William Septer of Owen Sound Ont scoops chunks of ice out at his swimming news manner Raps Estate TORONTO or The Es totes General oi French Canada is displaying the same attitude that narrowminded English spoaking Canadians took low years ago in saying bilingual Canada is Impossible Economic IAifairs Minister Iean Itinrchand said Monday Departing irom his prepared speech to joint meeting ot the Canadian Club and the Frame tors and Developing Associa tion Mr Matchand lashed out at the nationalist organisation which at weekend meeting at ihlontreal voted ior republican iQucbec with only one oIfIcial language The truth is that we can have bilingual country without imposing any language on any one Mr Marchand said We want this to be our coun wherever we go it am lstcr oi the Crown you can nnt accept that dont under stand your language The re YCISB is also true It is mainly oblem of at tlitudca The only way to keep Canada together is toihuye ound just bilingu policy for everyone lie said he did not mean that Everything in Canada should be OTTAWA CF year ld mother of two young chil ren appeared in criminal court There Monday charged in connec ltion with threat to kill Prime thlinlster Trudeau Mrs Catherine Watkins of 0tlt itawa was remanded until today mental examination Mrs Watkins was arrested unday following police investi atiou or letter which con tained the threat on the prime intstetls life WOODSTOCK OP David Ker publisher and general manager of the Woodstock Sen tinelReview since 1964 an nounced his retirement Monday In his announcement Mr Ker said am going to stay around for while and break in suc thmmmww em TAKES mantra hole right before taking his daily dip in tho frigid waters oi Georgian Bay left Alter Montreal Port MONTREAL 0P William ilaatz president of the Montreal Port Council said Monday local port facilities could eventually be moved further down the St Lawrence river to accommo date transportation demands lit years from now Mr Baal told press confer ence that limitations in present facilities particularly water depth availability of lower priccd land for expansion feasi bility oi continuing government expenditures for drainage and dredging made it necessary to rethink Montreals position as port 1000 miles lrom the sea Manslaughter SUDBURY d0 45 yearold Sudbury man accused oi murdering his wife while she ate breakfast in nearbytarm house nearly 10 years ago was loundflgujlty Monday of mu slaughter by an Ontario Sll preme Court jury which did not retire to reach verdict Mr Justice Patrick Hartt told the jury that manslaughter was the only just and humane verdict that could be brought in against Alionds Labor charged with noncapital mur der in the Sept 1959 shooting death of his wife Maria jury ruled Sept 12 1960 that Labus was unlit to stand trial lk was sent to mental hospital where he remained until January when review board declared him fit to stand trial Mr Justice Hartt will pass sentence Thursday Miniiig Exchange TORONTO ICP The 1600 member Prospectors and Devel opers Association Monday ap proved the setting up of stock exchange for small mining and oil companies it theOntario Se curitia Commissionassents resolution to establish mi neral resources exchange was put to the association at its an cessor nual meeting here by Larry REFRESHIth pip splashing around In the water for minute or so he then has zoo foot walk back to his cottage Mr Septer says Lebow Toronto mining engi ncer He has bben advocating such an exchange for some time About third of the 50 jun Ior mining and oil companies once listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange have been suspended or delisted since 1960 Mr Lebow said The reason is re strictive and unrealistic regula lions imposed by the TSE Tax Rebates TORONTO CPI com pany and four persons were convicted Monday oi failing to pass on residential tax rebates to their tenants and fined amounts ranging from 510 to $75 West ll investments Ltd was convicted on two charges and fined total oi $150 Also convicted were Arnold Prince Valentino Mancuso Thescharradls and ivor Bar UIIE iudge Joseph Addison also ordered the landlords to pay the tax rebates to the court so they could be passed on to tenants The tax rebatesranged from S20 to $3952 The convictions were the first in Toronto More than two dozen similar cases are scheduled for later this month Mortgage Lending WINDSOR Ont tCPi New lendinanstitutions are needed in Canada to provide mortgage money for housing Shea outgoing president of the One iario Association oi Real Estate Boards said Monday He told the associations an nual conference Transport Min ister Hellyers appeal to the countrys insurance companies and pension funds will fall on deaf ears Realtors are perhaps the first to realize that the mort gage resources of the powerful financial corporations are seek ing equity or ownership posi tions and will soonbe our coun trys leading buyers rather thanour leading lenders he said 4m YELLOW SUBMIIRINE COME mneauet left to right Ringo George Paul and John tin with Sergeant Peppers 37th Hearts Club Bandltin Yellow Submarine nut length animated frolic which is slated to open here March it at the imperial Theatre SIMPERIIII Filmed in Color by Deluxe It is being released by United Artists an entertainment sub sidlnry otTransamerica Con poration the only drawback to dunking to Ice water is that his fing ers become numb Wire photo GeneralAttitude ETV Legislation TORONTO tCP Ontariol educational television officials say new federal legislation in tmduccd in Parliament Monday could mean extension oi ETC programming throughout the province The federal bill read or the first time by Secretary of State Gerard Pellotier proposes that Canadian educational broad casting agency be created to aid development of It would provide the broadcasting facili ties and the provincial agencies would supply the programming to be carried Tax On Hotels MONTREAL OP The On tario governments decision to levy ilveperccnt tax on hotel accommodations and 10per ccnt charge on meals and liquor is part of plan to put Ontario and Qucbacs tourism industry on cloterr footinngabriel VLou bier Quebec minister or tour ism Iishand game said Man day Mr Lonbier said there was no question or Quebec dropping its eightpercent hotel and meal tax and that the Ontario taxes announced last week made the two provinces more competi tive Return Detector LAGOS Routers Soviet sailor who detected by swim ming 40o yards from his ship to British vessel after quarrel with superior officer was hand ed over Monday night to offilt ctals oi the Soviet embassy here the Nigerian government said The sailor jumped irorn the gttideddnissile destroyer Bulky in Lagos Harbor and swam to the ireighter iweedbank with Soviet motor hnat pursuing him He was reported to have requested political asylum aboard the Briflsh ship No Charge Laid OTTAWA OP No charge is contemplated against an Otta wa man who allegedly threat ened Health Minister John Munro week ago Solicitor Gencral George Mollraith said Monday in the Commons The man has not been identified aehem Union Clinic THOMPSON Man GP move to set up medical clinic under union sponsorship is being discussed inthis northern mining town following an an nouncement by all eight local doctors they will not participate in Manitobas new medical care Insurance plan The compulsory plan goes into effectApril but the enacting legislation gives doctors the right to practise outside the they desire Car fluck RENTALS ECONOMICAL DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY 72333374 HERTZ mEIMDFOIID Pcnetaug 1s Returning mm mm madman II Officers Face Fraud Charges moonm tP Arthur Wiahart Ontario torusygeo eral told the legislature Mon day certain returning officers to the 19s provincial election have been charged with fraud More may be charged as govemmeat investigation now concentrated in the Toronto area extends Into any area at the province Where the police eonsldcr it appropriate and nec essary to pursue the matter Mr Wishart said the charges in no way relate to the election sweet of their duties and will not affect election resuiix department official said raven persons In the Toronto area have been charged with defrauding the province of sums of money Another Ipotrcsmun identified three charged with fraud as Marco Ibplin Norman Chooseman and Mrs An tler returning officers for the Toronto riding oi Parkdale York East and Eellwoods other warrants have been Ia sued for three women and one man The three arrested were released on their own recogniz once Television cameras Monday made their second visit to leg islature working susiou as Rob ert Nixon provincial Iahcral tender delivered the oiilclsl Op position rep to last mesdaya budget spree also televised hirt Nixon nld Treasurer diaries Maanugbtons 196970 budget It the wrong services added the wrong tam Ind die played least reparatllm policy more dangerous than bomb In any mail box In Moot real The trcasurers announcement at separate provincial Income tax within two years means fiscal wait around Ontario to the worst tradition of Cana dian citizenship The proposed capital gains tar also to take effect within two years should have been in cludod instead of the federal tax base so the tax could be applied evenly across the country In sixpoint amendment which will be voted on when the budget ddiato concludes in soy erul weeks ltlr NLvon raid the budget cuts vital services do uics adequate and economical health care by not announcing Ontarios entry into the federal medical Insurance plan changes municipal government It disparity Ind postpones uec wry tax reforms One of Mr Nixons amend menu proposed establishment of no rt be development board an Idea revived from his Iain election campaign 3an ad of all members of the log tature representing Northern Ontario rldings It would advise the governmenton roads neteh opment and social services Donald hipcDonnld New Democratic Party leader deliv ers his partys reply to the budg et speech today It will also be televised In other legislature businex Monday tuna unu Plastic IloaIII without consulting local authori lies ignores poverty and region rrnnisnnn GeoIgs Ben tL Toronto Humbert asked Health Minister Matthew Dymond it chemi callwarflrer plant has been opened in Ontario in series of questions requesting written re plies from the minister he also asked for details on production of dcioilutiag and riotControl chemleatt it SIrnnnetL energy and resources minister said he would not make public his in csttgators report on an alleged dumping by the Steel Co of Canada Ltd of 150000 tons of hydrochloric acid Into liamlttco harbor Fob It Never needs an ink pad FasL Easy Elficlentt Can be custom ordered to meet any size shape or message ro quircment PERIiASIAIU will reproduce colors ï¬ne lines rmull type tuccs logo typeseven photosin true accurate detail COMMERCIAL PRINTING DIVISION BARRIE EXAMINER felledfldufliï¬shï¬ï¬nhahshahahï¬mi 728378l Tints Perrns Postlches III iigs Restyting 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