Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1969, p. 1

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lountySchOol lmer food prices were tosu Your No 61 FRANK MOBILES 36 0f Harbour Gncc Mid trighti is congratulated by loser after he was chosen president of the Progressim Conann Summit PARIS Reuters Chancel lor Kurt Georg meninger of West Germany today bedan two days of summit talks wfih Pres ident de Gaulle against back ground of Franchrman ms plclon and resentment lhe two leaders met In the Elysee Palace at time when Francocerman cooperation in at its lowest point since his toric treaty of friendship was signed between the two coun tries six years ago At the same time Foreign Minister willy Brandt of West Germany began parallel talks with French Premier Maurice Couve de Murvillc Observers ewect little con crete progress in the Fran German summit talks which are part of regular consultations under the friendship treaty They said at best the talks held twice year could clear the air between the two coun tries something which one day Visit to Bonn Monday by French Foreign Minister Mich Dobro apparently failed to do MENTIONS DEFICULHIE lhere exists certain num ber of difficultis in the appli cation of the treaty Debra stressed in television infor view Monday nldtt Observers said the root of the tenmvn between the two coun trin is growing French realiza istrafion 400 are expeded to attend the Public School Tnzsees to settle down for long siege Consumer Price Index Constant OITAWA CF The oonaxner price index remained an mangod infehruary at me on its new base M1951 prices Bureau offlatifihs reported today oilset by higher riots in all other soc equalling 100 the Dominion tions of the allitem index 400000 Vote In Vietnam SAIGON AHAbout 400m otas Hist ballots for mnicipai Mfidzls in 645 Sold Viananiese villages and hamlets Smday government spritesman reported today The elections being held eauhSundayforanmth areanetiorttrythegovemmeottoex bend the amnnistratlon othmliy cloned officials in rural areas Parimutuel Betting Shops In Hamilton HAMMON APJNlne variety stores momma city to day began memnger services for persons winning to place bets at parimuwel bonds at several Ontario race tram Hopes To Resolve Licence Discrepancy TOR3M0 CPiAuorneyceneral Arthn widinrt says he will ways to resolve conflict between provincial and federal the party during annual meet ing in Ottawa Wednesday At Mt is Dr Lewis Brand Saskatoon physician Wirephow France Germany Hold TwoDay ting tioh of West Germanys in creased political stature in Eu rope The French learned painiuily in November during monetary ulsis that the West German government her an independent mind when Bonn refused to how tohancohritish premise and revalue the inark Observers believe secret otter hy de Guulle for talks with Britain in January was aimed at bringing Britain more into Eruopean affairs to counterbal ance increased West German political and economic weight Yugoslavs llrm for Defence BELGRADE Reuters Yugoslavia plans to transform itself into an invincible armed camp in response to the Soviet led occupation ofCnechosiova kin last Augist wigsman liéodsaldl major edn ay ge sums have been allocated for defence and that to age 65 and women up to age 40 years will be liable for mobilization He said these elder citizens would carry on partisan war CAPSULE NEWS School Trustees Study Inefiiclency 0P fhe gross incflicieW of schml admin tearing item on the agenda this weekend of the hargest convention of sdiool trimcos in Ontxaio moty At least tiraanmraimoetingofthe Ontario Sovietfimbassy In Peking Under Seige PEKING tALF Wave after wave of Itinese demondrators sweptuptotheSovretErmamtodayastheanbassthegan fare in the rugged mountains of Yugoslavia if its cities are EXAMINER YELEPHONES an on pepmen ASTRON UlSlAND RIGHTON rum moons mm Conservatirresf WAWA CP After three days of haslcgroundwurh 1000 Progressive Conservative dele gates went home Wednesday with new preside New tourutlanderand repeated pre diction that they can win the next federal election 12 was very very valuable said lieath niaqu rie fPCdiillyborougb whose committee on the constitutlvn saw most of its recommenda tions adopted its not the type of thing that excites the public but it makes great difference to the pam 0n the final day Frank Moons 36 wealthy New toundland businessman won the presidency ovcrtwo rivalsDr lewis Brand Saskatchewan physician and Reward Gramey of Knowllon Que both former MPL While the figures were not an nounced it was understh that Mr Moors received 352 votes Mr Gratltey 187 and Dr lirand 112 Mr blooms ll forthe New fmmdland riding of Bonavista Tfioityaoncqflon no Dalton Camp who resigned last Florida Police 1151 Fla AP Fol lowing dead mans trial po lice slogged deep into the Ev erglades Wednesday and arrest ed 12 heavilyarmed men they ing for an inva One of those arrested is said to be Canadian citiren and the group was said to be financed by Haitian exile in Montreal The men dressed in camou flageuniforms included 10 Hai tian exile and two Noflh Amer icans who were in charge of the camp Unofficial sources said the North Americans were former memberrot the United States Armys special forces trained to aid guerrillas Monroe County Sheriff Robert Brown said the raiding party of deputies was told of the exist ence of the camp so miles into the swamp by the Florida high way patrol patrol spokesmansaid troopers answering telephoned report of shooting in the are Reject MONTREAL Letter carriers in Montreal and Quo bee Qty voted Wednesday night against strike action to protest the new postal delivery system The decision dlfccling Mont reals 2000 letter carrier came after the local union executive withdrew its recommendation for arilre union official said the withdrawal was in line with the return to work by strik ing carriers in other Canadian cities About two union members voted in litontrealand 172 of mi in Quebec city Decision against strilre was overwhehnlng Montreal leaders of the Letter Carriers Union of Canada warned that dduiorntion in mail service could still result ll timosuxdy report on the lawn involving denial or parttime driving privileges to drivers who have had their licences amended momenta of postman is Adopt cd by the post office Meanwhile mall in Montreal was running behind because of walkout by Rod Service Training Men To Invade Haiti Elect Leader year Mr Camp was credited wtthmasterminding the cam palgn that brought the party leadership to Robert Stan field In September 1991 Mr Afoorerwho told the delegate that president in only effective if he can manhnl the forces of the party vowed to help ploy undef Prime Minister nudeau whom be de scribed Trojan horse with in the walls of the Liberal Party ommu PEIORITM He said he would retain anoth er assistant to help with his oath stitnency attain so he could do vote all of my energies to or ganizing thlngs at the partys national headquarters One of his first priorities would be to encourage Malned mpply of fundsbecause wfthout funds the party cannot be built Apart from an early charge by Dr Brandthatthe power broilers of the party were trying to centralire control of the entire oper on there was little but hi the presidential campatan llncover Camp stowed car carrying wound ed man Whoever was with the wounded man apparently told the police about the camp raid the spokesman Gerald Baker than chest was dead on arrival at Miami hospital Abernathy Plans March Of Poor mm AP Dr Ralph David Abernathy says poor peo ple will march on Washington again next month but there will not be another Resurrection City Abernathy who succeeded Dr Martin Luther King Jr as head of the Southern Christian W1 Conference said the march will begin in Memphis Tenn April 4the first anni versary of Kings assassination in lferrmhtsa nd will spread ms the United Statas Aortic 75 Barrio Ontario Canada Thundoy March Li mo MOOn Landing Attempt ltr Illulon comm Our mes thlp lm been recalled to the manufacturmll VITAWA CF Efforts in solve rural poverty must take communityfax well as an indi vidual approach the federal study group on agricultural poll ty said in report released Wednesday lloblllty programs may help thnlndlvidual improve his standard of living but the com atme he leaves behindsuilers the report states The report prepared as po ritionpapcr for the March 1421 national agricultural congress divides the rural poor into two categories It says that about onethird of the 430000 farmers in Canada earn less than 55000 year They can be helped by longterm policies aimed at making their farms viable economicunlts or providing offfarm occupations either on lulllime or part time basis Another third however are in dire poverty and need immedi ate income supplements The final third are considered rolvenL Thestudy of the lowincome sector of Canadian agriculture Is the sixth nine papers being prepared for the congress by the federalagziculture task forceheaded by Dr David Postal Strike In Que Ltd unployeu who collect and distribute mall throughout the city area They walked out after Posh ousterGeneral Eric ifieranr announced cancellationeffective Saturday of Rod Services con tract with the provision that it employees would be absorbed by the post oltice Negotiatlonx are continuing between the Rod Service em plvyeer and the federal depart ment CALGARY GP letter carriers here plan to file griev ance with the post office do pamnentln bid to obtain trav el time or getting to and from the attic during the mud break Koo Sanwm president of local to of the utter Carriers Union of Canada said Wodnuv day night that at to to oatrlerr mil file the grievances by the end of non Week FINAL STAGES or APOLLO 9s FLIGHT Drawing Khovn the loll Itager at Apollo spacecrnlts flight Top loft crew arryv tog command modfle separ ABOARD US GUADAIAJA NAL AP CllmulngI 10 day space fllght that qualified all Apollo hardware for voyage to the moon the Apollo astro hauls blazed hack to earth today and parachutcd to pin point landing In the Atlantic Ocean within sight of the recovery ship Guadalcanal James hchivltt David Scott and Russell Schwelclr art rode their Boston spaceship to splushdown ln gentle see just three miles from this hell copier carrier stationed 300 mlla north of Puerto Rico 1hey touched down at 1201 pm E51 ending significant Release Rural Poverty Report llacrarlene of Mncdonald Col lege Montreal Since farm lncotné repreSentr only fivepercent olnntinrial in come Canadian economy can tolerate some inefficiency lnvthe form of income supple merits welfare schemes and negative income tax to poor farmers the authors suggest What cannot be tolerated is the bringing up at succeeding generations who are grossly handicapped for anything but ggmlshlng number of lowshill 54 WASHINGTON CF Doubts spread to the Unlde State Wednesday about the instant trial and con viction James Earl My as the confessed assassin of Rev Martin Luther King Jr last April But there still was no firm ev ldence that any new major el fort is going to he made to as nunge widespread uncertainty that Ray acted alone eta tron urvloo moduleon completion of last earth or bit flop right command mod ule bums rockets tosdluat odrdsToShareNew Build stunner Not More Than lo Per Copy l6 Piper TARGET 35 Way Is Pdved For US mission that Idvhnced the word on historic lundlng of two men on the moon in July The plnpolnt landing war fitting clllnsx for flight that had been perfect all the way Television pictures relayed through communications ent ellilc enabled mllllonr on earth to share the luccessful rchmt to earth of the American astrolt nautr fllNGSIDE VIEW Viewers had ringside rest as cameras focused in on the Apollo floating down from vpace dangling under three foot orange and white para chutes Hundreds of sailors wenrlng Wmam The Examiner Doubts Roach US Congress 0n Possible King conspiracy TODAY Ann Auden7 ll City Newsz rrfllnllfledzlzrlfllf Colllch nuuurt putrid5 normH Spade10 nxutrH Fl rv liningsa Weather2 f3 Wflmenoo Pwvymur $253 Nothlng hut outrage and sure plcion can follow the handling of this longdeloyed and Instantly snuffcdbtt trial the New York Times says In an ironic development Wednesday segregationlst senator James Eastlnnd of hits sisalppi said his subcommittee United States mnior step to proved the night worthlneu of spam wallr by Schwelckart mnnd ship SEE PAGE THREEl WEATHER Sunny Friday with In cloudy periods and not much change in temperatures Low tonight 16 Fri are details turn to P1 dreu blues lined the deck ol the Guadalcanal to watch the slght loud cheer erupted here no in Mission Control Centre in Houston at the 5th hit the water Helicopters had spotted the astronaut onerul minute hm tore they landed and were hov ering overhead when Apollo dropped into the sea Within minutes navy lrogmen leaped from recovery helicop ter The swimmers attached flu lotion collan to the bobbing spaceship and plugged in tele phone to talk with tho astro nuts The helicopter reported the Iparecrnft was nightly scarred but rather good HAD TWO MISSIONS Apollo was space mission with two distinct faces During tlvc aclloupncked days at the start the pilot lhc lunnr module or LEM in eluding trlcky roudozvour and The last five days were leisurely as MchvlttrScolteand Schwclckurt shoved aloft to prove the durability of the com As result Apollo la the last manned earth utbll tlljlnt planned by the United States until late 1971 when small threeman race statlon will he launched The entlre US ctiort null then will be devoted to moonorbit and moon landing mssons From liftoff to splashdown the Apollo mission lnstcdlu days one hour 53 seconds It was extended an extra orbitm minutesto nvold fending tn stormtossed soar in the orlzlnal sjlashdown area southwest of Bermuda ON THEIR WAY DOWN The space trio started their return to earth at 1131 am ESP by firing blast from their spaceship engine zoo mllei shove the Pacific Ocean It slowed their 175wmllennahour speed by 350 miles and enabled earths gravity to take hold and tug them out at orbit The burn looks mighty fine on internal security is going to look into the facts about the hillv ing of the Negro lender heat Illield before roentcru lug ntmosyhertv Bolton left parachutes open Bottom right module lands in uoa Scott commented offer the 11035 burst it felt goody near Grand Turk bland Thursday as hellooptoajrom prime recovery ship akin NASA Drawing vla AP erev photo

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