21000000TH CANADIAN An eifldpound baby girl born at 1115 pm 31 Fri day to Mr and Mrs bruno Tymm of Winnipeg may be Canadas snowman citizen The Dominion Buruu oi Sta tistioe population clock in 0t towa estimated that the ANN LANDERS ADVISES Trial Provés Hearing Rates Higher Dear Ana landers am writ ing in behaii oi the estimated 15 to so million Americans who antler hearing loss One out at every is Americans is handl capped by desineas to some de me one of the afflicted am pleading to be included in tile human race Helm Keller who was hoth blind and deal said it she had her choice she would rather have hearing than aim As an experiment turn on your TV and turn all the sound You will then understand how irustratlng it can be when one is unable to hear what is being said Here are some helpful sugges tions for those who lira with deal person or one who is hard of hearing Get his attertion lacks Wu lpeak Touch him it necessary weak slowly and distinctly and use your lips Dont shout it doesnthelp Use short sentences include him in tha conversa hon when tiltrels group Be patient and repeat it nec mry within show of exasper ation Remember but or the grace of tied it could have hap pened to you eon Dear 505 just tried the TV experiment and it immoved some at the programs consider ably Thank you tor most lniorm atlva and metal letter and please forgive the little joke couldnt resist it WhNDYS COLUMN Making OilA Cold Turkey Dy WENDY HICKS THERE ARE some days about every third Tuesday when am overwhelmed by the com plete waste of time tskeoup in routine things There are so many things want to do and beiore can do them have to doallibcdalblobnthatldid yesterday and the day beiore and the daybetora that ll bruk down and give the house aireally good clean can only coast along on the feeling righteousness or iewdavs flaa dust settles again the rug to be vacuumed again the cat has lelt fresh collection at hairs over everything she has visited and theres enough dull under the bedto make mum boa And the washing No sooner haa the last shirt been ironed and put away then we all change again and theraa an other lot to be washed And how lion does the kitchen counter stay clear at dirty driller About halt anhous and then someone has drink and the glass sits there or else it is necessary to do some advance preparation for meal and spoon or sauce pan sits there DONT TALK to ma limit meals Unless you make some thing utterly dreary that no body likes very much and there tore doesnt eat you have to go througn the whole routine again immstart to iinish every day Oh know you can do clever thing like making enough cook ed potatoes to last or few days aotllat you can serve them brilliantly disguised each day But they dont dismiss them ulna do they Neither is it loud help to cook large turn key to last the week hecaust then theres all the work attach ed to clearing up all the scraps iaom thseerving operation Tho ANN unusual QUESTION Detr Ann hndtfl know you get thousanda of letters every day and everybody wants to see his letter in the paper know you cant possibly print them all butl do hope and pray youll print mine ltsa letter to my dad Indonesia Plans Mass Sterilization JAKARTA Reuters In donesia plans to sterilire 0000th mothers dining the next riveyesr economic development Plan iivachman hianstur chair man oi the National Family Planning institute said today the sterilization otvolunteers would prevent about $30000 higdtha during the liveyear pe The Most plus dressing thats all over the piece iindlng place in the retrigerator to store the darn thing and thats only the ï¬rst day Later alter youve had tha cold sliced meat with French fries you have to spend ages getting your hands all messy tak ing the meat fromvthe bones in order to maka super delic imrs economy stew that degen erates the next day to super delirious economy soup And all you gel or that is nlrlteys lasting well isnt it Youll gather that we have turkey this week couldnt stand it any longer and froze great lumps oi it so that could pulpit the terzision of what else to do with FEEL hilghetter nowAa said Just get overwheinled every now and than and this is tha day Actually now that ive got it oti my chest we enjoyed the turkey and the stew was very taaly and so will the soup be when we have it for lunch today And shall cook up great pol oi potatoes and we shall have thorn mashed and tried and in dleptlelda pie and with dieese on top and shall be delighted with myseii and my originality And of course there is very dedinite place in lilo tor roul line ills the very basis at our existence the strand that holds us together and allows us to carry on through days of mental and physical strain We have all at some tilneer other done all the usual daily lohs both at home and at work while our IOOTHACHE utt rrn llt an Atk my searsml tor momma Canadian lately would For lull Bake Sale Heldln St AudreysHall 11 Even Olfdo of St An drews Presbyterian thirds Banls belda morning Duties Party and bake Sale yesterday Mac and mamas were en tered by capacity attendance madame Morleymonvenad the aliair Thar bah talie stride was tilled with dalmatia looklng items rm marred by Mrs Kenneth Madennsn Mrs Alan Gundvaas in charge at tattoo tables Care ttdaildrm in eryvu under on oi hiss Bob alarm and lira Fraser liitdaen and last controller was Mrs Donald Mm shah Mrs Stan Wauon con xiened the parcel ditchingser ce Dislrict Meeting arrive at 111l pm lilrs lmm rests in bomluibed with her as yet unnamed baby Held In Elmville Sight District executive meeting oi Canadian Coast to Coast Cal orie Counters was held in Elrn vala Tuesday evening in non at District ohthe Us held their district execu tlye meeting in Eknvale with the Hmvale Veilllt Watchers as hostesses ltepresented were membem of DoBeSlirna and the East End Barrie Belles oi Barrio Jolly Georgians oi lild land Penvlrimmere and ur onla Stars oi Penetang Slen ret and its three hours past dinnerlimc know what hap period You got to drinking with the guys and lost track of the time Its the same story live nights out or seven Tomorrow morning you will drag yoursell out oi bed complain about headache and go to church and act holy liom never complains but when you swear and yell at her She is still very pretty and Dear Dad Youre not home It Glasses ot Collinglmod Staynei Stay Cs lloWs oi Warmin sier Scenic City Sllmrners oi Owen Sound and the Goal Gob tcrs from Shanty bay The national convention heing held in Windsor April i1 and 12 and our distrid adueve merit day to he held in Guthrie May at were two of the main know that hurt look in her ayes PM diWdanr members from this area will be attending boththese impor Many could make some man very MW good wile So wake up bad or you will ilndyouraell minus one wife and our children YOUR SIXTEENYEAR DAUGHTER Dear Daughter lm printing your letter and wondering how many iathzrs who read it are asking themselves Was this letter meant tormet LONG STALL Dear Ania Lenders What would you say about man who has never been married but has been engaged or eight years He is well iixed ï¬nancially and has been legal age or more than decade Clue me GARLAND OAK Dear Oak would say the man wouldrather he engaged than married and he has auc ceederl in ï¬nding woman who shares his preference gal who really wants to marry please ent flavors at was pollshlnd all would not tolerate an eightyear little world has been ill shreds around us How much harder to hear it would have been it we had had nothing to donln times at greatest trouble and misery we still buy quart oi milk loaf oi bread and package of detergent BESTDES WHICH have you ever thought how many people would be out oi work it we stopp ed doing routine things it we stopped cleaning the house what would hdppen to all tha people involved in making cleansing pro ducts The man who thinks up new colors tor soap and piper toweli or the man who llesh wake at night inventing difler lhe workers who turn out little enzymes ready to go to work on our revolting stains or gritty powders to scour our dimsting sinks Theyd have to stay at home and help with animal and thin theyd drive us mad by being underfoot all thatlrne So once more unto the breath dear friends one more Alexandria TAYLOR tntsrlor Decorstar and Consults nt By torment ï¬rmwflafldl Alliston 43547 The regular illesdaymeeting ol the Domini Club of Ban rla will have Dr Doldge Mflle special speaker Anyone interested is welcome to at tend it will be held at St An drewh Presbyterian Churchat pm an March ll than nilwin WEEK TORONTO Gl National Health Week devoted to the promotion and preservation Ioi health throughout Canada be glns Sunday it is sponsored by he Health League oi Canada voluntary health organization which this year is celebrating ts 50th year oi service in health education the Shoelits by Walkwol What further siloscure is recommended With the vast variety oi leathers fabrics and man made shoe materials it is important to know some oi the methods used to preserve and protect mil For leather apply paste was with cotton cloth ion high glass when dry ml with trash cloth then llnish with lambs wool brush Suede needs lime hand trnrall First gen tle hnishing to reanch the dust ii the suede has been bruised use an em cry board very lightly to raise the suriace Clean with very amount nuclearing iiuld it is worth investigating some oi tha new cleaning pro ducts in spray cans that can he used on dark or pale chloralsuede Fabric shoes can he cleaned with deaning thud Campus and country boots get roughwenrand should be cleaned alter esdr wearing it they are made of smolh leather wash thasnuwlth saddle soap ma spon and very little water8 Then rub with rough towel until day and allow with Slinu Elan mun lllttrrlt Advertising tor the notice was unarmed hy his stkl Honey and Mn Morley Living ston Busy in the kindled were Mrs David Anderson hirs We Sarjeant hm ltd Robertson Mrs Good Year Mrs Robertson and hire George Uhrlg 11m coffee tables were atteo ded by lira Alan Sundry Mrs David HoeyMss Bert Schiaht Mr Bill Neutoo lira David Steele MlssElsia Gristle Hm Kenneth Horne and Lira Ar thur clean Bake tsfle assistants hue lira Kenneth Maciannan lira Appleton liraStewart itoyaland hits John McCaw ran BARN ZXAMLVER SATURDAY MARCH ENGAGED lhe engagement of Miss Dayle Patricia Elisabeth Young toDaniel lionan Mc Kee has been announced by llls parents Lil the hridlebe Mr and Mrs Harry Young Ll Barrie The bridegroom elect is the son oiltir and Mrs Rounn McKee ui Toron to lilies Young lss graduate oi Barrie Control Collegiate She reslds in Toronto The wedding will take place on April to at odock ln Nnily Anglican Church in Barri ronuisonnnvos ioruns on Church Don hisiaddeii Brad inrd High School teacher and John Cockhurn QC oi Barrie will psrudpate in the program which is scheduled lor March ii at pm in Lciroy United Church GETMEMO Major and Mrs Clarke and daughter Jane oi Toronto and Capt Howell oi the Sal ration Army Citadel Barrie en tertalned with music and song at the Tuesday stiemoon meet ing oi the senior citizens Get Together club Mr Clarke play ed accordion accompanied by Mrs Clarke who our and pre sided at the organ and Jana singing sndplsyins an electric guitar Highlights at trips to the British isles and eastern Can edn were related hythe Clashes Afterwards the special guests of 10m Chapter Plans Activities Newly elected Regent hire Harris at Ottawa Ave was hostess to the liarchmeet ing oi Lady Sarah Armstrong Jonea Glapter imperial Outer Daughters ot the Brain held Wednesday cvenini Plans or the mining year were dimmed lilemhara de cldcd to purdlasa flanneleita and who to make nrsldluiiea dila porn and vestsa suppy nursery bags for newly drildren in Korea and other stricken areas The chapters social programs were dismissed and it was de cided to obtain speakers on law and education and WW topi cal iihnsdurlng the year Mmabers were reminded they may attend the annual lODE Provincial Conference to he held at the Royal Connaught Herbs Hamilton Apnl1e it an At the conclusion oi the busi ness llirs Forbes Monolith was auctioneerlor the home baking iamdleon was served after adjournment 555 crashing on Sinday The celehrants ia rally have arranaed open house to mark the passiongnd lone memben Ira invitd to attend run an Martin was inducted Auxiliary seek More volunteers Mnty marnlleraol tba has dies Aantlisry to theLlons hurls gathered at the home at Mrs Harold Webb tanMarch for their monthly meeting hirs Cecil cook asked ior vol untecra to provide bed and breaking tor Key Club members who will be in BarrisMarch through 22 tor an international convention Mrs Hesketh reported on the Valentine party which was Titan for the children oi the hlrs Woodï¬ler thanked in who had plot od atoning program Mouslaéhcs For The Girls 0P British hairdresser claimed woman ara starting Show 32th or the Retarded on Fall Mrs Hancock who was presiding in the absence oi Free ldent Mrs William Sarleant then turned the meeting over to the program committee no it was away on Garden Guile oi the West indies Mrs Frank Crhigand Mrs Earl Cox show ed picturés and commentary oi gardencruise oi the west Altar leaving New York board the Luxury Ltnsr 58 Nleuw Amsterdam garden tours were made at the islands or St Masten Martiniquenarbadar Trinidad Granada theouels Curuao And Virlip lallnd The pictures taken by Mr and lllrs Craig on this tour interesting 1and ihe anoint vmrnmitteo ot the evening served refreshments and to wear islls moustacbes is lust talklnl tllrotml his heard any operators oi as loas and wig shops here They were commenting on hairdrcsser lgonard indwin who reported that women weltend Million wars ply ing up to it rnadeto hl stock toe six Moths but not one woman boom to even tor her boyiriend one Englishmen clerk at the Vidal Sassoon salon hm bond the idea hiltraising at our clients keel With the comingof Spring come wedding plans To those making suchplcns may we extend cordiol Invitation to be our guests at the fcontinentallNN WEDNESDAY MARCHlZj 730 all allosrererY Houn Compliments assimith Distillerlejvltll1ehn um ml organ FASlliION SHOW entailing the latest in wedding gowns and use LUCKY TICKET new with fabulous print to astoNsoa DISPLAYS alarm Your commentator Wendy stort your way colorful and exciting featuring products that Illlfll your VOddittl Complimentary Tickets may he obtained horn than following sponsam allover BANK acousmcrmr Ham iStmsls OCONSUMEM GAS CD onermvomlvwoon Mormons eon lolmsoN rnavm AGENCY gt WooLvromr uEPr arose an cnolixaiv co onoalnson nannwann IARDELE FABRICS alrrtvmén overtly Dmor wear Inna strontium duo on bBIANAs reunions chairman arm OKINZIE 8W1 PRODUCN OMELEI WA 01 8K0 OCONHNIMAL INN on llDllOUOin ndlfn Clans nequrnr pleasant