ere Want Ad REAL ESTATE nus OPPORTUNITY AUTOMOTIVE LIGHT PACKAGING OPPORTUNITY R5 F0 35 ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING automate 2W5 INVOLVED new SPARE TIME IN THE HOME $3000 PER YEAR FOR YEARS cans WANTED Spring CleanUp Time Remember NDthingCltzans REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Paopertrv FOR SALE DISTINCTIVE HOMES In The Distinctive CHOLKAN BARRIEVIEW SUBDIVISION co LTD MLS REALTOR lo Collier St Barri Mt Highuott Road South endot Barrie Angus meal Sielbunla mete WITsaga Bud 194640 Collinpmod moon Midland use 10 DIFFERENT PLANS era you an con boom AT THE At urn Al electric Undmod Wiring REALESTATE MORTGAGES murmurs lst and 2nd ltforlgage Loans Arlrlrywhere 0on Priormills 30 0FNALUAHONS it You Need lioney 1i umolldato debts Plv olr outrun mortar Ctr an mint din 40m PROPERTY FOR SALE runrm votuwlnlrl bodv uln tea unnatural condition not no mar Telethon 1111551 mumvoman motor Ilia FOR THE BRIDAL SHOWER ON MARCH 12 1969 WHY FIGHT High prices in the city nhen you can lurchase three bedroom home miles from Barrie for 311900 Let rue show you this opportunity Call Alan Wardie 72551 BUNGAIDW Sniiil bedroom brick bungalow IIII beautiful rec room with store ï¬repInCe Ample closet spree Located in cost end of Ba For dolarls call Jon It BEDROOM BRICK cornienl to dottn town his is an excellent hour Priced under $200 uih mortgage Phone me or on appointment today Mar Klein 731le or 7734101 $28 Situated rim on the river at tasnga Beach Four bedrooms fireplace in family room Phone for details call Brian or Mnrg Wakeï¬eld 421568101 Alt$65 150 ACRESFARM storey brick house bed rooms Equipment and cattle included in purchase price Call Bob or Dec Hanson 4145591 NEW HOME LOOKING FOR TLC if you are carpenter Youll be happy to finish this home It needs trim kitchen cup boards also brick on outside very large clcclrically heated home on large lot raspch call Lila ltird 4211le HERE IS THREE bedroom bungalow that offers you coun try living In the City Lot in an exclusive residential area All this for only $14500 and $2000 down For further details call Joseph Dirracolo 775056 YOU MUST SEE This attractive two bedroom home near Camp Borden Situated on an attractive tree covered acre Your own stream and beaver dam hill price 51351 Call Alan Wardle MM MVtvian Gamer Huron Newman wrnon Edward Yvonne Row anarn rnttzraau Jim Martin insul brick home Anita and Han SANDY XWE Spring and buying cottage go together to make Worth 01 pleasure Why not look at cedar chalet on lover trend lot near Sandy Cove Beadit Three bedrooms large living room screened in pordr and fully furnished Coated Wanda Edwards mam LIVE AND LET LIVE Live in hall and let relative or tenant occupy the apartment This property is in lovely dean condition Phone Yvonne Rowe 72371 TASTEFULLY DEBORAH1 New home almost completed excellent Iorkmnndrip beauti fully finished attached garage centrally located Reasonably priced to sell Call Dolly tion tell at 7284x174 or more partic ular and inspection LARGE FAMILY immaurlate room brick home wilh bathrooms full basement garage large lot located close to Camp Borden E1111 price Szzsoo Call Pat or Theresa Byrne mam RR NEW IDIIELL bedroom storey and half frame base ment nttadied garage on VLIt tot 150 In full price 513000 terms Call Us Love groie 4216112 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Orr Colborne Street in Drillia just one block from the main street ideal business location with ample parking facilities For terms Call Graham Tatter sall 7737309 in Barrie NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA Centrally located to schools bus etc on quiet street Three bed rooms trailing for family to move in and call it home Terms can be arranged Call for more particulars Marion Newman ITS BOY pounds ounces Congratula tions Mr and Mrs Joe Dirra colo from the staff mulnlcn Domain Diveunity Mortnll Edtttnrltyn Pit Carter TIEl7 moss meai ranviii 062099 rzoam 4872428 norm 723nm noorss Peter Mlntnn MEMBERS BARRIE ORANGEVLIE TORONTO BOARDS SHELSWELL MIsnELlLTolt 119 DUNLOP Sr 7251412 3WLLSON CAN BE SEEN ANY millDimer has retired and will sell or lease large cement block building apartment above with walkout to Duff 72151451 MLS 5589 on Brod Street Bright roomy large ï¬nished patio Call Bill SDMIDERACHEDDUPLEXPossession of one side Aprilt Let the rent from the other side carry lhe mortgage Each side fea tures three bedrooms and full basements A15 years old Good condition Deed Atkinson Orca Brown Duff isabel Fisher Chuck Lambert Everett Inughend 7189796 7237265 7264451 7287631 7230001 Ila2130 Call irs Lang 735761 No 169 ioan Lang ll MacLaren Keith Molinaten Norah Raikes Gladys Sinclair Jane Young 7285761 7284950 4245868 7261139 7283690 7284717 EMORY MILLER 7261881 REALTOR 67 DUNLOP ST MELROSE AVENUEHeres the home for you bedroom brick side split close to school has many features Broadlaom park and bus route This home builtin stove oven and retrigv crater Completely finished recreation room Gall Brian Banting BUNGALDWCLOSE T0 DARRlEwith attaohtxl garage paved drive and situated on paved road close to Higiway 111 south This attractive almost new home is in perfect condtion and can be seen by appointment only Call Harvey Weber norm SPENCER iftllfldiTIHLMIHER CO an air mum unseen urn1114 rzaanli AROLD ea Baytield sum Paolo Mortgage Funds Available COMPANY PERCYIORD SAMMY BENT1AM DuNNmY BRIAN BANTING nosunr 17121va FORSTER inns REALTORS 7266453 Free Customer Parking 1291930 715cm moose 12a1195 mam sr VINCENT mane Three bedroom storey and half home good size living and dining room plenty price $15000 Terms Forbes for further details of cupboards in kitdien large lot asking Possession to be arranged Call Irene HANDY MANS SPECIAL Located miles south of Barrie $10900 Lot size stuns 112 star inlorrnation and to inspect this SPRING on Highway b1 Asking price ey insul brick home For turfher property call Lou Goedemondt Barrie East End oioseto schools bedroom bungalow at tamed garage patio large garden and lawn area Nice home for young couple First time offered Price $20500 For further details deasa call Lorne Hay EVENINGS CALL Allan Kaoosmurnw GLORIA KOSSATZ lRmE FORBES LORNE PL KAY RITA SCANnturrr 7235435 72191753 rznam 711nm muss TORPEY flIANIY BAY Real Estate Broker gt hmnlmx MOORE mint yr KMJDSTERMAN Asatrot mu GHEDEMONDT nouns GRANT lItncAitrHtm 71110617 my mannistm more PLANNING 0N BUILDING NEW HOME Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER 129 Hradiord St 7285541 oIi and Bi NHt Mortgage BETTER BUILT HOMES BY GORD SPRING 735097 DOUG HOMER 7mm mix rsonarvor mans INESON MLS REALTOR Elaine lneson Helen Hopkins mm nit1662 7284294 Catherine Milne Tom Foster mm BIDWELL ILLS Realtor 33 COLLIER Sl RUTH LLOYD 455416 WILMA BIDWELL mi V1 FISHER FRANK Martian funds available TELEPHONE 7284480 WAN BIDWELL mm NANCY liftKENZIE M18 NELLES Photo lit Realtor 79 BAYFIHuD STREET 499 HURONIARIO STREET BARRIE 7751 COIMNGWOOD 445201 EVENINGS CALL Mike Magus Stan Hammond Franlt Wainwright Leo Cavanaugh 7261743 7231207 slum CAMPBE PHOTO MLS 1M DUNIDP ST Fred Taylor 72111205 Paul Penman moat Charlie Read 7282817 Don Campbell 7760243 Smith Campbell 7287389 has new Bob Shier Rollie Gauipeau irank Nelles M4876 LL REAL asrlra UNITED REALTOR 7260741 W43 Doug Campbell Ron Allan 4365343 Don Marshall 7282357 Richard Dicki Beer 7268897 CARSON PHOTO M15 53 WORSLEY STREET Norm Synnott via533 Bill Hamilton ROGERS Photo DUNLOP STREET EAST At FRED EPLEII 15 OWEN REALTOR YTELEPHONE 7765131 7256151 Russ Carson mam Rupert ltchrath Elmvale 7391122 Hill Long 7mm CONNELL Realtor the Five Points Phone 7435568 EVENINGS CALL 7289793 CHAS ROGERS PRO PHOTO MLS REALTOR 12 1282379 APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTALS At Rose Res maria Bill blackness Res 72641726 MLS Realtor ACRIESBACH SHANTY BAY 7239844 SNACK BmSUWIER Choice waterfront location in nisiil All equipment included Dance hall licence Euro 100 it waterfront lotpalso avail able Get ready for summer now real opportunity reason able down payment CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN storey brick easily duplexed spacious rooms complete baths oil furnace lot 66 165 Dont fail to see this PRESTIGE BEDROOM Beautiful brick in droice hill top location Fireplace in at tractive main Roanfamily room withsliding glass door piece bath and zpiece powder room custom broadioomedlhrmrghoui Double garage with paved drive Dont wait select now for June occupancy COUTTS AND 00 OWEN ST 7232485 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo M13 Realtor EVENINGS GORDON COUTTS 72117275 SANDY COUTTS WALTER COUTTS 7232311 RAWN Real Estate Ltd Broker IO EAYFIELD 5T1 nil951 SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings call Elli Rawn 42641999 Simon Eoekbuizen 721nm Dick Draper HIE373 CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers 93 Dunlop St Phone liO tst and 2nd mortgagee arranged on low monthly payments We buy your presentint and ltnd mortgagee gt MABEL MARSHALL 115 dill Gintzommilim LAWS 1mm Autumn Lt Three bedroom brick bungalow rluaniln Street dare to st ninryr mom Torvato Dick Hartley 72879711 into ALL ELECTRIC bedroom home living room kitchen plenty of cupboard space insulated windows doors tiled full dry cement basement on corner lot scenic setting full price $2000 Contact BETTY NEWTON Hawkestone ADI21¢ SIMME VSLDE bedroom cottage living room kitchen with cupboards screen ed sunporch pumphmrse extra front lots full price $17 000 Contact BBITY NEWTON Hawkestone mm KEITH HILL REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babeoelr Barrie manor Coibourne Shroud 4361387 Spencer Thornton 4589211 Snow Siroud mutt Ed Green Earrte 7294117 Betty Newton Hawkestono tin1103 Lillian Roberts 7260927 Marguerite Moore 7261256 and Husimmins Churchill 4567620 Torry Stevens Ellrrlvale 177W Ernest Watts Barrie 7267209 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 MLS Realtor WHITE ma Bayfield St 7231071 Appraisals Listings invited ELVA MILLS 72d3749 JOHN WHITE 72574117 Gibson WIIIoughby Ltd MLS Realtor EAOwen St 72312 Everrtngo Lloyd Lilly 7256663 Larry DelVilde muzra Miller 7761032 LOTS FOR SALE BARRIE areato acre lot river run iitahwly 21 um £2609 or PROPERTY WANTED DUPLEX WANTED tn Blrrle Good own arvrnent trust In good Church and wheel mom repair Write Box F75 Emil Ebr lminor Ontrill residents addwtc sales Aay Write Mortgage Funding our SimpsonsScars DWI ET lfentber Ontario Human mum Aoctailon MORTGAGE MONEY if you have Lova money In ahomeitismbabiylhebcn collateral you have For unm ple by using tth equity at Sea board Finance homeown ers can obtain town interest rate than in possible on per sonal loan And at Seaboad you can borrow up to 00 of the value of your property or in some cases even more See for cash today Ted Norman 30 DUNLDP STREET Wm P0 BOX 12 Blame orvrnnro PHONE 7786017 SEABOARD FINANCE COMPANY or CANADA LIMITED no mu OWN Moriarel nun rub available to burnqu non of willnrrlvcn 11mg vol many on ur in ruorltne rial07 rm HE Pnrvltn lunar avlillble rar firrt mortaarc nr wlll nurcnnsc In exist tmt mariano City or rural reit Phone norm lNSURANCE MOVING Dont forget to translcr your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind see STEVENSONS 113 DUNLOP ST 7351301 MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH 11a General Glendale Northlander Parts and Service SALE REN1 Cash upTcrms up to 10 Years Mandamuss Ideal oppolttntiy investment of snow oov lhinlng provided by For Irathis Inhalation write to 31 Tinnu nNGusa btdroom hutad merit unfurnished Available hustle monthly Telepito nnorrooar nubile and turn ti April 11 Leas run this Telephone 72 BY CONTRACT of lntuaiuwny reclaimed us 1nd Canadian requirea dependable person to Imam and for retired Germany Box persons or bluewivu are equrpmen Ind materiaIs Fl mm martian ZAPTS FOR RENT THE KEMPENFEIII Dunn new banning beatIto the bay only in Inllmll bub Ill Itectrt an AVAILABLE limb two bedroom belted lputrnent in and rahtr ii°r Thins3 rhiriuwuut If Pun smear en urn monthly at TW DIde unfurnished Ivar lnddl In an stmL Telovbooa mutt inobom 710141 metal larynx none but and tsnldlu won ctuotng Cabl two Ito tokdtflcigtl Limit til non rv moron bedroom netted lblflmtnt and refrllrrltor VDIItd locker rm wk Ilnn ctIttIea Bus iii door Avaun Apru tor5 Zr 51 mimosa err ucer rep cc In monthly Includes neltnfrid uiillller Telephone 1mm 0173 comm Inarhnent for rent and rolrtxeutor supplied laundry Ind parking lacttttlu Adult only mirror Aprll Telephone no mo ma bedroom Iwflment now WP STILL nur let few two bed room apartments for Idulls only won hllronlca featuran able stove and inrrtzcratnr Ruled by naturoa wondcfluei Natural Gls vlntn rates still in etrect Call it Canon Rent at ranbra nNz bedroom apartment broad loom throughout courtbed Avatllblo April Suit rrtvm entrnce non for couple Telephone no 5391 after pm NEW FURNISHED APTSI mrloolttnn rake donnlown am nrodnrn kitchen anrr room and bedroom uied hath mile Suit Adults Telephone 726mm week days mount one bedroom nominent sort parking faculties Mobile Homes 1115 nrr1amior supplied zoo month end location Telephone HOUSES FOR RENT nine one block from Available 165 men 11 Hwy Burton Ave mom mm Wm WM NEW NEHBU VEST 13y ALICE BROOKS Springs newest vest is vivid with flowers leaves Your prettiest investment is an embr idered vest with Nehru collar ake or velveteen or lin on with gay stitchery Pat 7328 transfer pattern pieces included FiilY CENTS tColiIst for each pattern trio stamps please to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front st Toronto lax Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS Giant new 1969 Needlecraft catalog over zoo designs to choosehfl free patterns printed inside Send so cents now Newl 50 nslartt Gifts fabulous fashions toys decorat or accessories Make it today give it tomorrow ideal for all occasions 60 cents is ilriy Hugs to knit crochet weavesew hook cents Book of 12 prize afghans 60c Bargain Quilt Book has 16 beautiful patterns no cents Museum QuiltBunk patterns for 12 superb quilts 60 cents big in patterns or eants TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7257114 Selfstoring shutters patio doors siding Windows recaulkedr replaced with modern sliders RR Stroud 114 Rose Street PAINTING and deeorlttfltl eattmltes Telephone Jnkl norm tomt for lensE in minutes from narrte Telephone maria liter VJ Houses WANTED nrsanrcr MANInert inc tarally renuire 1nr bedroom house in quiet residential area rum Tclronone ROOMS TO LET nuersss thm with home would like to share with lame West end Telephone mam mornings or af ter born eENInALLv room kitchen private tutti Stove refrigerator heat and urulue rup nllnd Telephone 725nm located bedsittlnl nnrairr clean bedroom blocks 1mm dnwntoivn for Ientiemln teltuhane 72am ACCOMMWANTED meta scnoor tclcher requires room and board write Burl earminer in RENTALS ROOM AND BOARD ION And board available um laundry done and lunches puma Parklnx available No objection in units martian Gcnllemm only 151 Do on weaL mil 1130M lllthboud Ivllllblhur fun Ionian nit nIahlnt minor Tarpact OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT alutu rim nr om for not tor Danton mi $150 monthly net Aldrin Ml omen rpm to rent 1y zoo soure rent 1m and with lulhroom facilities in Stupor tnltnlclrnl outtdtnz Tlltvhorre ub alto durlru out houn AUTOMOTIVE STARDUSI GAS BAR Highway on north miles east or itiincsing OPEN DAYS WEEK SAVE ON GAS AND 01L CARS FOR SALE VOLVO KITCHEN AND SON malnutr l7ll ESSA RD mm Rays SIMCOE MOTORS LTD JAVELIN or Tiftin SL mm FORD 151 enlinl door auto mntlc txonr big311 KoodTnieï¬lnl in one 7766400 1968 from hardtop iso automltlehevery hen Milo miles No reasonire rafter refused Telwhonu res4315 liter not 1951 MOTOR for late and until new bliicly 006 radio pruc allv newmow um All for SID Telephone TIE616 DIRTY CAR TRUCK Interior rbrmnoo motors tinned minted wax jobs reasonablo rates KleulKll service 7136612 1968 CHEV Suurr Sport convertible tyilrtdrr nutmatlc in road rbane soon Telephone liter prn mom Wm test array for nit door tinder while our mi and WM Interior White walls good mal uun ma wizn sarer rertlficltc Telnhoul homo rm none country sortie plan anm 2a englnr power steertnl power bra power back window nr oondl on one owner 000 miles Must sell mom loss Puniottm Sports Fury cur tom bucket seats console floor ahlft va automatic poorr aiming unbroken note rear window de troltel reverberation vtrm top urn 1nterlor 1aooo mile warranty $2150 moor after no prn able for int modrl or would buy car Intt bu been uncalled Talc phone M11 SNOWMOB LES MOTOSKI Sales and Service Repairs to all makes BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE Tomato St W40 ALL ALUMINUM SNOWSPORT with the GERMAN AIR COOLED ENGINE Kerv Johnston itioiora Ltd YOUR Barrie Volkswagen DEALER Gowan St at Essa Rd Barrio motor SNOWMOBILlNG 100 acres of fun It PORTAGE TRAlIS off Simone Road 23 between Hwy 90 and lflnesing Special Saturday night safaris rentals or non rmcllinosOld fashioned sleigh rides by ap pointment iiot beverages 7281537 or 726195 BOMBARDIER IDOO The first the foremost the only one that went to the Arctic on display RIDGE ROAD MARINE Ridge Road and Can 0m Telephone 1372211 THE ALL NEW SNOW CAMPER HERE IS THE ANSWER to the hunter fisherman sports man snowmobiler the racing buff it sits on skis You can sleep rn it eat in it stay out of the cold winds and best of all use it all year round See it This Weekend KNOTTY PINE SPORTSARAMA Highway 27 liidlrurst 7284111 MN 1969 snrnou it excgllent mnnlnéomerrrlcc orrll Also as er gï¬gtle ccriilnleu Iiiisiriio 1959 slitnno tor sale in condition In it Ir W50 Tclrnll ISSK BTUSKI Ca lood nonunion sis Own the Can be run at st mui rm Butte leal less sxrnno In no dlllorr oniv ss runntn vcorn plate with trailer tlld cover rnuit leli roll price $750 Alrn lose Skilln Superspon to no months old View little running TLiï¬LInne 7166417 anytime MOTORCYCLES H55 HONDA CB 50 newly Flint ed new seat excellent eondltlon must sell Jacket na helmet also renter am mraot argntr TRUCKS FOR SALE 1951 FORD whlte lzcnnottne ton van soon or but offer Tele phone TiaMan raizlrJALPaow ragga 14$ and co on no mlm so an Inn truck or will sell park hoist and motor robullthllso cylinder Red Seal complete unit complete ly rnhtlilt mag start sash after CALL Us FIRST We areskilled in our Service and willigive you Prompt Attention CLASSIFIED sanvrca REPAIR GUIDE PLASTERING IRONING CARPETING Lathl and alutertn repair and new ï¬nk winter DllcEl mam HAN DYMAN SHOP Iioil tsize lab you have been wait no moon 174 Henry st mos9L have done Proprietor ALUMINUM SERVICE wt rldowa doorI HlGIIDST QUALITY OLOWEST PRICE FREE ESTIMATES ALUMINUM ASSWIS RUG CLEANING SIMCOE CARPET CLINIC Professional carpet and uphol story cleaning 1N YOUR HOME or in our MODERN PLANT 252 HUROHIA RD PHONE 721M761 PAINTING PAINTING Sr DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Also sign painting European experts VAN NOORTWYK 7236375 game Pltnllnrt interior and ukh van rusonlhln ultratel Call Eric ransize yards memo mugs Ind erm PAVING am lab 12 nativitriokiiri Manieri Paving italianExpett Go of Barrie Free Estimate Workguarantaed 7260081 134 ESSA RD ASPHALT BOOK NOW for early spring paving Driveways parking lots barn nnar EmMATES Also on cement work Galrage am patios TSUBONE PAVING co Telephone collect mass Painswick REPRINTS If you would like to have re prints of any newrrnicturea take by our staff photographers please call at our Business Off Ice We are sorry We oannot 72610 HEUGATILE CARPET for commercial and residential Best carpeting in the world Free information and demonstration BLOMS CLEANING SERVICE zoo Napier St viaIra kg SNOWPLOUGHING aNownnowmu drive an tots Mandate and dislrlei Ti I679 anytime or flailMM eventnn LATHE WORK arrow or production inure work Reasonably priced cur At an air lIIm pin RENOVATIONS Renovltons rec rnorus cupboardl cottages homes store fronta hlllll ink No Job too bit or too rmIlL Im estimates 7180164 nurtnmo masonry lntertor orlting remodelllgg floortnx Iii ward Foraylh 728 to INSULATION ntownm nramon Insulation Irra estimates Guaranteed warn Telephoto Scott Muir ribrm TRUCKING LOEAL Hauling Any inb rutarr or 1m Contracts invited Telephunl 42 FURNACES mm installed on econznv rnr Ialloy £1150 Eemodolilnfl at cexlkw syn nu rue is ml er no town arms SIGNS Free accept phone orders groaMMEIICIAIIa TIUfk Lsngan mp rvrr mat or an to run aberrant norm 473 Loan hasI lass marrow onrnp dell