Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1969, p. 1

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MW AM EXAMINER TELEPHONE an M14 All 0th Gratin WW 105m Your No59 °i Béntlev Rcbertsuéeté Barrie Ontario omen Tuesday March rose or more Examiner Todd Not More Than PAGE TWO WEAlHER Contimiio cold today Ind Wed nesday with variable cloudinen add tow snowlturrtar law to lllzht High Wednesday 20 to For Copy l4 Poles Renate Kuhnen EIGHT German our who was rap and by the that Gov more than year ago talks with NURSE RELEASED BY VIETNAMESE Dr Pat Smith at mum South Vietnam Sunday hours alter her release by North elm tram Renate was rapturtd hy the El Cong while working at the hospital of Dr Smith an American AP Wrrephotol Hydro Rates May Be Hiked MON Higher rates to Ontario Hydror cus tomers loomed today an one re suit the tentative iellkment ot series at rotating strikes in which employees won wage increase and retained pay clause lied to the cost oI living All workers arm hack to their job Monday ending the mikes alter five weeks The strikes were designed to harass man agement without alledinz the power flow The executive at local 1000 Canadian Uniun at Public Em ployees meets today to consider the new contract Its approval would send it to the locals 9740 tor mad vote ratifi cation George Gathercole chairman at the 35dede Power Commission Ontario said all costs incurred as result at the strike including the hiflter wages and improvements in binge benefits will ultimately result in higher rates to ulstnm ers memorandum ot settlement was signed Monday alterthree days at wrangling alervsuspem sinus arising train the strike Mainly the settlement was based on the report last Decem ber of OConnor chairman of conciliation board that dealt with the dispute GET LYEAB PACK Mr Gsthercole said the new terms provide libpercent wage increase in twoyear contract The union has demand ed reapercent increase in CAPSU Exploratory Medicare Talks Begin wages that averaged between $73 to weekly But the three most hmlydisv puted issues were the costobliv ing clause uhieh Hydro mum hard to discard union danamé Ior elimination at community wage dinerentials and lob evaluation plan Bdttlesrwltage In Vietnam SMGON LAP Heavy fight in raged today at our points northwm of Saigon and via Con loroes shelled more than on bases and towns including the old imperial capital oI Hue USr Officers said the in creased anion signalled the start of the third phase at the spring offensive the Viet Cong launched Feb They said the period from now until Saturday was Iriheal one and the alert status at some American base was increased The tour lights in Third Amerimn forces reported kill ing Nor1h Vietnamese troops centred in relatively small area or Tay Niall province as didalergemtmberolthe rock et and mortarattadrs Us 429 ualties in the grotmd fighting were reported as five ludled and an wounded all in strong in lantry attack on an American base miles northwest ol Sat gm WW3 in mm Ontario began exploratory talks rtouday wrflzthetederalgovermon eauyintomedicalwre insurance Pearson Attends Home Conference EmlAPlthmerCanafianpdmnfinistubefierh Farmlarrisedherebypknetodrytonttendameetiugotthe Imernatronal nevme atfiliate at the World Bark 5000llliYearDie0tl oCancer timmadeinlsmacanoer Develop Laser Be WNY4AP serbeamproccssthatm lopreventt seal the enarml at by Xerox Com scientist rental review bound Man And His woo HisWorldsreIotinzahead hauyettnginitaoflidal Hamilton Rejects mm roe Czty reparation lumen Mon deynimmowsdnmne se rentoontroimerstmnthe Cnla government b1demdod TORONTO GP Ltnig cancer now kills 50000 North Amer lmnsayearandthemteotiwease basnwmnpaosedpretin said Month Tooth Care delay has been developed mkexnan said Monday ent Control invertigate causation Plans Proceed MWtatnmmmronemmmmud Seal Hunt Is Suspended In Fourth Day MTth The annual Gull at St Lawrence seal hunt was suspended in its fourth day Monday because 01 poor ice conditions and the elled ol hell copiers on pregnant seats The suspmfion until 51m local time Friday was an pounced to the Commons by Fisheries Jali Davis who took the oppoiurnitytb wonder whether the gun hunt is ready neasmy After weflend tour vi the gut where seal hunters are moving by land sea and air to kill the limit at 50000 pups by late April Mr Davis said the seal migration might be turned profitably into tourist attrao Lon lie said study should be men to declaring the gull seal sanctuary the hunt each spring to international lers all Newfoundland and Lab radar II we could convert this unique happening into an annual tourist attraction it could also contribute materially to the economy at the Atlantic re goo Says Sirhan Thinks Constantly 0i Destroying LOS ANGELES AP The assassin ot Senator Robert Kennedy is pictured by de lence psychologist as men who is cowardly thinking of destroth everybody including himselt That evaluation oi the mind of Perhaps the most attentive Sirhan mum sirnan was pre person in the counroorn as the sealed Monday by Dr Martin Schorr cliniail psychologist to the jury that must decide whether sultan had the mental capacity to plan Kennedys murder Sirhans detenders EverYbody NATIONAlPOTA STRIKE THREATEN Riddles Remain In Kings Death MEMPHIS Tenn tAP The trian of Martin Luther King Jr says his assassination was the work ol more than one person and is still on the con sdce ol the country despite the sentencing at James Earl Key to so years in prison Rev Ralph Datid Abernathy who took over leadership at Dr Kings civil rights organization says hells convinced by Rays admission at guilt that the mur der was part ot conspiracy There are the unanswered questions comments author ltlliam Bradford lluie who rrrvte Rays biography while Fay was awaiting trial on the murder charge But while these and other dis senting voices were being heard District Attorney Philip Canale reiterated at post sentcneng interview Monday night that tie state hart uncov ered no evidence at conspir ac Canate said the some 01 money Ray spent hopping around the United States and Canada and finally to Europe which seemed to some suspi aouslv larZe probably canre Storm Agate In tram the usassinl own ellorts as smuggler and holdup man my got money lrom several sources Candle told reporters and saved lelrly substantial rum of money while in prison in Missouri helore the empe which led ultimately to Kings death bya rind bullet an the balcony of Memphis motel Candle said his investigators believed Ray mailed the money out ol the prison belore he es taped He added that the investiga tors believe llay obtained lurid in one armed robbery and maybe two rtbberies in Mont real one in London and profit ed try smuggling Jewelry and drugs into the United States alter his prison break Rays statements in court Monday contused many who heard them Alter entering his plea ol guilty to firstdegree murder he stood up and told the judge he disagreed with the theory that no compiracy was linked with the assassination Under questioning by the court however Fay said be was still pieradio guilty Splasthwn Area HOW MP Weather men flashed the good news to the Apollo 9astronauts today that storm was ahatinz in their Atlantic Ocean recovery area and that conditions looked good tor return to earth lhurs day Ihe welcome internration came as James llchivitt David Scott and Russell Sehweckart whirled through leisurely day their eighth in space The flight plan called for pic ture taking navigation dlecks hoped to save him lrom the gas chamber by theirclaim that he did not Premeditation must be proved or conviction on the firslrdegree murder marge Schorr was scheduled to continue his testimony today trial went into its 10th week Mts Sirhan He laughed sellcon selously as the psychologist de scribed the defendants reac tions to ink lint less projected on screen and rest as the astronauts con tinued to led out the Apollo ourmmd ship to prove its dir ahility or My Inan to the moon mission Astronaut Stuart Roosa the capsule communicator in mis sion control reported Iorecast ol winds of 15 knots and sear our to live leet with few hm SW This is AEll within the limits at 2an Winds and eifllHoot waves that flight controllers consider acceptable Planned swashde time is IOM am ESP with the carrier Guadalcanal waiting to retrieve the astronauts Mission control had been con cerned about higr winds and waves that buffeted the landing area southwest ol Bermuda Sue day and Monday It the condi tion persisted Apollo would have changed its landing zone by firing its retrorocket one or two orbits earlier or later HERES ONE Waiter This is your filth cup sir you must like collee do Ihats why am rlhng to drink all thir wa ter to get little of it Viplent EXploSioni Threatens ear Suez CAIRO Bowers Egyptian armed forces were on the alert today amid warnings to the pee pie to expect new flareups along the Suez Canal Ihe authoritative newmper A1 Abram which reflects olti cial Filminn mews said the army was ready to med any new threat The situation threat cued new violent explosion The warning came as ten tians mourned their chlel at stall Gen Abdul Moueim 11526 killed by an Israeli shell Sunday or Israeli and Ezyptlan troops ought artillery duels across the canal or the second straight day Ten ol thousands of Eryn ttans massed in the streets at Cairo Monday to pay final trib ute to Biad Al Ahram said Israeli troops were rebuilding positions snap tered In the artillery duels in chick Egypt claims to have or killed or wounded about 100 Is raeti soldiers and destroyed Artillery Duel Has ltesumed TEL AVIV Reuters Israe ti and Ezmtan tomes are lizhb in another lierce artillery duel across the flue Canal in the rev glon at Port Tewtik an Israeli military spokesman announced Ihe spokesman said the Egyptians opened the new bah tie at 345 pm 1645 am EST the new lighting in the soth eru sector 91 the canal followed major encasemean Saturday and Sunday in which lsrseli guns set oil histallatlons at Suez ablaze audittiled Allen Abdel Moneim Iliad Egyptian armed tomes duet or stall some ll tanks and several rook et sites Arab league ministers hold trig three days of talks to Cairo heard another call Monday night for closer Arab Wra tion in the nextstagesot the battle leading delegates paid tribute to tiledpromoted posthu mously to lull general by Presi dent Nasser Abdel llloneirn filial Jordan tan lorergn mlnlstcrrald Inert was destroying chances at peawhit settlement and added that Arab states must be pro pared to make the necessary decisions the present situation demanded lnNew Your Israeli mm at the United Nation slid l9 rael would not call or Bow rity Council meeting even though UN aha ervers have blamed Egypt tor Martin the relating across the canal loaves r15 Aru yrruro till seal ttled It old 597 Identities Man Who Grinned litter Murder MTAWA 111a wile 01 one at the victims of double shooting on an area highway near here Jan Monday identi tied one at three accrued men in court as the person who stood over the struts bind Mrs linda hladionald identi fied Donald Joseph Phlllion 29 ot Cobalt Ont at the pretirru nary hearing into the staying at the man who walked over to her car and grinned at her alter her husband was shot tour Phillion is charged along with David Edward Dwyer It ol Windsor Ont and David John Breault 21 of Ottawa with normayital murder in the shoot tng deaths al Gerald Mac Donald of Ottawa and Ken neth Vallce 42 at St Clair Shores Mich Strike May Disrupt CBC OTTAWA CPt The Asst ciatlonol Radio and Television Employees at CanadaARTE hegins taking strike vote at some at its members today that could lead to disruption ol CBC service The Canadian Union at Public Employees ol which ARM is Part announced the vole in statement Monday LetterCarriers Warn Against lly meczetsouln runes scriu ul wildcat postal strikes stowed today as workers returned to their Jobs in Winni peg and the Ontnrlo cities of Sault Ste Marie Windsor and lamdon Spokesan or letter carriers in seve rel mayor centres warned Monday national postal strike could resultll tho vgnvcmment prosomtes wildcat strikers or does not bring about thirdparty mediation of griev anccs Postmartcrceneral rlc Kierans hinted satlatnction on the latter with an announcement in the Commons Monday that he has reached agreement with if The Examiner TODAY 5321 mm Ans Linden6 ll Clty Neon1 ensuredu Couleelo beanieu g1 District5 ennui4 59m nteatreI it rv wingsto Weather it Womenl savage say Major PARIS AP Millions of French workers went on 24 hour strike today to put pres hire on the government or sub rtantial wage increases and millions more struggled through the day vrlthout electricity public transportation and other services Suburban trains stayed in the stations but some long distance trains continued to function Candles or portable gaslampe were the only Illumination in thousands ol shops and cater Extra police were called out to keep traffic moving without the help electric signal lights Prosecuting Wildcat Strikers union leadership tor thirdparty adjudicnllon ol the major issue punching ln alter lunch tn the new soughtthrough delivery Iystem But he also said bk depart ment is applying tor permission to declare the wildcat strikes illegal and prosecute particl pants Returning to work were carriers in London andrSault Ste Merle end 160 in Windsor Windsor spokesman said the men decided to return because large centre lulled to live Windsor the Iupport it needed In Hulllax locnl prerldent Stan Wagner said prosecution ol striker wtll spark chain reaolt tton leading to national postal WWI VUIE TD STRIKE leaders at Throntoo local voted Monday to take strike ac tion it management threatened to leoplrdiu the lab at any postal worker Vancouver car rier said they would walk out it any norker tr luspended tor not lollowlnzthe new delivery syp tern Still on like today were Wstal worker ln Saflatoon Thompson bun ml the will em Ontario centm Ql ton St Catherine Niagara FIIIJLBurtlnxton and Welland no cantar major nomphtnt with the Itralghtfthrmlzh lyr tern Introduced Feb 17 in that they are required to make only one man pickup day at the post aIflcu instead of two in the past strike Hits Home Light rain discouraged hitch hikers who usually line the main roads intothe city when buses andvsuhway workers go on strike more workers who made it to the job lound eleva tors idle and building corridor dark rFrenLh lntcrnat flights were curtailed but some planes kept living Many Air France Interna tional lights were cancelled but most lorcign airliner kept up their services No evening papers were being puhllihed today and Wednesday mom Ings editlons have been con ceited News service printers were silenced to French Dlllcel Elaine Belatres crumpled err enaltr toning lrom the maul Ithree car pile up on Highway no west at Barrio mm szzsr IN HIGHWAY 90 CRASH Inst nixhl The 10 yenruotd driver from Base Borden rut lercd bruise tothe mishap which caused tout mi damage wmldriven involv ed were Lawrence Pm 49 pl Burialmt Cecil Catlin 59 of Mtdhurrt Ex amtm thlot

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