Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1969, p. 2

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NEW PARKS and recrea tion commission accretlry hire Jean Cooke leli with parks director Gary Sinner Accept and new commission member ltirs Rhoda Bran attend meeting in my Hall last nighL The commission dkcua Lade As Applicant jFor Park Job nn Barrie Parkland Rec reation Commission derided last night that it might accept Wo man tor the position at super visor of recreation scnices The our members present voted three to one not to limit applicaa tiara to males nor to invalidate the one awhcation mm le male already received Why It said aidonnan Fred Smith me women are rery capabl fron rossrnuarrrs Parks and recreation director Gary Stnner said that oil six momisiug applications one was lmm lemaie Since she had other possibilities tor job else where he said it would be better it the commission droid ed Ihetlm to linit application to males rnre recreational rupervisor would be responsible for looking latter all programs community organization and senior citi rens girl could handle that kall right said liir Stoner but it the need camerior someone to be promoted to till vacant adlt nistrative position such as own male would really be needed it would not be lair to keep woman hanging on it we more or less made up our rm ds we want man or the be said My mind is made up but wont expressmy views said chairman Jack Morrison But thcre is possibility oi advancement In the lutrne he said The only woman on the com mission ltirs Rhoda Brass said that the Job to he done now was the prime consideration not an ill in the future CA5V D0 JOB the can do the lob give her an interview the said Take the person who can do the job that needs doing gree that woman might not be suitable for adxancement dont think woman could serve as director Mr Sinner poiniodout that in the city of Hamilton both the recreation director and the as sistant director are women Mr Stnnerr iobencompasses both recreation and parks ad ministration Applicaqu lor the position close liarch Zn The commission last night decided that the six applicantsmridbe interview ed March 29 think the grl should be giwn drancc said Waiter Carruthers Gar ever leaves we could bring someone in over her head it could be ex plained to her The one member who voted gainst leaving the womans name on the list was Len Pled gor Consultant Wont Commercial Zone Barrer planning consultant Jan Mauihersnn last night said he could not in proiessional conscience support belore the prorinrdal government change in the citys proposed zoning by law rugganed by council The change approved by council in committee ol the whole would designate or com mErdal use laud north of Col lier Street in the Poyntz Eeruy Street area Mr dlucPherson whose pro loosed plan designated the land lor multiple lamily housing Iran the oommercialuse would DRAW TENNIS BYE tomes mouterrt Aus rlralia whiehlost the Davismp Ito the United States in Decam Iber has drawn abyeinto the north section linal or the Ameri lean zone in this yearr mp lcompetitionr have the ellect ol orcr expand ing the citys central business district In the detriment ol the Farmers Receive British Tractors HANOVER Ont CPI Farmers ram Grey and Bruce counties Wednesday took deliv ery of 11 tractors imported from Britain under the sponsorship of the Ontario Fede ol Agri Thetractors Whichhave re tail value at $60000 were pur chased lor 5100000 The OFA urged armors severe al months ago to puréhase maa chinery lrom Britain because it is la expensive than similar equipment produced in or the United States Hanover is auntrite south ori Owen Sound Canada $4000 on Improvements zoning mm be means new lp Otateaalal Park this Immenjutlmdly whathlrv at been ded yeL manner In tho Rotary Gish twill have hand in it and Hwhatevcrit is will coat about Jim it haunt fermenting the comntunity serylto commit tee of the club approached the city parks and recreation uo lutzaight with plans lar pavilion Ibelter worth ahout that much which the club was considering as Mitch Director Gary Sinner angled ed ax possible alternative novelty playground setup with educational equipment hiding the possibility pt park pro jest by the Rotary Clubtir amincr Photo Will mortar haw Tnucu Tin undercoat or not to urn dercoat That was the question lzc ing the parks and moreation meeting last night new truck has been purchased and the members heard that it would cost 565 to have it pro tected against corrosion and mat They agreed in go ahead and have it done With the amount of miles were expected to get out at vehicle said ten Pltviger Wed better have it done Will littend Meet 0n Recreation The parks and recreation com mission will send three repre sentatlves to the Ontario Multid pal Recreation Association Con lerenca in lomnlo in May Who will make up the delega tion hasnt been decided There is provision on the budget tor $351 to he spent to send two conunissioners and one stall member to Toronto tor the coolerencehiayttfl and to Chairman Jack Morrison last night polled the members who were present Rhoda Brass Len Pledger Wally Carruthers and Aldr Fred Smith and found that all but hlr Snith wanted to go all the other members in dicate willingness to go said Mr Morrison then Well just have to pull names out at hat downtown core The planning board is to take look at the proposed changeaod passits views along in council llr starPherson also object ed to change in his proposed plan on Maple Avenue apposite Woolwortha However council agreed to designate or commercial use land on the west side olgthe street north as lar as an exi ing photograch studio it had been slated for multiple lamin housing It was agreed that existing commercial uses should be rec ognized Aldermen Phil Sauvejaud Dor ian Parker opposed extension of So hir hertaut went away with both ideas to submit to thaservice club PLAYGROUND IDEA The new playgrouadrldea first came up alter commission chairman Jack Morrison said backs to erecting pavilion at the park it would take any mm the already built tsry pavilion at St Vincent Perl phtl lead to pinhicktng down near the waters edge which would mean swimming in stretch oi water that already claimed tile last summer Imnot trying to be not blanketJl said Mr Morrison Im lust trying to look ahead Maybe it could be better spent elsewhere Mr Sinner said that 000 could paylor good sized lay out ol the equipmenL manulac tured by an American com any tailed hympes internal anal Thin typed equipment chrllt ledges children in way that old style swings and slides canl he sald air learnt said tbeprvllton which would be built on the same plan al one already up at Sibbald Point was considered necessary at the park because it would serve aa shelter tbls park is wellJltrbnil ed he said ad in shiver Iherels to go to get out at the ra new pro posal wouldmcaaratartinr oil over again with plans he sat although no money baa been spent yet The Rotary Club installed floating lountain onshore drum the parlt This was done by pool inI the community service can mlitees budget or three years and spending in one This his not been the pulley in the peel and will not be in the tuture said Misherunt We plan on one project Ho took the brochure and photographs of the playground ermipment along with price list away lrom the meeting last night Mr Morrison raid that when the club has studied both ideas one would be happy to call special meeting or the commie rlonto talk to you that he could see possible draw vramtan nssraorby Examiner Mewdent OTTAWA tSpcciali The people may lose all control over the post nlflce it it is turned into crown corporation Dr ii Rynnrd imimcoehlotthl Elli gestod the Commons Tuesday liewarned that the public would have the same control it had over theCBC where expens es have skyrocketed cayear ll thecrnwn corpora on turn ed mil to be monster the pub lic wouid not be able to inter lere such corporations were supposed to be independent bod ies and not under the direct control of Parliament lho Drillia doctor suggEsted that PostmanervGeneral Kierrns Irvwfl Friday will be sunny with much changada temperatures The forecast iraiso calling or light winds tomorrow The predicts low tonight at lo and high Friday oi 33 Noon tmperature outside the barrio Examiner was 31 TDRONIO Folemsts ia sued at 530 am Synopais skin will clear in tholower Great Lakes area snowflurries will continue The pronoun tpr Friday are for mostly cloudy skies in the north withsome sunshine elsewhere Clair Lake Erie Southeruliaka Huron Sunny with law cloudy penods today and Friday Not Winds light Toronto Hamilton Northern Lake llurnu Niagara LakeOny tario Haliburwnr on th rn Georgian Bay Cloudy clearing Lhis afternoon Sunny with law change in temperatures Eriday mm light Forecast Temperature Low tonight blur Friday Windsor SL Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest Wingth Hamilton the commercial area Lions lOve eatingvat CH Holiday Inn usaanaés accuses St Catharine DlSliilch WEHTIlhil Beacoo1 Sunny 011 Friday tow cloudy periods and not lloronto weather oiflce today but elsawhere in Ontario Windsorl London Lake St should be loolcing alter the per iodicals and larmpapcrs which are being towed out of business at the same time that United States publications were being subsidized to the extent of $1 500000 annually He relerred particularly to The Canadian Medical Association journal which found that at the new rate it aould cost 13 cents copy to mail as against 15 cents copy before the rates went up Dr Ryuard said he had re ceived many complaints from business peopleln his riding be cause at the slowness ol mail delivery and the higher expense or using telephones Additional rtalfvhad to Managed to cope with the pmhlentol two duya mlil being deliveredon oneday Toroni White River bloosbnee Timrnins Owen Sound annsmséganaeoa muchchange in temperatures cloudy periods and not much Rynard Kierans Tape Little More Humble and this added to the costs of doing business hayo grehtrdeal of ap prcciatinn lor the postal work ers because on the whole they are pretty dedicated group or people Dr Rynnrd said he have the ministers superiority complex has got him into trouble little more conciliatory atti tudeto the public who pay to the workers in general and little luirar treatment of the pose in workers might have avoided this situation Dr Rynard suggéstad uni lilrr Kicrnns should be liiile more humble in his discussions with the markers He should start all over again and behumbla enough to recognize that he has made many mistakes in his handling oi the post office aincar taking over the ministry Council Receives Marina Tenders City council last night opened tenders from three private firms and one other organization wish ing to operate the city marina The Jourebldsrlrom7Delaneyri Boat Llnos the Navy league at Canada WAr Rowe of pa Owen St and Bayview ltlar lna were turned ovcr to the Kempantelt ilay Development committee tor recommenda tion The marina is Ieascdcach year by the city to private organi zation tor percentage of prolt its The percentage to be return mounted in bids opened last night ranged ram 69 to 40 per cent Study Is Authorizecli City council last night began detailed bloahyhloch study oi Bartlea new zoning regulations as the last step belore the by law goes belore ratepayers in series ot public hearings Council meeting to commit taaolihevyhole with members oi the planning board alsopru ent scrutinized plans for this area east at Bayliald Street Beatle lind Wile fined For Drugs mNDON Reuters Bmtle George Harrison 25 and his Myearold wile Patricia were charged Wednesday night with possession at marijuana The couple was Irrcstcd by Scotland yard drug squad detec tives at their tashionnhtc subur ban bondoo home They each were releasedvon man man bull pending court hearan htasday The arrests camera the same day that the last bachelor llca tic Paul McCartney wed Amer ican photographer Linda Eart man PROJECT FEASIBLE TORONTO lCPl Can aireliel olticlei who visited Bial ra recently said Wednesday the construction oi an airport in Binlra or rcliel lights is loosi ble lrom an engineering and technical standpoint Kenneth Davis said his discussion with Biatran ollirtale during his trip indicate the 7nirport project is feasible second meeting to consider the rest at the city ir dated tor Monday at pm The roning bylaw sch out land use regulations to Implement the olltclal plan approved earller in principle Belore settling down to detalb cd analysis council approved an amendment establishing tbs cir cumstances under which burns occupations would be permitted in residential toner Homa buxlnurrr will he rattled where the operation deer not change the character at the dwelling lrom that at private reszdooce the amendment rules No vlalbla outward indication of the home occupation except signs permitted under other lee lslatlon will be allotted And no employees except memb the lamily living in the will he permlttcd Plane Inf Park Still Indefinite Plans lor an alrplana in Can tcnnlal Park are still up in the air the parks and recreation commission learned lart night Len Pitder told the tommib sion that the Barrie branch Roy al Canadian Air Force Assodia ilon has acntoo let interceptor at here Borden How much it will cost is not yet definite They are not in hurry he said we can give it time Earllcr last week Ken lilitch eii representative at the ROAFA said steel piilnzr to sup port this plane would have to be sunk at what he called pro hibitive cost Barrie ItoliunSpOrismen ANNUAL DANCE snowy Murriflsrlr Refreshments630 Dinner 730 EMaAssv HALL BLAKE 5T sonar TICKETS ARE All SOLD OUT buy one at the regular price get the second one tor penny Thursday Friday March 1314 an do Moose and Elk and every other club or group who appreciates good food and oodservioctkzmember olidaylnrr when its you turn to arrange for the next banquet or dinner Youll be amazed at how amazing ourmvice irior groups at it to several hundred For cam lete inlormatinncaill 8619L EasaRdaany4qoltarrie omronmme¢mmoumggwwadamum lilli KEITH ltlUMBY Uri announces the appoint anager and Keith ttumhy aa Stoploreman 31h Waltnuhaa been nilh the carnpaoy since its beginning inlets and Mr Keith has been anmm ployee or ten years ltd Barrie Welding Machine Anne 51 arm alumni 103 IBRADFORD11151REET BARRIEONTARIO

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