Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1969, p. 13

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mew Alirs son SALE FINAL CLEARANCE SNOW CRUISERS sNow suns BOOTS MITTS CUTTERS SLEIGHS SNOWMOBILE GAUNIIEIS MENS ALL LEATHER CHILDRENS GAUNTLEIS OLADIB GAUNTLEIS MENS AND LADIES SNOWMOBILE BOOTS Sale Prico MENS SNOW SUITS ALL SIZES LADIES SNOW SUITS Sale Price SAVE $200 ON NEW SNOW CRUISERS Convenient Credit Terms to Suit Your Budget DELANEY BOATS LTD FOOT 0F BAYFIELD ST NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD Ibs house or fine broudloonrj Remnants all sizes and prim DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADIDOM ST Collier SI Phono flfiISII DRYER WellInflows electdc el rirle stove ID Inch IllaIre Gen lli Electric refrigerator tutorial blbv nanlalr mole IriIo stroller an In ermlleat condifloo modal or 71867 ADDING Acmz electric also lindenodd ter rind renialnn calen art pan and not allies noyden Johnson mum AlrmilAllc usual 50 also vrinaer washer all Iinth loco workinr condition Itva ll Sophi si liarrie nAIliv carriage for ma blua vith nillta trim in good oondltlon 20 or nearest oiler Telephone rzaaait lIELFlIGEIlAIoIL lor aalr or old to rublc tool For lurther Ine fcmsllon Irinphone moral lJSlD bicycles am up all alrea glfl or boys new and recondition ed also expert repairs parts and nurseries aarrle nlae shop to man street mvlcnnmxln special In Ila Auteullllc lvuhlllg mchlnes lVIh suds mum In Al chndltlnn ouar anleed Deluxe anoddi also suns rd slno viking wrlnrer washer Ietely overhauled rieluxe numb and timer 50 Call WApplllncel and TV nepalr WALNUT dron Ieal iable for rale in excellent conditlon tum 11 as eluted as 41 opngtrhfidl yellow coat and hat aire L1 3750 reiltlda dresses rirc HM cull mens pants walai 900 each lrotnoonc $3500 Phone 72w PLATED blind for all ammunition mi and relinlshed will roll and bench Small akc trill tare piano in trade Telrphlm risotto zwcmlc burner nova apt alre excellent gondltloli st rntrtaeralor 350 or both lor ashIiix ana cilthe 3100 brand new wrinrer Kenmore time man 22 tall bro sir pistol adle portable or lor cll SL5 no WILD BIRD SEED tl centa oer lb Select rann vlco no no Vespra st m4 koLLAWAY bed antinue tabla lamps antique iahles htdeabed Telephone 72mm sea at unwary daya are here again Avrn lng time Is raining Canv ythyi coated or metal Place yourorder draw at titular discount prices llrrio rent and lining Co at naylteld SIreeL omNa tor white eardhoa to Rent Home for Available at Barri namlnrr nere Ollice NORTH Cnlhalale racket inr late lite it Also to pieces llot ear track and rnnr Inatanutle nlavie earnea complete with Ilgbt Mr And built in tiller Like new rele phone 7156163 Irmca cbeitealleld table relri enter llrille IDMIIIUIIII hm Al asexual condition Telephone no Dual fiiur It homo arrnee rust1 no holsterJlK draperies In fabrics Darrin Tlnl and AWIIIIll 725607 mama aid hurries all lllll Auth Zeolth Dealer Mchlyl Pharmacy so Dunina Harlva WOLFE valve tfldtlilg machine mod VltS complete Vllve IuI fl model ACGIAA complete condition Telephone Clnldhn Tire Scnlse departman FRUITS VEGETABLES AP bushel Ind brim container Balsown Faran highway 69 miles west cl ceolutown soom DOGS 8r PETS POODLES DACHSIIUNDS nualilv nannies at ennnutauve prices Dogs are our burlneu when we plan for them we have van in mind whcn you If bu lnc nine lreen ur In nund 12 neerleya Ilidlrurri rooms Trlmmlnl Praiaalone rroorninlr nu breedl DickIto an peuyery Ilaiota ARTICLES WANTED TO SELL ON CONSIGNMENT clothing accessories household Iléms small appliances sports equipment toys baby furniture Must be freshly cleaned and In good repair THE WISE OWL 728b461 FERRIS TRACTOR PARTS WANTED tractors for wrecklnr hlrhlav wrlcks burnt etc 50 1100000 naid lor popular ann oil anntact SIT421M Burgeasviiie it cash or old silver china glass boom catalogues crooks scale jawelleay paintings 7mm yam and grain lcd hairy heel about not lbs perta sicat cookatown 655471 FARMERS MRKI FARM MACHINERY IIAVD BROWN tractor and loader with tullt Kiln than it inch ll ow cultivator Sale Price $2270 775 595 $1390 $2270 BARRIE FARMERS MRKT LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Humanism Standing at stud Elis filunler Appaloosa atalilnn Rom ex cupped nraner pulled WANIKD cows and stream any am lanes or Guaninea Any oulnlll Telephone 1w POLLS lmtltlnlru heilela and end or December youmr irareloni bulls blue coll due won otinf Soup dua betared now and stay IllEst young Holstein eow for sale with call at tool If Schull RR Harris Telephone mam lioKSLs boarded nor atalis creel lull rare Reasonable Urban using strand rros warnso wear and ovenNut star ntIl iiiaw HOISIEIN HEIiERS for Isle Due anon Alsf 73cm milk room Good as nawtsoms FEED SEED 8r GRAIN MIXED HAY ror lair In round bales 10¢ per bale at the barn telephone radam LARGE lluArriln at beied tor tale Telephone mutt PERSONALS AA IF vou have drtnuna rob lent and in help phone an Inn mam or our 52 Dallie lec old man winter ioyoils send oil by enluylnn raia alter won or cvcnln with an oldJush toned rialrh ridr loaded at ullh relrcsnnlants slna run or dance Special prices for schoolr or churCn grands aha Ponfitmn lelanllona alarms to lint Farms INCOME tax returns prepared Ior IIIIn nurlnear or individual Kldd 259 Dunlor West on or sve wy Fnl Ippo ntrnenr are DRESSMAKING THREE ADVANTAGES of having your ganncnls made by coulurierc Perfect III First class finish Style sclecled by ynu trom vandIrnoiin designers N0 PATTERN NEEDED For an appointinan call 72am WOMENS COLUMN Perms SPECIAL $600 MOM TUES lr WED ONLY WICKs BEAUTYSALON 45 Dunlop st West 7251980 to HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP sum required luu time tor day and ninrt aallt Blcclknt worklnr nondllfons unirornu rup plled leiepbono laduni PRACTICAL nurse or nurse ald experienced Innlswnod Nursing Home Iv lo RN tdepbonmusd aaaksmm renulred days week in my home Ialpbone 725 ml alter our anavsmm required lor ona thlifl sundaya am lo also the occasional Saturday Iplo Av enue area telephone mast NM Noun intererted In unllng eerI money part time or lull time Dire reutnr tor new Canadian company Ownflnnlty ununrlted lr helplul out not esrentlaL YxlteBox res Barrie Ensalliter LADIES to to i2 hours oer week Above average earninga Phone Fuller Brush mom CLEANING LADY required one tiny weak tor nearly new bedroom home north cart and ot aarric wrlta Rosana 52 name simille AGE llousqkeener nrel erabiy toreian 12 Collier rear entrance alteiwtil am MALE FEMALE EVENINGS only to work in re truhmenl broth and aa uahers Danie Drivein Iheatre motel Ma cxrzitllzhcnn hlIrdrcEser wanted lull tlnru Closed All day Wldnu dly Good houra Ind wuu Tol entlone Alliston disarm EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted lull time closed all day Monday anod nuure and wages plur mm mission Telephone moms days 664E evenlrliis MALE HELP GROCERY cick lenlrlred No es We will train Derlence nrctu uitflta hoilAv 1rme Ind will Dirty banal WI flbn to John Christ Christ Dan road mull mlfl Iliollld he hind Ind Millrlx to been rmonllblill Wfllild nomldlr older or aamlaotlred rcritlunan Barri DrlvlJn 111nm Whilst fir NIGHT yanllnr wanted unilonnn supplied usual coin riy banalita Apply tvaytara Ilesaursnt Hllll WI 30 Ind It Cochlown lied VIIh Grade in edicaliun Frank Ayers at the Contlncntal March l2 phone for an appoint radio and aerial lo HELP WANTED TBQYLES MALE HELP INDUSTRIES LTD 256 HUGHES RD ORILLIA NEW EXPANSION Machinists required for one of mill concerns Good working oandillnns In the areas Vueucst grouting In new iactory building mty Iooalod in OrlIlIa We are the worlds Iargost and most respected mnuiocurcrs of DIAMOND DRnLLNG EQUIP MENT Boyles has other plants and slitsidiaries In hazilnd rim Australia and the USA This Is validityowned Canadim Gummy originally intruded 73 years ago The oRlLLlA PLtNI is pisnnlng for crparulon of Its prcsont radiities In the mar battle We are presently seeking men aho arn qualified machinists or have equivalent skills on Machine Tools contact us by Iclopb0ne or letter to arrange for week day or Satinday appointment our telephone number Is mom Make III Inquires to the INDUSTRIAL RWTIONS DEPARTMENT CITY OF GALT Male Help Wanted CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR Applications litII be received by the undersigned until Mandi slat i960 for the above position Dulles to Include quality con trol inspection all phascs of scvier and road nonslnldion quality control test on cone crcle asphalt and granular ma terials field inspection oi con strucilnn Applicant must how successful Iy completed Inspectors course offered by DH0 or willing to lallc such courses at tho Cor porations expense Applicant should have Junior Matricula tlnn viith one or two years our vcy experience and scvcral ycars construction inspection lIITIIIOGE PersonnI Officer Cin IlnII GALI Ontario Route Salesman Position for man on established route Group Insurance pension plan available Must be mor SUNSIIINE UNIFORM SUPPLY COIIIBANY 143 John Street GET IN ON SOMETHING BIG hit or portlime business is good We have to expand to meet the demandi We need honest sincere salesmen I0 Join us now and slay long time Dont worry about experience as will train you In be successful and receive rapid pmmolion You will earn while you learn and receive substan tial admissions weekly plus casii bonuses for extra partici pallcn This is pleasant dlgni iied work contact Iodllesdayy Motel Barrio mont SALES HELP AGENTS CONSLMEM nearby need hizdla sinus Spices rialwings Coomntlcs etc start your nrntttabln business with lampusmrianilleleél APQdflusréls vrtle liawe loos nieneileu si ohlroal 20 sane weakly sell Alean Darcie and area nille or sales person preferably with direct sales or real ertale ex perlance Must be aggressive Good closer and willing to work weekends Hunarudr oi leads up niled must be willing to start IniL rnediately Car necessary rain weekly net you start Apply Mr Osborne at Model llonia office 321 st Vincent street arrle msui Extsurch rral eriate sates nonnci required ConLIci one Rullnl is Owen st harrie ill2m EMPLOYMENT WANTED swam renuirer work Piloting deln basemean or amen clean and pollahflnnn pr an screens etc Telephone 72M wru BABYSIT one or ran in frilly amals III as or one livid oTkiiiarearat 5L Angus HalIND mlnlvailblz for part tgna work after par includan full time Saturday and Sunday nelerenees provided Phone lea23w LADY would like to ear lor chit oren In her own home alone write P0 our 65 Anlus ontario wm do think at horn or evenlnr office work Proficisnl in cncral Insurance work Telephone 17c 12 TENDERS TENDERS Sealed tendsrs will IIE received up until 1200 NOON THURS DAY APRIL 3rd by the underV sIgnediorone new loss POL ICE CRUISER with POLICE PACKAGE Tenders to give price on both sizes of V8 cog ines small and second slzol carto have 4piy tircs heavy duty suspension and alternator automatic transmission duor and reinforced front seat Price to include changing equipment lender light roof light siren In prcscnt cruiser to new one Also 1268 Chevrolet in trade in BRIAN Ii GAULEY ClerkeTreasurcr TOWNSIDP 0F EsSA P0 Box to ANGUS Ontario Want Ad Section copy recanted tam not 12 TENDERS TENDERS For burrito nl WEN BY PILODUCIS such as sivill bones sucl count fut grease from eleven II kitchens In Base Borden land 13X Depot Angus arc notopcn for tie year April 1089 in 31 Mardi 1970 by Dealer duiy licensed In accordance with Department of Agriculture Regulations Swill to be collected from cldvcn till kitchens vnIh bones sucI lat grease cic collected from lilo control locations Low csl lender nol necessarily ccpled Successful bidder Will be notified by Registered Mail Tenders to bc submitted In VITI Ing no later than March 1969 to OFFICER IN CHARGE Dose Nation and POL Group Canadlan Forccs Base Borden BOIIDDI Ontario I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SAL for LINO BUCCIDL Al Lot 11 Con Essa TOW ship one mile nest and one mile north of Egbert store Thursday March 13 at pm in cows fresh and springing it Holsicln heifers nlo months old 18 nnnny goats fresh and due soon so hybrid pultcis 40 goes and ducks 2030 bales of hay 2E0 bales oi straw John Dccre Model 60 tractor with loader seed drill Ihrcshing machine MasseyHarris bind cr cultivator plow 19M Ford élon truckywith racks 1064 Mcicnr stationwagon 50 new hire rabbit cages with feedsrs hardwood flooring nciv bric TinI shingles same household effects and many0lhcr arti cles too numerous in list Terms cosh No reserve form said NORM FAULKNEII auctioner PATTERNS TEENIOIo gt this G0 POWER By ANNE ADAMS GO POWER Is what this skim or coatdress has lots ofi Wcar it free and flaring or make it morebody aware with wide bell Printed Pattern 4910 NEW Teen Sizes lo 12 14 16 Size 12 bust Ell takes yards 39 inch fabric SIXTYFIVE CENTS l5 cents In coins no stamps please for each pattern Onfnrln residents add II cents sales tax Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUIIEETI Scnd order to Anne Adams care at The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dcpt 60 Front St Toronto Ontariol Short on time Moro quick easy saw styles In our New PallWinter Pattern Catalog Plus free pattern coupon 50c NEWI Instant Sawing hook Slivd hours cut fit sclv mod crn export Illdy Over 500 pic tures Only it ANNOUNCEMENTS WMNEWS IN BRIEF SPECIAL NOTICES summon simian and Deaths Birth Announcemenia maximum Cordsof nadir in at additional near se pel mn Ill Memoriali no verso Volu per collar lino extra Comlog Events BIRTHS KNOWN4 llld In WWII hurl Oflm inclh it lidIii nalria on sa day nit mumsan ua Ilra coul Wtilllnu of MI SIN wish In announce to birth al 0qu Gianna lama to WI null 3an It 1131 Hi it the Royal Victoria Hamlin Dank Many than to the wand lua rapier and Dr Watson New marsienna Mr and Ilrl Lootlure ii kirk of new anyI lxor nnounra enrarenle oi daurbtar zvrlyn iiarti to llr xen naln Auén llolean ran or air And ADI Mclaeln Home 1b din la in take olact on satura omen loss at Em malty Anlllcln march ar DEATHS cIlAPPLL salab uiubelb lloyal Victoria lloapital rrie Saturny tlarno ma Sarah Knapp baoyed lvlle Al tba tale mdcriea cha Lavina mother of arm or oronto Maurice nl Bonf and Harvey oi Georgetown dear allier oi Cuta fills llnr star that of Manitoba and John of ttuelon Allu survived by it rand ehillrun and rreaLarandnllItiren in her und rear Ruling at Ute Pethislr runrrai Home in naylleld Street name Service and rum millet In the chapel Iuzsday at pm lntmnen slineain Un nn cemetery cons yum uearyAi rha Pene Ioni General Hospital on alonnay llama in 1989 in hl coin year iamer lienrv cote or vyeraie be loten Inn of III ll Mr Ind Illn iienry Cola lovingly renumbered hl Itto hires and two nephcws Restllil at the ianru It Lynn Fun Ill Home Dmvalc flier mm merrily for funeral so due on VndltudlYi INTI ll Temporary entombencn Comclcrv Chapel at Waverley Iioaiiran Cemetery cons Ailred Illlbllr Itt lhe Roy al ra ilooiaitar name on alon italoh to lots Alma Arthur or so alan street in hza 73m yq neiarad husblnd or the Illa ina Peacock our rathee ni lilioa illra iaelr Puller at Windsor lair ctia lira Green or Slrbolo and Ained citrial cilia in erlalA Alro survlvrd by lour ilran ehiid ren nestina at the steeirley Fun ral linrnc Ibllnnlcy Strut liar rte selvtee and committal the ehanel orl Wadnuday Match at pm interment narrlo nlon cam ry runs an Edna On Mon nay alereh late at womena Colicgo Holpllll Torollw Ville or In late anhn Flrhcrty dear moltr or Lerlla Clark itlltldlnnthgr oi nrlan dear llrlnr oi Donald Morrison oi Barrie and Simon Morrison nr niidland using at tile Jemtt nrnrnl Chapel Wiliowaale Ital cnz srrect lJuat noll of Hwy loll Service on wad day IL pIn at sorin Garnenr inp ttrt Church Garden riv dnue willonnaie Intemcnt weat rninrier Ccmntcly IIUEIIVEN Ilarrv EIIIoIt ora tori lillnols on Saturday arch 53 Harry Ilulnvcn hilmcIl ltusa hand of Pen Rutbvcn and radar of no Joan and Arlen lack of ElliotLakt brother CI cs Alta Alton Snidnrt Barrie Gertrude airs llarry Normanl and rcnn IIiIrs Albert nobrrtsi Tannin rrlmr may call at Truil runarar Home 37 TDIILt Trronlo from mardav at Service In Vfllncsdlv at Dr Ioltnuenl Mount PI 3M Co ICU HT All Sudbury on sun dry Much roar mie Smith of IZIS linnllnsu St Sfldhury btlfltrd IIII hand of Java Dbitlng and llclr rather of vohn Illlchacl and rat at home and main lllrr Grurge lnilulld tI llodle and one Honddaugtttnr Nancy dear son or is Smllil Ind the lat sir Smllh nl aarrio brother rr lira Herb crown of oniiia area so er al llamlfnn Mrs Elm ruin of panic and tits lard nnr urnvale Ilestilrv rt me iennsti Funeral home 52 android street naralc or service on Tuesday Mans it at nm Cram follow Donations in yo charity would be about IN MEMORIAM aoersin loving memory dear mother slarv Jane who pass an away IIIIlrJi It 1963 lr had all the world to diva lyeu gitu it an and more To hcar her roles and are her And rreet naral nur door But all no cln do dear mother II no and Icnd yourgravt And leave behind tokensof love To the best mourer cod ever made sldlv anisst and lovlnxiv re mambcred by Jack Ind lanrliy CARDS 0F THANKS Manila Iiia airline and Gordon wish to eXDIlay sincere snore on io their relatives lrlends and nelxhboura ror their many acts of hindnear floral trL holes and cards eelal iiiooiu to Rev James Ihr on and pIIL bearers CIBIRKA Mr and Mrs Justin Cibir wish to thank ih ladies ul WI oi churehlu for the shower any given on Thursday March Iiany thanks to lrtendl neighbours lor aim and donations received also donation received lrom fol low kcra ApJuecllte errorta of helm and strnu lire departrnen nutlve extendllincen thanks rtn one who any wav supno etha iaetr Ruddeii Fllm Ntrbt lnr Says the Pub Fundl Nnnn Synnotr Project eonvenar COMING EVENTS GARDENING COURSE fiveweek gardening course commencing MARCH WILI be held at the BARRIE YMe YWCA in cooperation with the Horticultural Society Ihurs days from 700 to 900 pm IIIR BILL GROVES cf the Bar rio Parksand Recreation will he the instructor FEES 900 Iloriiculturlll Sncl ely mcmbors $500 Ymem hers $750 nnnvY members For further information contact BRIAN BENTLEY Program Director 7W1 BLIGHTY BINGO Every Wednesday at pm NEW SOUTH WAIID COMMUNITY HALL Gill SI at Bond OItlLLlA CASH mast is Tn DAR mono TUEDAY Ala II II HOSPITAL om GOAIIAD IDNDON on CP by 40 IIOItlJ coo agroeiei to uni II can rather than government iltnda for the first yelrot construction the Interment later When such problems are over charges of making and placing priou on reqqu COMING EVENTS JACKPOT $350 Canadian Legion Hall Every Wednesday At pm Jackpot is played on regular cards Bingo Wednesday pm ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop St West $300 JACKPOT Consolation $3 ADMISSION in support of the Barrie Branch Navy leagu ul Canada Evory Thursday 530 pm UTOPIA COMMUNITY HALL Spccini HIGH prize AInlrIli of March Extra Prices at St Patricks Dichrc March ltl Come out and have lunch llilh its Admission éic ST PATRICKS DAY DANCE Friday March ll pm to am NEW IDWELL COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by THE COUSINS Auspicrs Brentwond Admission Couple $2 Sing SIJS Military Cuts UNICEF llid UNIIIED NATIONS AP The UN Childrens FundUNI CEFsays Its work in South Vietnam was hard hit last year by increased military action and general mobilization condif ris worsened colisid craby In says the report from Its executive director IlcnryR stnliisse oi Now Or loans The report for UNICEF lit naiion executive board meeting In May said Largc numbers of urban population were for the first time directly affected by mili my action dcsprcad do struclion in cities increased by hundreds of thousands the num bers of homeless The AtotaI number at displaccd persons at year cud was estimated at 200000 Hospital facilities throughout the country became increas ingly inadequate for the grow ing nuInbcr of casualties Regular UNICEFassisted programs came almost lo halt The low available super vising and organizing staff had during most at tile year to be diverted to emergency relioi measures Bombings May BringSome Goodi MONTREAL CPI Mayor Jenn said Sunday Montreals reputation may ben efit ill the long run from re ccnt wavoior violence Some good always comps 0Itt oi evil he said In regular broadcast on radio statlon CJAD fi come people would have greatcr admiration for Montreal Themayor said results of the Investigation into the bombings have been encouraging The fact that neighbors of the arrest ed man had no hint of his activi ties was BII indication of the dif iiculty of the task for police Itic arrested man of whom Mayor rap spoke ls PierrePaul Genifrny 13 who pleaded guilty Friday to 129 bombs conspiracy and posses sinn uf dynamite MARK RETIREMENT TORONTO CPI Willle the Ontario cabinet for l5 years was guest of honor at lunch coil Monday marking his retire ment from public service Mr McIntyre of Toronto was also dcputy minister in Ila deparb ment of Premier John Itnbnrts anti director of the office at the executive lrilliicl III Iiilarin Malcolm ltlclntyrc secretary to tondon Health Association has rmlvcd internment ptmllsv lion to ca for tenders for new mt00000 hospital Stevens association president announced Monday lenders will be Issued Marcia I7 with the deadline for blds April 30 Cut atntciloo oi the new teaching hospital will proceed soon as final approval by the Ontario lic Senlccs Commission given JAILED FDR ASSAULT TOIION CPI Karlel Beck Monday was scna leneod two years in penitentiary for assault causing bodily harm in connection with the death of Mildred Slnrcr It Toronto voltre worker back was charged originally with man slauphier alter Mrs Storcrl frozen body was found under an expressway Feb 17 1931 but the charge was reduced after mohtai examination TEENAGED 0N PROBATION SUDDURY ICP Robert Wesley Grant 16 of ncarby Whitefish Monday was placed on probation ior one year after he pleaded guilty to charge of possession oi marijuana DIE IN FIRE FORT FRANCES Ont CD 74yearold woman anti children died Saturday nlsbt uhcn Ihclr hnuso lraflcr caught fire Police identified the dead as Maria Jourdaln Myra Belle Pcdcrsnn cnti John Dwayne Pcdcrsou Fort Frances Is about too mIlcs southrost of Winnipeg DIE IN COLLISION CALEDONIA Ont ICII Tllrcc pesons were killed Sai lirdny in Iivocar collision on Highway six miles south of hcrc17cad urn Ale lid Young 57 and his wife Mary 33 both of Hamilton and Rob ert Bomberry It at Ohswckcn Ont Caledonia is IA miles soulb west of Hamilton IIIOUD IOI HONORED LIIS PALIIAS Canary Is lands Rcuicrsl abycnrold father of In children has won $15m nutlonai parenthood prize Now he plans to ask the govornment or bigger houso it was reported Sunday MOVIE WRITER DIES HOLLYWOOD API IVrIlcrproduccr Charles Brack ctt 77 who Icamcd with Billy Wilder in win Oscars for the movies Sunset Boulevard and Th Lost Vcckcnd and mm hits of his oivn Inr Titanic died Sun day at his home In suburban BcllAIr Brackctl who headed itltf Academy of Motion Picture by MIIS iv CAMPBELL sunvnv joint meeting of the con grcgutlons of Si Pauls Angli can St dimer and Lcrroy Unit cd Bcll Ewart Catholic and Stroud Presbyterian Churches was held Sunday in the base ment at the Presbyterian Church ftie purpose was in er range visitation canvass from the all to 12th line of those not at present active in any con gregation and to show the cone ccrn of local churches espec ially toward newcomers committee of Rev lA Crabb Rev Jozin Huntley William Wallace and Roy Goodlellow met in view map of area at the township office and zone th area for the callers who will be It members from each congra gation divided into group of five for the different areas Bull Ewart Baptistrchurches are to be invited to participate Next nt congregational meeting will be held In the Presbyterv ian Church March in following ibe regular pm service MANY PLANS Mrs William Wallace was hostess for the Marchmectlnga nt Presbyterian WIIIS The theme Praisef was carried out in worship and meditation Miss Mildred Harris spoke on Ihc theme Her injunction was that we shouldglveprafse to God for our manyy blessings but also nnt forget the ward of praise to fcllnw lvorkcrs cs peclaily remembering children Frcsidtat Mrs John Cotvah presidad and business Included arrangements to securespeakcr for Thank offering meeting an invitation to StIRmes United Church to see pictures of the work in Kenya of Lawrence Cumming nirangoments for Lucky Luncheon June it and bake sale In Lakeside Park on Civic Holiday August Next meeting being Easter service each membér is asked to have an appropriate Easter poem locontribule to program Mrs Walter Gardiner and Mrs Norman Mnycs assisted the hos tess liili afternoon tea Nclson Walton is home from Barrio hospital but has to me turn or surgery in two weeks Mrs Julian and William Kcll are in hospital ItllquosGW Third FIcsber ton Is holidaying In Stroud area with her family BIRTHDAY Tuesday afternoon friends from Barrie and Stroud culled nt lliehnme of Mr and Mrs Itcid to wish Mr Reid hop pincss on 94th birthday Mr body made up of cabinet minis tors fluid is still active and keeps bells Nothing like your own Spains annual 100000 pesetas by Mrs Campbell vhile Arts and Sciences from meat bod been In health for more than livo ytua after allele BRIDE AT 12 PAIEIIMO Sicily AP Tolelveycarold Marcella Ros ciglione became Italys younr ell bride Saturday alter tradi tional Sicilian elopemenl with her finance Giuseppe Grace 11 IllsGrecoisaslxthgradclul dent Her husband Is an auto mechanic CROCODILE DEADLY MURENOO MARQUES AP killer crocodile reported to be more than to feet long which has claimed eight lives in the Munhuana RIvcr 120 milu north or this indian Ocean Moz ambique port ttlllcd Ill 11year old bny Saturday Drama Festival Ill North Bay NORTH BAY ICP Tho QuebecNorthern Ontario Ilcglonnl Drama Festival opens Wednosday night ulltl pen formancc of Picnic Pulitzer Prilc winning play by William Inge The play first produced In 1953 ivfll bc performed by the Gateway Theatre Guild and di rected by Major Tom Smith Thursday Les Lnuls DOr by Robert Gurik iii Montreal will be presented by Lu Troupe Unlvcrsiiafro dc LUnivcrsiio do Mnnlronl The Ballad 0f the Sad Cafe by Edward Albee will be prcscniod Friday by the Sudbllry Little Theatre Guild This Quonin festival closes Saturday with Endgame play written In loan by Samuel Beck ctt it will be performed by tho Sault Thcalro Workshop Interested In Sexual Expression TORONTO CPI Rev James Fisk rector of Holy Trinity Anglican church said Monday night he would like the controversial play Futz staged in his church lhcntro because he is Interested in people express In lhemsolvcs sexually The play which started lLi Toronto run last work deals wilh farmer who Is in love with his pig After periornv ance Friday most members oi the cast were served sum rnonscs lnr staging an obscene performance Mr Fisk said he will ap proach Theatre Toronto to stage the play in tho church theatre lie has seen tho plan NEWS or STBOUD fresh cggs he says and many child goes away from the hon pen with the gift of fresh egg Busy planning his garden Mr ilcid always has some veg etables to sell or give to friends He Is regular attenda ant at services at Slroud Pres Iiylcrinn Church and never mis sus taking his place as an old or in serving Communion Birthday calla was served to the guEsB Miss Mac Ferguson local poslmlstrcss has rotunied from snuthcm holiday Taking jet to Miami Iifiss Ferguson was ruined by friend from York University post ofilcc and they to Nassau and Frceport Grand Bahamas bus trip in Key Wont gave an 0p3nrtumty to visit CypressGardnns and at tend the Passion Play drilling experience was three hour tour of Cape Kennedy FORTYTWO Senior citizens enlnyed their weekly afternoon get together at Strolld Hall Barrie Cenirnl Collegiate stw dents from this area who pare iiclpatcd in the production of Oklahoma were Joan Ayerst Joan Nciv Carol Bowman Earl Maycs Laura Black Mary Black Lois Horne Aline Booth as players and Cord Suther land in stage crow FAMILY GATHERING Mr and Mrs Reginald Road were in Barrie on Tuesday to help Regs father Stafford Reed celebrate his Bath blrtll dayA iamii gathering and leloohniie it from IVtIIl brnltior In St Pctcrsburg Flor Ida were highlights of the day Saturday cvaning unique en tertainment was sponsored by isle Innisfl trnllp Cubs and for IndIan children from Mane Scouts lihen they arranged or indian children from Man itoulin Isiandtu give an hour Iong performance of dances Ralph Rowe soil of REV Lionel Rowe former minister of in ir the leader of the Strnud kroup hisiil Anglican congregations Is the leader of the Strand group and was the one instrumenlll In organizing the IndIan group sumo years ago II E0artcr and family of Maple Drive are happyabout the arrangements tha new post ofiicc hours have made possible Mr Carter who formerly bid walk from Toronto post of fice was fortunan to secure walk In Barrie and does not have to commqu that 60 miles cactiday Mr and Mrs Neil Jones and Gordon anan of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs John COW enjoyed four day boat trip

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