Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1969, p. 15

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$2 JACKSONEMOTOR HAS HAD grillseNOSrgU PROFESSIONAL RECONDITIONVING cANfi FROM =NORTHJOF TORONTOX We have invested equip oUr Service Départmerlivvvilhiihe mosi ihbusjandsrdf dollars to modern equipment to assure highway safety for drivers who care SEE US AT OUR New LOCATION ERIE toojB 1965FORD CUSTOM Sound transportaiiun big car comlori low mileage are jun lmv ol many reasons you should see this door sedan cylinder automatic white unilllrcs Licence may l968 PLYMOUTH FURY ll New car warrantyaiz monlhs or wood tit mnes ewmmml cyhnder mama while wail tires beauliiul maroon Iiuian transmission good looking dark blue in lsh with matching interior white wall tires Licensed 3687M gt 1967 PLYMOUTH FURY The actual mileage on this door sedan is so low there is still balance at new air warranty on it cylinder automatic Beize finish tan interior Licence 36512 $1695 1968 CHEVROLET IMPALA Very low mileage on Lhisvlittle ovmer beauty Zdoor hardtop sports coupe with lot oi extras including it cylinder autntlriatic transmission power brakes power steering radio white wall tires etei blue finish matching interior Lic ence 369351 7951 CHRysLE iiNSU new and economical try lt RADFOIRD 51 BA g72b0288 nlréilusiya REPRESENTATIVES Fort vane gt was hymn nann door sedannoufnedby local man and kept in show mom condition inimamlatu grey iinish matching interior cylinder automatic power steering mdio Lie eooe tom 1984 CHRYSLER WINDSOR IEcaulilul condition throughout owner door hardtop cylinder automilc power brakes power steering radio with matching intorior Licence 365031 1964 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN by our own expert mechanics door sedan cylinder autorriatic Lrans mission well kept beige finish with rriat ehing interior white wall tires Licence $1195 i965 CHEVHIMPALA 13UPER SPORT one owner new condition selling below our cost and it you want more look at all the options included in this door hardtop cylinder automatic fully powered console shiit bucket seats sliowyaomcondition blue finish blue in tenor Licence 365ml $i OWNERSHIP PLAN to finance your car or truck purchase THE BEST USED CARS ARE BOUGHT WHERE THE BEST NEW CARS ARESOLD Newtransmission plus complete tiled liars roll SALE NORTHWAY RUG coLTo FRONT1NDMAN rooms tinbrmioon AlliMl DOMESTIC AND 00 IEOADLOOH IICoiliceSL Poohmun 4qu Ibh at ms amid week metal Run at It Down PAIN min bdle 21 findeuhzxuirinr riunu in new Mn bedn nnu ru cheniu NWIWDIMU In 55 Siiié hey mu titan ubi arm Page aim TELEVISION Ilit il dagfiWLWIbfi autumnal fimoflxmdi rod 37 new Milo mam burn lined mat to imr friable any SundryWnitfmn ll ii retains mwiu PUBLIC NOTICE ll only ll autism angular aim Ir moo Guaranteed monesmusci unmade lilacr Wilma BEDROOM aultu blan CDIOHIII dmfllllllldlnur MB In 10 in or ii an rumou dispute¢ us new Vinita sirlointic VIIF er the used Inclw my autonu wilder summed Vuumu dryer Th leimcu undsr warrnniy Alimdlle ilnruwm win Stan Gown st in to emit JEWEL so Inch steam range an inch iiccinry elec talc rrnre 32 inch Gurney elcetfle on human 1c mun Tllvlfl suivlcmiam moi lulmnllll brushing machines 35th sud return in ii candiuan Gum intd Deluxe mouthfldu Sund sioo Viking wrinm wmer cbmntrieiv overhauled delux nrodei pump in Littler sea cut Elllil and cv mm AkVUT drop lent hblc tor rule excellent condition woo 11 JG fluid 35 open chlldl yellow Call and Ill 31 childl Gullah ilze 200 menl vlnLI irsrnbone new Phone new PLAYER pllnolor is recondiuo ed ind rclinshcd with rain ind bench sinii Ike win rm aim in trade Telzpmnc 72am ZLBLTEIC burner stove apt st execuerit condition flilLrefllsetlt 35o or both for 75 wasnin hr min rim iirand new war itch mll Grumman 21 or air pistol 35 radio portlbl or tor car us 7231130 WILD ambsaan ii celiLs nerlb sricci rurn ser vice Ltd Vexpr El 7734 xoauiwalr bed null uv table lunar Intiqile Iahlclz Melbed Telephone mum SIGN Im ulI Wlll pl whitecrcboara reraurplet Art in Rent Kousm HHSII Avrilbis ni Barri Bummer our our 0ch meme rim an inch co pen tone in good condition so ell boon Enema rtovr or aligning rumopump ie outtii llze Telepho Bro Mme curstrrfleid table ellif entnl single continentlined Al in goodcnndltlnm Iciepliunl 726 base duo honi Nice euro nniiteruiit dnpmu intent rIII llama Tent and Awning 7253431 lemma lid batteric gum Zenith Dealer MIcKIyl hamlfly so nunlon 7mm worm valve reusing machine model van on late Valve nilccr niodel Gasli comm a1 condition Telephone cnadirn Trufmoiio Service department FRUITS 8r VEGETABLES ii nines nrrLlz or union Picnic hrlnl Surile HEW DOGS 8i PETS male to aoodJiomo in comm beanie our ankle is old Good with Lidnn rerohnin no em ghlhulhuk dog registered temple Telephone 7266475 alter pan criiiluaima puwlel niso part hearts and other cuu pups ans iiiii grown and very lentil unlalurTtIeflwnl mm room Trimminir monitor an orator nickup nus delivery 72mm ARTICLES WANTED TO SELL ON CONSIGNMENT sports equipment toys baby lurniturer Must be reshly cleaned and in good repair THE WISE OWL 72838461 35 till nlld it win on iiiuuzt coaiisiown tau4m BOAT triirr wanted no to too lb ranflu iz rant bostrni£uii be on vbr on plin EFARMERS MRKT mm iionsns boarded box lulu excel lent can Runnable Dr Ultun 161719 strand FARM Marniriaiiv Kidd169 Duninnggtz rappitsd wufiqmm Clothing accessories household items small appliances 1m strata rims Wou denied um lulled Ammoym In Slothfl In Wabfifiuw row IP10 Wm am as tuna ovenNot 1m an inn or an and Inns Bill and mmu can Will our eviik Out gt HOE DOE VALLEY ruN anneal Book now iotaMain filo Picnics Hay Rides Pony Cam and Fonyltides Trout Flath Dluclnlvé Etc PS mu IDIE FOR new it 9c if WSfiintl nc zarbtmbmastwa noon urevenlau wind innouuun Innefl Ilellh flat mud on with acme gt all ondirvll upbeat mm Owner or DiimcriI aid deposit rim 4g INCOME In turn wlpfld in am bnltneld infillIlka Pi ning For two one ml okassMaitiNo rim ADVANTAGES at having your garment made by couturiero Perfect lit First dds finish No PATTERN NEEDED Foran appointment call 00 MON TUES ILWED ONLY wtcigs BEAUTY EALON nudist Westi Al ooh nn Mn wt pinsigh mu urgvllwh Lost Tu day plans can no KLle HIM Blood Dano KIM calm Senumenhl vllut biannonsnwsa lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HEL SALES largesales serihbé organiza tion has openingsalor young ladies Applicants selected mli be trained and qualihadus lull time sales represeiitatlves Ap pliesiiismust hover ood appear ancep asin sonality en Joy meeting people and good relerences Company benefits ion betwrenk rim top income excellent opporhmt ity or advancement Alllnterv is held at the to rev noNllNuvrAL INN MONDAY Million 17 PM Ask ior normal 7251334 animus re qirr lull tune in dly Ind nlflfl it muiient naming can ltlvria nniiomu mo plied Tellvhon moon AC CAL 2i italgin £063 Mflv fun when NIIDIWHE Nicnr waitress diin mal nmy emu Apply Waylare rtuurunllll algalII Ag mmuafheizera in an are er rear entrance alter to counrcnni or utiinie work min impromptu ndliril duh mienea nut be damn able gm tuning salary pp gull cim stvru an onion si Bi 37 MoireFEMALE vas on Iovvlclk in re uli dp is day of Febriiary 19m an ilrrnln ea iii MALE HELP FEED scone ASALES CLERK You mbexnedenud in Iervin the mm rade ruinnan no tionné 09 nniiydmr ldvnixceflcnt IO 47 can on in little id Eintervisn Telephon 7W OConnor man when cut an time Milit be able lliL Contact nut amt Second Hand starr an lime lurnlture mm tohuin on truck Contact in ma amt Seton Stare require adeoiiotnt trunu rivinn pertinent incarnation Port Ollcc flux as nude drive Idy andrparwnie Agiicrnt nnis have good driving record brmnt neat limenine and have and knowlege at city Manly riiixlwn to Wilson Pdluxu art nhocmvnierir rennired No or Dcrioncevnecuury wui train you gandllllnltikfl 1er Ind com Ill line 5v PP IoIiiEChrlllll criru an Emmi with previous are d1 It QRApidiadwncbmeat to man Would romidernider or semiarellrod icuisa minute Ind Class M4379 til inthe County Simcoe lierebymntiiied tosend particle lars of some to the undersigned OORNER NOTICE TO CREDITORS salon or before the srdday of MALE HEM 31mm stirrer so rib and to ta poem AUDOMATIC MISSION MAN Salty has 522 weekly Vietnamese AitlsaiANaoini Neat iii marches and in to Ofkucobllfli MAZZUCA MOTORS CAPREOL CAREER fQPPQRIUN iTl ES 113ch flnaneocoamany or bank ing experience AVCO FINANCE CO in satin new heights in size Over zoo branches in Canada Indmaay more opening Uiis W5 You can be part binihjs aggressive growth It you have the ability and am bition to meet tha challenges ot dynamic rspausion hi yoyropportiinity rehensivo training pro delset on merit employee benefits olucentivo programs agerlalposltlans ngh school graduation Alirhltiuiisarid enthusiastic IEnloy dealing III people Foran interview phone lnr an appointment Ach FINANCE LTD wian null uia be handy and wining to new responsibility uenllrmln asrris Dnchn ThemI moral bodv and under rtvllmian Hourly rate Invin iv Telephone Mm SALES HELP AGENTS Hui Nolan salamander mi cllale ulzs Remnant required Conuct one auiinr is amuse hurl EMPLOYMENT WANrso nooxmrzn accountabrupt enccd raprble energetic wnaluunv film or vlrlnlt or rnrnli olilce writs Bantu Bruntner LLING nun nviiinbin tor hart work utter mi including Iull tun Saturday andsnnay ilelemncel branlira Phone melon WILL do will nt home or evenin offltc WV iicicm in boner Insurance work Tclcphone 779 LADY quIIilled costlietlcinn be amended flies clerk in innnv dr Cnmvictcd business Seexa lnurestlnu and mi position with reasonable lllary Pennanan Writs norm hurls examiner 12 TEN DERS gt TENDERS Sealed tenders will bizreceived up until 1200 NOON THURS DAY APRIL 3rd by the under signed tor one new iBSoPDU ICE CRUISER withPOLICE PACKAGE Turner in give price on both size oi Va cngv ines small and second size car tnhave Holy tires heavy duty suspension and alternator automatic transmission door and roiiilorcad lrontseai Price to include changing equipment ifendelj light IDOI ght siren radio and aerial crulser to new on Chevroletlo trade in BRIAN GAULEY ClerkTreasurer roszrnr or ESSA ll LEGAL NUIIUE IO CREDITORS ANnglUERS IN THE ES TATE OF WAIIIER JAMES CORNERIaie oi ihe Town shipbi InnEIil ill the Coun tyol Simcoe deceased All persons having claims against tho estateoi WALTER JAMES CORNER late of troy in the Township at lnnis who tiled on or about the 26th day at September 1968 are on orbeore the 31st day of Mardi 1969 after which date the Estate thll be distributed Willi regard only to the of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the lilltI ersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice DATED atBradlord this lfllh EVANS It EVANS 21 Holland Street West ILADFORDDntaiio olieitors for the Executrix oi the Estate 04 WALTER JAMES ALL Persons having ciarnis against the Estate of ANNIE HORNE Men the Township of lnliis in the County of Simon lzih day at March 1968 must forward some to the under April 1969 alter which daieihe assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto and the Erie Will not be liable to any of whose claim they shallmot Uienhave notice DAED at Barrio this lltll day til March AD 1069 BOYS$EAGIIAM It ROWE Barristers and Solicitors is Owen Street Barrie Ontario do no died iintlio Ill Will vaT MARE ll ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIALNUIICES CASH RATES Engagements Mania and Deaths Birth Anaouncaneiiiilniuimuiri can oi Thanh its additional words be peg word In Memorlun too must be announced In your martinrid nllltvu 1th neuronmi and lotion an 151va 3er nnounu hith or Inigo 13110ng lull pint inn1e ENOAGEMENTS 5me rw Mr and rd carp Ascen Illlnllon semi nu Barrio Ilwum rnllxemtnl or their dlulhlzr Mia Elaine to Mr John Rn Olcilnd ul nudinu Furllad wedding will ur pua ob soundly April 12 1369 in SL lillryI Roman CIiJinlIc Church Mlle DEATH cubiuu marina Lolll or Pit Fsrim bills earl ii lill Isnt tly mo rt Awrencu nyt in itirn Philip Pull Loni Int linens North mound Lil Mn fbhn Ilchbb linit son the ilk iitr and Mrs cuirimi annulled um rin rnneruv Ilrvlso nn day March urn riori chi as diuic runin in Vietclll nuptial Burch on Thun di lllreh ii loss luic Willi beovcd wire at irrri rim dc unionist prim Sharanldlnd lVie2 0191 MD ll DIrried zhtcr lhlrllmnvll iirnu an in lie midfllllml orsiayne rur tniii inn Juli orru one item and in in Ada ileatiltd the Jennott Firm en mm is ammo street Barrie Ior irrvice on Sallide at Illtermed alum olden iv an Al the Royll Vicinrir Ho Bank on Tuesday March li ides wti Illm James Hlulhloll of SIMHU nay bein husband or met norirnu Ind flux inurrr lien bin Jean iiirr iirriin at only an am gilt ni Oil1w hivid or Korea nonid of harm Joan and and thin Bell anti momma Allolur vlvcd by lmtdchii Den brother or Ranlld bi Escondido enluornii Yerw and boir oI Birmingham England nun rt the Ionian runm Home 152 min after pln Thursday tor service on srinniry II 1030 351 Cremation BRRDAln ovirir memo dear rnoioer filovlna Br varied uwuv iiirrehii llemorv we Iwcctcst tilt alumnimid Nancy and lieu mm ltlJM in more dcnr mnlhcr Id nnrfinoiliu Gloviill ram and passed awlla Li iilsnin loci inn tlushl ILLIo love And taught us to pm Dear mother ln nnsvnn God bless you today Ldvliii cmhercd Iv Lucy tum oinvinr nd Anthony COMING EVENTS ST VINCENT DE PAUL STORE HOURS vednesday 26 inn lFridaitazé and 79 pm Saturday to arm phi 33 Collier Street Basement or Jerrys TV OLD TYME DANCE Friday March 21 underlain OOMMUNITY HALL Paxtons mdicsua Admission 5150 each Dance prizes and draw Auspices SIMOOE COUNTY JERSEY CLUE gonna Euehre piayersto lili 2i tables attendedthe party spflnsniedhy the hall committee Monday IIECTOR LEAVING iareiiiell party was held in the hall Satunlay alternoon in honor 01 Rev and Mrs Welch and sons who are moving away this wéek liir Welch has been priest of Tr ty Anglican Church here and lohns Tocurnseth tor about tour years and all helr iriends are sorry to see them go Theywill be in charge at church in Scarborough SHOWER large erowd attended shower and presentationior Miss 1Jenn Anne Watt oi Van couver in the basement or the United Church Jean spent weak with her parents Mr and Mrs lidlllamdlatt and the on be Fa Kelly oi Van couvcr spent aiiew days with them too rill LhFladie the community or imutcd to the Womens Inv stitute mcuiingi the hall Wed nesday March 15 when the pub lic health nurse will he in at tcndaneer Alilm One Days Poison will be presented by the College of Pharmacy with Ross Davis of Bradford in charge CONTINUE STUDY Mrs Giassiord conducted the worship service based on Toward Understanding China at the United Church Womens mecting lilrsl Robinson has in barge the program lier enlighten airs on the various conditions in China gave much deeper appreciation at it alilmichlnil Land oi Change ahd Grth nehi sserved by hostesses mEJrKneeshaw Mrs truly and Mrs Eotham Dy MRS ALL MILLER Congratulations1 to Mr and Mrs iiiih cCann who were in aprettv early spring wed dingilollowgd by reception ior 75 in Utopia Community Hall Mrsl Truax is patient in ltoyzilVletoria llosnital MrsAllen Miller spc the weekend in Alliston with Mr and CM 100 cords and 15 per line print on roq ANGUS av line ILflleUCKWORm Congratulation to Betty Mllm and Eddie Paikl who were mar risd March by Rev firm of Angus linked 01inch III couple were presented with col lee iabkiblankei cenheplece and in set lrom United Couldi ladies choir neighbour and klebdl lurch Mrs Orin Wllkiaahaw Colv llngtiood II visiting her sister Mrs Cameron lilcRao LIB Pine Riier lodge in are holding dinner Monday March 17 at their lull Jrorn 530 to pm Johnny Duckwortii lilont real spent the weekend with his parents Mr and hlra John Ducbvorlh Mr and Mrs Leslie line were weekend guest or their son and daughterinlay Mr and Itlri Murray Rose iilarysvllla wnsacilorlicni HELEN chums COUNCIL Vasegn Beach coundlts to seek lavyerfs advice can cealing the situationat the san itary disposal site The general manager ol taxi firm virom Brampton ppe air ad below council applying timed to operate fleet at live cabs iii the village year round seven days week Mentors promised to consider the matter and give their answer in two weeks Possibly they were re memberinn thelast two appell ciitlons or taxi lioenoeai iViiliiim Jago had applied or permission to make some changes to his gang in order to display his work Mr Lueaaasked council they could see their way to easing the building bylaw so he might elect pre lab garage Reeve ruled from opinions from each and the answer was unanimous bylaw miut be complied with Severaihuilding permits were lead and approved Clerk Robert Ooles announced tho County tax Irom the agdlrlobeln 68594 $1295 lrom 1568 $227541 Levy from the ottawacaga Valley Conservation Authority or 1969 Is net at $310000 as compared to 1968 $40000 GROUP OF SEVEN While in Ottawarecenily Mrs Gillie visited the National Gal lery Canada where murals painted by Tom Thomson and members ot the Group of Seven were on display Originally these murals were painted on the walls of cottage at Go Home Bay West Wind the summer home of Dr James MocCuliuni or Toronto Inilsid as birthday surprise for his wile the Doctor commissioned the painting of at muiala on ihe walls of West Wind Theprol est was not completed until 1963 when ilr Jackman the pres ent curler ol the cottage bar Jackson paint ihe remaining panels During his lite time Dr Mac Coiiuni encouraged to son and the olher artists by build inga studio or them to work in and by guaranteeing the sale of their work much of which he bought himsell These ha bequeathed to the National Gallery with the gilt of Mr la manot the murals the cul 1e on is compieied TWECY one of the murals were in the display along with great deal oITom Thomsons the othermombersol the Group of Seven litany of the pictures have not been seen before by the public this is especially true of me lttioinsons or which there are dozensoi spiall beans tiiul ones CIIAMPIDN EDWLEII Congratulations to Ronny Iamde who March aat Plantar tlon Bowl Torontot won ho southern Ontario Junior Bowling Championship with 731 triple Mrs Marsh LaLonde iilosley St Ronny qua ed for thepiay oils Feb Newmurllct when he stood irst in zone with 777 triple Next step wiiLbo an alike penyetrip to Hamilton April when Ronny will try lor the Canadian championship with boys lrom eight provinces DEBOAIIDRISD ono quiet iieddingtooli place at the home ul Mr Claude Iii born River Rd lilaruh hensbirley Phillips theirsecond daughter became the wile Albeit DcEuard oi Creemore Rev Willis o1 Angur ofllclaled Mr and Mrs Ed Langevit are home from Florida Maxi and Mary Lone are holidaying in the Canary islanda Mrs llecior Turnbull and visit works and many paintings by Rollliy 13 is son oi Mr and and Mrs

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