Montreal woman being oliorcdat slightly below The 1ch is designed to pro iowpriced imports from Can On occasion of King Fred erikc 70th birthday the Royal tamin appeared on the balcony oi Amelienborg ensue br Queen lngrld with granddaugh tcr tlcxin Princess liar PEER 0N KING FREDERIKS BIRT rethr ri Bencdiltle Greek Queen Anne Marie Prinrelienrikwith roo Freder Claim Kierans Attitude Led To Postal Strike OTTAWA CPI While postal workers stayed oil the jet In several Canadian cities liondoy thcr boss ran goonb lot of Comm charges that his stiiinccke attitude could lead to national strike The stiltnecked adjective was applied to PostmasterGen eral Erie Kierans by Conserva tive Gordon Ritchie Dauphinl Other opposition members var ied the Lhcme with such words as stubborn and uneompronus lnz More than one member sug gested that Mr Kiernns target about NATO and space antel tites and worry about the mails Stanley Knowles NDPWiw nipcg North Centre looked with gt sympathy on suggestion that hlr Kierans go out and walk one oi the routes proposed or the postelorkers under the new delivery system lArnold Peters tNDPTimisA kamingt said Looking back it seems the post ofï¬ce was run pretty well HE SHOULD llESIGN David Orlikow IXDPllinni peg North said Mr Kicrans should resign an allday ordeal tur the iormer Quebec ct ininTstcr and head at the ilontreal Stock Exchange who enlcrccl federal year ago the morning there were re at expanded wildcat stopp dosnitc his Friday night stemnt that he would seek authority trom the public serv ice stait relations board to pr0lt scentestrikers and unions in Wired With the afternoon start at the Cmmons sitting came motion from licalth hlacquarrie Hills it the Conservative postal critic for an emergency debate on what he termed an explosive situation in the de partment that had reaehcd climax of emergency propor tions Speaker Lucien Lamoureux ruled the request out of order noting that the business of the day concerned tormation at Mr Kicrans new communications department Opposition members then pep pcmd the ministers through good part ofthe question period polities less Woman Faces Fraud Charges MONTREAL CF Lise Si colte 47 at Rockcliite 0nt will appear in court for prelimi nary hearing March 24 on charges or fraud and thelt in volving $950 Mrs Sicotte made brief ap pearance in court Monday to have hcrdatc set ior prelimi nary hearing She pleaded not guilty Feb 10 to the charges arising out or complaint by bench warrant was issued last ticek when Mrs Sicotte tailed to show up as scheduled for criminal court hearing ller lawyer said she was unable to Jer as she attended civil action case in San Francis eothe same day Britain Restricts Canadian Barley Lennon tCPi Britain today imposed special duty of is shillings $195 ton on im ports of Canadian barley Anvagrfculture department ot fieialsaicl Canadianbarley is the British minimum support priee oi MLIES i5707i tuna teet British growers against ads The oiileial said the levy will likely be removednhcn Ca nadian export prices start mov ing up again During the 1968 calendar year imports of barley trom Canada totalled 3839 tons compared 135715 tons in 1967 How Brituin had poor crop last year and there have been indications ot heavy shipments from Canada during the last tow weeks the otticinl said FEW INNUMBER and kept up the attack until the 10 pm adjournment few had iavorablc words tor reorganization oi the postal service but Virtually all eon demncd lllr Kierans handling oi the changes hlr Kicrnns said arrange mcnts have been completed with union loaders ior thirdpar ty adjudication ol erie nccs linked with the new straight through system under which the letter carrier does not re turn to the post oliicc to pick up mall at midday He added that he was pleased to have third party judge the issues and finally come to the conclusion that it was the union leaders who were preventing the letter carrier irom going home tor lunch or from going to restaurant ior lunch or insist ing that he must return to the post oliice And he snid the government is proud of the contract it has signed with the letter carriers in the later debate Eldon Woolllams iICCalgary North said he was against public serv ice strikes but that Mr Kicrans had aggravated the present situation by threatening postal workers with sceution it they do not behav He cannot make anyone in Canada bcilevehc intends to prosecute all the mailmcn ba gAir Canadas Paris Yoir caniiythere any day cause there are not enough Jails to hold them all lllr Voollinms also sold the proposal to turn the post oiiiee into Crown corporation now being studied by the govern ment would produce more ster oulede parliamentary control The motive behind the move he said is to remove the royal irom royal mail iir Knnwlcs recommended that the department suspend the straightthrough system until there had been chance to no gotiatc change with the employ ecs Alircd Hales PCWelling ton said the situation could lead to another postal strike It the postmastergeneral had given his lull attention to thischaue rather than going around the country talking about NAhD about satellites and about new communications systems it would have been bet terat least until his reorgani zation was running smoothly George ilces tPCéPlincc Ed wardiiastingsl said continua tion oi Mr KierarLs bullingta chinash pproach would lead to serious and lengthy strike He sugeestcd the pogo be handed over tnlabn tcr Bryce Mackasey who ha better understanding oi labn Point oi view unlit it and at right the King him seliLooking through the grat iog is little Prince Paul of Greece AP Wirephoto Iiducation Setters TORONW CP The prov inces 14 universities will suitor serious setback because oi spending costs announced in the Ontario budget last week the Committee at Presidan or the Universities ot Ontario said Monday Development Is The Challenge 0i Our Times WINDSOR Ont CF Dc velopment is the challenge at our time Jean Balliy oi Paris presideni oi the international ltcnl Estate Federation snid liondoy litr Bailly speaking at the 47th annual convention of the Ontario Assocatinn W4 tate Bonrdssaid remarkable technical progress it iluenecd behavior and popnlv lion and wealth have increased greatly But the challenge is in the third world the twothirds of the human race where the struggle for development is only beginning Some countries it he third world are un practically EXCIIAMPION DIES CARDIFF lVaics tAF Jimmy Wilde world tlyweight boning champion irom title to 15 died in hospital Monday He was 76 cor on the notiï¬er you like and eniyAirCanada can fly you to Paristrom Toronto Come and discover what it isthat makes Paris Paris Air Canadas France We have all kinds of ion ways to make iteasyioryou toget there Like our Fly NowPay Later plan our Extra Cities Plan and our Group InclusiveTours that could come within whiskeroi shaving theprice of yourvacation in half Paris France Justspend few short minutes with your travel agent And curt uptme short hourswfli us See your travel agent or contact Air Canada 130 Bloor Street West Toronto oeron Eakimos or about 13700 salmon oerï¬ï¬ at any byAirCunecl Toronto to everyday HZt any Economy our return more each purchuln tourol It Yours Galliely AIR CANADA TorontoParis for as little as $305 toss Subject to Government Armada rs Ginit sr Marla and What these late on com nniyto residents at Canada 1113 Emil gum THISDAY MARCH ll Buchor Praises Pueblo Crewmen CORONADO Calif AP Conduct oi the entire Pueblo crew during North Korean rap tlvlty was praised Monday by the intellirence shipl skipper Cmdr Lloyd ii Bucber as he testiï¬ed on quutionr he felt had not been answered by the Us Navys eightwea inquiry Bucher also oitered list oi t9 ottleeu and men be commended speciï¬cally for their conduct during detention tie and at Iurvlvlng crew mem bers spent 11 months as North Korean prisoners linebcr Is to answer questions or navy court at inquiry today On the stand tor the third time Bucha opproaehcd tears on several occasions as he told about North Korean torture and commended the crew tor outwit tiog their captors lie also described the North Koreans as bmtolvsavagu who taught children to torture baby birds and trained them to kill Americans Euclier appeared at his own request or the tinal phase oi the inquiry He choked up and appeared on the verge oi tears as he told about ri Yth and screams ot pain while North Koreans beat his crew Realtor Says touched by progress said Mr Enllly The real estate proicssion is important in world development since it involves one oi mnna most elementary needs place to live and place to work Mr Helliy said TAXES CONSIDERED Death and inxes preoccupied the resolutions considered by the itfl delegates in series oi rcselutons passed with little or no disc sion the convention urged the Ontario government to ask the federal government to get out at the iield oi death taxes asked the provincial government to rev pea its death taxes as means at encouraging capital invest ment and registered strong on foslition to any term of rent con ro WORLD LEADER Canada leads the world in ircsh water area Paris mes tor moon or 15 or least 575 Etiectlvn May TORONTO tCPl Another ten Toronto this time on the western Idle Ontario mien tront at the Canadian National mhlbitlon bar been announced Premier John Robert nid Monday the summon project is tor new group oi Ontario government buildings which be christened the Ontario Show Cm Scheduled to open ollleletly on May It lint it will consist ol tiveoeetlon pavilion on stilts riy in tromtbe lake two newly created islands othbore zoo dcsie dome theatre parka mu undo public mar it would be the west multl militondollar protect an nouneed earlier and presumably incorporated into 0000000 Lake Ontario lueeliit presented by Metropolitan Toronto Council in January This would change the water root from Alex 20 miles east to Clarkson 20 miles west creating within to years recrea tional facilities including three artiï¬cial lakes 10 public mnrl nas ll swimming pools and lo bathing areas JOINS PROGRESS Other projects billiondollar scheme by Canada two mnlor railways or glittering citywithinaoity within 15 years over railway rightsoiwvay just north west or the downtown walertront $1000000i10 development or lancre tract on the down town wateriront to include highrise apartments otï¬ce 8V1 oz CONT srrciAL undone project tor Metropoll itl ANTIPERSPIRANT THE LOOK PERM HOME PERMANENTS E53 Roberts Announces CNE Pavilion Project buildings and recreational iaclb ex 0000000 residential pro lent to housa some persons in network of apartment buildings laced with recreational canals on Toronto islands Premier Roberts said Monday that when the CNE opens in Air Parliament Ill ll Glance rue common mass lllDNDAYvltilrcb 10 135 The Commons gave that reading to government bill to set up supervisory azeney ior edumtional broad castinz Fisheries Minister teclr new suggested study be given to declaring theGult at St Lawrence seal lane tuary Prime Minister cn said he hopes soon to clarify Canadas poaition on sovereignty over Aietle water ways The Conservatives tried un successfully ltronday to get an emergency Commons debate on the post olilee situation TUESDAY March it The Commons meets at pm PST to continue debate on the government reorgani zation bill The Senate sits at pm TAMBLYN VDRUG STORES srocx up AT THlS Low rates HEAVY BASED GLASStenantsw SPECIAL no 502 2i noun Pkg of IO SPECIAL ramny CONT DECONGESTANT FAPSULES rust visitors will see the island taking shape lie slid the development should once again melts the CHE the greatest annual exhl hltlon in the world The total size at tbo protect Including water area will melt so acres larger than Disney land three times the site er 0p tarlos pavilion at Expo 61 and equal to to per cent or the present CNE area TRY EXAbilNER more An PHONE mom My tinilsdlriutt Silo CI RELIEF BAYEW