1th Exh nr flled Williams new club could take lesson lromihis old team as how to find the qulckut routs across home plate Washington Senators wIstcd lNSQ ninncrs Monday and Mad to Kansas City itcyals tr giving manager illiams an record in exhibition basele standings flueawhile unbcoten Boston and Son for whom Williams fflmm ed 521 home runs denied the buses lour times With homers in 74 victory over New York Mela iln our games three oi them Vdgoinst theKsnsas my expan alonciub Washington has scored onty eight runs With Frank rd the American bongues 1963 homn king holdout the Sena tors have yet to hit home run riir EiGill nosiam The Red So have ralloped be eight homers in three starts ilouday Billy Conigilaro tugged his second in two days Ind Ken liarrcison George Says Commissioner May Be Holding Inio 0000A Fla AP VlSpccl liicha son general manager ol llouston Astros said Monday the baseball com missioner and the presidcnt of the National League may be withholdinginfonnatinn on tho retirement oi Donn Clcndenon rCommissioner Bowie Ktlhn plaid last week that Rusty Staub should reportito Montreal Expos deosus Alou to Houston As iros for spring training Warren Giles National League presi dent said he was not accepting thrrequest for voluntary retire ment lrom Cleodenon who was traded tollouston with Alou in exchnnge for Staub This is probably the worst de cision handed down in the ï¬addy Chargesi Tees Are Cheap PENSACOLA Fin iAPt Golls touring pros say charges by proiessional caddy that the dams are by and large bunch or tilts are false The caddy 22year veteran who calls himseil the Daron changed that pros will nd Sioo an evening to enter tam some doll and pay their caddy $120 wcek mi Baron thinks caddies shouldiget lira per cent oi the pr earnings in tournament an claims entertainers Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin pay better than the pros Wc resent the Barons charges saiï¬ Gardner Di Diff member at the Profession alpolfers Association tourna meht policy board average bcvrlter than 10 per cent myseli The Baron hadbetter stick to osddying lnr DeanMattin blemish be little hard inr Lh Baron to get job this we said Dan Sikcs another boasd member here tor the Mapnsanto Open which begins Thiirsday odw mm to Baron caddied lor at Scott and Gerry Moses each connected in the eighth inning breaking open IN druuie Galen Cisco Stern Jones and Larry Sheny combined to scab ter seven hits Is the Royals blIokcd thepunching SenIton Meanwhile Atlanta Braves tenmtrouneed Montreal Expos s1 Rookie Ralph Garr drove in three runs to help down Cane adas only majorleague bail club Buddy Bradtord Imaclrcd Dick Radats first pltchforn homer in the I2th inning send ing Chicago White Sex pastDo trait Tigers $5 and Bank Fer nandez homered as New York Brown for exhibition mark liookla lirst basenisn Bob Robertson drilled tworuo firstinning homer and stroked runscoring single in the second tors leaving tho game with knee inluryasPiilsburgh Pi rates downed St Louis Cardi nals 60 Chuck Hartnnsieln Barry Router and Larry Kil On Cientlenon history of baseball Richardson said They based their decision last week on information they said they had that Ciendenon was willing to play Richard son said lf they had informa tion on his willingness to play they should have given it to me before making their ruling thor Giles and the com oiier are withholding iolor ma war they dont have infor mation The llnuston clubs position is that Clendenon has expressed willingness to play to Giles and the commissioner of base ball why isnt he herein Cocoa working out with the Astro Finsterwald at in Dnral Open in Miami two weeks ago He claimed Finsterwald who failed to make the cut gave him 580 for live days work used to caddyfor 25 cents day said veteran Lionel Re bert fAnd now caddies are got ting day When you consid er the Job they do dont think any caddy is worth iivo per 99 The Baron said caddies work am to 6pm day which begins two days belore tour nament when they walk the course and diagram yardage and pin placements for their man The Raron said good caddy can help pro shave live strokes oil his score And that can mean dillerenca of 515000 for player lle said Arnold Palmer Jack Nicklaus Gary Player and Wal tor Burkcmn are the only play ers worth working for Vcononcn or noose The Red Sea gets its red hue algae Self Angela two firstinning Ions then hunched live in the filth with Dotti Radern basesloaded triple the big blowtor verdict over the Dodgers iey hit one Cleveland hatter walked threw away double plIy ball in the seventh inning handing the lndlans an unearned run and nod over tbs Padres single in threorun lllth inning propelled Philadelphia Phillies in victory over Cincinnati Yankeastrinuned Atlanta Reds ï¬rst baseman Willie lilcCovoy and pitching ace Juan Marichal maimed could the Ginnla duced his demands with Wash ington and Sony Siebert Cleve lands only unsigned player agreed to terms night gained valuable ground in their race ler the National Ban katbali Associations Division crowii with 140121 shallacking oi Phoenix Suns Muiuoes 31 points moved the Builelt into libgame lead from the recurring bloom of red Pm mmsbmg Philddphla Francisco Warriors had little ton urian some the Clrdi nIlI on four hits pinion Artroa spotted loo San Diego southpaw Dick Kel two more and then Rookie Ron Scones tworun 0n the hoidoul lront slugging Howard reportedly re lim Modest Grant is al ready tabbed as regular starting pitcher with the Mon treal Expos oi the National League Grunt who played with Los Angeles Dodgers last season came to the Expos in the draitr lCPWireplioto Baltimore Bullets Gain NBA Ground By run CANADIAN PREss Baltimore Bullets nlesday Eastern The victory sparked by Earl 76ers who were idle In the only other game San trouble with Milwaukee closing out the Bucks home stand for the season with 123106 deci son NataFor Tour omwr GP officials and coaches at the Moscow Seo Ont CF rookie skip and veteran who has won seven trinclal titles in ï¬ve years ared theiead with two airalcht victories going into thclhlrd round or the Can dian mixed curling champion totaled The rookie is Don Anderson at Edmontcngwho playedf third in 1m for Hector Germs who wugaorid champion in mi The veteran Is Earl Carson who has Nunied Quebec loor timer tha Canadian mens championship and three times in this tournament ann going to Armed Forces Em Buotviila llta years ago we knew all about Carton Anderson said alim posting his second conseciitwo victory know hes been to the national championship beiorc and know the rink must be curlinl wail became theyre unbeaten too Quebec Ind Albertam not scheduled to meet until the ninth round of the er roundrobin tournament It 250 pm Thursday ONTARIO KEEPS PACE Meanwhile Terry Patton and his0ntarlo champions from Brnnttord kept pace alter draw ing the openinground bye and were to third place alter Mon dIys action with to wonlost record Five rinks skipped by Jack Hume ol Oak River Mam Wayne Fetch ol Kirkland Lake representing Northern Ontario TROTS TORDNTO CPI Ron Fea gsn celebrated his 21th birthday in grand manner at Green wood Racnway Monday night scoring victories with all three at his drives during the ninelt race card Feagsn drove Rocky lhwn to victory in the second race and the win paid $33 homey hum combined with Ends Dominion winner oi the first race lor daily double oi $2481 in the sixth race exaclnr les Iuro Reagan guided Robra Rosie to victory Ind the more combined with Zilnry Ann for an exactor at $1060 Feagan won his third race the eighth with March Adios who paid $1520 to win crowd of 1m wagered 5191496 WINDSOR om OP er Gerry Bookmyer of Ohio won three races at car Raceway Monday night alter threelwin perlormance Sunday km third victory Moltdnywith oddson choice Out in the featured eighth race was twovlenglh triumph over Mauds Champ Garys Jo Anne was third Earlier Bookmyer won the third with Miss Coal Spring and theuiourth race with Dutch Can do SPORTS BRIEFS DYSQUALIFY WRESTLERS MERDEL PLATA Argentina Reuters hiram Sacarndse oi Russia andllvan lliov of Hul garia were disqualiï¬ed Monday night on charges oi collusion to prevent the United States irom winning the middleweight gold medal in the world treestyle wrestling championship Author ities oithe World Amateiir Wrestling Federation awarded the middleweight gold medal to Fred Fozzard oi the US claim ing Sacaradse gave away final bout EDGES CHAMPION SAVANNAHGa AP Bob Seidelmnnn Iailmaker irom Cherry Hill edgedout the Miami lightning class saiiing champion and captured his sixth Deep South Regatta tro phy Monday in the first of two races Seidelmann guided his cralt across the finish line at the sixmile course in the Skids way and Wilmington Rivers just iiiiéokie veteran Barry Naimark ol VIocourer ten KIlichIk of Goose Bay Labrador and War Brigham of Nipawin Sash um Ill tied for lourih place with records Austin Steers ol llIiifair lob lowed with one loss after drain ing the secondround bye while Clarence Doucet of Bathurst NR and Alan McCurdy ol Xiniottetown trailed with two losses Quebec laced Naniouodilnd in the third round at um today while Alberta met British Columbia PEI took on New Brunswick Northern Ontario met Saskatchewan Nova SootiI played Ontario and MInitobI drew the bye The Alberta rink formed on the spur oi the moment Ifter Anderson and second Bill Tsinshncra knocked outol provincial competition for the mens title detected SaakItehe wan 73 in the opening Totmd Monday and walloped Northern Ontario the same evening Taiosh just called me one night and asked run it id like to enter the provincial mixed Wnrpetltion said lead Marion WIFE DIDNT RATE We were lust sitting round sort ol leeiing sorry ior our el ltcr losing out in the said Anderson We dea ddcd to give this gold never curled in mixed company boloro and knew my wile wasnt good enoughto get us here Third Hernia liwas the first woman Tainsb and Anderson asked Carson oi Quebec ignoring the Jinx that has never given husbandwile rink the national title got strong support from his wile Grace second Alan SKIP LEN Kallilink oem nightl Cold on Nowloundland and second Bill Taylor of the Newfoundland rink in last Sullyand Jeanna Sully to dorm British Columbia 945 in the round and trounce 115 on and crew were down 12 after five ends against l3C but came back with three stolen end tb lanadlnn Mixed nilling championship in Kitchener the linni end when the 30 skip misjudged the ice and inland his last shot Naimark was injured earlier Monday when stone from practice sheet struck his feet and ha upset tolling on the hear ran some mesons Menu 11 no played British Columbia vised him to take whirlpool treatments alter the second round although there was no no ticaabla pain during the day Manitoba missed chance to Join the leaders Monday evening after deleating Nova Scotin ahead oi TornAllen of Main iects called news conlerepca Monday to depress their thanks toVCaniidlan hockey fans for the reception they received during thsir Canadian tour Selects return home today alter an eightgame tour in which they appeared inn num lberml Canadian cities against tha Canadian national team Thay won iiva ol eight Imes played Andrev Storvoliov hockey chioi of Russias spcr minis said the team got aplen reception in Cannd The Canadian Amateur Hock ay Association didits best to es tend hospitality to us while we worarhcrs and thaulans us grant reception tco laid Starvoltov This Russians apparently wers cnncemed about criticism when the Russian national team at tirst cancelled its Canadian tour earlicrin the year then went through with it alter lengthy no gotiations $88Lsizasaxcnnuoe Rarely will you find price so lowon original equipment tires Reason for the drasticprice reduction Firestoneovarproduced these original equipment tires and muat clear all surplus CAMPING INTERESTED Get all the answers learn about all the new prod vm¢1rmw handle stocks iastl Take advantage of luxe ham ions arcbullt with Firestoiias Firestone Salotyhint pinceatogoy gt and whom to go with on 1ND MoNEYDoWN JusTSAYiCHARGE IT in Seminar March oth exclusion SupRTui riibbar compounds for best tire mileage Thawridesmooth corner smooth They havevtc be good to meetthoapproval of new car manufacturers these SaViiigS now et Marchmil Held at the YMCA sponsored by tho Knotty Pine Sportsaratna lurprlla Door Prize intoners in voice on KNOIIY PINE SPORTSARAMA SHARPEN UPl Wo have complete sharpening sorvice for every need lrom household to industrial tires limited time only See us today ii you iiav studded tiies they must be removed by law no latnrtian March 31 Offer expires at this time sector 51 osa SHARPENINGHWI NDREVQTORVOITDV GEN key ohielofiiussiussports TR nistry expresses his thanks tha Canadian National hockey team end their fans during press conference at Ottawa MondI CP lwiro Photo St fsnanrawmo is non nuai