Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1969, p. 4

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it Walls Publisher War Eric Kierans PoshnasterGeneral almost daily themlganpmt box department employ ing 11000 men and women Ever smce his appointment he has been embroiled in dLfiJutes with the Letter kniers Union of Canada over waga and we night withdraw threat to prosecute men who went on wildcat strike and shbmitvtheir grievances to thirdparty arbitration be mid Without emggeration it can datum postal department is in state of turmoil and much of the muse tor sonystateofaffairsmustbelaid the doorstep of the postmastergen eral Mr Kielans before entering pol cs was successful businemmn and tedly millionaire We first came into prominence in his epolitical days as the president of the onheal stock Exchange with figures and computers and in raritied atmosphere of big business both rational and international He was then outspoken andmccessml this particular field lHowever as postmastergeneral he endeavored to bring his computer approach to solving postal pro He first of all alarmed the pub raising ordmary letter mail to six cénts sharply increasing mailing rates for newspapers and periodicals and an nFundng curtailment of services in the berests officonomy The postal employees in the mean nine negotiated araise in pay and set of workln conditions This cement wasma last August but ce then Mr Kierans has announced apdrastioally different set of work condi Theagreement of lastsununer gave pa boost better agreement for grievances ovmtlmepay and 4i YEARS AGO In new Insane Etandner March 13 1924 lpwn Coimcil granted $300 to Viotorian Order of Nurses Rev David Wren of Midland addressed Kiwanis Club xon race williead the worild its theatre 01 action in the next 500 will be the North American con tmen he dedared Allen Hutchin after six years as AgRep for North left for new home at Mount For where hewill engage in beekeeping Closing banquet for Short Course Household Eoonomics held during ter in Barrie was at IOOF Temple are included Hon Drury George Putnam Mayor John Craig Dr Simpson Mis Ida Canning ins Ilelen sharpen Motintt Opckbtim BSA arrived in town he take er Agltep duties Allandale team Zion championslu Ontario CNR Ap prentice League eating Ottawa Shops round by one goal large pmwd thered at Allandale station to welcome boys on return Team msterr Goal Mann 15 Bnylilld sum sunsponmio Mothon Menxiii Editor mom mu un minim To Head Post lug donditionsYesterdayhelndiuled he DOWN MEMORY LANE inUS Helsh ery garden in the world dream of republication oi all news ressorw IiiDay of who Agei my lg urineng gharni defence George Powell their atomic nu position iinanirenén nt In moldpnl nflnlr tenant Mung Cl Willlunmlor the operation depart wood in Ire tier they no to utter the con rcnonu into the tilt ind permit the only one loom Tho Isuzu are clear unclut tend Ind lrnple let us try to keep It so they are It in alleud verbally that the city Burris hr Act od illoully in Issuing certain Hing permits It almond that Ehlb rle city lmpn II had hit 1dr thrclicnld Conclusion The city of Barrio bu been IIts reputation damaged and confidence in its administration damned In view the Above what Is the proper reasonnho and legal promo for Ibo cly ol Bar rler Simple By PATRICK MmOBON OIIIAWA llyou Isk nine p1 question you expert aim pie answer But your MP can expect no lucli thing Any dues too he ash the government being spent will cause ministers to twist and shuttle and then to give an epitome of devious non inlormltion The otmplat question today in thallousoolComnms thusrc eelver an arrogant bmsboff whldilrnlouderecbooftha 11 Department cm we PormigmpleLdNotlnIchuas more consideration or seniority Since the in his drive to make me depafl mulbeibrfipglfitegfifi men Pay it W31 MT Kim in have chauffeur servleo provldi tmduced thehflveday week and new gnu 111 systempf devery century on ooo car ow Whater the postmen most or all is The Mall irrelevant the new requirement that esorteall psiweLiQJhaLwasrngo their letters in the mom leaiethe rrdilsicr has heenpmvklcd with dilufleurdrlvenvrblcle for depot and stay on their routes the rest ot the day Ihey can his personal use The fact is return atnoon that every cabinet minlster re as they once did to sort second ham rum urine allowance of of mail take break wash up and eat hlfléafdcalfiizfihf lunch Now they either grab bit on commpl his rmnllstcrlnldutier an walkth B1330 ll you use your car or bustV on err mes restaura new do you receive lump eat on their own time mm tuxtree allowance Or do From Mr ltiemns standpoint no routine to account 101 um doubt this arrangement is idea ltlcuto m3 gefipfg my down 1m time obviates overtime pay hm gummy ma to large extent and moves hima step closer to halandng the poem depart ment boolm From the postmens stand grown to being prpvltlld poinglmgh they have been human wrth chaulieur driven ielucle land by computer approach Evenltge fupflfmfiwfawmn has ml madel otierln on lacu tax theyrhave lostuIlhuniartiie lreannentwhde at gm airman carrym an en as rnent empolcea In bagseball parlancevd1ats the next cm mm box score Mr Kierans has raised the The mm Grams costot mail delivery and cut down the up who um me sdervice afiufiseuhe will Emigrantmm share in can own in V8 week to save moral He has angered Rmmflefi the public on one hand and enraged the enon eo er ercalv 3le THOUGHT threat of another postal strike bangs All we rueignite is over hishead Something must be done Obviously the rm ml is to get rid of ML Kim utny we hue turned every and appoint someone whols experienced are hls own way an the in dealing with people Perhaps thevmhth intone him the In rmtoration of sixday delivery of mail FM films is too much toexpect but surely some hgnlézgt lg sonfi thing an be done to restore the morale we won km mm of the postal department espeually the wm spend dignity and the wellbeing otthe postler themselves hum Uh Barrie rambler is beyond Street Barrie ontario Authorised no Ieconrl class mail by the Post Otflca Db partment Ottawa and for payment of postage to cash Return poslnga guaranteed hart Tunk centre Jaok iArmotrong wings Leighton Emma Lloe Sharpen alts Jepson and Hughes Before returns ing home local players and officials en tertained at Chateau Iaurier by CNR Dailv Sundry and has Ferguson was manager Shrumgzladm team Barrie volunteer firemen Subuqu mu daily by Ed during annual banquet for work am so my mm Speakers included HarryMLay mam agar Bank of Commerce and TOW Clerk Arthur smith Articlein Financial Post by Floyd Ghalmerstold story of Samuel JMoore who went on to build four big successtulcompanlea cad or American Salesv hook Company worlds largest manufac turer of sales books among other things 10 can St MM Mr Moore began career as nters 123 devil at Barne Examiner tame mm Chadian from Englandat age seven with parents pm my Audit sun at to settle in Barrie and five years later circulations became employed at Examiner plant lhoCanadiln Fran is ex Holland Marsh will Become greatest cel timely entitled to the use yearly Singla copies too By mall Barrie $1600 yearly Ontario $1500 year motor throw ott all year Out side Ontario 10 year Out side Canada British posses sions 825 year USA nnd foreign 332 year National Advertising Offices 145 Univqu Avenue from College Mlnesing beat Warsawtol rm or Reuters and rho the reach United Farmer Onlailovflnallocfl MW Whilst the ockey Inllyae Inttrunk Ind mo and our and upon to on leflldoney Produc competroce ii out trivia ill from political Unlined and clarity reference and rep poorlbllitiu all personnel can At went the div ol Barrio earned in dispute over tho InlerprehtIon oi certain build Mk II bl wtoclpalr no yolved nllow the contest to do nbout how your Iu money 13 will start an interim operation for With ship theBeavervak will pro vide service trorn TilhuryA every two weeks until July when the operation will become weekly with the addition of third vessel To jTH of All Municipalities In the Pro uys Part VI Officer IIIId WattI houran Hell Mel Ill It lathe duly ol the head at Council in be vigilant and nctim In causing the hm tor the government of the munch polity to be duly executed and obeyed to oversee the con duct of all Itbordluto oftioen In tho gorunment 01 it and violation of duty to he aerate mutate to the named trvm lime to tlml sud Informn lion and recommend to it such Incsures nary tend to the lnprovrment of tbo tinlieu bulb neoninn donations eomiort and ornament of the rrunlcipalib ll Ill Thus we no it is mandr tory for the nhlef magistrate to obey the act lie must dclcnd city employees if they are maligned or hand them it they no nexllziblc or lnoompc lenL He must protect the my lealnst malodororu or lnwmpe lent nilctr la The Harrie city solicitor has given ruling that in bl oplnlon no illonl at was com miued by the fityl Building ln specter OTTAWA IREPORT AnsWers Are IHard To Get rassing answer would probably be about momma on top of the free gilt of valuable centro lown land given by the City of be Ottawa But the answergiven in Parliament was litre ederal much On Dec is Albertas Don sankowskl rsked Who will be attending the Commonwenlth Prime Ministers Conference in England in January 1989 be side the prime minister And what is the total budget allocat ed to title tlipt month alter that question was asked thnt conference closed five more week passed and on Feb In the prime ministers office at last mndesconded to reply listing 17 civil servants who will assist the PM durinzthe coniarcnce nhowrngdhé Canadian flag with pride instead ministerial tactfinding mission around South America minder Ship ServiCe In April tampon or Cauldlan Pacific Steamship Ltd which plans to have three new con Lather chi Canada and Britain next year container customers April The Ecmstrom and another iosrrn unnomruv Joseph McCarthy has been appointed Regional Manager of The Consumers Gas Company in an announcement rnnda by Mr Jones Chairman of The Board and President oi the Company Mr McCarthy who In VicePresident ol Qanaumers Gan will be responsible ior all oi the Companys operations in Metro Toronto and several nearby munici lie joined mem Gas in 1949 and until his recent ap pointment wan naponhlblnlof all oltha saleaiunctiona ior Consumerr Mr McCarthy is Director and Second VicePresident of the Canadian Gas Association member of the Public Relatio Committee at both the Amen can Gas Association and tho Canadian Manufacturera As secretion Director of the Better Business Bureau at Metropolr tan Torontoond Director of the Convention and Tourist Bureau momma olhietropolitanToronw in Ontario Mnnldpil Act which rotcm the conduct More In concise and clean ll urea and punished and cl in crummed alon cralt including two wiIthuqu carelully examined one sees that many ol those pa in service between not tell the nothing but the truth And when thatwhnle truth is dug out one often finds picture of waste and extravagance which would The interim service will belin my railings hy chartered vesseL the Eemstrom between Quebec City and Tilbury part oi the Port of Londrm spoon who mld take lane with the duel hulkto lino MM upon the City Ioilcltorl dedlwn that no illaul not our conunlt rd obeyed the in II died in the Municipal Act to protect the Cityand It employee ullnot verbal nonunion and lnadnr tuition it then In contrary opinions lotbat of the Innlo city solici tor the pm or other new media la not the plane to test as plpooe pm per reuonlhlo and legal course the prerontlve of thy cltL the welds of nrumnt In so stunt let those who accuse the city seek proper redress in the courts If not willing or frnld to do so let them no lorrst acknowledge the fact In writing Ind quit makinr inrln nations and barbs that hurt the reputation of the fine clly of Barrle Enough ol verbal lna nucndocr and garbage tblt ho foul and contaminate tho chlci issues Lay charges and let the courts settle the problem and permit Bunla to go on to being one of the most progressive cities in Canada Yours truly BROWN Management Consultant The reply to the question of cost mentioned no dollar iixurc This omission was pcrhlps cause with wanton exlrnvn gancc let airliner was char tered tor the Journey at cost chemsnack Inonpers who but two days before hearing that nonrcply Parliament had been told by Defence Minister Cadlcus office that an RCA Yukon bad at about the some date lovm some officials from Ottawa to Belgium and back at total extra cost nntof $236mhut mere $2200 The liCAF has 12 Yukoir alr rious fVlP interiors each ca pable of carrylng 60 passengers in cnmlort Why are these not used for government parties in tly cluttered lets fact why uptiuse Yukon and ot cos of chartering et at $175000 to fly that recent When on answers given to pm by the government are nswcrs do hole truth and iniuriale the tax rm SG Mimi him by slaves were passed ram gallon AlstonAxiiiiunuwrtmo cannons STORY Slaves from Tied To Canada By BOB BOWMAN When Americnnr ring John Browns body lea Imldulu In the true Cindin can are some utlslnctlou in know ing thlt he looked on Conudl as the 11nd of freedom III oven held convention It Cluthlm Out in ma mended by 40 delegates vahnncd to form that tron state in Vlrlinia and Maryland On March is two nmwn bird mrnrgcd to smuggle l2 v5 slaves across tho border at Windsor Ont using what wu known as the underlround nllwny It was the route to Ireedom for about 50m claws who were rmuuled Into Canada in ILSOlhsl and given homes in Onlnrlo Josirhllcnson who in mind Harriet Beecher Stowe to write Uncle rIomr Cabin WI one of the leaderr and set llcd at Dresden Ont where there Is memorial to him Other brave underground Icnd era included Anthony Burns Henry Elbb and Ilrrrlet Tub man In all about 40000 US rlnver found homes in Canada The second Canadian Io win the Vic lorln boss was William Hall to 14351 lie was the son ol slave from Virgin who was broulht to Nova Scoli nltnr the Ameri can Revolullonary War and lived at Huntsport The underground railway got in name because of to station and the pctpla who received them were known station agents The slave STARTS Its the MERRIE myth rrurru Qt Mardan nu LAST Tim ELIZABETH TA 2ND NMEDY WDRK 15 sums roMorrow Show Time gt pm pan no vKnowr GeO PEPPER QLONELjijEARjIfiSjCijUjBfiBAjNDl lnlllldgiullluyby LEE MINUFF LE INOFFALBRODAX JACKMENDELSOHN HllNZEDELMANN cutllfln moth person will mini Mm® Mcord m9 TALLYHOIHOIHO mammm Yum RICHARD BURTON mill United Motion us were lorwlrdcd by conduc tors and were known or treuhl There we no em rlllwny They often travelled in the duh on foot Slave In Canada wu Ihola Lillei olgdnlly in but It had one out of liver long being When Can dl ca nilled to the Britth 17501 slim were recorded In the register of munlager and deaths EMBASSY HALL BLAKE sr BARR ONT wennnvus OMEETINGS neNrALs Banquet Permit nulllhlc For Information 1268967 FRIDAY ST GOROUND nunmrsnurrfifiifi mvwnhnhmw TODAY FOUR 1mm WORD nee HARRISON inlilllllli PAUtMoCtRlNEl ERICHSEGAL 721 ntmlwnonll new

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