Cal garv only its the reversea bout ten girls to every guy Please tell those lonesome fol lows at De Tech to come to Canada Were drying of loneli nusSnow Baby Dear Baby It is roughly 400 miles from Houghton hitch to Calgarya long way to trav of tar companionship suggest you Calgary dolls meet the Houghton guys in Winnipeg In June ALARM Dclr Ann ladders have solution for that lady whose hus band turns oil the alarm clock overslcops and then yells at her because hes late for work Tell the woman to place the alarm clock in the bathtub an pie tin and let it ring until tha lazy lout turns it off Once he out of bed the sound of that alarm clock will keep him up had the same problem with my husband friend suggested this solution and it did the trink Dear For tried it and its an eardrum buster Anyone who sleeps through that racket is deaf unconscious or dead wedding there yesterday AP Vlrophoto spectivcly They have married 75 years been rnlt EXAMINER warn an PHONE itsM14 Spring WilISoon Be Here Clothing for ALL tlto family NEW CONDITION USED PRICES THE WISE am 106 DUNLDP 51 SHIFT TO SIDE INTEREST its carved little closer to your ï¬gure thats the news Printed Pattern M352 announ ces for Spring 69 Youll love the crisp little standofflsh collar of this lively design by Laurence Gross Beneath the line plummets down one side to the flaps that point up the im parlance of the low waist look nte buttons are purely decorative or its quicker to step In and lip up the back WHAT THE Sewing fr easier too Choose pique linen abantung knits Printed Pattern M362 Is avail able in misscs sizes ll 12 14 I6 Size 11 bust 30 re quires an yards of inch fabric Send one dollar plus five cents Ontario Sales Tax for Printed Pattern IIISGZ to The Barrie Examiner Pattern Department so King St Toronto Ont Please print plainly your name addreg stylenumber and size STARS SAY ay ESTREHJTA FOR NMORRQW While AM influence will be on the mild side that will be good period in which to plan af teran and evening activities more vigorous planetary con ï¬guration which will prevail after noon will encourage ac complishment in important in terests FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your stars promise much happi ness In the year ahead You will have to take advantage of all opportunities in order to benéfit by the stellar influences of course but this you can casin do since you have been endowed with generally good judgment and are ambitioust concerned with only the best in life host periods for finances The period between now and Oct also December January and Febru ary Do avoid extravagance and speculation throughout the year howeverespecially during the first two weeks ovaugust in November and December Your so indicates some excellént opportunities for advancing your job status dur ing the current month in July September November and Jan uaryuAnd whcrc creative works or are concerned many of whom are Piscaans the entire months ofdune September De cember January and February should be notable for inspiration and outstanding accomplish ment Romance and social activities will be governed by unusually propitious influences between now and Sept 15 also between midNovember and December 31 During those two cycles It should be your happy lot to meet many interesting people make enduring new friendships and some contacts which could prove invaluable in material way other good months for sentimental interests October and Januaryri 777777 childborn on this day will be unusually artistic and ideal istic could excel in the theatre in painting or literature Make Your Meals Look Appetizing An appatlzing meal is not just one that tastes good but one that looks good its worth it to work at making your meals at tractive for good looking meal will whet appetites and make mealtimes more enjoy able and festive time for all The federal health department publication Healthful Eating suggests you picture each meal as whole Consider contrasts in color form and texture and combinations of flavors An alla white meal or all yellow meal is uninteresting Avoid serving more than one creamed dish at meal or more than one dish with the same pronounced flav or such as tomato Avoid monotony by using an Interesting variety of fresh frozen canned and dried foods Give consideration totl1e vailability of various foods at different seasons This applies particularly to fresh mm and vegetables Take NewOUtlook holistically expand your inner space Gtam apparent room dimensions Awail nniral can not only provide pleasant view for gracious entertain ing but it seemingly opens up whole new vista for better living lt creates the illusion of depth and distance always exociiuntin smaller room or hallway Mirrors work miracles tool Yes you can eiopand inner space lnmany ways consider duelmose mimebunk beds stack units and sofa bedsail of Whidt weve vast aet eation of priced to meet evesy need Weston before you knock out any walls how much further your furnituredoliam can go Let the experts explore miter macebut gettina down to tflill were the experts where your homes concerned All the acts of interior decorating are yours for the asktngpand wail warantee formula for complete success do more with your ham and yourmoney Fame Titration if 17 MULCASTEE 5T NEXT no ran mam gt OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL EM Pnsrrv COAT STYLES ron BIG AND LITTLE SISTER IN WEATHER WISE 100 NYLON QUILTI EDWARDIANSimple litlla Alinedouble breasted wit Edwardiancnllar8oltBoneFinkarGold FAR EATThe plainly demure look double breasted with nifty Indian collar Chdico ofGteen oi Navy CONTRAST TRIMPaiky spring styling in Navy or cats with eonttaat detour accent at collar and slaava trim