connoiosrs oppose NATO delegation at placardcar Canadas lnvolvemcnl in do Hill Wednesday GP Wire rylng members of the Commu nist Party of Canada protest Simeon fanniiiwooo ions rvirs MANY EVENTS lirentwood Catholic Womens Lcaguc was presided over by Mrs Vandcr Kniys tor the March meeting at which nine members were present Mrs Dumnd reported on the region meeting and men tioned ming cvcn The day of Recollection for the northern region at MartyrSShrinn JD 11 Regional general meeting in Pcnctang May convention for the Toronto Diocesan InTalnIl to May It It was sugng cd to have bake sale at Tow cr Store Barri March 2o Fin al arrangements cre made for the St Patricks dance March it at New Lowell Community Ccntre The ï¬nal winner in the res sional speaking contest in Mid land March was Rhonda Ln Claire Again this year the CWL orBrcntwood will spon sor spelling contest for the udents of Gr and in Sun dale Ilownship Each school rwill be represented by Jim students Lunch served by Mrs Beelen and Mrs ONeil The next meeting will be held April On March 21 815 pm there will be euchrc at the school sponsored by CWL GILFORD By MRS Gr SAWYER Gillord United Church Women attended the World Day of Prayd er service in Lefroy United Church at which Mrs dl Guthrie Gillord was soloist MT and Mrs Robert Roll spcnt the weekend in Ottawa with Dr George and Mrs Kell and family Sympathy of the community is extended to the Sturgeon fam ily of Churchill in the death ot their sister Elizabeth Sturgeon March in York County Hos pital The new cldcra oi Gilford United Church are Ev Knee shaw Paul Russell and William J1KEll An installation service was held for them March Dn Saturday evening March Mr and Mrs Doug Hughes entertained the Hughes family first cousins and some at their iamilics attlieir home There jwere about so presentand they enjoyed euchreand games for the children Therewas euchre party at Feb 28 and March with good attendcnccs The par ties will continu through March THORNTON By MKS Gr HOLT hirszrw Pcncock Slaoud and mi siste Mrs Speer of Shelburne Visited Mr Mrs Ivan Caldwell March and assisted the ouilters nMrs Elwood Bone was ad mlttcd to Royal Victoria Hos pital March Mrs Hop kins Era patientyin the same hospital Mrs Dalton Banting has returned to her home where she will be confined for some time Hubert McConnell oI Alcohol and Drug Concernsufncu occu pied Trinity United Church pul pit March ll laclr Mr and Mrs Ross Chipchase and Mr and Mrs George Holt were amongthe 3i euchre enthusiasts at Coohstown March These are being held in OES rooms every Thursday CITIZENSHIP Thc March Zoth meeting of Thornton Womens institute iv he held at the home of Mr Billsjcrps at 815 pmr Roll will be One way can be ber ter citizen the lheme mired ahip Visitors bill be Welcome SERVICE About 40 ladies andgirls at tendcd the world Day of Prayer from Cooksloivn fence alliances on Parliament Photo COUNTY News in Trinity United Church Mrs Pylonks Barrie addressed the group some of whom were Baxter and Holly as well as the local church cs Miss John Sander favored with solo Mrs ll Bloch as pianist infra Ray Malthy Mrs Arthur Md Mrs Ray Loughecd and Mrs Melville Dixon were scnice leaders while Misslran ccs Vicklurn and Mrs Scott acted as usher Mr and Mrs Black and Mr and Mrs Carr have returned after liday bus tour to and from Florida Mr and Mrs Lonnoid accompanied by Dalton Banting attended the 45th College Royal at University of Guelph March Earl Lennox placed first in thc senior horse classand was re serve champion horse showman SUPPER Board of Stewards Trinity United Church are sponsoring the annual mens supper March 76 in the church George Burns Toronto will calr on Econ omics of Tod St Judes Church sponsored the ms Barefoot in the Park and Helicopter Canada in the Thornton Orange Hall on March dA fair crowd was in alteni dance STEWARDSHIP The March meeting of Trinity United Church Women was held at the home or Mrs Scott with Mrs Cumming vice president in the chair Chil drens bookslior northern mis sion were received The worship service theme was commented on by Mrs Cunninghairi An Interesting paper on Vhatvis my business as good steward was given by Mrs Deri nox using letters of the steward to explain the porn Mrs Blackrcad an article solicentredness Miss Greene and Mrs George Holt reported on Presbyterial meeting soc social hour followed with Miss Irene Barlow and Mrs Mo Cutcheon assisting the hostess ono STATION By MR5 It CRAWFORD Lanai ATTENDANCE St Andrews byterian Church Oro Station had ladies rfrom On Central Presbyterian Guthrie Presbyterian and was prepared by Mrs Norman Campbell The study Why Now Forms of Mission What is now was in charge of the president Mrs Robert Bcsse Mrs Sampson gave report on the an nual VMS meeting in January The spring rally will be held in Drillla May 13 and the Bicnninl Conferch will also be in Orillia April 2327 Some plans write made to have potduck lunchr eon mccting tinEaster Monday April at thc home of Mrs Lloyd Sampsonin place of the regular meeting and it is hoped all iadics of the church will be able to attend gt Donald Campbell was home from Kemptvifle Iigricultural School on the weekend LEFROY By iiiiis onio Mr and Mrs Grosc spcnt Sunday and Monday with Mr and Mrs Frid and childrenat Cooksvillc hirand Mrs At kinson aod Mrs spent two danyin Oshawa vis iting the farmers daughter Miss lilaiiottaAtkinson ms PAUL This community extends sym pathy to the sons and dough eirart in mmmumarmm industry Under Trqdé AndCommqee Wing most any The Intern rnenta decision to put the inde try department had under the wing of tha trade aadl coni merce department was apv proved by tha Commons Wednesday afterMP Iromlll parties oaodlho occasion toalr their pet beefs The Industry department was formed flvm the old industrial division of the trade department in rain Ihade lllnlster Jean Lllc Pepin was given tha indus try portfolio in anticipation of the move when Prime Minister Trudeau formed his cablnot las year MP had little tosay about the wisdom of the change as the Commons discussedth section of the governments rporgaol ration bill io committwava whole Edward Broadbenl lune Oshawnwhithy said federal funds arebelng used to es taiblidi military clite in Can Federal research and develop ment programs contributed to permanent industry based on warfare Thercsult will bean economy reliant upon such the California market Iind lie ssian non lodge Advice IGICHENER CPU This sergeantntvarins of Satans Choice motorcycle club convict cd of theft chncsday offered some advice to Judge Jvll Kirkpatrick David Clark of Kitchener told the judge there are now three kinds of people in the world inembcrs of Satans Choice thosetryiog to become mem bcrs and those who want to be members Judge Kirkpatriclthad called him back aitcr Clark yelled back In the dungeons he was being led to the cells gt Clark said Satans Choice member are good types and added that he had Joined to get away from his wife Judge Rirkpatrirlrv askedthe court clerk to remind him or Clarks statement when he an thlnu as chemlcalwarfm plants uld llr Broadbent 31yearold economics professor Ra slid Canada should get out of defence production buy fti defence eouipment abroad and concentratoJuods on develop ment of civililn industry PRUESI NAN TIE While Mr Broadbent visa Ipnlkinl placardcarrying member of tha Communist Party at Canada paraded on Partiament Hill pmtestlng Cln Idas involvement in defence at lianccs Ihe t9 mardien led by the panyanatlonal leader William Kashtan carritd signs critical of Canadian membership in NATO they delivered brlcl to Prime alinlster Mdeaua of rice In the Commons Ray Per rault lBumabySeyrnourt for mor EC Liberal loader brand ed Mr Broadbenta speech lo ciallst assault on the 115 Just society cant be nurr hired on vague feelings of brotherhood and humanity Mr Peirault went on to stress the necdfor frear trade espe cially in forest products he said British Columbia could have thriving manufac turing industry it it could tap questioned the wisdom of the Judge Reserves Decision 0n Child Neglect mnomo ICE fiveday preliminary hearing into childr neglect charges against Dlannc hichth and Michael Manellis concluded Wednesday but Provincial Judge Hayes reserved toAprll 10 his decision on whether to commit them to trial by Jury Mrs Mcfntosha threeyenr old daughter Theresa died Oct 10 of brain hemorrha McIntosle 20 and Manclli 38 are charged with abandoning the child in manner likely to endanger her life and with con spirlng to effect an unlawful purpose They were arrested during corohers inquest into Iorcrnrnent trade mission to Latin America last November Priority should be given to countries on tho Paclflc rlrn FAVOR sum Commenting on the various MPs speeches at the close at the debate Mr Pepin agreed it would he better to shift empha als away from military pro grams ll sald Mr Broadbcota ar gument raised the question at how deeply Canada should be involved in world affairs lie of feradto ddeate the issues with Mr Broadbant loanothr forum Replying to Mr Pcrrault the minister said the the tariff cuts will mean that so per cent of Canadas sales to the US will trade duty free He was sure the tremendous aggressiveness and intelll gc will take advantaga of trade with the Henri Latulippe tCrcditisle Compton callcd for more sup port Ior small industry Ha said the problem in Canada was pur chasing not production CharlesArthur Gauthier Cris ditistcltoberbal complolned of too many EnglishCanadiaos lo the top offices of the industry department Theogenc Ricard PGSt Hy acinthet called for more protec tion for the Quebec textile Car RENTALS rzconoiiioacf DAILY wanker MONTHLY hares 7266474 HERTZ in onaorono pears for sentencing nextweel tors of Mrs SusanPaul who died in Bond Haven Nursing Home Bond Head Saturday March 8Scrviccs were heldiin Toronto March ll Mrs Paul had been resident of lnnislil town ship for 40 years and was in her slst year Maurice Reid is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital MAY BE LARGEST Californiamay claim the worlds largest reflecting tele scope the zooinch instrument atop MountPalomar the girls death Swoeanfliégj2 lveryhelpflallé PROFESSIONAL Exncnrorr sarcomas Mentheir cinrdriarnontirrnrrm amino ed and Oro United at the World Day of Prayer service March athpm Organist was Mrs Lawrence McQuay leader Mrs Minor Blackmore Assisting were trs Howard Campbell Mrs Robert Hesse Mrs Albert Pearsall Mrs Bernall McKay Mrs Robert Campbell solo Andrew llfacGregcr took as her theme Growing Togeth er in Christ There was good attendance and nearly $4500 was sent to the Womens Inter Chtlrcli Council of Canada Dro Central Presbyterian ex tended an invitation to the lad ics to meet at their church Mib chell Square in two for World Day of Prayer service Sym pathy is expressed to Mrs Harley and family in the loss of husband and father He was highly esteemed and will be sadly missed by all who knew hint Funeral service was held from Emmanuel Ital list Church to Union Cemetery Barrie GUTHRIE in MRS ofcmnnon CHURCH DTICES Rev Genrgis will hold Com munion services on the Oro Sta tion Central and Guthrie charge the last Sunday of the month Marchlflo There will also be baptismal service at Guthrie iarch 23 has been set as the 3y for special donations for Bi ifira Relief in Presbyterian chur cs HIPQRTANT MEETINGS Mrs Keith Lees was hostess for the March WMS meeting The meditation and scripture les son on The Good Samaritan fVRNHO ytAllwnys LooltvToHoovers Imperlal For The ButFirstl so aAYrirLo sr 7287351 Yournoighboriiood Esau Dealer I9 BRADFORD ST 72862 so sure PERTIRE Eon INSTALLATION irs Graodview Ford SALES LTD BARRIE Your FREE Gw eartiiicato givu you your 14 monthlSJ discount on all parts and labor at any Gw or Who you buy your ow uud the till warranty honored by ov I75 New Car Dealers throughout Ontario fPchsPRING spscIAts Reconditioned and guaranteed with 2ycor GW warranty I963 GALAXIE 500 Two door hardtop 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