Different VieWpoints PeCuliar Be ITALYS YOUNGESTv BRIDE The former Marcella Rose lglione 12 poses with hcr husband of one day in Vthpir home in Palcrno ltaly tiiss Roseigliono and Guisoppe Greco it were married Sat urday alter two day slope ment making her the young est bride in Italy AP Wire photo First Woman Appointed To Superior Court Bench MONTREAL CF Reianu LabergeColas the first voman in Canadas historyto be ap pointed to Superior Court bench almost became classi cal contralto The softspoken champion of womens rights also married man who used to disapprove of women lawyers and who advo cated the womensplaccisinv thehome theory He became feminist when he married me Airs Coins said referring to her lawyer husband Dnile She called her appointmcn the bench total surprise and major step towards equal rights or women it crowns legal career that begao latealter false live year starts as classical singer Mrs Colas was interviewed Monday Thrilpattractive and al most shy she avoided the sub ject oi politics to discuss her main interestsfamily legal problems womens riflrts and what she hopes to accomplish as Superior Court justice will probably deal frequent ly with family cases whcn am on the bench she said And hope to be able to be human in my judgments because am woman and because have family ARTS MARCH Mrs rColas who ascended to thc QUEbec Superior Court Starch also expects to be dealing with cases in corpora tion law in which she has been specializing almost since she left the University of Montreal law school in 1951 wont be able to campaign for womens rights any longer she added have instructions irom the chief justice She was appointed despite what she called discrimination against women in the legal profession because Prime hlir lstcr Trudeau and some mem bers of his cabinet were in favor itirs Colas who graduated from law school at the top of her class said discrimination against her woman dimin ishcd as her colleagues grew to respect her work But she attributes her so pointmcnt as much to her work in the Quebec Federation of Women as to hcr work as cor poration lawyer HELPS RIGHTS The federation established in 1966 works largely as coordi nator between various associa tions concerned with womens rights Sometimes in en have rights at theoretical level but not at practical level When married woman negotiates for bank loan for example they frequently ask her husband it its OK Male me has to change But women are at fault too Many women are against other womenespecially if they cannot succeed in careers them selves Ilirs Colas started law school in 1947 after having tried to else out living for five years as classical singer She also per formed on radio but there just Wasnt much singing to do in Montreal in those days Shemét her husband when he served as president of the Que bec Junior Bar in this and she was one of the councillors Mor ricd tow years later ltfrs Colas has taken month off to have each of her three sons aged and She is vicechairman of the Canadian Consumer Council and member of the Quebec office of revision for the Civil Code Western Girl Is Honey Queen OTTAWA 0P Devra Drysdnle Vegreville Alta was crowned Canadas iirst national honey qucen hereFriday night by Agriculture Ili star Bud Olsen lilss Drysdale it the young est of the eight contestantswon onemonth trip to England and appearances on two nation nl TV shows The girls who range in age from 14 to 21 were chosen from home economics classes in high schools and universities Indi vidual school and university winners competed for provincial titles and the right to enter the national contest The eight finalists were judged on the basis of original recipes they created using honey as well as for knowledge of the product speaking ability poise and personality liliss Drysdales dish was honey pumpkin loaf Hcr runnerup was Marilyn llcClcisIer16 of Brantlord with dish called honey crisps THE continuation These are among Leo Chavaliers spring designed for Montroy Coats of fashions itlonirealAT LEFT is coat dressol offwhite with an oven check of grey and beige Hie and2 piratcs coat is of camel hair and is worn over checked pants GP Photo to become possessive DcIrAII This is for the ppm phone hmband hm to putonberwlgIndhlghheels Ind Ilse eyeifliei for fun Somethlmbolroomutdm she wall had soninriav who the mo thin Manure be convinced my dIughter that it um harmless little game they were playing she who Ilwuwlthlltnd him gave in gl or birthday Alter lo years of marriage and three children he wasnt satisï¬ed to keep the secret be tween the two of them llI start ed dancing on the front lawn in his fun clothes People stopped their cars to watch Pretty soon the neighbors called the police The police ordered him to go in the house One word led to another fists begin to fly Ind he was arrested The story got into th papers Ind disgraced theflentlro family Dancing Boy is now going to psychiatrist which is what he should have done long time ago So Ann if the wires of these nuts know whats good for them theyll recognize this pe culiar behavior for what It is Iod see to it that thdr husbands get helpORLANDO Dear or Thanks for report Irom the front linoor perhaps should soy from the front lawn The following letter repre sents another viewpoint NW NORMAL Dear Ann Lenders Your col umn does world oi good You touched on topic recently that helped me tremendously lm one of those men who likes to dress in womens clothes Shortly before you printed the letter signed liobettes Mfeï¬ my wife discovered my private cache oi lodies weor She be came hysterical accused me of hmmscnnl and made an appointment to see lawyer abort divorce After sbereId your column she canceled her appointment with the lawyer and made an appointment with doctor She took your column along The doctor said you were rightthat most transvestites are not homosexuals They enjoy dressing in female attire but have no desire to engage in TORONTO GP Lorraine Wheeler irecltied blonds Ans trallan arrived in Tomato last December Just when Digger House was going through one oi its periodic identity crkes Digger House ls Torontos original pouncedhippie haven An old ltroom house on Spadina fload leased from the munici pality it Ms set up last year by the Yorkville Diggers Inc or home for young people with no place to go no money no food Mn Wheeler 27 is regis tered nurse ne social worker who ï¬rst became in volved with dropouts and drug users in 196 when she was welfare officer at thelilethodist mission at homein Sydney inresponse to the needs oi the young people with whom she was working there Lorraine helped create service which could reach addicts and those with other emotional problems and bring them into touch with ï¬orpitals and community facili es SET UP CENTRE largely through her efforts drug referral centre was cs tablisbed with programvinl eluding consultant psychiaé trist two doctors psychiatric social worker and case workers The centre is bringcopitd in other parts of Australia and has aroused interest in England and Europe But Lorraine says its easy about something like this She and her accountant husband Noel decided to come to Canada for new experience in January she was appointed TeachersCriticisni Bars Her From Job TORONTO CF teacher who criticized Torontos board of education in was while cam paigning unsuccessfully to bo comea hoard trustee has been barred from teaching in any city classroom She might raise another vd board chairman Alex Thompson said in an inter view Friday when explaimng why the trustees have refused to hire Hana Nelson for the more school year Mrs Nelson 53 who has th seven years teaching experi ence resigned from teadring to run unsuccessfully both for the school board and then in prov incial election as New Demo crat During her school board cam paign rho critidzed the board for not providing enough class room supplies She told voters she had to spend $2000 of her own money to equip her kinder garten classroom and frequently not Wm homosexual activrly Some ham osexuals are however trans vestites which is what causes the corrlttsion Knowing full well that can not curb my desires no wile now leaves the house one evening week while lplIy Jealousy Disc ockéy EDMONTON CF Fe male jealousy keeps down the number of women broadcast érs in Eoglishspeakingcan ads to small minority says successful woman disc lock ey Arline Dcc graduate oi the American National insti We of Broadcasting is the only lulltime woman DJ in Western Canada she has an afternoon show on CKRD in Red Deer Alto and reads the pm and pm nerve casts Mooy women dont enjoy another woman on the air at least initially she said in an interview Wheicver lve beco there has been opposiuonphooe calls to management letters indignant calls to openiine shows Women are Jealous be cause they cant see me When their husbands or boy friends hear woman on the radio they listen harder For the first week vhcnl came here two years ago from CHLO in St Thomas 0nL as the new director of Digger House The directors of ti Yorkvilie Diggers had been re viewing the role oi the house and were looking for someone to instigate new approach and new goals Instead of running it as sort of stopgap operation they want to play more prev tive role Lorraine says They want to concentrate more on smaller group of kids Digger House now aecommo dates to permanent residents boys and girls from to to 22 in group living situation and has two crash pads for cmcr gooey accommodation anus ro AID Lorraine has started keeping racordsto find out who is being helped and how many people the house could support She also wants to improve methods of working with the community and to tiod what alternatives WHAT THE By asrnaurrn FOE TOMORROW Planetary influences for Wednesday will be line for ac complishment You should be able to make notable strides in both job and monetary affairs but you will have to use your in itiative and be as enterprising as possible Good ideas present ed in appropriate areas could increase your prestige consider ably FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that While the next v12 months should be highly pleasing where your monetary interests are con ccrnadit would not be advisa able to counton speculation as means of increasing your as sets Tlds will be espccially im portant during the first two weeks of August also in Nov ember and December but the entire year is one in which no Fiscean should take chances with monies You will have some excellent periods in which to make gainsii you operate conservatively howeverespe cially between now and the end of September also during the three months beginning on Dec Splendid opportunities to ad vance jobwise are indicated is month also inJuly Sep tember November and Januv ary Those cn aged in creative pursuits canook forward to outstanding periods of accom plishmentand recognltionLin June September December next January and February Stimulating social experiences are happy prospect during the year ahead and you should have many opportunities to makenew friends as well as contacts with persons who can havior Of Men lady prefer to bIIlonI Ind unobserved and she respect my wishes always make sure tho children Ire asleep drive tho draperies and do not Inwa the doorbell Since ive been in out my little Charade with my gm hlr Ind Lrn len and mean Sudbury Andrew Shypdychnk Ill BRIDAL GOWN Mary Ann Surgeon Indlibbert aonofllr and Mrs Andrew Shrypnyebuk William St Barrie mar ried It In evmintceumony in Burton Avenue llnlted Church Rev Kenneth Purdon oiflcllted Glmw ended at the wifes knowledge Ind Ipptovlll men we mu no feel too per cent better My nerves are settled and im off trapqullirers thnk you for hning medmindedANN8 FAN Dear ran Lest you lero next my original stattrrtent Tramvestites Ire not necessar lty homosexuals but normal they Ilnt it your wile undorstnndsyour problem and accepts it its no body elses businessprovided of Muse you stay in the house and of the front lawn Arrears thc openlino had hundreds of calls against me Thcn the moderator of tho openline interviewed me on the show They found out lm person not out to be sexy or give listeners the eoméon Alter that allthe calls were length gm of satin Ind lace deï¬ned th In empire waist Calm Ind lilypoint sleeves ibnfull length trIin was of matehl min satin wedding dress held the bridal veil of wrong impression ld like to re tulle ring bend Sbourrled cascade in BurtonlioitedChUmhIs Scene Evening Wedding Ceremony Nancy strypoyehukwu brides maid Floor length gowns of im ported lace Ind red whet were worn by the attendants Their headpieeu were matching velvet bow Ind tth urrled bouv quot ofred rou Iod white mumn Don Arnold of Toronto Ittend Given to marriage by her ed ll momma The ushers wereflhomu skrypnychpk of Bank and William sturgeon oi Goats or received It the ng Croatian Legion Hill Collier St The newlyweds In making their home It at Ormberllnd St Irrle annals EXAMINERpTUEsDAY MARCH rr so KEEP IN THE TRIM Planning Enthusiasm Help Reluctant Dieters Goal By IDA JEAN KAIN favorable Women broadcasters opposition from men to the business too ive found in 75 years of broadcasting that woman have low believablllty toe tor said Jerry Forbes man agcr of OHED pop radio station here For in commercial mightapeod 75 or so minutes with woman trying to get line out of her that isnt self ronsclous Tello man you want hardrscll or asweet talk commercial Ind he knows what you mean The nature of program ming today prohibits women from entering the ï¬eld Peggy lilaclarlane free lance commentator for tho CBC here agrees that women show sellconsciousness on the fllf Drug Referral Centre Foundengy SocialelIVorker rion carrier on for you there are for the people Digger ouselcanoot accept For hergthe aim of the house is to provide accommodation for the dispossessed youths and to hclp them become independent coin tremendous empathy with these kids and with their great feeling of aloocness if as person can help bridge the gap and make them teal they have right to selfrespect and dignity that iulfils my own needs she says be exceptionally thrifty After visiting the United States before coming to Canada Lorraine feels youths problems are universal They all say the same things and theyre all dir illusfoned withthe way things arc And the drug problem sho predicts will be around for long time mThats why the whole community must become involved in concerned practi cal approach to help solvait STARS SAY help you in furthering your matcrial aims This will be especially likely between now and Sept I5 and between Nov 15 and Dec at Theseiwo pe riods happily will also be fine for romance Next good months for aiiairs of the heart October and January child born on this day could be great success from finan cial standpoint butwithal will havovn nuances The British devour burgers at the rate of 5100000170 ayear Announce New Healing Substance Shrinks Piles Explltsivrheaitognhsunceprnrentnlllihl hemorrhoids Ind repair damaged thou renowned research imam hu rhino notion healing nu wrtlr thnnb it or ahnnir honor rhnidlpamiess Itrelioveoit amiacoifortin minutes In up ulin of or inured inflamed tissue In case after me plihilanigontly rerevrng nin Iotua uctinn lhnnlrago not place Most important of ellmum wruotharotlshtbsttbirimprovo ment was maintained over period ofmnny months This was accomplished new healin which hell my caliaIn stimulates growth otnew tissue waBioJJynn isoï¬uedinointv mInt Ind Iu oritorv form called Izrcpnrnstitzs Askioritntllldnrg am shop or our mono funded thyv dry with balanced breakflst What does it take for reluc tant dleter to win through to shining successtiirst you have to make up your rniod that you really want to take oil the bur den oi iat Then it takes entbu atom and plan When you lack the will to sue ceed its because your goal isnt clear Thats where pre plIonlng helps Psychologists point out that the way to start any protect from the standpoint of least resistance is to give it forethought lths meansto plan and picture in relaxed thoughtful way how you wish to proceed toward your goal This in by no means the same an idle daydreaming liar from it To take forethought means to create deï¬nite plan of action Friends want to let you in on secret hablt changing When you plan and pictures course of action you provide to reach your decr Notblog is yours until you put it into action but there is mendour power in preplaoning Thinkoi this as giving yourself mind set This is true wrll power for it is harnessed to your pictured goal Itnd hera is another secret When you concentrate on your goal and keep it up most in your mind you take project out oi the forced will power cat egoryWill war is an endered when you andpan con structively on how to proceed Think in terms of the rewards litére is no thought of selfdo oial when you are visualizing the rewards Will power is based on positive values Now lets get totira eat of the diet You dont have to go blnrgry The most effective way reduce is to eat to build heal leanness Take it from all ccesslul reducers Start the potent secret of including an egg or serving of cereal Never skip meal Keep your calories within 1000 to 1400 day depending on how iast you wish to lose Build your menu around the protective foods including oompleta prov toin at each meal llave daily five to six ouncu cooked weight lean meat ï¬sh or chicken one pint slim milk two tothree vegetables two fruits one to two slices bread two teaspoons margarine or but ter one tablespoon ralnd oil As you plan your program and your slimming meals dont expect to feel hungry You will feel wonderful and triumphant that yourare on the happy road todesl hie weight WELL PAID The prime minister of Canada paid 515000 year in salary and allowances is provided with residence at 74 Sussex Drle at Ottawa for wldch he pays $5000 year rental and ï¬rmer home at Harrington Alexandria TAYLOR intIrior Duorqior Ind igonrultam By intmont BarrlgpgnBNI Alliston 4355706 can as We have an inn there Your trip through the historical Eastern counties of Ontario will take on new pleasures if you stay It the convenient oliday Inns long your travel more The lrlendly familiar sign means comfortable roonts délicious meals and ataï¬ who make every effort to please you Use your 6qu Trove card American Express or Diners Club Ifree Holidcs service reserve your room In advance For reservation call your local in mom lNliRNAIIONAL inc onuth dhiriydnr ribm7 unita Pm in Inllmulonal AllultinoolHoIdlrlnbs YanONTo Firmlngdon PIrk annals ronoNro wyrt rononvo rut NUNYSVILLEHidd to non nmrm to DUN Soon you Hunon Mum PONTtIC Mitlt or CAYHARINES Irrrnaoanosu IMIADOB Wl Oplnlnp only 65 Over 1000 lnns Canada USA Euiop orrawa Kingslvon but CHATHAM wmoson OAKVILtE roar wtttlnu xtrcnensa IRANYFDID HAMILTON AurrouA WA In Volley onanrbbeap