GlennUp Tilneilrï¬emembor Nothing Cleans Like Want Ad It mmmmmrmmm MAL ESTATE torturoï¬xuu AROlRMiovRSiï¬ minean muumroeal mar gmnuhAnMie Mumhrfln WEth mmhmwhflemmudflifl Ind ï¬lmed ourum muted Ion piece bathroom rmwmmewmrnudnmhmmh fornme noseroman themedmmammmnmm ibteofuwlmrds relrlrerrtorendewvelnotuded Linn gt5 III to hmdioom flowed recentlounom IIrIoedtnuiL airmenW Polmt alBerltkodler mm my meuoou rum mun roenu GRANT urenhnm mule mutv lineman AAm Crqu noon nl limb anughérrf FRANK NELLES Photo Realtor ammo mm imam mos HURONIARIO mm commme own mm orucx ammw lwuv tarran aim rum tastefully dealtted Wm ounce ireuemonromnnoarhnmneinemeod Oerrieeloronly lino per mm Prioed slam GROVE 5r msr lIaVGS whom bridt hmnlow Holdled rmetion room done piece waduoom in basement Oerrioe or only one vrmnth Prim It EVENINGS CALL Mike rum meal Stan Hammond Frank wunwrlalr mm Milo Guitaru Leo Gavmush mm Prank Nelle BIDWELL lines it it luring ma availole gas conï¬lliii so TELEPHONE glottal REAL OPPORTUNITY nwmrmr lllo lam nt level land for only moo 11 mm down 10 met Awuhhle bmh close Io lake Area in Mill to duck nila hum good hiylvlay me NEW EEDRMM BIMAIDW fen paved road Large treed lot near the water It What Bench imwmmmmmmmxurww mnlmlnonnle vfmtheebovo prepmieeoaitvilidlum Irlllrll uovn mom IVAN mwnu mom inILlIIA nmwnu 7mm NANCY MalaNM mule SHELSWELL ALWILLSQN DUNIDP St 7mm MNMV 501le DUPLEX Walledcanith loated This gprvpcrtyininexlodlanmndition Meroaliatolsabelilahtr tram No 1163 AIAXJNA MIAMITwo bedroom bungalow three piece both It loathed garage mil baseman with extra bedroom oil Almlce loo dayposmim MA muralan hlAYNER AIREA 1m sores clay loam IWd on Nimd imad Ill storey six room irlsul llidt home hank ham Keel root One mile of Highway School himt gate Dali Everett lamleod 7132183 N01 209 with 734076 new means PHOTO MLS REALTOR Es 7187389 mm BUILT BMBOUGR Herea gm looking home And what mind Well be Aprwd toollow youthia one its nelid trifle Large huhom bungalow with shaped living room and dining am modem kindred piece bath basement Tm available Cell DUNIDP ST mom SUMMER PLACE Apiaoetoheatthelrtmleiiimdayadm Mm eottage with llvingronm kitdim pieoe bath and Moon Imated at Minete Point Mongolia price Call today STARTING OUT ON SIDWING DOWN do either case your needs are lnnited and so are Mm zNawthiallltleZbethmnmttogemaybejustwlmwilseek Nieelel hated on large lot nice living mom modem lotdsen fpiece bath floor Annaoe crawl rpaoe oirclc drive Tomi avail able Chit today Fred Taylor Paul Penman Glarlie Read Don Campbell Smith Campbell CARSON PHOTO M15 REAHTOR null wonsmv STREET TELEPHONE MI WHAT ELSE WOW YOU WANT is home with everything spatiota in averymyï¬ Large livrng mm with atone fireplace untamed garage excellent reci fdemal area Substantial down payment required Call Norm amnou mm Norm Symon 18513 Run Carson M61 Bill Hamilton Werpert MoGrath Elmala norm Bill Lang7366144 REMQRYMILLERE Enema REALTOR Ann roll memo tor modern obedroom tillat bungalow inLlIï¬Jlll basement recreation mom fenced yard have hot tbelnmetorywOallPetttGWhek OOIMFOMANDWNOMY areyminthismodestlbethoom home At Whetn Point Ailminlrn aiding renaming Atoms and genonominal gas iurmoo are home of thetteatures and prioed at will 9103 0311 Ken Miller LAMEIBEIDW 3mm nilan 7nd 738311 mam 7250215 7237389 Mamba hem valn51 mm kernel has good rile dining room mutewall carpet in living and mm mum elm Askinr $22900 dining room Lorrie tor fcall sarmly Benham 2m Anna with ueeahnl mm ohm to Barrie Well priced Ior jimmetï¬ate sale See Gord Spencer tremor AMA bedroom bungalow with on basement pui loiled living room ohmic heat nitunted on nicely treed lot mm 211115 home Nuld be thipiexed Dont welt flame John Cole mam may Male slum am IMO DDNNELLY Nihniliï¬r Pawn in LRldurdiDidtlBesTï¬m 67OUNLOP sew ml 1mm ileum mull CHOLKAN Emile manure Would you believe it This hallo even hu niearic heat For tur thzr detail eel Jim mm mom llfl LAMONT tou bedroom mite with ï¬replace ï¬nished neat and molly extras role and bench Ideal tor children South of Ben rie Call F11 Wood WWW 13440 litit any gardener For more oeulln null lulu mm 50m Soemo lot near Gounod Take your pick All em Phone Him or Marx Wlhr dd Ml or INth mmrv centrally located duplex in emailmt edition Nenty demoted inside and out Up lm newt too bed rm er apaan has three Moons will be plelsed to make an appoint ment for you to inspect thla WW9 CAII Mar Klein 13 01 M11 uVlrllo mun llflon Nlmu IIloll Irlyln III WIH Ll lllll Klein III Skim WIMA Bdrm in Ike Himn Nioe real Lek in Abate 310 MIL Call me troll IUu PM some ï¬ne bedroom maiow kit dren living room vuth base menu Call or more deteih Bob or Dee Item lots of room tor the more Iota ot mom for mom and dad House hu large living room klwhen bedroom Mi but menL Call now Maybe your down payment will do Ilaney or Allin Swilt mono Peter Multan Anlt ue um MEMBERS BARBIE ORANGEVIILE TORONTO BOARDS INESON MLS REALiOit 7234294 RED BRILX CAPE con rem med bedroom rinsing room and unity 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and mortgaged arranged on low monurlypzyrnenie We buy your pment 192 Ind mortrazol mun m1 ul EMITH anANi xfli Alma emu HOUSE FOR SALE nmrx imam one ï¬rm bedroom nrlck runner on errRent lust In road Willi SLR 510 L11 14 OhmAnd Home when LOT or rapt lau rim ml also up 2111 roadie PROPERTY wears Paolo REALTOR Km rsrArrg all FOR LI Gibson Willoughby ua inns ItoMr SA on st new mom Juana suedwith in hit dien dinette lane living room and tpioee Need an an IIMUDI 611 are at Outdoor ten tomgdluu to our man On may No Mia 75 Int depthï¬ll price um lerrru W14 mom blink Street lat1e 1km hum next to 31116 Iflnry Lot rise to loot frontage by loo at rear depth III feet mu eotlite tor proteruonll llzlld in Mid downtown Imminent in Imel tum Priced rid with term or on My Band Ioot my 11an price mam njth terms WV innate Top mlsniona oom plny participttea in haunt Allu Iion lile inmrmu aid medical All replies confidential Bunion tawny lilvvn Miller KEITH minor motor mus LAND ll wnlevel lend done to Bar rie An ideel location or Mane development Add per em Cantu ANNE Mon W1 GrotmhrldrmdAlcnnllt home inviilm Hmrehas modem mum germ etm may he used or any type of burinenr Mn Water Air Ing mam Contad ANNE mam Ilwmton mu SUITABIE NR VLI 10 with over We are on hurl top road dose to Many room storey li horse andbarn Idenl location AREA REPRESENTATIVES Bnbcqck lmie 7mm wow 0mm Show Stroud Assent Ed Green Barrie 1mm KettyNeotonh Klwltlslnht 487210 Lillian Robert mom MerlurriteMoore mm and Fitmmmilu Churchill 4564620 Terry Slovene Elmvele 117W ErnestWrtlt Berrle 728120 181 EGLINTDN AVEE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4373333 JLTQRPEY 750115 uninaruvnrokn mm Lorre wdi maintained corner lot bedroonul ITINVBIIM nlth Brita kit dleu bmadlooln in dinini room and living room ï¬replace family room panelled rec room with bar Iaumiymoonl Patio altdied relale paved drive ierru MOUNT IDUIS homes at rolling land with scenic view 993 with terms HIGHWAY Noam lam with Mannheim mo dern lntdren living room and is NEWHOME initial Peter mm BEAVER LUMBER 293 rd 3mm britlr and none Mn ï¬ler IMM room dtnlnl max hï¬iï¬ii oi cuum laminar II WNID d0 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE WM mime heimflyï¬iesigned cistern built home with ova 2000 Ieet or ml planned floor spue ekuhHTATll MOITOAGISIV MMIDIATE 1rtlpd and Mart age Inn All or on or ItYou Need Money 15 own gawk mm 31 gt we Wriiogor nonmeoval Mgnrllgmmdmz mm lawn Inï¬ll loll offline tenementu IR II neon OI memoir INSURANCE MOVING Dont met to triniter your INSURANCE and 11 you need extre coverue of my kind STEVENSONS ll DUNIDP sr valml MOIILI HOMIS uTRAllERS SALE Rm RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Genelll Glendale orthlnnder and Service SALE RENT Cash or Tenn up to lo Yurr 11 Hwy Burton Ave new ZNAPTS Pox RENT KEMPENFELT we in alumina mil in My Lane 311 llltm AnvilIll our sour Telephone um hrIM ulrtnlllll no retrtrmior mlw locker nee pmln lllllu In user Avail April or 106 Adult only Mhf Telephone limo IDIODM mlln Hilton tntaed unruruumd nowan Also one harem mom leer am meat Available Mm r9 rrle mnlo arm on NEWFUIINISHED APIS enrleoki 1m amm nu mom tam nun run end hm ILlrd hlm ll IV lult aillo lreirwom 1mm week UN bedroom ml to mt ltove and Mr rater Ilnllpd Available now mumu nut Adult only 12111 191 or amamvn unlined room Ipmmm IHVIIQ hlhmm Ind turned on cumin hum slua In people relation in HOUSES FOR RENT now home all hutIn on we ot JIM will not to Mom allure people mo plr month Akqu Mall Teltphono mm mlu bedroom executive lime for lean lo Emits from EllPie Teleohoae in am mu ROOMS TO LET mum room or not Cen tr when sum or mt ContnIly In wen Berlin mlutlen Apolv Street or telephone in RENTALS HOUSESWANTIO Bum WM and hath mat huue in me rulvoem ROOM ANO BOARD In mum or Midi Ida wellr hum mi AM loud IVIIINI Ml laundry done and IMHJQM PM ï¬lth No oh no mm mm Commla only or am cmruu mannedMag hf elet you gentlemen an to hem rooted min An III 5W Wd III OFFICE SPACI FOR RENT lluu aler or min for not to Dunloo Int mo annual net Arnold mull OPTIC lulu 10 LI 156 Iouuo led Ill wuhrm locumI 5km monklpu ouulu lrlephone on are duflnl HM noon oowxrowN mm or rent sum tantalum Ioultlon Anne anl In telpom 71w guine hmln or 151230 elk eon AUTOMOTIVE mm STARDUSI GAS BAR Niamey on north miles east of Mining OPlII DAYS WEEK SAVE ON GAS AND 01L SNOWMOBILES MOTOSKI Sales and Service Repairs to all maker BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE 24 Toronto Si mom THE ALL NEW SNOW CAMPER HERE IS THE ANSWER to the hunter Iishrrmall sport mun Anonmobiler the racing hull It rill on Kids You can sleep in iteat in it ally out of the told winda and host of all use It All Year round See It This Weekend KNOITY PINE SPORTSARAMA Einwoy 21 lilidhurst 7284111 ALL ALUMINUM SNOWSPORT with the GERMAN AIR COOLED ENGINE Kerr Johnrton Motors Ltd YOUR Barrie Volkswagen DEALER Gownn St at Essa Edl Barrie 7756488 SNOWMOBHAING zoo acres of hm at FORTAGE TRANS off Simeon Road 23 between IIwy so and Minesing Specill Saturday night safaris rental or own machines Did teshionedaleigh rides by ap pointrnentl Hot beverages 7281537 mus1m BOMBARDIER SKID00 The Iirat the foremost the only one that went to the Arctic on display RIDGE ROAD MARINE Ridge Road and COIL Oro Telephone 4312211 AUTOMOTIVE liNOWMOIILES new romp gapeamm Innoo hr ha auditt II no Int Ir no cover WM ood candida 03$ no on be null Ante and all um omen SNOWMOBILE telmu mamrm em or mil to otuvry Au Pllrvul uh II TNT lee moo ll tum utellnnt eon Homom ru noun can plan Itla him And never met ull NIX Drin DIBOH Alto II 5M2 Bu moonle no non my runniu rum anyone TRUCKS FOR SALE rm couowln we um and actor oood ednl an Private uh rm tllwhone rawlo um um iï¬iiplï¬ï¬ lsu mmomn emu Idnl nun truth or ell nun haul indulge rem uuï¬ mama HIP Mn lentil mu rtert demon CARS WANTED olkr ntnn Il II lsu minor otrhio condition new rubber Menu VolWAGE up no aimmu willomltw MIL TIIEOHOM M7 wnvaum mater lb or In nfll Wuulï¬y cur lull he been voted TGIF phone Mir cARs FOR SALE me rolm country Squire on enrr guanine porn oouur er Al reticulumme owner mo nine lion nil mew rue revuon Sports run an Lgfl 33m its rnmole an power Fright libaedlonuh1ludnv det er raver or an linen1r 18000 mill wrnnt p150 mm Iller no para mi MmraNNn emerflbli our red on Iutomntk loco motor renew err mei Pm me um videmy rwluv emu red Prime luun nu rel phon mane TELL MORE SELL MORE When you place your Arllclet For Sale ad In The Barrie Ex Iminer keep these point in mini lute Whnt item is fï¬ianfl lime Speclllcationr Aoeeawrier Ind nttachmoni Preiour inane Upirolslery Fiolsh Allu Color Cnndillon Make it earier Inr the prorpan to buy Remember the Articlel IorSale clanitication la the Peopler Market Place CALL us FIRST We ere skilled in our Sariice and will give you Proinpt Attention LASTERINO malan pluhflrl repIr Ina hm wear winter prim IML HANDYMAN SHOP ton and on you earn wile In lo am ï¬oprleler IL Melaire Henry st mom ALyMlNUM SERVICE Selloleï¬n We door New mull rm rel wlth Marauder OIIIGIIESI QUALITY emwnsr PRICE FREE ESTIMATES ALUMINUM RR 23fstnud BMW KUG CLEANING SHIICOE CARPET CLINIC Protonsional carpetzand uphol rlery cleaning IN YOUR HOME or in our MODERNPLANT 252 NUBONIA ED PHONE 7284751 PAINTING PAINTING dc DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Aiau aign painting Europeanexpertr VAN NOORTWYK 114 Ron Street 7256810 mmclfl hr Juror hi Off Pb ca mitt IMF tuvav ton cant no men Mummy Ind leinu minme Telephone mm cnassmlnn snnwcn REPAIR GUIDE TRUCKING mun mullrir Any lob hrra or lmllL Comm rlnvled Telephone mm IRONING wanna or hum Ind lroninr 8150 II rhtru nan delirlr 125035 PAVING Manieri Paving Italian Expert Co oi Barrie Free Estimate Work guaranteed 7260081 134 ESSA RD ASPHALT BOOK NOW or early spring paving Driveways parking lots barn yards FREE ESTIMATES Also on cement work Gnrage floors patios TSUBONE PAVING C0 Telephone collect 7m Painswick EAVESTROLIGHING NORTHERN EAVESTROUGHING 487212l Oro Mm One Piece Eavestrouldlk no Jams No LEAlts SHEET METAL on heltlrll ventilation IIr mol tlouinx eram rynenu mes with ma esuiaatet mirror REFINISHING nwnmNAnueue rulnulvlno in divldull pltcu bedroom iulteeA nu Buy mar CARPETING HEUGATILE CARPET or oommercini and reoidential Best carpeting in the world Free Information and demondration BIDMS CLEANING SERVICE 205 Napier st mm aNoerowrNu driven in lab Alllndrle mo dlslr EL 1m mythne er mans evenlnu LATHE WORK cuaroil or production lathe worn Ileasonlhly priced CALI 1217 Alter pm RENOVATIONS Renovlflmu rec rumor zupbolrds comm norm Itoro rrnntv aim in No loo ton bin or too rnull rm erunntu 71301 numnma miinnry lnirrlor dre tln odellin loo lu 351a gariii mod INSULATION ma man thrillthan nunlet Guruantran work rlnphone Mott link 11mm FURNACES rollch elr lumlcu 691an Ind installed or roomy Ind emet eney Aim room at um Ilu Free em out 101m AM Elis The Season To Advertise