GETS AWARD liT BURDEN Vice president and secre tary ol the Angus District Chamber or Commerce CapL David Odlshaw tl receich the clasp to the Canadian Forc cs decoration during ceremony at Base Borden The award Is 100 Dogs In Six Months Picked Up In STRDUD iSlatll Some IW does hail been picked up roam ing at large In lnnislil township during the past six months it was reported by lloy Bridgel animal conlml nlliccr Dogs are taken to the Bar Clearviéw WI Hostess Branch SIAYNEII iSiHlt Clearvicw Womens Institute will be the hostess branch lor the district annual meeting or West Simcoe Womens Institutes which lsto be held at Stayner on Thursday lay Arrangements have been made tor the sessions to be held at Centennial United Church Dist triet to Horticultural Association sessions were held there last tall Mrs Joseph Dummonrl of Brentwood as president lll wel come the visitors Annual reports will he presented and election of officers held The county president Mrs Douglas Day of New Lowell and he provincial board member Mrs John llcll OI Cullingtvood are both members of the West Simeon district Ivoanond strayed and uas picked up he presented to servicemen who have completed years ei ticienl service with the torecs lie and hlls 0dishaw daugh lcr ol Mrs Checsman ol John Street live in An gus Canadian Forces Photot Innislil riclnnislil do pound here nun ers have three days to claim them on payment board money and pickup ice The board motley runs $1 perl ltlay lor the lirst tun days and then 31 The pickup charge is $2 lr Bridge said dogs often are held longer but this is the miniA mum requirement according to regulations listen uhat would be done in case valuable pet replied It wouldnt be drstr ed II it wasnt claimed Within reasonable time the chances are another home would be lound for We would expect that people would be taking care at valuable dogs but it something happened it was found at large and wasnt claimed it would be held he added litany of the animals picked up running atlarge are men ace in tarmers Sheep losses lmm being worried or killed by dogs in lnnislil have been large in the past it was staied ONCE UNITED MINESING Slalll lcsprll Flos and Sunnitlale were united in years age old records show lesprabecamc separate mug nicipalily in loll murmur 57 News momma errtummonunsnar stance Ill New WWW 4H Clubs Flat EImVaIe EUle tStaill Elmyole area 4H clubs will begin 1969 utilities with meeting at the Elmvale ltieh School on Mon day alternoon hlarcb l7 Young people from 12 to to are eligble to join these clunr which provide training in titl reoshlp and agriculture The name is derived from the lust letter of the four words Head Heart Hands and Health While designed speciï¬cally or arm young people urban youth are welcome to join various clubs ll interested RESPONSIBILITY Other objectitcs emphasized by Richard tarmrl assistant ricuttural representative for North Simeoe are to help mem bers acquire knowledge and skilLs in developing leadership sense of responsibility and rcal izatinn for the need or continu ing education Objectives are accomplished by practical in lormal Mutation program with emphasis on the motto Learn to do by Doing it was explain ed Clubs are supervised by qual ilicd lenders who wnrltrl with the young people on untary hasi Clubs are sponsorv ExIloclrey Star Going To Guthrie GUTHIUE Swill Former Orillin nntl Toronto senior hockey star Roy Calhoun and his wile Brenda plan on making their home in Guthrie shortly Mr and Mrs Calhoun said they were much impressed with Guthrie during recent visit They mentionedits location near Harrie the drivein theatre com munity centre skating rink and school Until two winters ago Roy played hockey lnr Orillia Ter riers and before that was with dilterent orontn tertms The hardskating winger was lead ing scorer with Orillia low years ago lrequcnily ttroit through Guthrie and always liked it answered Roy when asked about his doc on to move to this community Meeting ed by loco organizations Each Hi club concludes itryur with an othtevnnent dry proxrlm in which points are awarded on the years work wide variety ol activities at the eounty regional and pro virrelll level add interest to loci ll programs air Frrion am ed explaining thae activities include educational tours rat lies oompctitims leadership courses and travel programs AID TO PATHS Ellmtule and Vasey with have held achievement dry at the Elrnvale blos lull lain and these have been lollowod with considerable interest Besides Elmrlle Ml organiz ational meetings also are plann ed at Latontaine sdlool and at Guthrie public school on Mon day March 17 Vasey 4ll clubs will meet at theorangr hall in the nearby community on Wednesday aller noon March to starting It 130 Call club rules requirelhat the call must be born between January and May ot 1999 to quality tor the junior section Calves born between July and December it at 1960 are rated senior Swine club members junior or senior may take part in the market hog project or regular swine project or two eill5 born in March or April It market hog club project reouiru member to care Iol minimum nI live market hogs DISTRICT BRIEFS FIRE LOSS REPORT STIIOUD tStalll lnnlsltl lire losses or the lirsiJuo months nl the year amounted to 336400 it was reported by Fire Chic Clill Burns Fire loss es in the township last year amounted to Slutï¬i TAVERN CENTRE WARSIINSTER Sialll This hletlonte township community was named alter an English town and began as tavem een tre located on stage eoaeh run Varminstcr today has its own community water system Ecablioatl boss Going To Guelph BAXIER tSlalll but Tm Ix township road superintendent bu been Iuthoriud tonitood the Rand Association when at Unt ruslty ol Guelph in ll resolution moved by Den uty Reeve Dino Smith and lemded by Councillor MacDonald which made moisv ion lot expenses was passed by council Rerlstnttoo fee at 150 to the Dnllrio Good Ronda As socirtloa also win ruthorired Reeve pt Essa in totaond m9 hlr huox has been read superintendent tor totyurs dur ing which time there bu boon considerable improwment in road nice and standard ol township roads Donald master is the new canine control orfleer lor the township Reeve George Drvu heads the wontii and other memberr indude Deputy Reeve argon Smith and Councillors Ken Binn ehard MacDonald Ind Fred Ron Brian Gouley olerk Plan To Install Artiï¬cial Ice lit Thomion Rink monsoon sum Skat ing curling and hockey season will be prolonged or Thornton club next winter if present plans to install artiï¬cial ice araeom plated installation oi the icemaking plant complete with piper tr slat ed to be done during the off season so it will be ready tor use in the talk Cost at the work was stated to be in the neigh borhood 01 $17000 Mike Webb is chairman ol the cnllectine committee and Earl Cunningham heads the works committee The considerable community enthusiasm and co operation in supporting the pro lcct was commended Artitimal lceupuld xiv Thorn ton hockey tennis home ice from November lothe end of March in the lutnre ltwould also as sure good ice or curlinglnr the same period There are lottr sheets of natural ice for curling in the rink now Walker Hunter is president of lhe club and Len ianderpost secretary treasurer COMPUTER GNU HIM LONDON Reutersl Ed ward Shori education and sci ence minister was mobbed by computer he inspected Tues day Short punched the question What is the time into the computer and was told by the computer in printed answer This conversation is getting borinfi Ora Awaits More Tracts Official Plan Idea OED STATION Sill township bu been considering liens tor In otheial plan for some time but it awaiting more lntormatioo it nor stated by Reeve Kenneth Gilchrist We hm been rollwin what has been done in neighborinl municipalities to see how it works out be told relernn particularly to lonislil Ind le where omelet plans have been melted lrom consultants but wait approval BYLlW CONTROL We llll to know enetly other we are going and whats involved before wemlmh our selves said Reeve Gilchrist la the meantime he suggested the township bylaw provides ihtf building inspector OBrien or Hawktsione with regulations for control Building in are hasnt been haphaxard sold the head ol the council station there havent 0F STEPHEN LEACOCK Idapled by Donx Grusnwood to serve the but been the problems here have appeared to be lha use in some other pieces We have had orderly growth and development It any municipality in Simeon County and probably In the pro vince said the reeve mendinl thelood co ooerr ï¬n minimum ultimo square lent is called or building lot in the bylnn Minimum or home building it 730 square eet ORDERLY GROWTIY go or our neighborinlt municlpalities havent received approval tor olflcirl plans there have been long delays said Reeve Gilmrlst stating the 0m council wanted to hvold this situation Ar said we will act when we know exactly what In lnmlved The reele emphasized coun cllywas anxious to do It best interest at PRESENT NOT ENDUGIIROPE Elaine May ratepayers merrily and pro teet their property values In the same time encouragement ol desirable denlopmeot is the aim bl Council policy HOLLOWS By MR8 BOWDFN tn Elmer Gmse Stroud us caller llst Monday at lilr and htn nowdenr llr Ind lilrs Keith Ooolr and famly of Weston were recent visitors with the Smith lamin here ilr and Mrs Bowdon visited Mr and Mrs Allen Bow den Kevin and Kim It Mid hurst Sunday The crew are hack to its sign ol spring coming TRY EXAMINEENAXT ADS PHONEEMAN TH LlTILES HILLrLAYERs FAT TllE toluene F0011le FANCIES Iplaysot Light Entertainment at Central MARCH 28th 29th at 830 PM TICKETS 75 adult $l00 student Available at Huronia Steakhouse Addies Confectionery Janes Stationery Shorneys Opticians LaBarbera Beauty Salon Jacksons Grill 11 RI AuthorlzodDealor of gt THE COMFORT VIN FOR v69Aé Shamrock Pyramid Rambler srurz aedRcAT Truck runs cameras MoaILE HOME smur INor cartoons PYRAMID Luxurious Modlrn Buutliul Comfort and convenience have been built into every room ï¬re panelling on walls and ceilings combine with the colonial furnishings to create feelingor com fort and relaxation and the raised front kitchen and dinette are specially de signed or the ntmostln convenience Were moving to West St South Hood Hiehwtly I2B Byr puss wiihover one titre olMobile Hollies Travel Trailers seerill MlillY Tlir EARLY CANADIAN THE SPANISH THE WINDSOR DEbUXE By PYRAMID The Delioiter ML The DetroiterfSuburban The Detroiter Urbanl The Scotsman DotibleWidth Landeirkwood thefabulousImperialSerien arriving soon 24 to Monmouth HOMES gt WE HAVE THE PRICE AM THE SIZE ToSUITrVERY auboer WITH EASY FINANCING Milli Homes you 18 colborno St